October 5, 1974

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

"Greetings, Aka, where is soul Ray?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this way. For in the house of the Lord, there is no time, as you would know it. Time is but a twinkling of the eye. Yet you, who walk upon the earth, shall walk upon the heavens.

As we have said before, come now and walk with us. For we have given unto your keeping the Rose without Thorns, and its beauty shall enter the ocean and unto the many lands.

Prepare now, all of you, that your next book should come forth. As we told you in the beginning, your needs would be provided for, for those who were willing to help prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, for this in itself is our sole purpose. It is the reason we have come unto you.

Now we say unto you, [4-3-70-003] and [1-21-72-002-7] and [4-3-70-005-5].

For [1-21-72-002-7], we weep for thee, and our Father weeps for thee.

For [4-3-70-003-4], we say unto thee, healing shall be given unto thy hands. Take forth of the clay formula unto which soul Ray has brought forth, and healing shall come about. But yet, a greater healing has come about, a healing of sores, and wounds, and time.

Now that you have come all unto one house, we have given unto you the parable of the seven spirits, and the many times the Lord sent them back, and back again, until they could bring forth a bountiful harvest with their hands linked together, one providing the needs unto another. And so it shall be.

And you, [4-3-70-005-5], the archives shall continue. And we shall say, and now give fulfillment of the message we gave unto you once before. For we said, in turquoise, in silver, and in gold lay the messages of the Lord. And we told of you to go unto the desert and you would see of such. What we sent you forth to search for was that that was already within you, for we told you once before it lay beneath thy feet, and so it was. Yet, within your search you found many things. We sent you forth in the same manner our Lord sent the spirits forth unto the ocean, that each should find his heart that that should belong to man and build man, and the things that should be placed upon the earth.

You have said within your mind of the many things you do not know. Fear this not, for in a twinkling of the eye the knowledge shall be placed within.

We say unto you, [10-5-74-001], for thy shall be known as Thomas, and not a doubting Thomas, but because of the love that Thomas bestowed upon the earth we give unto you this name. We say unto you, look thereforth unto The Gospel according to Thomas and you shall see the reason we have given unto you this name. Glory be the name of the Lord.

      Thy have many questions, ask.

”Thank you, Aka. From [10-5-74-001], ‘What does the future hold for me?’”

We say unto you, we have opened but one door this day. Many doors shall be opened from this day forth. Have faith, and one by one and two by two, the true meaning of our words shall come forth and be laid before you. We shall say of you, take from the others of the ministry their story of the miracle of the candelabra and you shall see the pathway which you shall enter. [Ministers' Book, p. 45]

We have brought forth an instrument, a prophet unto man, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We have weeded your garden for a purpose, that you should be brought forth this time unto this place. Know of the glory of the Lord, and His love for His children.

For many a day shall pass as you shall make the preparations, but they shall be bountiful. Fear not, for we walketh with thee. You have opened the door that we may enter. Come, therefore, unto the prophet for private consultation, and our words shall be his words, in a manner that you shall know of their meaning. We have prepared a way for travel for a purpose. Other ways shall be prepared. Other answers shall be fulfilled. Be patient, have faith.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, from [10-5-74-002], 'Will the person I am interested in ever be able to accept my feeling on religion?’”

We should answer unto these words, not fully, nay. But remember, our Father has many mansions. Give unto him that that should belong to him. Give unto yourself that that should belong to yourself. And in this manner and this manner only can fulfillment of your wishes come true.

You have other questions, ask.

"From [10-5-74-003], 'What is my purpose in this life, and is it something left unfulfilled of a past life?’”

We shall answer your question. For thy were married under the ankh, and thy were born under the ankh. All was laid forth before thy birth in preparation for the work that we shall lay before you. Fear not of thy past karma, for we say unto all, we have taken from thee thy karmas. The only karmas thy have to build is from this day forward. Study long upon the words we have given, for there is secret meaning for you within the same. If after thy have studied and thy fully do not understand, come back and we shall explain further.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. [10-5-74-004], and she asks, 'What year and month will our first child be born?’”

We say unto you, your child shall be conceived in the month of November of this year. And blessed be the children who should be born under the sign of the ankh, for they shall be those who should know of the Messiah first. Many new entries and many new places of entry are being prepared across thy earth. That that thy have asked for shall come in a bountiful manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"Thank you, Aka. [7-27-74-001] asks, 'Will I be here in Globe to stay before the first of the year?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And that also shall be granted. Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [11-26-71-002] and [7-22-74-002] want to thank God for all His many blessings. And [11-26-71-002] would seek guidance for the many small people who have savings to be protected in this inflation.”

