August 23, 1975

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this way. For as the heavens and earth did come together, and so arose from the earth the sea, and as the Seven Spirits of God did lay their hands upon the sea, and the waters parted and rose the land, and the heavens filled with stars all around and about, and from the earth did spring all goodly things of beauty, and all did sing their praise unto the Lord. And trees did come forth in [abundantful] amounts, and flowers and grass upon the ground, and plants, abundance of many kind, and food to feed both of the sea and of the air and of the earth was [abundantful]. And the heavens did rejoice and the earth did rejoice, for all was good and in harmony, for there was food for all. Now once again food for all has been placed upon the earth. As the Seventh Angel walks upon the earth, so before him should walk the makers of the Earth, and their love for their handiwork is greater than that of the Seventh Angel. [See The Revelation, chapters 6-11.]

We say unto you, as in the time of Pharaoh, prepare the land, for soon shall come the earth’s time for slumber. And the earth shall not be productive, for as the trees should sleep the earth should sleep in slumber, much as man, to restore its strength and heal its wounds. Fear not that that is to come. Fear not that that has passed, for tomorrow shall bring a new beginning. And all man shall look upon it and say, “This is good, for this is the handiwork of our Father.”

Praise be unto those who should till the land. Praise be unto those who should build the cities. Praise be unto those who should dig the well to bring forth clear water, for all and each in their separate ways shall be the instruments of our Lord.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question for a health reading request for [7-314-1…Phoenix]. ‘Aka, will you please tell soul Ray how to cure me. I am losing nerve control and muscle tone. I have degeneration in some muscles.’”

We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. That that has been done shall continue to be done with the biotherapy treatments.

            We should add further into this in this manner. If the ion units were placed on a north-south axis, placing the units nine feet precisely in distance one from the other, placing them exactly three feet above the surface of the earth -- they must be precisely level, placing the head to the north, the feet to the south -- the subject as such should be placed exactly three feet from the surface on exact level with the ion units. The therapy should start with 30-minute intervals each day, increasing unto the third hour, with the continued therapy of that of the swimming to restore the degenerated muscular tone. Further information on this subject shall be given from time to time.

            Thirdly, we would suggest that the subject lose the fear within himself, for this, in itself, is the greatest destructive force, therefore, in the subject matter. As we have said before, the past is the past, the present is the present. You can make your own future. But that that should be the crippling disease should be manifested more greatly in the mind, and from the mind unto the body; therefore, with the light and tone changes within the mind substance, healing should continually be brought forth. But it must be done on a gradual basis. If this is brought forth too fastly, the degenerated nerve substance should become mutate, and therefore, not in control of the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [2-30-2]  asks, ‘When I was a small child I attended a masquerade ball where a young woman dressed as Salome carried on a  platter a realistic wax reproduction of the severed head of John the Baptist. I have been haunted by this ever since, and it bothers me so much lately that I cannot sleep. Can you tell me a reason for this?’”

            Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this manner. As the garden is weeded, there are those who would rather eat the weeds than the fruit.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Aka, [7-301-1] asks a number of questions. One, ‘How can I finalize my healing?’”

            We shall answer in this manner, the faith and knowledge within the mind – a cripple can only be a cripple as long as the mind allows it to be. The continued therapy, with full cooperation, which you have not extended as yet, in biotherapy; you have been lazy, uncooperative, and therefore, the healing as such cannot be completed.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘What would be the best career for me to pursue, and what is the quickest way for me to become financially independent.’”

            Go to work, period.

            You have other questions, ask.

            One final question from her, ‘Also, should I pay Dr. J___ F__?’”

            If labor is due, and the labor is honest, pay of the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Aka, [7-314-2…Woodside, California] asks, ‘Please give guidance and direction for me at this time. Should I go to California and go to medical assisting school? Thank you.’”

            (Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need. You have gone forth for healing and have received the same, both mentally and physically. If the schooling was all thy desired, this would be a good thing, but you seek even that of the past. We say unto you, the past is the past. Walk on unto your future and let it become bountiful. If one should plant a tree, and seek the fruit the same day, they shall not receive it. But if they should plant the fruit tree, cultivate it, and tend it well, then the fruit shall be bountiful and sweet unto thy taste.

            We say to you, you have made progress in the ability to make your own decisions. Soul Ray has implanted that in your mind with the use of biotherapy. He has taken nothing from your mind, only added to, the ability to make a decision, to carry it out, and to gather the fruit from the same tree. Continuing to run will accomplish nothing. Stand in one place, and let the tree grow.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a number of questions from [5-206-2…Flagstaff]. He asks, ‘What is the meaning of the rapture as spoken of in the book of Revelations?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. If a tree should grow and in its use be bent by the wind, yet straighten again and reach toward the heavens, you should look at it and think in your mind that it has been deformed. And we say unto you, nay, it has but straightened itself unto the heavens.

            But should a tree let the wind rule it, then it shall continue to grow in a crooked line. Its line expectancy shall be short, for its own weight as it grows shall kill its own roots. From the root of man, so shall be the soul and the spiritual substance of the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. He asks, ‘Will Mount Baker in Washington State erupt in the next year?’”


            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. He says, ‘Seth, who speaks through Jane Roberts, speaks of all lives as being simultaneous on one level of the whole self, seen as reincarnation on another level of the whole self. Could you comment on this?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. Beauty, or life, is seen through the eyes of the beholder. If ten men stood side by side and watched a deer pass by, each would describe it differently. So should you have knowledge changed in each mind. But the truth within itself would be that all ten saw the deer. You are all parts of that that you have ever been. Our Father has many mansions; each is great to behold. If our Father had but one child He would but need but one mansion. For His children are as different as the raindrops that fall upon the earth, and so are their beliefs.

The Lord, God, asks but two things. Love unto the Lord one-tenth of the love that He should give unto His children, and unto your fellow man in the same manner.

            The Lord, God, set no rules unto the worship of Himself. Man has built many temples. But we say unto you, as the one known as Jesus of Nazara did say, destroy this temple and we shall rebuild it in three days.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. He says, ‘Seth says that beliefs create experiences in a very literal way. Could you comment on this?’”

            We have already answered this question. We shall comment in this manner -- that that that man believes he is, he is. But much as a man should believe he could conquer the Earth, he conquers only until he finds one who can conquer better than himself. A man may think unto himself that he could build a temple greater than God’s. We shall answer in this manner. The Lord, God, is a jealous God -- not as you would think of jealousy, for these, you, are His children. Many men and many women throughout time have sought to set themselves above God. We shall say unto you, in this time of yours, when each man seeks his own job, it would be a sad day when you should try to take the job of God. But we say unto you, let the teacher be no greater than the student, nor the student no greater than the teacher. But you must be a teacher to know that that you are teaching, but first you must have been a pupil.

            But if you close your mind, and put two doors, one on the front and one on the back, then nothing can leave it and nothing can enter, and therefore, you have a vacuum of empty space. If the doorways are left open, knowledge as you will see it from day to day shall change and grow and become bountiful and fruitful, much as a tree you would plant. If you only allowed it to become two-foot tall, and each time it reached to be larger than that you cut the top away, the trunk would become heavy, but it would bear little fruit. Yet, the same tree, allowed to grow and be properly pruned, such as the mind should prune certain thoughts, bears much fruit.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, I have another question; [it] says, ‘There is a saying that everything has the same value, through different natures and uses. Could you comment on this?’”

            We shall say unto you that all matter should come from the same source. It is only the molecule difference that should make you different from a stone. Therefore, it is but the thought of God that makes you man. But of yet, it is but the thought of man that should change him from a beast unto man.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “I have one final question, Aka. ‘It has been said that everything is an idea, and experiences are ideas in living motion, not after-the-fact things or abstracts. Could you comment on this?’”

            (Chuckle) We should answer in this way. You have lost your hand. The hand is gone, but yet, it is not. If you can grow from the seed of man in the womb of woman a child, and the see the birth, is this abstract, or is this the miracle of the living God?

            We shall answer one other question. For those who should seek to fence with words, words are but a tool, yet truth will last forever.

            We shall answer that in the mind of one in such a manner that only this one shall know who we should speak to. Many of you shall say, “This is for me.” It shall not be; it should only be for this one we should speak.

            Wounds are made that can create scars, but no wound is too deeply made that the scar cannot be removed. But we should say unto you, “Physician heal thyself.”

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. New eruptions shall occur in the North American Continent. Many eruptions shall occur off the Pacific coastline, from the tip of the Alaskans down through your South American countries. Hurricane and tornado shall continue. As we have said before, soon the earth shall sleep. You winter is close at hand.  Prepare there for the same.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona  85501