January 4, 1975

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For we have said unto thee that we should give unto thee life. All things must come in fulfillment. That that has been written in the beginning must be fulfilled in the ending.

Therefore, we gave unto you the means to baptize. We gave unto you the means for marriage. We gave unto you that of offering up thy dead unto the Lord. All of these things we have shown you, and all with a purpose.

For if you should plant of a field and do not tend it, then it should grow, and some parts of it should die away. Yet, it should grow without purpose, for the harvest should be little. But if thy plant of the field and tend it well, then growth and maturity shall come. And if your patience and inner self is that with the Lord and that with the plant, then the rain should come and the sun should shine, and the growth and fulfillment, both within yourself and the plant, shall come forth. And the plant shall bear fruit, and you shall see the miracle of the Lord at work.

            This same miracle you have seen many times in the birth of a child. Yet, you take the body, the temple of the Lord, unto which the miracle should come forth, and tend it not. If fruit should come forth from the woman’s womb, and it should be good fruit, that is only one part. Then the teaching of the child must come forth. But it must come forth in a manner of an open mind, that the child’s full potential may be brought forth.

            Many should seek of the opening of what you would call your sixth sense, yet it’s born within you in the beginning. You should teach a child to walk and talk and eat and sleep. You should teach a child to be sanitary. But none bothers to teach the child the use of the part of himself or herself that God brought forth, which was a miracle within itself.

            There shall be many children born during these times. They are times when all things shall change. The earth shall change its form, and so shall man in his biological structure. The time is now that your children should know of the ways that they may open their minds, not to close them, and not to say that all is truth for today or tomorrow, but more truth should come from the next and the next. These things are vitally important.

Tend your fields. Many of you say unto us, “We have this to do and that to do, and yet we have so much to do we can accomplish nothing.”

            We say unto you, take that which is before you as a gift, a precious thing, and do it well, to the best of your ability. Complete it, and then pass on to the next. But much as the earth shall change its form, so shall man. But even in its changing, the earth shall take time for rest. The earth shall take time for growth and renewing itself, and so should man.

            Many words shall be spoken. Many of them shall come from false prophets, for now is the time that was written in your book of the Hebrew of the time of the false prophets, for they shall come forth to mimic those who the true messages have been given by the Lord. And they shall speak as the ones, and they shall talk as the ones. And they will be those who [first] shall come forth and say that the ones who bear the gift of the Lord shall be false, that they have lost their powers, for they will refuse to walk on water for their sake.

           But we have told you before that nothing from either side should interfere with this work. We shall weed the garden, as the time is needed, and weed it well. For some the times will be harsh, for those will be the times of the testing.

It is easy for those who should come forth and say, “I shall do this and I shall do that.” But when the time is harsh, can they stand? Can they measure forth and continue to bear the cross?

            It is easier for those who would say, in the good times, when the rain should fall upon the crop, how glorious the Lord is before them. But when the rain does not come, and the soil of the earth grows dry, and all that grows upon it withers away, it must take a greater person to replant again, and again.

            We say unto you that the greater reward shall come from within yourselves. It is not something that we may hand you, the spiritual growth you seek. We can only give of you the tools.

            You have questions, ask.

            Yes, Aka. I have a question regarding the health on [1-25-74-001…Salem, Oregon]. And the question his parents ask for him is, ‘What is the cause of [1-25-74-001]’s recurrent illness, and is there any cure?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We shall say unto you, the cause of the reoccurring illness is that of pesticide poisoning, or defoliant poisoning, which is attacking the nervous system. It is also attacking the pancreas and the circulatory system; it is also attacking the respiratory system.

            We shall answer in this way. The blood within the child itself cannot at this time fight off – the needed antibodies within the body to destroy the foreign substance -- it has become weak. There are two manners unto which this could be remedied.

            First, we would suggest the use of negative ion units, placed on a north-south axis. We would suggest that the child be placed with its head to the north and the feet to the south. The units should be placed five feet from the head and five feet from the feet. The child should be placed in this position, starting in five-minute intervals, five minutes the first hour, 10 minutes the second hour, 20 minutes the third hour, and 30 minutes the fourth hour. This should be repeated for a 30-day period. If this is done, this in itself will give the body chemistry time to correct itself and the necessary ions within the system to correct that within the same.

            We would further suggest that these -- the use of the sage tea should be used, drinking one cup on each hour intervals during the wakening hours of the child.

