August 20, 1975

Phoenix, Arizona



Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer at this time. For the Lord, God, has said unto you, “WORSHIP NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME, AND PLACE NO FALSE IDOLS UNTO YOUR PLACE OF WORSHIP.”

And we say unto you, many should come unto you, and bear false witness unto the words of the Lord. And we say unto you, woe unto them.

For he who should come unto you and speak and say unto you, “I speak the words of the Lord, God,” is like a captain without a ship, for he shall never leave the shore, nor she shall never enter the kingdom of our Father. For he shall have committed the greatest sin of all, for he, or she, has brought forth unto the people a false god, one they would make of themselves.

The Lord, God, placed upon the Earth those who would see visions, and those who would interpret visions, those who would dream dreams, and those who would interpret the dreams. He brought forth many types of healers. Yet, when He combined all of these into what you would call, a psychic, He did so but for a purpose -- and that purpose is but one, in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, none other.

And he or she who should stand and bear false witness to make themselves greater in the eyes of man shall not become greater in the eyes of God, for you are the children of God, and God looks upon all in equal manner. Some He should give unto the gift of music of [the land], composer, another the gift to write, another the gift to dream of building with buildings and structures, but all should come from the same, the Lord, Father, your God.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [7-323-1…in Tempe], and she asks, ‘What is my purpose in being here on earth in this lifetime? What am I supposed to accomplish, spiritually speaking? What should I

be doing to forward my musical mission?’”

First we should say unto you in this manner, you were born in the land of Yuma, the land that once was beneath the sea, and before that was [of] mountains and valleys, and a beautiful land. Long before, this land did yield unto itself a karma. For [when] before, Jesus of Nazara did walk this earth in your land, in the land of Americans, his last footprints were upon the land of Yuma. And therefore, he did walk upon the sea with the promise to return again.

Many have come to change this thought. Upon this land the greedy came forth, and therefore, they built a prison to imprison man’s body. And much cruelty was done unto man, and unto the people, therefore, unto the same of the land. And therefore, as we have said before, karma was built.

You were born in the land of the Yuma, the city that should go back beneath the sea. But before it goes into the sea, the karma of the same [shall be] stricken from the city.

In your quest to bring forth your music that man may hear unto the beauty of the same, that that was needed was given to you at birth. All you must do is practice the gift that was given. Put gladness of heart back into man, that he may sing your praises unto the Lord.

You shall find in the folk lore of the Yuma Indian, much as the same as in the Hopi, that through the top of their heads did they shout unto the Lord their praises. And if they did not, then the top of the head would close, and they would see nothing and become blind, only to see with that of their eyes. When you see with your eyes, see with your soul, see with your spirit, and you shall see the greatest substance and beauty of the Lord’s handiwork.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, thank you, Aqua. A question from [7-313-2…in Phoenix], ‘Aka, I work at least 65 hours a week as an assistant manager at Hobo Joe’s Grand Avenue restaurant. This is taxing on my health and relationships and I need to know where and when I can be hired at a similar job with less taxing hours.’”

First we should answer in this manner. You have sought out the wrong calling, or the wrong profession. The ability lies within you, if you would continue your education, to become that of an attorney, that the laws of this land may be changed in such a manner that it should stand as a nation before God. The founders of [your] nation did write your Constitution, your Bill of Rights. They brought forth that of freedom of religion. Since that time, three million laws have been passed to suppress your rights. We say unto you, pursue the gift that was given. You are feeding the people of this world [food].

You have other questions, ask.

“From [7-313-3…in Mesa]; she asks, ‘I know and accept the truth of spirit. I am a new student on the path of awareness. How can I increase my ability to use my God-self in order to develop and manifest more spirit and psychic growth to help myself and others in this life?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. That the world should know of the coming of the Messiah, so should it take mankind. For as a brook should feed of the Seven Spirits of God that should run forth as a river, and the sands of the river should be as the spirits of man that should rush forth unto the ocean, and the ocean should be as the souls of man, and therefore, reach the lands upon the earth – only as those of true spirit [plan] and come forth into one house, laying aside their petty differences, respecting each other [in] the way they worship unto their God, can this be accomplished.

We say unto you, we have come forth but for one purpose, and that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Should we fail on our mission, then the Lord, God, shall take back that wonderful seed that He has implanted upon your earth, and [now] cannot destroy [in its maturity]. He shall [give] it back unto the heavens and you shall have three-thousand years of darkness upon the Earth. And man shall go back into his caves, and [plot, claw] and kill, and live [as an animal], [and worse than that happen.] So we should say unto you, bring forth in your tablet [form].

When we first came unto this land, and unto this nation, we did say unto the people, form thyselves [a group]. We did say unto them that they shall be known as the Spiritual Philosophy of God. And then, as the growth matured, we said unto them, form unto a new group, and it shall be called the Universal Philosophy. And so it has been done.

And then we did say unto them, prepare a teacher’s course with the teachings [thy may become] ministers. And we did say unto them, take no man, nor woman, from [    ] their religion. This should be founded to add to, in the works they already have, that what we have brought forth and the knowledge we have brought forth is for this time. We have come not to change the Laws of Moses, we have come not to change the prophecies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We have come for this time, for the time into which you live now, and the time you are [near], then for the next twenty-five [              ] years. If our work is accomplished, then the Earth shall know a thousand years of peace, but not as you would count, but as the Lord should count; and each day should be as a thousand years. The earth shall then be plentiful and bountiful [of all], and a new heaven and a new earth shall arise from the same. And the Messiah shall rule, not as a [group?], not as punishment, but as love. And for those who have not been [        ] at that time, then all, even the lost souls, shall be lifted from the earth, and they in turn shall have [another] choice, the choice to enter this new heaven and new earth. For the earth you build shall be your heaven, [a new heaven you have].

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. [7-313-4…in Tempe], and he asks, ‘Psychic and spirit experiences and knowledge are new for me. Some I can accept, while others I question. What can I do in order to have more understanding and find the answers for my growth and purpose of this life?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. We answered much of your question in the beginning of this reading, but we shall expound upon it further. There shall be many things that men and women shall say unto you. In this day and in this time, as the preparation for the Messiah should come about, there shall be many false prophets. Gather that within yourself as you would [gather] preserving life. If there was a great storehouse before you, and the Lord, God, appeared before you and said, “GO UNTO THE STOREHOUSE, FOR I SHALL SEND YOU INTO THE DESERT. GATHER ALL THOSE THINGS THAT ARE NEEDED TO GO UPON YOUR JOURNEY,” would you just run [around] and grasp at anything, or would you sit down first and ponder upon the words of the Lord? Take into consideration, first, the journey at hand; second, the routes and vehicles you shall travel upon; third, that which shall feed the mind, the body, the soul, and the immortal body of the same. When you enter the storehouse, gather these things, and that [for now]. But also, gather that that shall bring you back from your journey a better and richer person [because of your] truth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [7-313-5…in Tempe]: ‘Spirit has revealed many things and helped me to develop and use my God-self in different ways. Now I stand at several crossroads. Can you tell me what pathway is best for me to take and manifest in order to help myself and others in our future growth?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Within each person there is a quiet place within their mind. Should they look, they shall find a quiet pool and a candle that burns [ever shining]. If they enter this place in pureness of heart and intent in the helping of others, this is what you call the answers of the spirit.

We say unto you, should a man lose his hand, and pray unto the Lord, God, that he may use the other hand in the place of two, then those from both sides who have lost their hands shall be sent forth as teachers. When he has learned to use his hand, the one hand in place of two, his needs will not stop there. Then there will be more knowledge; therefore, new guides shall be sent forth. This cycle of is an ever-changing progress.

In the preparation for the work at hand, we have words that we have [spoken]. But remember, we can do nothing without our Father. We are not great. We are but the humble servants of our Father and yours. And we do not sleep. And therefore, nothing is hidden or covered for all [places] in man before our eyes. We are not one, for we are twelve, and the Thirteenth is the Lord, our Father. I am but the spokesman.

At one time, long ago, I walked upon this Earth of yours. Now I walk upon galaxies and universes. When I walked upon the Earth, I thought that the Earth was all there was. Yet in my heart I knew differently.

For we say unto you, as soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray, so the karma is the same. So the destiny is the same. And so once again we have seen [the Messiah].

Listen well unto our words. At first you will think [then] that we have spoke to you as [in] riddles. We did not, for there is much truth and knowledge within the words that we [have spoken]. Look deep within, for you have long awaited [them]. [You] see the Eagle fly once again in the preparation for the coming of a Messiah.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [7-310-1…in Phoenix]: ‘Dear Elohim, before I had the knowledge of the coming famine I had planned to move to New York this winter or spring and continue my operatic endeavors where they left off before my illness began. Now, God has almost completed my healing through soul Ray, and I am in a quandary, since I don’t know when the famine will be upon us, as to work here in the food program until 1976, then to move to New York for a period of years, and then into a safe place or to stay here and prepare with the idea that the famine is imminent?’”

First we should say unto you the parable of the [______].

As in the time of Joseph, the lean years lie ahead, for the Fifth Angel walk[s] upon the earth.

