September 10, 1974

El Paso, Texas



            Aka is here.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Within thy mind thy should ask of the akashic records. And we should answer in this manner. For every moment upon your earth and all galaxies, all substance, light force should come forth. For every action, there is a reaction that is created in the light force. This light force can never die. Once an action has been taken, a thought thought, it is implanted forever within this light force. Each light force is separate and different, and should travel on its own wave length, much as your radio or television, or telephones, do today.

            You have said in thy mind’s eye this question, and we shall answer it. And we say unto you unto these words. For in the quiet place within your mind there lies a still pool. Approach it quietly and gently, and you shall find a candle that is ever lit within your mind, for it is the God force within all man. It is where beauty lies and never dies, where all memory of all lifetimes are stored.

            It is transferred from the mind force into the spiritual force on the third day of death, upon the third hour. This, the one known as Jesus Christ of Nazara, was sent forth to give you proof of the same. Yet you heard him not. Did he not say, “Destroy this temple and I shall rebuild it in three days.” He did not speak of rock, or stone, or mortar, or wood. He spoke of the temple of God within you. Did he not say unto you of our Father’s many mansions, that each should enter through their free choice, yet to be born again?

            We say unto you, man chose death that he may rebuild in his Father’s image, and come forth, therefore, through trial and error, not only to better himself, for he may reach the top of the ladder, only to look back and see his brother in need. If you should climb this ladder, climb it in such a way that you should help another before you, and in truth you shall climb, therefore, in tenfold.

            For the Lord, God, our Father, has brought us forth yet but for one purpose, and one purpose only -- for we are here but for that purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. To prepare this way, we should bring forth and answer your questions, the knowledge of all times, of all places. But we do not do this just to satisfy your curiosity. We do this that you yourself may prepare the way within yourself, that when the Master should come upon the earth, you should know of him, and therefore, willingly give back unto him that that he has given unto you, the love.       

            Our Father did send forth upon the earth His first begotten son. And he came forth in the Christ state. Yet there were others, we say unto you. Yet they were of one, yet separate and apart. But as you have climbed, so did the son climb. And we say unto you, it may be the beggar on the street who in his own way should reach the Christ state.             

Cast no stones upon thy neighbor. Give unto the Lord, God, that that belongs to God. Give unto thy brother that that belongs unto him. But just as important, give unto thyself the bountiful things of the earth that belong to you.

But give each with love. And if they should take toil, then give of the toil. Wear the yoke in such a manner that even though it becomes a burden of love and heavy upon thy shoulders, it should be lightened by the Lord, our God. For does not one thing fall upon your earth leste our Father should see.

            You have many questions, ask.

            "Thank you, Aka. [9-10-74-001] asks, 'What information can you give me to assist me in my endeavors, my work, and the fulfillment of my heart’s desire. Are my thoughts regarding the latter correct, and how can this be accomplished in the easiest manner?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Thy have brought forth thy question in such a manner that it should pertain to you, and you only. Therefore, we should answer in the same manner.

            Of the last, you are incorrect. The outcome shall not be as you have seen it. We say unto you, love, true love, is knowing when to turn that that you love most free. This can pertain to another, yet it can pertain to yourself in the same manner. For all in truth, though at the time it may not seem beautiful, can come in a beautiful manner.

            But we say unto you, of these, of the prayers you have given unto the Lord, our Lord has seen and heard, and the answer shall come, and it shall come in a bountiful manner. We say unto you, look at the flowers He has already placed at your feet, and you shall know it in a fulfilling manner; in that that thy wish, then thy cup shall runneth over.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Thank you, Aka. [7-22-74-003] asks, 'What type of lifestyle would be best for my family and myself considering the work of my husband and the temperament of family members. Please be specific as to detail, especially as to place.’”

            Yes, we should answer in this manner. Thy say of a place of employment; we should say unto thee that seek out thy work in the country known, therefore, as San Diego, California.

            Thy say unto thyself, of the type of employment for thyself we should answer, go, therefore, into the real estate, that of the selling of such. [With] this you are better in fulfilling, [inclined] to fulfill.

            But we should say unto you, thy husband should have of his own free choice in the choosing of the time, place, of his work. Come together in full agreement, and wherever you should go, then love should follow thee, and with love, fulfillment shall come forth in the same manner.

If thy should cast a stone into the water to watch it skip across the pond, without faith [there] could be no water, there could be no stone, there could be no you. For the Lord, God, looks into thy heart and sees the faith within, and therefore, measures the truth of thy wishes, thy dreams, thy prayers. And then He should send those forth who should aid you, from both sides, for the fulfillment of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Thank you, Aka. [9-10-74-002] asks, 'Are these here, which have been healed or will be healed by the force through the channel of Ray Elkins, being prepared to accomplish specific purpose to prepare for the coming of Christ? If so, please tell us about these channels, who and what they are to do?’”

We should say unto you, this healing power, this gift from God, was a gift from that which would come, the Messiah himself. Each of you are being healed as proof of his coming, that you should have the faith within yourselves to prepare the way.

We say unto you, our Father’s children have been separated too long. You within your psychic world are becoming enlightened each day toward the needs and desires of our Father through many channels. Yet we send, therefore, a healer and a prophet among you. He has no desire to become great in the eyes of men. His only desire is to heal, as the one known as Jesus did heal.

Our Lord, God, gave unto John a vision of that that was to come, but yet He gave unto man free will to change that that stood before him. We are here for that purpose. [See The Revelation of John.]

Should we not be successful in our mission, then man shall go back into his caves, as the Sons of God did find them. They shall go back and for 3,000 years upon your earth there shall be a darkness before the light shall shine again.

But we give you this year of 1999, a year of fulfillment, a year of the coming of the Messiah. We say unto you, this one has been placed upon the earth.

Yet, there is another placed upon the earth, that of the Anti-Christ. He is working at this time to try to extend his realm of domination upon the earth.

It is up to you; which shall you have? Which cup shall you drink from? Shall you [more] the mark of the Beast?

The Lord, God, does not ask for the blood of the Lamb. Nor has He ever. Only man has done of such. Should you know the true compassion and love, this word you use so often, then we say unto you, stand beneath the cross to let the drops of blood fall upon thy forehead.

From these hands and mind and body the blood should pour and it should heal of you, and prepare you, that each of you should prepare another. And one should prepare ten, and ten should prepare a hundred, and a hundred should prepare a thousand. And the millions shall flow. We say unto you, think of our Father as a brook, and the spirits of our Father as a brook. Think of the souls of man as a river and the pebbles therein. And as the brook [should] flow into the river, and as the river should flow unto the ocean and reach many shores, and the spiritual proportion of man shall rise within all, and reach into the heavens, and all beings from heaven and earth shall kneel before the new Messiah.

And your hundred [note: thousand] years of peace shall come forth; not as you count, but as our Father counts. And each year shall mark a thousand years. Let [that] the wise listen. Let the wise see. For each year shall be as a thousand years. One year in heaven shall represent a thousand years upon the earth. Multiply that, and you shall know of the kingdom of God.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [9-10-74-003] asks two questions. Number one, ‘Do you know the whereabouts of [J_____ H______] a missing 21-month-old boy living in E1 Paso, missing about 24 hours?’ And secondly, ‘Will I and the co-owner of a condominium apartment in Honolulu have difficulty in July 1976 in the final disposition of this apartment; that is, will the present occupants of this apartment be able to make the final payment and rid us of our responsibilities?’”

First we should answer the last. You shall have no problem with the financial responsibility of the same.

Second, we shall answer in this manner, for we cannot violate the free will of another. That the Lord has taken He shall replace tenfold, for [that] the Lord taketh, the Lord should giveth. Glory be the name of the Lord forever and ever. Yet we say unto you, the Lord should shed a tear.

Thy have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [9-10-74-004] asks, ‘How can I best prepare myself as a channel through which the necessary vibration can be raised to speed the coming of our brother, the Christ?’”

We say unto you, we should give forth the bread and the wine. We should place the yeast before thee. We have brought forth A Rose without Thorns. Pick it up. It is the first of many.

Thy have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [9-10-74-005] asks, ‘What has drawn the members of the E1 Paso A.R.E. study group number 2 together, and what is our purpose as a group, and as individuals?’”

We say unto you, your purpose as members, and your purpose, should be the same purpose as the founder of your A.R.E. His purpose was the preparation for the coming of a Messiah. This is what should bring you together. We say unto you, many shall come forth and say these words are not true. But we say unto you, the founder of this, your organization, stands very close to our Father.

Thy have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [ 9-10-74-006] asks, 'Are my present teaching, writing, and singing fulfilling my purposes for being here, and if not, what should I add or delete in order to fulfill them?’”

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. We have heard thy music many times. It has been both pleasant and fulfilling, to both our ears and our Father’s ears. Continue to use your gift. For we say unto you, the Lord, our God, is happiest when His children are smiling.

You have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. [9-10-74-007] asks, ‘If my kin folk is against the work you do, and I believe in, will that cause my vibrations to be lowered?’”

We shall answer, nay, for this reason. Upon your earth many religions have come and gone. The true philosophy of the Lord has remained. Yet man should take from and add to, to fit his own needs. But we say unto you, our Father has many mansions. Our Father gave forth unto you the Ten Commandments. He asked but two things. Give back unto the Lord one tenth of the love the Lord has given unto you; give forth one tenth of that love unto your fellow man. And the fulfillment of all shall come in complete. But be as a mirror, and those of your relations or relatives, or ancestors, shall look upon you and know that that that you do should come in a righteous manner.                                        

            Soul Ray now grows weary, and our time should grow short.

            We should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for improved accuracy.]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona