October 26, 1974

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For as the season should change and as your earth should make itself ready for sleep, yet we say unto you, we do not sleep. For sleep in itself was designed for the [regeneration] and the rebuilding of the body form. Therefore, the earth must sleep, that it should cleanse itself and bring forth your spring.

Yet there is a time for autumn, the time that the earth should prepare itself, that all plant life should prepare for slumber. And that that was in the leaves should go back forth, through the branches into the trunk of the same. And so it is with mankind as they should be born and born again. For that of the body form may fall away and it should go back unto its original form, that of the trunk.

But as the time to sleep should pass, the tree should bring forth its energy form from the trunk, from the roots, therefore, into the limbs. And new buds shall form and leaves shall form and new branches shall grow. And from where a leaf once stood should become a branch.

And so it should be with the development of a man. Be a leaf, before you become the trunk or the roots of the tree. But be joyous in that unto which you are.

For if you spend the whole time of blossom to fall, the dropping away of the leaves, in wishing that you were the trunk of the tree, then no growth should come forth, for you would forget the purpose of your birth. And in forgetting the purpose of the birth you should not know where you have been, and therefore, you shall not know where you are going. And therefore, you shall take the spring from your lifetime, and the summer, and the fall, and the winter of slumber, for all things shall fall away from you. For you will have closed the doorway from the body, through the spirit, through the soul, through the immortal body of the same. For take from one unto another and you have nothing, and have given nothing in return.

[Coveth] yourself in such a manner that the light should shine through you, and let others grow before you.

As we have said before, we should stand as close to our Father as His heartbeat, yet we are not great. We are but the servants of Father, our God, and yours. We are here but for one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

And we say unto you, bring forth no false idols.

We say unto you, we would weed the garden from time to time, yet we should plant new substance within the garden, that one should lead unto another. We have prepared a way that each should grow into bountiful substance and become complete. We have given each of you tasks to perform. We have sent you helpers, that the task and the yoke should be carried in a love-full manner. We say once again unto you, we should allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work.

Now we say unto you, soon upon your earth those from the other galaxy systems shall come forth and be known unto you, and should work with you, for all must be in a complete manner. For as their evolvement came forth once upon your earth, and their karma became part of yours, so they must see your earth brought from its slumber into its springtime. And so it shall be.

We say unto you, once again, no house may stand alone. We have prepared a foundation that the house may stand upon. Yet, we should look into the foundation, and if we find a flaw we shall pluck it, therefore, from the same and replace it with another.

Thy have questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [2-8-74-002] asks for his last life reading. He asks, specifically, ‘Have I prior knowledge of pyramid power? Should I pursue it now?’”

We should answer in this manner. Now is not the time, for you have not the knowledge that is needed. Incorrectly used, you could destroy mankind rather than rebuild it. We have within the reading form given full knowledge of the use and design of that that you would know as pyramid power, or cosmic-magnetic energy form.                                                                                                                    

We have told you before that this new form of energy unto you shall soon be harnessed upon your earth and used in your many forms of transportation and power needs. It should also be used for interplanetary travel of the same. It can also be used, with the alterations of the same, in the changing of humanoid form. As we have said before, this should come forth in light and sound, the light and sound of the brain form within the same.

The pyramid within itself, correctly made, was capable of not only harnessing and storing this energy, but transporting it across the vast areas of space and time. Your concept of time shall be greatly altered, for that of matter and anti-matter shall be brought forth in full knowledge of the same, and the use of the same in a useful form upon the earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Do you wish me to give another request for a life reading, or shall I go to shorter questions, Aka?”

We should say unto thee, because of soul Ray’s health, we would suggest the shorter questions at this time.

This one comes from [8-24-73-003]. On August 24, ’73, you answered a health reading for him. At this time his mother also had a health reading. He thanks you for the help he has received from his reading. He now would like to know if his interpretation of his mother's reading is correct or not. Is there anything he can do to help her? Is what he’s doing now wrong for her? He asks, please, could you please help him? His mother’s name is S_____ M___.”

We see of the same, and we should answer in this manner. Thy have brought forth unto the one known as soul Ray both for healing form. If treatment were continued in the present form, the help that was needed would be given. But we can say unto you unto this manner, we are not allowed to interfere with free choice. The free choice of your mother, thy have known.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Mark [11-26-71-002-11] asks if she may help in some way her uncle, J_____ R_____... ‘And if not, how may I help him to understand his physical condition?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Within himself he knows of his own physical condition. He has full awareness of this. But we say unto you, we have given you other tasks. We see of the need of the heart. Place this in our hands, and we shall place other things in your hands. Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10-26-74-001], he would like to know if his mother and dad will get back together?”

Yes, we see thy need. And we will answer in this manner. That that was meant in the beginning shall come forth in the ending. Have faith. We are not allowed to answer questions pertaining to the free will of another soul, but we have answered your question in a manner that only you, and you alone, shall see the full meaning of the same. Yet, we have answered your question.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9-10-74-001] asks, ‘I have heard and understood your advice, Aka. I give my heartfelt thanks to you. These things I have done. Please tell me what my next step should be. I need to know what to prepare myself for in the course my life should take. Please give me some much-needed guidance.’”

We shall answer in this manner. As a child of God, thy have brought forth bountiful meaning into the work. We should answer, continue into the same. We shall take care of thy needs, but not all of thy wants. We shall say unto you, that that should be brought forth shall be a full cup. Have patience.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Those are all the written questions, Aka.”

Then we should answer in this manner. All things thy should see this day, this time, are here but for a twinkling of an eye. We say unto you, look, therefore, unto the greatness and purpose that we have come unto you for. Nothing can remain upon the earth without our Father’s permission. We have placed unto each person, unto each soul, the ability to ask in our Father’s name. But ask in a righteous manner a righteous thing, and that that thy should ask for, thy should receive. All things, as a house should build, should come together.

We go now to prepare the way in our Father’s many mansions.

We shall say unto you, your country is on the brink of a revolutionary war. In the land known as Mexico, warfare shall arise. Yet, new eruptions shall continue. Earthquakes upon earthquakes shall occur up your eastern and western seaboard. Your Midwest shall continue to be racked with hurricane, flood, and then drought.

We say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth and pestilence and famine shall reign. [See The Revelation 6:9-11, 9:1-12, 16:10-11, 14:17 and 21:1-8.]

But for the children of God, do not flee and try to hide, for if your heart is truly with God, then God shall be with thee and nothing can harm thee. Thy shall not go hungry, nor cold. But we shall provide bread. But do not take the bread and foolishly throw it away. Share it with one another, as you would share raindrops upon a desert.

Now is the time of the Cherub. [See The Revelation 4:6-8.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.