            We would further suggest that that which is known as the mineral supplement unto which has been brought forth, the Negative Ion Mineral Supplement, could be used in this case. The necessary information is in soul Ray’s mind.

            It would further be suggested, if possible, that the child be brought forth for healing. If this is not possible, and the use of the above is used, then health shall be brought back unto the child.

            You have further information.


We would also suggest the use of the Jerusalem artichoke be used in the diet, that all sugar of any form be taken from the child and that of the tupelo honey be used it its place.


            You have other questions, ask.

            Thank you, Aka. Last week you were talking to [7-27-74-001] and you said that you would have more to say to him this time in regards to his move.”

            We see of thy need. We should answer in this manner. Within thy heart has grown a hardening between your wife and yourself; you have began to quarrel. This in itself is not the works of the Lord, but only the works of Satan, the Satan within thyselves. Should this continue, then you shall separate and go a different way. This should never happen.

The need for the work that we have brought forth shall come. If it is necessary for your financial needs that you should venture forth to obtain the financial needs for your family, you should do so. Start your missions as your wish, but do so in such a way that it should be fruitful, both for the spirit and the financial needs of you both. Both must have a purpose in life. Venture forth into your work, and plant your fields. Then bring your family forth unto that land.

But do not burn your fields behind you. Many times throughout history, times have grown into harsh times. When the men of the land went forth to hunt for the foods that was needed for their family, many of their women have stayed behind to tend their fields to see that these fields did not falter.

            But in the last of all things, it has never been our intention to interfere with your family lives. We have only given you suggestions. For the fulfillment of your own desires, you must make up your minds jointly. You have been chosen as a student. But a student must learn and practice what he has learned and put it into practice. This is needed.

You do not fully understand our words yet, but listen again to our words and you shall. And if you do not understand, then come and ask a third time and we shall elaborate further upon the knowledge you seek.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. You gave an answer to [10-5-74-003] once in which you stated he and his wife were married under the ankh, and born under the ankh, and that all was laid forth before their birth in preparation for the work they were to do. And you said study long upon the words that you had given and that there would be a secret meaning, and that if they did not understand this to come back. And [10-5-74-003] says, ‘I have studied the words of the reading and I don’t understand what the secret meaning is.’”

            We should say unto you, you have become pupils. The day shall come forth when you shall become teachers. You have already found the secret meaning; you have sought out information for the survival of the people. Your missions shall come as teardrops upon a desert. Each step as you should walk forth you shall find more meaning to.

The child, the first child, which you asked for, has already been born unto you. And you asked the date of conceivement, and we gave unto you the date of conceivement, for the child was the preparation for the coming of the Messiah which you have made in yourselves. Now you are ready that a seed shall be planted and grow.

The first part of our reading was an answer unto your question. Study it well. After you have listened to both, and placed both your first reading and the first part of this reading and the words we have spoken together, and still do not understand the words we have spoken, come back and we shall answer farther.

            Now, we should answer unto the question of the one known as [7-22-74-003]. And it is a private thing, yet the answer shall be given. They, both her husband and herself, have sought long for the conceivement of a child. And we answer unto you, do you not remember Elizabeth? [See Luke, chapter 1.]

Do you not remember Sarah? [See Genesis 21:1-7.]

That that you ask for shall be rewarded. Be patient, and that, the gift unto which you have asked the Lord, shall come in fulfillment.

            But we have said unto you, the child into which you ask for shall be a special child. And therefore, the time and the preparation for its implantment will not be your own choosing, for it shall come of its own free will, for it should come upon the earth with a mission. You have asked, and so, the spirit that shall enter has asked -- and the spirits of Aka have asked -- and the Lord has seen that which would be placed upon the earth, but it shall be in the Lord’s time. Further information on this subject shall be given at a different time.

            We say once again, unto [10-5-74-003] and [10-5-74-004], that unto which comes unto your keeping comes from your love that our Father sees, and from love comes the greatest conceivement of all things. Think back once again of how your love has matured.

As it was written long ago, your marriage under the ankh was part of the fulfillment, for it was written, and it shall be fulfilled.

            Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows very weary. There are many questions which are in your minds.

We say unto you, now is the time when the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Earthquakes and winter storms shall come forth in abundance. Pestilence and famine shall reign, but for the children of God who should walk together, the Fifth Angel shall walk past them.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona  85501