But we say unto you, if the Lord, God, said unto you, “GO UNTO THE DESERT, AND THERE WE SHALL FIND FOR YOU CLEAN WATER FROM A NEW WELL,” when you reached the new well would you refuse to drink because it was not thy own well? Or would you say, “Thank you, oh God, the water is sweet?”

We should say unto you, for those who are willing to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, let them drink where they must, for they can use [of our] spirit [in] this [       information], for the lands across the Earth must be touched. We shall provide for their needs – not for their wants, but for their needs.

If one should touch ten, and ten shall touch a hundred, and a hundred shall touch a thousand, and a thousand shall touch a million, and so on, then the work can progress, only in that manner.

[To complete] this task, they shall be as a mirror, for those who should look into you shall see a part of themselves. As they see an inward part that should add to their wealth of knowledge and comfort of soul, then they should bid you enter.

The healing has been brought about through the knowledge implanted in soul Ray’s mind, [it was] a gift of God unto his hands and mind.

Journey as you wish, without fear, with the knowledge that wherever you journey, you can never go so far that in your thoughts we are not with you.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [7-313-6], ‘Will I make the trip to San Diego, California? The end of the month will I see the man I want to see, and does he like me and love me a little?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. The answer is, yes. But we should also answer in this manner. Liking and loving is two different things. And loving and liking are another. To love one [and liking] them [has its] rich rewards. To love and dislike will bring bad results, and give of the two karmas, one [and the both].

Ponder upon the words we have spoken. Seek out the truth within yourself, and act accordingly.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [7-313-5], ‘At this time in my life would it be best for me to continue a career in education or to marry the boy to whom I am engaged to now?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your questions in this manner. Do of both. If you were sent into the field to harvest a field and you knew not how, you would bring in a very poor harvest. And so it would be true if you marry without the education, for both could contribute into happiness and mature a marriage.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [6-283a-9], ‘Please give me guidance for immediate future and long range. Advise me on what I need to know.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and shall answer in this manner. Seek ye not of the false prophets. Look into the wisdom of the instrument we have brought unto you for safe keeping. Put the efforts, therefore, into the same. Soul Ray did interpret your dream. We shall go one step further in the interpretation. Without effort placed forth, [of] the fullness and the reality of the light and the sound of man’s mind, [in the mind] the brain, all of this [knowledge] can be slowed down. There is much work yet to be done in this field. As you have heard before, it is but “one step for mankind,” and one step for God, a gift unto mankind.

We have seen unto your needs of the building of [the] equipment. There is much yet to be done.

Neither your country nor your state can see the importance of this work. Should not this work go on, there are countries upon the Earth, those who are [pupilars] of the Beast, and shall be from the Beast, who shall conquer the Earth with such knowledge. This knowledge must not languish at your feet, until a full evaluation may be handed unto all at this time, and not be handed [in their state] unto these people, for they should worship the Anti-Christ, and his time of bringing his [puppets is] near at hand. That that might save mankind could be your medicine of tomorrow.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Aka, from [7-313-48] and is here, present tonight, ‘My present employment appears to be about over. Should I retire? I am considering seeking employment in foreign countries.’”

We should answer your question in this manner. Your thoughts of retiring is good. But if you [went]… [Editor’s note: the microphone is being bumped as it is moved, so some words cannot be heard.] If you go unto a foreign country you shall be but an instrument, a tool, which shall later be used for warfare.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [7-313-9…in Tempe], ‘I need family information from my father, Ralph Barnard Trousdale, who passed over in 1933 on Long Island, N. Y. Who were Isabella and Robert Trousdale who were witness at our parents’ marriage, and what relation?’”

We cannot see this. And we can find no truth within the [         ] of [       ] questions.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I have no further written questions here tonight.”

We shall answer in this manner. And the one intended for shall know. You have long wondered why we should send our instrument here, to work in this land, in this place. We sent him forth that you might see the wisdom that had been placed at his disposal, that you had seen the gift that God should hand unto the Earth. You have long sought to sell and dispose of this place, and you have asked unto him many times to provide a way. And we have heard. And we shall answer your question in this manner. Now, if this is thy intent, and thy shall cast aside the work we have laid before you, then we shall now grant that of thy wish.

But we ask unto you, before thy ask again this night, make certain that that that thy ask for is that that thy truly want and need. And so we shall give strength unto those who should ask in the name of the Lord, our God.

Glory be the name; glory be the power. Glory unto the children that [wait? wake?] [the flower(s)].

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awakwn soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

The quality of the transcript is not what we would have liked it to be because the microphone was placed too far away from Aka speaking through Ray’s body to be clearly heard. However, this transcript has been compared to the audio tape to try to improve accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona  85501