April 26, 1975

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For we should tell the of the parable of the shepherd of the pasture and the shepherd of the hill.

For the shepherd of the pasture [and] the lowlands had grazed his flock for many a day upon the green meadows, and the shepherd of the highland had grazed his flock upon the meadows in the mountaintops. And for seven years both flocks had flourished.

            And the shepherd of the mountaintop did dream, and in his dream he saw three lean sheep and three fat sheep. And he saw the creeks turn bright red with blood. When he awoken from his dream he was much frightened. But he knew not who to speak to. And so he knelt and prayed. And in his prayer he said unto the Almighty, “Oh, Lord, I know You have spoken to me in my dream, but I do not understand this that you have given unto me.”

            And the shepherd in the valley, he did dream. And he dreamed of three fat sheep and three lean sheep, and he saw the river and the lake run blood-red also. And he awokened and was afraid. And he did pray unto the Lord.

And he did so for three days and three nights. And so did the shepherd of the hills.

            And upon the third day, an eagle appeared unto both. And the eagle of the valley flew unto the mountaintops. And the eagle of the hills flew unto the valley. And the shepherd of the valley did interpret that he should move his flock unto the mountains for protection. And the shepherd of the hills did interpret that he should move his flock unto the valley.

            As they move forward, they met at the crest of the hill, and each told unto the other their story and their dream. And then before them an eagle appeared again, but the eagle turned into man. At first they were both frightened. And he said unto them, “Fear not, for you have prayed unto the Lord for one who has suffered as you are suffering. And so, the Lord has sent me forth to guide your footsteps, not to take your place as shepherds, but that you may become better shepherds.”

            And each said unto this one, “But we saw the eagle fly, one unto the mountains and one unto the valley, and we interpret this to move our flock, and we did so.”

            And the one who appeared before them said unto them, “Nay. Tell of me your dream.”

            And each told of their dream.

            And he said unto them, “For there shall be three lean years, but first there shall be three fat years. And the water shall turn red, for then, from the sparse land the rain shall come and wash the water and turn it red and the ground shall erode. But after this time has passed the water shall settle and clear. But you must go unto the valley, both of you, and make a storehouse. And you must go to the mountains and make a storehouse. And you must dig a tunnel into the mountain and divert a creek into the mountain that the water may run, and therefore, store in your days of need. But we say unto you, you must act as one, for should you quarrel there shall be no storehouses at all.”

            And so they commenced their task, and they did gather grain and wheat and grasses of all kinds and did make great storehouses. And they did dig into the mountain and create a waterway into the same. And the three years passed very rapidly, yet they worked hand in hand.

            And when they finished their task the three fat years has passed. And they began to dispense their food unto their flock, but they began to quarrel over which flock should drink first.

The one from the mountaintop said unto the valley, “We have dug this into the mountain and the mountain, therefore, belongs to me, and my sheep should drink first.”

            The one from the valley said unto him, “But my labor went into the digging, so my sheep should [drink] first. And most of the hay we stored came from my valley.”

            And as they quarreled, their sheep did wander away, looking for water because they stood before it and the sheep could not get to it. And one by one the sheep were scattered.

When they stopped arguing and turned, they saw the sheep were gone. So each struck out on their own to gather their sheep, and along the way they found many dead. When they returned, each returned with three lean sheep.

            And as they entered the water way the eagle did appear again in front of the water way, and said unto them, “You have heeded not our warning. You have taken not the help we offered and you prayed unto the Lord to receive. Therefore, you have lost your flock but three. Now we say unto you, should the flock rebuild, bring it together as one, and act not as two shepherds, but one shepherd. Let your flock mingle together, drink together and eat together, breed together, and the flock shall replenish itself. For those who have passed on but wait for new entries into the body substance and they shall become the seed of your new flock. But do not be so foolish again.”

            And so the shepherds started to build once again. And the flocks did increase very rapidly, for they had much food. And in three years, the lean years had passed and the shepherds decided to split their flock and one go back to the valley and one go back to the mountains. And once again they began to argue. And the sheep were unattended. And the wolf did come and attack the flock, and many sheep died and many were frightened off of the mountaintop and into the lakes and drownded. And when they finished their argument once again they turned to find their sheep, each going in his separate way, and they did return with three sheep each.

They were fat sheep, and the sheep had gluttoned themselves to where they could not [breed].

            And once again the eagle did appear before them, and said unto them, “Once again you have droven your flock away.”

            And both of the shepherds knelt down before him.

            And he said, “Kneel not unto me, kneel unto the Lord, your God. For you must be able to forgive yourselves, and the Lord, God, shall forgive unto you. But when you arise, let you arise as one, or the Lord, God, shall find new shepherds.”

            And so, as they arose, they arose as one. And once again, for three year they did mingle their crop, this time never to divide. And the crop did coveth the land. And the shepherds did prosper, and the sheep did prosper.

            Now we say unto you, the parable we have told unto you is a parable of your time. We have told you before that where no water flowed water would flow, that that was desert that should bloom forth into gardens, that that that was forest and where the green meadows grew would become deserts. The time is at hand, the erosion of the land.

            We have told you within the parable of that that has happened before within your organization -- because of your quarrels, because of your non-unity.

We are here but for one purpose and that purpose shall be the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are here to give healing into the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of man. We are here to prepare a way. Heed our words, or your land shall see three-thousand years of darkness, not as you should count, but as our Lord should count, and each day should be as a thousand years.

            We have told you of the time of the valley beneath the sea. [Editor’s note: the Yuma, Arizona area.] We have told you of the time of the earthquakes, of the hurricanes and the eruptions of the land. All you have seen and felt. We have also told you that we would bring forth the knowledge to protect yourselves and your flocks. Therefore, we say unto you, study well the words of the parable. Think before you should act in anger or jealousy. Knowledge is born in the minds of men through the whispering winds of the voice of our Lord.

            We have named those who should become ordained ministers. But first they must serve as teachers. And therefore, in your month of June the one known as [9-10-74-001], the one known as [7-27-74-001], and the one known as [10-5-74-004] shall all become teachers. Prepare, therefore, the robes as such, and we shall be present, and the Lord, God, shall be present.

            This does not mean that they should not continue their studies, for they shall reap their own harvest. But to become a teacher is but the beginning. Each of these three have asked for a way to serve. We have provided that that they have asked.

            Prepare now for these lean years ahead, but prepare by preparing your people. Take forth your teachers’ courses, that more teachers should come forth, and more ministers should come forth.

            And we say unto you, prepare now unto this that shall be known as the book, The Psychic Gift before the Dawn. We shall give you further information from time to time on this, thy subject.

            But strengthen thy warehouses and fill of them with seed and tool. We say unto you, prepare not but one warehouse, but three, and then we shall say unto you, prepare more.

            We should say unto the one known as [8-27-73-001] and [11-26-71-002], prepare thyselves to come before the ankh as one, for that that should be made in heaven shall be made on earth as such.

            We should also say unto you, as of two weeks has passed, contact the person who is taking care of your non-profit status, that a fire may be lit underneath the burro.

            We know you have many questions and many thoughts within your mind. One of those is the fear of the journey of soul Ray into the city of Tucson. We should say unto you, prepare therefore among four among you that should be present when the reading takes place.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. One moment.

Yes. Yes, we see this. Yes.

Then we should answer into the one who asks this question, “Into the land unto which I dwell, what danger lies there for myself and my family?” And we shall say unto you, we shall go before you and prepare a way. A time shall come when the land shall no longer be safe unto you. But as the three years of the fat sheep, reap from the harvest now.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for privacy.]


Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona