May 3, 1974

Globe, Arizona

[Unpublished reading]



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray now sits among you.

First we should say unto thee unto these words. We gave you ample warning of this one thy would call Kohoutek, the planet, Yahweh. And we said unto you unto these words, that that that you had been before, the karma should come upon the earth for each of you to overcome. This was done by the wishes of our Father. For too long had these souls been condemned. Yet it was for greater wisdom, that each of you should overcome your own karmic background in full. And only in that manner should you truly be ready for the coming of the Messiah.

Yet you heard us not. You have looked into each other and cast demons about.

We shall first say unto you, we are here not to judge you. Only by the permission of our Father should we come forth in this way.

Can you understand of which we speak?

"We try."

Can you understand of which we speak? Answer unto all.





Then we shall say unto you unto these words. Your jealousies that you brought upon this earth as the sons and daughters of God of another planet -- a planet you destroyed by your warfare -- you brought that warfare here upon this [our] garden of Eden. You brought it into the man-beast, and so Lucifer was cast from the heavens, one and all.

Those who could see the betterment of their ways left your planet to return into another planetary system. They have long observed you, waiting for the day they could join you again as brothers and sisters.

Can you understand us now?


Answer there one and all.

“We can.”

"Yes, we can.”    

“We try. We try. We fall short.”

Then we should say unto you, first -- unto you, Paul. We have told you you should stand on the right side of the one called as soul Ray. Yet we told you before, had ye an aggrievance; take it before the person. And should not the grievance, therefore, be settled, take it unto two of you that should go, two non-partisan people that should go between you and arbitrate.

Do you remember of our words?

"I do, and I also thought that taking it to the Prophet in confidence would be all right. I did not understand or I would have done it differently.”  

Do you understand now?

"I do."

Now, we should say unto you, do you now understand why the Prophet had no other choice but to bring this into fullness unto those accused?


Now, we shall go first on your accuser. So be it charged, that S________ K____ and J___ R___, both teachers, first, were practicing that of black magic, or the works of Lucifer. And we should answer unto these charges -- nay. They were not brought here by us, but for a purpose, for the furtherment of this work.

Do you understand of which we speak?

“Yes. But I did not charge them of working for Lucifer. You are my witness that I did not.”

We have not charged that you have charged of this.

"All right.”

We have brought forth the facts, as they stand.

Second, you have charged, the one known as soul John did, therefore, obstruct the work of the Association of the Spiritual Philosophy of God.

"I did."

Therefore, we should answer unto your charge. We have told you, count, therefore, the blessings into each of you each day, that of the good. Take full account of all things that each person has done.

First, we should answer into this and in this manner. The Book with wings was placed unto soul John’s hands, not by you, but by us.

Second, the duties that she has performed as a wife unto her husband, soul Ray, we shall answer this charge. This, of soul Ray, and this, of soul Judy, did come before their God and us and give forth unto their vows of love and marriage unto the same. We did, therefore, accept this.

Can you understand of which we speak?

"I understand.”

Therefore, we find not of the charge of adultery.

[Note: Someone is heard getting up.]

We should say unto one and all, remain seated.

Now we should say unto to you, as the duties of a wife she has performed. As the duties as your Corresponding Secretary and that to take care of the appointments and prepare a way that soul Ray should come forth into the public, she has done. Can any, therefore, deny of this?




Third, we say unto you, all of you have been overworked and overtaxed for too long. We told of you that we handed unto your hands a burden of love. We told of you that you could fall under it, but to rise again; that the falling was not a sin, only the staying, therefore, down into the earth and becoming that of dead or lost -- that was a sin.

You have charged that all of the Association would confirm of this. If thy speak for thyself, speak for thyself. Thy have many members. Thy are the President. Unless thy have consulted all of the members, then speak not for them.

Can you understand of which we speak?

"I understand.”

Do you accept what we have said unto you?

"I accept, and I think you know my reasons for having brought the charges.”

Do you still stand by these charges?

"No, I do not stand by the charges; I withdraw them and apologize.”

Then we say unto you, soul Paul, kneel. By the authority vested in the Council and by the holy one, our Father, God, we take this burden from thy shoulders. We take thy karmas of thy past lives from thy shoulders. Build no more. The Lord loves thee.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.                                                                             

From this day forward, as we have said, thy shall stand by the right-hand side of the Prophet. And the Prophet’s words shall be our words. And you shall accept unto the same.

