April 19, 1975

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this way, in this manner; for we shall tell unto thee the parable of the two shepherds.

            For there was a father who had a great flock, and he resided and was a shepherd of all. And his wife bore him two sons, twins, as you would say, identical twins.

Yet as they grew into manhood each was different and apart unto themselves.

And the father brought them both before him and said unto him, “For my days are not long upon this land. But whether they be or whether they not be, three years you shall both have a trial. You shall split the flock among you. And in that three years the one most deserving shall have all. Yet I say unto you these words. Look unto thy brothers, for thy are brothers, and keep the Lord’s commandments at all times.”

            And so the two brothers went forth to divide the flock, and the flock was divided equally into halves. And the two brothers multitude [multiplied] their flock and it grew.

And the day came when neither of the brothers could fully attend their own flocks. They could hire many others. But they were not the owners of the flocks, so they did not take care and [they] were not true shepherds of the flock.

And the two brothers came forth many times to discuss their problem, but neither could come forth with an answer.

            And then one day, as the two brothers sat upon the rock, a man walked forth with gentle eyes, yet eyes that saw through all. And he stopped unto the brothers and asked unto them, “Do you own the well, therefore?”

            And both brothers answered, “Yes.”

            And the man said, “But which one owns it, the well?”

            And the brother said, “This is the well we share together that waters both of our flocks.”

            And the man turned back unto them, and said unto them, “You water your flock from the same water, then why do you not bring the flock together as one? And then between the two, your flock should be well tended, for it should be but one flock. They shall drink from the same water, and they shall breed from one unto another. And you shall gain knowledge from one unto another.”

            The man drank from the well, and [then] looked unto the heavens and said, “Oh Father, bring blessings unto this well that has provided me with such sweet water. Let it ever flow.”

            And the well rose and a stream came forth from the well. And beneath the stream there soon formed a beautiful lake.

And the brothers looked and were amazed. And one said unto the other, “This must be a magician. We should look farther unto his words.”

            And each walked forth, one saying unto the stranger, “You said when you came, you asked us who owned the well. And we answered that we both owned the well. You said, ‘Then let your flock come together,’ and we would prosper, one from the other, the knowledge. But our father has decreed that the one who should be above the other at the end of the three years should be the master of all.”

            And the other, stranger said unto the other, “But he did, did not he say to abide unto the law of the Lord, your God?”

            And both said, “Yes.”

            And he said unto them, “Then did not the Lord say unto you, ‘Love unto yourself one-tenth of the love I provide unto you, and love unto your brother in the same manner.’”

            And both agreed.

And they said unto him, “You are of such great wisdom we should follow you and leave our flock.”

            And he turned back unto them, and he said, “You shall follow me, but you shall not leave unto your flock unattended. For you have learned this day and taken the wisdom that has been given through me unto the father, unto the son. Therefore, go unto the father to tell him of your decision.”

            And the man passed away before their eyes.

            And both brothers rushed unto their father to tell him of their amazing story.

            And the father looked unto them, and said, “It has been written that the eldest should inherit, but since you were both born at the same time, you both are the eldest, and both should share equally. But the wisdom that the stranger has given unto you is wise. Use this same wisdom with your shepherds and you shall find that they shall become better shepherds. For he has given you more advice than just the shepherd of sheep, for he is [the] Lamb. Yet wisdom has flown from his lips.”

            And they said unto [their] father, “Then we should slaughter a lamb and take it before the altar unto this one.”          

            And their father said, “Nay, for this one does not ask for the blood of the lamb, but the cleanness within your souls and hearts.”

            And so the time passed, and they used the wisdom passed on. And soon they were to know that of the man they had spoken to, for the man was the, that of Jesus of Nazara.

And they had also heard of the crucifixion, and the wisdom that was to be passed from the Essenes of the crucifixion and the resurrection. And so, they and their kind made vows, therefore, to go forth and prepare the way for the second coming. And the second coming shall be the coming and the only coming upon the Earth of the true Messiah.

            Others shall come forth and bear witness in your time to false testimony. Others shall come forth and bear witness to false prophecy. But we say unto you, learn from the words and the knowledge of the Shepherd. For as you should reach the top of the ladder, if you have fully felt the love given by the Shepherd of shepherds, then you shall know that you always must return to tend your flocks. Knowledge is born in wisdom, and wisdom is born in compassion. And compassion is born in knowledge. But all is born in love.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, I have a question, I have a request for a life reading from [9-7-73-001…Casa Grande, Arizona]. And she asks for a life reading and any past experience with her son.”

            Would you repeat again this question.

            “[9-7-73-001], she asks for a life reading and any past experience with her son.”

            First we should answer your question in this manner. We shall give forth the information upon the soul who has requested it. We may not give forth information of another soul without the direct permission of the soul.

            Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have the records.


We find this one – in the city of the mail continent of Atlantis.


We find this one as the son of a shopkeeper who dealt in foreign arts, or artistry, from paintings unto sculpture of many types. And as a youth, the admiration for the work and the paintings that should come from the great land of [Imbala], the unique texturing of the paintings in the exact proportions of both humanoid form and the animal-formed kingdom and the preciseness of motion caught forth in the paintings greatly intrigued this one. He studied the technique used in these by the hour. It was his greatest wish to go forth, therefore, and learn from the masters. But when inquiring about the masters, he found that the masters had gone into the great city of the Sumerians, of Ur.

            He went forth unto his father and said, “Father, I have completed most of my education. I do not wish to go into the priesthood, yet I love our God, the Lord, quiet greatly. But I would go, therefore, into the great city of Ur and learn of the masters who have brought forth such beauty upon the Earth. And I would learn as much from them as possible. But yet, I would take [in] my travels on into the city and the great temples of the Egyptan, and therefore, learn from the masters there.”

            And the father thought long upon this, for this was his youngest child. His wealth was not great, and therefore, he sought out the advice of the priest at the great temple of Arcan, and therefore, did come forth unto him that they would apprenticeship him as a student in this manner, for permission must be granted from the great priest, Ra-Tai, in Egyptan.

And as the days and months passed you were soon to think that all had been forgotten of you. The days went by as you worked in your father’s shop, as you sketched and drew, and repeated your drawings. And then, you were brought forth one day as a caller came unto the shop, and said, “An audience has been made, and you shall see the great priest, Ra-Tai.”

            And the great Priest Ra-Tai said unto you, “You shall go unto the great city of Ur, and therefore learn, and then unto the city of Egyptan. And then we shall prepare you for further work in a great land beyond this one. But on the completion of all your work, you shall come forth unto me and we shall discuss further your future.”

            And so you ventured forth in one of the great crafts into the land of Ur. And the art of painting, you found that the great study of the human anatomy and the anatomy of all animal force around and about was brought forth unto you. What you thought you could consume in a short time soon extended into years and months.

And then, the day came forth when you went, therefore, into Egyptan. You studied there.

And then, as the years had passed and your hair had turned unto silver you were ready. You had learned from the masters. And you went unto the great priest, Ra-Tai, and the great priest, Ra-Tai, said to, “Come forth, for we shall take thee into the land of the Eagle.”

            And you ventured forth, and there to see many great sights. Audience was prepared, and there you saw before you this strange creature, the one whose legend was that never died, that lived forever, that he was one of the ones who had come from the other planet upon this Earth.

And he said unto you, “Go therefore into the great temple and prepare the ledgers that shall be buried, and then come back. When you have finished your task, you shall go into another land.”

            And so, when your task was finished it seemed as though that age no longer came forth into you, that your body was ageless. The hours were long, the work was hard, but but satisfactory.

            And then, when you had finished you went back. And he said unto you, “Now, you shall go unto the land of the Yucatan. And when you have finished the work there, you shall go unto the land of the Tibetan.”

            And he did send you unto five places upon the Earth, to do each into a sector of a different work.

            And he said unto you, “Now that you have finished and accomplished unto all of your task[s], your years have numbered over 2,000. It is now time that your body should rest. You shall come forth into a new land. The time shall be in the time that a nation shall be born under God, yet shall waver many ways. But you shall come forth, not as man, but you shall come forth in a spiritual form, and you shall seek out a man known as Joseph Smith. And you shall bring forth a message to him. And you shall prepare, therefore, plates laden in gold of the scripture that we shall place before you. Warn him that there shall be many who should change his words after he has passed beyond. And warn him that should this happen, then all shall be made right in a different time. But in that time I shall come forth unto you and come before you, for I shall come forth to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. All things before you shall change. You shall observe all these changes.”

            In your travels and in your work you had had little time for marriage or companionship, and he said unto you, “Now choose of yourself a wife, that your seed may be laid upon the Earth.”

            And you looked upon him and said, “But I am old. How can my seed be prepared upon the Earth?”

            And he said unto you, “For one day a son shall be born unto you, and that seed must have a passageway, a link, that both shall know of their destiny and where they have been, that that they shall know where they are going.”

            Now we should say unto you, you have come upon the earth this time; you have follied and fallen, yet to rise again. And you shall look upon our words with disbelief.

But we say unto you, the Eagle is in flight. The time for the preparation is now. Soon all of the work you have laid before you shall be unearthed and brought forth into the light. And Atlantis shall rise again. And we say unto you that the work that is overlaid in turquoise, in silver, and in gold, and the records that lay in the valley beneath the sea, in the land of the Yuma, in the land where the great oyster shells lay now, is the work of thy son.

            You should let not all go to waste, for we have opened the doorway unto the past only that it may be provided for the future. For we say unto you unto these words, to know where you have been is only to know where you are going. But the past is not important; the future is.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Now we should say unto you, for soul Ray tires, and our time is short at hand. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Tornado, earthquake, and famine shall follow the path.

            We shall say unto you, you have yet to use the wisdom of your youth. You have yet to see the judgment and the knowledge that is needed. Therefore, we say unto you, place, therefore, on your Board of Directors this position, and it shall be called the researcher of the famine -- but it should be called, Research. And the person we should say unto this one known as [T____ B_____] should be placed in this position.

            Now we say unto the one known as [8-27-73-001], we have provided all things unto thyself, one by one. Yet you continue to seek out your wants instead of your needs. You have not listened unto the wisdom that has been given unto you by the Prophet. On many times he did say unto you many things. Now he has given you another pathway. Hark and listen -- or we shall build fire underneath the ass of the burro.

            But we say unto you, the hand that giveth must measure the hand that taketh. So far you have been given. Now you should put forth some of that that has been given back into the pot that it may make a good brew for yourself and all. We shall also tell unto you that your mind is as clear to the Prophet as a mirror and each thought that dwells within it. Therefore, do not say unto him half a truth, leste you offend his intelligence, and ours.

            We should prepare unto you the day that you should become a minister. We shall mold this clay, even if it must be done of fire.

            Unto this day he has spoken unto two, and given unto you guidance and placed flowers at your feet. The thought was implanted by us. And that that God bindeth together, let no man taketh apart.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona