February 8, 1975

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For we should tell unto thee the parable of the tree that grew upon a mountaintop, and a shepherd who brought his flock day by day unto the mountaintop.

And as his sheep should graze, the shepherd would sit beneath the tree to contemplate upon his own spiritual growth among mankind. And each day that he contemplated he thought within himself, “I can see no growth at all.”

And then one day came forth unto him a visitor. The visitor looked humble and poor, and the shepherd offered him food. The visitor took of his food and thanked him. And as they were about their meal the visitor looked up into the shepherd’s eyes and said unto him, “You think yourself a failure, both spiritually and in man’s eyes, because you are a shepherd. You think you have accomplished nothing and grown not at all.” And then he looked into the shepherd and said, “How long have you sat beneath the tree; how many years?”

The shepherd said, “Oh, I came unto this place when the tree was but very small, but now the tree has grown and it gives great shade and comfort unto me.”

The visitor asked unto him, “Do you ever talk unto the tree?”

And the shepherd said, “Yes, I have talked many times unto the tree, for I have no one else to talk unto.”

“And as you speak unto the tree,” said the stranger, “do you speak of the truth? Do you tell of the tree of the days that you feel no growth? Do you tell of the tree your laughter and your tears?”

And the shepherd said unto him, “Oh, yes. I tell of the tree unto all things.”

“And has this tree ever spoken back unto you?” said the stranger.

And the shepherd said unto the stranger, “Sometimes I seem to hear a voice from within, yet I know not whether it is the tree or me that speaks.”

And the stranger said, “Has the advice been good?”

And the shepherd said, “Oh, yes.”

And the stranger said unto him, “How has your flock done since you have visited the tree?”

And the shepherd said, “Oh, my flock has multiplied and increased tenfold.”

And so, the shepherd looked long unto the stranger, and he said unto the stranger, “Why do you ask so many questions unto me?”

And the stranger said unto him, “For many times you have spoke unto the tree as into yourself, and many times you have prayed unto the Lord as into yourself. You spoke no false words. There has been times when you have over-blamed yourself for things. There have been times when you have been boastrous. But both the tree that should come from God, and God, should look and see thy needs. Then all good things have come unto you.

“And we say unto you, then walk away from the tree and look back unto it.”

And the shepherd did so. And as he looked at the tree, what a magnificent tree stood before him.

But as he looked, flowers began to blossom. Yet, as they blossomed they began to wilt, and the fruit began to bear forth upon the tree, and it ripened and fruit began to fall from the tree. And the shepherd said, “Let us hasten forward and gather such bountiful fruit. I have never seen of such.”

And the stranger said, “The fruit is that which thought has been placed into it, your thought. And the Lord has provided your harvest, as He has provided for your sheep. Then before we gather your harvest, should we not thank the Lord for the same?”

The shepherd did of such. Yet the more he picked, the more the tree produced.

And soon he grew weary of picking, and he turned unto the stranger, and said, “How do we stop such a thing?”

And the stranger said unto himself, “This must come from within you. You asked that the tree bear fruit. Now the tree has brought fruit forth. You asked for a sign to show your own spiritual growth and what you should mean unto the Lord, and the answer has been brought forth in tenfold. But stop gathering the fruit of the tree. Instead let your sheep eat of the fruit.”

The shepherd thought, and he said, “This is too fine a fruit for my sheep.”

And the stranger said unto him, “For you are like the sheep unto our Father, for you are a child of our Father. Our Father has seen fit to provide you of all things of His kind, of His likeness. He denied you nothing. Would you in turn deny the sheep that God has given unto your keeping?”

The stranger started to walk away with these words, and the shepherd said, “Wait, sir.”

And the stranger said, “Nay, for you must learn the lesson, and then in truth you will be ready for the truth.” And so he passed away.

The shepherd thought over the words of his special tree and the knowledge. Then he decided that his flock must harvest from the tree. And so it did.

Yet as each ewe ate the fruit, so it reproduced a lamb. And each lamb that ate from the tree grew and reproduced. And so it went.

Now we say unto you, and you should say unto us, once again you have spoken as unto riddles. And we say, nay.

You have brought forth unto this Student Teacher’s course. Apply the parable to the course, and you shall see the answer. For the tree could seldom see itself grow. And the man could not see itself grow because it had become overshadowed by the tree. Yet, regardless of their thoughts, they both matured and bore the fruit of God unto the many children, unto the many lands.