We say unto you now, Paul, you have outlived and undone all of Paul’s karma, that that he left upon the earth in his sometimes greedish and jealous manner. This was the reason you were named Paul. Carry the name with honor.

Rise with the Lord’s blessings.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now, we should say unto the one known as Mary, can you understand of the words we have spoken?


We say unto you, you could not cast aside and judge for yourself. Can you so now?

"I don’t understand all the way. I can’t judge until I understand.”

Judge not lest ye be judged. Bring forth the true part of thy self. The karmas of Mary were cast upon your shoulders that you should rise above them, for she was dominated by her mother and father, her brother[s] and sisters. She did not stand up and speak that that was in her heart.

Can you cast aside these?


Then kneel, soul Mary.

We take, therefore, from you the sins of Mary. We take from you the karmas you have brought forth from the other world.

In the name of our Father, God, we speak unto you and give you full blessings and forgiveness. For those things thy have not forgiven thyself, we have cast them aside. They are no more.

Can you accept this?


Then let the light of God shine upon thee and walk from this day forward in truth as Mary, a minister of God.

We say unto you that the words of the Prophet shall be our words. When this of our talk shall end, when we have spoken unto one and all, your Prophet shall awaken. Yet he shall see and be seen in truth as a prophet, for he shall accept in himself that of a prophet, as a spokesman of our Father.

Do you accept this?


Then rise, soul Mary.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our Father.

We say unto soul S________ K_____, come forth, and kneel.

We say unto you unto these words. You have let your imagination, that that carried you unto this time -- you shall remember that the name we placed upon you, this one, let his imagination destroy his brother. He gave away his inheritance, that that was given unto him unto God by righteousness.

This has been unto you the same. Can you see of this?


You shall not be swayed by one or another. You shall stand in the light of God in fullness. The word of the Prophet shall be the words of our Father.

Can you accept this?


Can you rise above, therefore, and cast aside all of these other things?

"I'll try.”

Speak not.

We shall say unto you unto these words. We placed only in your hands, all of you, the ability to project love and healing. Unto each of you that has become angry unto another, your projection has returned into yourselves. You have thought this work the work of Lucifer.

We shall answer your questions in this manner. That of the machine that was turned off, your mind projected, and therefore, it was turned off. Therefore, at your work your thoughts were of an animal bound in a house, and therefore, you let the animal out, that he could feel the freshness of the air. There are no demons here. The spirits that stand in this house are the spirits of Aka, none other.

Can you understand now the fullness of what we speak? Can thee?


Of thy ailment, further healing shall come forth. Your death shall not come about in the manner [as] thy think. We did not bring thee unto this land, unto this work, that thy may lay down and die, nor hide from anything. We brought thee here for a purpose -- that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

We brought thee here to serve unto the Prophet. An office shall be presented unto you. Shall you accept this office with the love and graciousness, even though it shall be a burden unto you?


Then we say unto you, rise, and sin no more.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

And now, we should say unto soul John these words. Thy have become frustrated. The injury into which you sustained did not fully heal until soul Ray did, therefore, the surgery. This added unto your frustration.

But you also brought forth from the old world your grievances. At that time, each of you turned unto each other and gave destruction. Yet we say unto you, you were the daughter of the one known as soul Ruth. This is why you have felt a love and kinship unto her. This love and kinship we shall not ask you to take from your heart. All other aggrievances, can thy cast them from thy heart now?
            Then come forth and kneel.

Soul John, John was jealous of the one known as Jesus, for his love was so great unto him. The one we have brought unto you, this one, soul Ray, reminds you much of him. His facial structure is a likeness, in kind. Even the body structure is a likeness in kind.

Can you take there from your heart this jealousy that John possessed? Can thee?

"I'm not sure I know what you mean.”

John loved too much. He loved in such a way that he did not allow the full love of all of the disciples that Jesus had for all to flow in an even manner. He even possessed the jealousy of the love of the people unto this one. He spent his last days in insanity, because of his own sin. Soul John loved that of a woman and that of a man, for he could not forget within his mind that in fullness that he had been. And therefore, he loved unto Jesus as a woman should love a man. That was his sin.

            Can you cast unto yourself, from him, for him, that his soul may rest and you shall rise for him, his sin? For you shall be asked to share the love unto soul Ray, not the love that comes between a man and a woman, but the love that the Prophet should give forth upon the earth unto all mankind.

Can you understand now?

"Yes. I can.”

Can you accept this?


Then we say unto you, we shall take forth, from this day forward, the sins of John and your own karmic sins upon the entry upon this earth. We say unto you, rise in the name of the Lord, John.

We say unto you can you accept the words of the Prophet as our words, and abide by them?


Then glory be the name of the Lord, our Father.

And now we say unto you, Soul Ruth, you hove long wanted to know who the opponent that stood upon the earth before soul Ray was. We shall answer. It was you.

"I remember.”

Therefore, you have brought forth the same action unto this time. All of these things now must be set aside. You have also brought forth the jealousy of Ruth.

"I remember Ruth.”

Can you cast forth from thyself of these things?

"Gladly would I be free.”

Then we say unto thee -- in the name of our Father, God, Lord of all, we cleanse thy soul.

We shall now answer unto your question. We did not give unto you, or into any other, the ability to harm anyone. We gave you only the ability to heal and project love. Only your own hard feelings and those of the one known as J__ S_______ ,who once before stood at your side --

"I remember."

Now we shall say unto you, he was cast then, therefore, from the land. He has brought forth all of his problems unto this time, yet he has made no effort to overcome these. Had he not accused falsely then unto this one, soul Ray, the war would never have happened. It was his jealousy that brought forth the war, and his false accusations.

In the name of our Lord, God, rise, soul Ruth, for forgiveness has come unto thy heart. Love of thy daughter as thy loved of her before. We place unto you two your own words. Each of you asked God for a sister. God granted your wish, for you are sisters of this time, that of soul sisters that shall never end.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our Father.

Rise therefore.

And now we say unto all of you. We have answered unto all of you the charges.

Your copyrights of all of your material shall remain in soul Ray’s name, and he shall remain the guardian of these, until you are ready to accept the responsibility in truth. The monetary value shall go forth unto the needs of this work.

Can you all understand of which we speak.



"We try”

Do you accept our words?

"We do.”

Then God bless you, my children, for our Lord has long waited this day.               

And now, we say unto the one, soul Ray, kneel. Kneel, therefore, in your spirit form.

For long, thy have flown as the Eagle. For long, thy would not accept that of the Prophet. Yet, thy went through the eyes of Abraham, through the eyes of Isaiah, through the eyes of Moses, through the eyes of Jesus. Thy walked before and prepared the way, as the one known as John the Baptist. Yet you saw him die upon a cross and thought thy had failed, and vowed, therefore, to go back into the desert unto which you had come and prepare the way once again.

You would not accept our gift or our forgiveness, or even his. Can you now?

Yes. Yes.                                 

Then we say unto you, do thy still want to resign as the head and as the Prophet of this organization?


Then we should say unto you, rise Prophet, and as you should, your robe shall be white as you should ordain the teachers and the ministers of this work. It shall be printed along the cuffs with the ankh, the Tree of Life. And near the sandals thy should wear, along the bottom of the robe, shall be embroidered in gold -- not of material gold, but of gold thread only. Over thy heart shall be embroidered the candelabra. Above it shall be embroidered an eagle in flight.

We give this task unto the two sisters. Do the two sisters accept this task?



Then rise, soul Ray. And glory be the name of the Lord, our Father, and all shall be in accord.

You have long waited the end of the passing of Yahweh. It shall now be born again.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Let peace and harmony, and good health and love come forth unto all, for this is our Father’s words, “And it shall be done on earth as it shall be done on heaven.” For the Great Day has come about, and the trumpets shall play in heaven and upon earth.

Hark and listen, therefore, unto thy Father.

“My children, long have I waited for this day. Many tears I have shed for the love of thee. Glory be the name of my children for ever and ever.

“Bring forth your book with A Rose without a Thorn. Let it blossom upon the earth. It is not fully ready; it does not flow. Make it flow. You, as My children, all of you, I give you this task.

“I love you.”

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1973 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona