November 9, 1974

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need.

And we should answer in this manner. For each of you in your prayer should pray unto the Lord in such a manner as though you were talking unto yourself. But as you speak, remember that the Lord, God, should hear. But in your prayer make certain that your prayer does not defile another.

For many should pray for rain. And others should pray for the sun to shine. Yet the sun should shine and the rain shall fall upon the earth, each in a different way and in a different place. But should one pray for rain when the earth is not in need, then the prayer shall not be answered. And if one should pray for sunshine when the earth is in need of rain, then the prayer shall not be answered.

Do so in your own life. Do so in such a way that you do not offend thy brother or sister. But as the rain should fall, look not at just the rain and the cloudy skies, look, therefore, at the rainbow that should come after. Look at the earth, and say unto thy selves, “New life shall come forth, for the rain shall come and replenish the earth, and the sun shall come forth and bring forth the harvest.”

Yet you say unto us, both in these times, “Why must the earth sleep?”

And we say unto you, that winter must come for the same reason that men must sleep. For the earth should replenish itself the same as man. It is a time for change. Nothing shall stand still, not your measure of time, nor your concept of time.

We have given you past-life readings to stir memories within yourselves of where you have been. But we say unto you, you are all parts of that that you have ever been. And all parts of that that you have been is what makes you what you are today. It is only good to know where you have been so you shall know where you are going.

Before you ask for a past-life reading, study your present plane reading. Look where you [have] been in this lifetime and you shall know where you shall go unto your next lifetime. But more important yet, you shall know the direction you are taking now. If there is a stone way in your path, you will remove this stone and not trip over it. But even the stone serves its purpose, for it is useful for the overcoming of karmic action into the same. Karma, as you would know it, is nothing more than knowing where you have been and changing the direction if it is not to your liking, for we say unto you, “if your right eye offend thee, cast it aside.”

Soon upon your earth, your earth shall rapidly begin to change. You have seen changes in your lives that have multiplied.

We have told you of a coming famine, and the famine is at hand. We have told you the things to store. Yet if a man should work from dawn to dusk and only store in his warehouse a small proportion, give prayer upon that proportion you have stored, and the Lord shall replenish that proportion tenfold.

Now we should say unto those who should be of the teachers in this work. First, we should say unto you, your directions should come from your ministers, and your ministers' direction should come from the prophet, but all should come from the same tree. Do not close the doorway to your minds, that new knowledge may not enter. Hold the doorway open and your growth shall continue beyond your wildest imagination.

And we should say unto the pupils, for none shall be greater than the teacher, or the pupil, or the master, for all shall come forth. But treat within each the respect you would want to be treated yourselves.

We say unto you, all of you, we have told you the parable of the Seven Spirits and the wheat field. We have brought forth unto you A Rose without Thorns. Soon it shall take flight upon the earth. We have told you of a new book to come, A Psychic Gift before the Dawn. We have told you of another book that should come forth at the same time. and it shall be your Workbook on Parapsychology. It should be named as such.

We shall open the doorways that many may enter. Close no doorways, that all may enter. Take no one from their faith, for remember, our Father has many mansions. Build upon what is there. Give unto those who should take of such, but let them take into the proportion of their needs.

It is true we shall expect more from the ministers, the teachers, and the pupils, for it is a binding thing that should come forth.

Now we say unto you, you have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [2-8-74-002].”

[Editor’s note: There is a long pause.]

One moment, we have problems in locating this soul. Please give again.

“All right. [2-8-74-002].”

We have incorrect data.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [7-12-73-002], and he asks. ‘What past lives pertain to this existence?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we have before us the records.

Yes, yes.

We find this one – yes -- a late entry.

Yes. Yes, in the years of Caesar, of Augustan – yes -- a tribune.

Yes. Yes.

We find this one before the emperor, therefore, receiving orders to go forth with a small army into that proportion you would know – yes -- of Ethiopia. He had been raised as a soldier of fortune all of his life from peasant stock, yet to rise high. He goes with the knowledge within his mind that should he succeed promotion and gratitude from the Caesar should be of the utmost importance into himself.

Yes. Yes, we see this.

Therefore, there is the use of the Greek vessel and of the Greek seamen. In the first days of the journey many become ill and great storms come upon the craft. And the craft is washed far off its course.

Yes, we find this – wreckage, in that proportion now known as North Africa -- much disturbance. Natives of [a] land have not seen such as this one. At first they seek to worship him as a god, and when they find that he can not bring forth, neither rain nor good crops, they seek to sacrifice this one. This one escapes and journeys long by foot, dis­guising himself in many disguises. He goes forth, crossing that proportion of the Sahara desert. His skin has turned dark and black, and parched from the sun.


And at long last he finds the Roman columns. And he goes from soldier to soldier. But all say he is insane, for they know that the tribune has been dead, for all bodies except his had washed ashore. And they treat him in such a manner that he is left as a beggar in the street.

Yet one comes forward, and said, “Come into our house.”

And as he enters, he said, “I cannot eat with such as you, for you are of Hebrew nationality.”

Yet they bring forth a feast and feed of him, listening not to his nonsense. And he said and brought forth once again the same words.

And one stepped forward and said unto him, “For I am Thomas. I once doubted, such as you. I am not of a script [scribe], and my writing is poor. I would pay you to write, therefore, of the things I have seen and heard. I shall give you clothing and food, and we shall bring forth a good horse that should carry you forth unto your own land.”

With these promises made, so you sat down to write The Gospel according to Thomas.

And you left of these people, these strange people, and you ventured forth unto the land of Rome, there to be carried forth upon the soldiers to the emperor, and greatly rewarded because of your great feat in overcoming all of your hardships. And for your reward, you would sit by the emperor at the games.

At the games this day they brought forth into the arena twelve and ten in fold. Both man, women, and children that called themselves Christians.

And one stood forth and said unto the emperor, “Save my people, and I shall be in their stead.”

And the emperor looked upon you, and you agreed. Then he said unto you, “Then we shall bring forth our greatest warrior. This shall be you. And you shall slay this one.”

You took of your sword and walked into the arena. This one was clad barely in clothing of rags. And you went forth and said, “I cannot fight of such as he. Give him arms that he may defend himself.”

And this one approached you and said, “I need not of arms to defend myself, my people, and my God. But if it should make you feel more honorable I shall bear your arms.”

And so arms were brought forth and put to bear upon this one.

And he looked unto you and said, “I have a message for you, for the one known as Thomas has been killed, slain. Yet your writings have been entombed, and shall come forth and enlighten mankind.”

And so your battle began, yet you knew it was not a battle, but a slaughter. And finally you turned your back unto this one, unto the emperor, “Emperor, I am a soldier. I have fought against many of your enemies. But I cannot slay a man in cold blood.”

And the emperor placed his thumb down.

And you said unto the keepers of the gate, “Bring forth unto me a towel and a bowl of water.” And therefore, you washed your hands, and said unto the emperor, “Slay of me if you wish, but I find no justice in what you asked, nor no honor.”

And you turned to walk out as the guardsman thrust his spear into your back.

And as the Christian ran forth, and picked your body up into his, and said unto you, “Why did you not take of my life?”

And you said unto him, “For I have walked with one who walked with the Master. Therefore, I cannot take of the blood of the Lamb.” And then you smiled and said, “For my Father would not permit it.” And you passed on.

And so it was in those days of days.

You watched the earth and its progress. Wars came, and wars went by. You saw the walking of the Christ upon the earth in the Americans. You saw the crucifixion of the second time.

Yet you thought within yourself, “Why should I enter such a barbaric land where men would kill without honor?”

And then you saw upon the earth and heard the words of the coming of the Messiah once again. And you heard the words that all of man would live in peace and harmony and work together. And so you did enter into this life, into this time. Yet you have become much disillusioned. You have become like a dog who would chase its own tail. You are looking backwards instead of forward. We say unto you, you have come for a purpose; serve thy purpose, or ignore it.  But at least be the man you were in the arena. Decide your pathway, and leave the faith of your destiny to God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [9-11-74-001] asks, ‘What is my relationship with Jesus Christ?’”

We shall answer in this manner. You are here to prepare the way. You have seen the Eagle in flight, yet you know him not.  Yet he is here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Take in heart and soul that which we would give, and give fulfillment. For as God has reached His hand forth and spared you hardship and sorrow, do so into others in a same manner.

Soul Ray now grows weary; our time grow short.

Before we should depart we should say unto you unto these words, for we find much disillusion within your minds this night. All parts shall come forth unto one. We told you before that light and sound were the key to healing. Soon you shall see of such. Some of you have already benefited from such, of the knowledge we have placed forth.

We say unto you, come forth with your harvest. Stand firm. That that is needed shall be given.

We should say unto the teacher, [11-26-71-002], give forth that that thy may give forth. But remember, that that thy have given, give from the heart. Begrudge nothing. We have yet a duty for you to perform. Take forth the knowledge that soul Ray should implant in your mind, and be patient.

We shall say unto you who should gather gold, beware. For an ounce of barley shall bring forth two ounces of wheat. And an ounce of gold, you cannot eat.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for improved accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.