The course has been designed to separate those who would serve from those who could serve not. Many times the master should say unto himself, “I shall walk away from this load.” Yet he looks unto himself and knows he cannot. This must be instilled in your students, for there’ll be times, many times, when your students will think they have time to walk away.

We shall say unto one, we have placed flowers at your feet. We have brought your dreams into reality. We have brought you here for a purpose. Much as the Lord did not explain to the shepherd of His purpose, we shall not explain unto you, for this must come from the faith from within yourself. If you should find that faith continue. But we say unto you, one who should walk away does not only harm themselves, but many, many others that they might teach, that they might help. Each gesture that has been brought forth has been brought forth as we instilled the thought into others, all for a purpose.

You have other questions, ask. We shall explain at this time, the questions should be direct and to the point. Because of soul Ray’s health they should not be lengthy, for your reading shall not be lengthy.

“Yes, Aka.[4-18-74-001], asks, ‘Will there be a breakdown in our economic system with a closing of banks and other financial institutions within this year, this next year?’”

There is already a breakdown in your economic situation. We have told you repeated times that this would happen. But it will not constitute the closing of your banks, as such. You shall be faced with an inflationary depression which shall go forth and have a reign of two and a half years more. At that time, should your Government and your people not be foolish, the time should elapse.          But we should warn you, should your Government indebtedness unto itself and its people and unto the other countries of the world continue at the rate it has, then your currency shall be worth nothing. If the right steps are taken at this time, then the currency of your Government shall level off and be worth even more than it was. [Editor’s note: the U.S. Government.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [11-26-71-002] asks, ‘What is the significance of the name of Mark given to me in telling me of the lessons to be learned?’”

We shall answer in this manner, this must be found within thyself. We shall say unto you -- that little is within the name, but within the purpose of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, you have referred to the thirteenth tribe of Israel. Can you tell us anything about this?”

Yes, we should answer unto you in this manner, that that of your Indian nation should be of the thirteenth tribe of Israel. But it should also be that that it is of the Hopi. But you must realize, in the migrations many names were changed, many customs were changed, and much was forgotten. And much was added to.

When you think of the Hopi, think unto yourself, there and into there, these people, stood a great civilization which they destroyed unto themselves. Their cultures, their knowledge of architecture and building was far superior than what you have today. Yet they made war. And war.    Much of what has happened to them could happen to you tomorrow; you should walk away from your knowledge. When you do, you shall have nothing left but legends. Beware.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [2-8-75-001] asks, ‘Is the New Testament of our Bible an accurate, truthful account of the teaching and ministry of Jesus Christ?’”

We shall answer unto the same, nay. It is a reasonable account with much taken out and much added to. Jesus did not write of the Bible. Man did of such. The true records of the time should lie in Egypt beneath the tomb of Cairo. You shall find the records in that of the land of Yucatan. You shall find the records that shall bear fruit soon upon your own land, in this land. But you should also find them in that which is known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. You have brought forth much knowledge, yet you have been only able to interpret one-tenth of one percent of the written words left behind. Shall you leave the same marks upon the earth?

Soul Ray now grows weary.

We shall say unto you unto these words, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New tornados and earthquakes shall erupt across the land. You shall find that where no tornados or earthquakes were recorded before, suddenly they shall appear.

We shall answer one other question within your minds. The harnessing of the cosmic- magnetic energy flow should be brought about within a two-year time. Other energy for your population should be sought out, and continue to develop.

Words spoken well are good, but only should there be action placed behind them. You shall find that your politicians spend more time squabbling among themselves than they do in the things that should be done today, not tomorrow.

We should say, in the land of the isles of California earthquakes shall erupt. Across the Pacific seaboard, on both sides, earthquakes shall erupt. Earthquakes shall erupt in your Atlantic seaboard. They should erupt in the mid-continental states. But even should the Earth shift its surface and arrange its face, man shall adapt to this. Make your own selves ready for this time.

Your harvests once again this year shall be lean. Make the preparations.

We should also instruct that that of your newsletter should carry more of how to prepare. Take all of the knowledge, not part of the knowledge given to you. Take it forth unto the people, for as we may speak, we may only speak unto a few. And only a few may hear our voices. But as you should place our words into print and send them forth, then many should see and learn from the same. But we have placed knowledge into many of your people’s minds. Use all of this knowledge.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.