We should say unto thee, come unto soul Ray in private consultation and he should advise of you of such in your monetary manners.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"[11-30-71-004], 'What does the future hold for me; have I chosen a new path in life?’”

Yes, thy have chosen a new path in life. But we shall say unto you into this manner. The getting is easy, the keeping is hard. Toil, and honesty within thyself, shall be the key word to thy answer.

Thy have other questions, ask.

"[9-10-74-001], 'What help can you offer me to remove the impediments to my progress? I have questions I cannot seem to phrase having to do with my work and my children and my personal life.'"

We shall answer your question in this manner. Within the archives are your answers. The acceptance of the pupil teacher was the first step. The other answers shall unfold, one at a time, yet they shall come fast and meaningful.

But we should say unto you, we are preparing a way that roses may be placed at thy feet. Make not the mistake you have made in the past. Let us help you cast away your karma. Leave jealousy at the threshold of Lucifer and walk forth from this day forward.

We have answered your prayers, those you have given unto the Lord. Do not become impatient. Time shall bring forth the fulfillment of your other prayers.

You have other questions, ask.

"Thank you, Aka. [8-10-70-002-2] asks about the Wise Men. When did they arrive, that is, how old was Jesus? Where did they come from; what gifts did they bring?’”

We shall answer into your question in this manner. The three Wise Men, as you would know them, were not of three but five. One came from that of the land of South America, another from the land of the North American Continent; one came from that that you would know as Africa, another from that that you would know as China, another from that that you would know as Ethiopia. Yet all came forth, and brought with them both frankincense and myrrh, yet gold and coin. Yet when they arrived they found, therefore, the one known as Jesus Christ born in a manger in that of the town known as Bethlehem. All of these things are true. And the Star of Bethlehem did guide them forth, for it was the light brought forth by the planetary systems that were aligned in place by our Father.

It was not the gift of monetary value they brought forth. The greatest gift that they gave was that this one would come forth unto each of them at a later time for teaching.. And so it was upon the land, upon the earth.

And so it has been once again, for we say unto you, prepare now for the coming of the Messiah. We have given you in your last reading one step closer. We have given you the month that he should come forth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, how can we attain wisdom?”

(Chuckle.) For we say unto you, know the meaning of your word of 1ove. And from love should come faith. And from faith should come forgiveness. And from forgiveness should come wisdom.

There shall be many who shall stand before you and tell of you, “This is the only path unto our Father’s house; this is the only wisdom our Father should have to offer.” But we say unto you, our Father has many mansions; each is great and mighty to behold. Yet none is greater than the other.   

We have brought forth through the many reading forms we have given, the answers to your questions. We say unto you, go back and listen unto your back readings. You shall find the knowledge that you desire. Glory be the name of the Lord.

Yet, wisdom must be earned; it is not a gift that is given, for it lays at thy feet. Thy must pick it up, and carry it as a yoke of love. Should a man come unto thee and say unto you, “Why should you love unto another,” then we say unto you, tell this one. But just because one should ask, “Why should you love of another,” does not mean that you should have to give them your full life story. An answer both simple and truthful is an answer of wisdom, for wisdom is like the lotus flower that should bloom from within. From the quiet place within your mind, a still pool should flow and there you shall find a candle always lit, and there you shall find that God awaits unto you for your coming.

We have brought forth the many tools for this day. We shall add to them, and we shall add to the wisdom you seek.

You have other questions, ask.

"Aka, there are no other written questions here this afternoon.”

We see thy need. And we should answer in this manner unto [4-3-70-005-4] and [4-3-70-005-5] that that is upmost within your mind. Blessed be the name of the Lord. For nothing has been taken that cannot be returned, and for thy wish for the fulfillment of thy daughter and thy grandchildren, these things shall be granted unto the same.

We see thy need to become -- working in harmony with all. There is nothing but peace and love in this house and in this work for both of you. Accept this love, for it was always there. Pick up the Rose. Carry it forward.

Now is the time of the Cherub. Your Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New earthquakes shall creep forward from your last. Beware of the coastline areas.

But we should answer the one, and the question of the one known as [1-6-74-001]. We shall stay the hand and make of the land a sacred place. The knowledge thy desire we shall implant in soul Ray’s mind.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona