January 11, 1975

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For as man should look upon the cold of winter and wish upon the warmth of spring, so should the kindling in his heart be sparked as the spiritual growth comes forth within his soul.

We have talked to you many times of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. But now we should explain, for there has been much confusion.

            As has been said before, that at first there was God. And God bore children of His kind. And the Seven Spirits of God did come forth. And therefore, the thought of God was the spirit of man. But the spirit was not enough.

            And then He sent forth unto the Seven Spirits to build the earth, and the universe, and universes on end. He said, “LET THERE BE NO BEGINNING AND NO ENDING. LET THE EXPANSION FOR MY CHILDREN BE FRUITFUL, AS THEY SHALL BE FRUITFUL.”

            And He said unto the Seven Spirits, “LET THERE BE MAN, AND HE SHALL BE IN MY IMAGE.” And so, from the matter of the earth cast forth unto the form of man.

At first he was of a fragile thing, of energy form only.

And then as man, the man-beast, began to develop and grow, God in His wisdom knew yet again that this was not enough. And so, the Sons of God did look upon the daughters of man and find them fair, and so did enter and become earthbound.

            But when man and woman were complete God looked upon them and said, “THIS IS GOOD, AND SO IT SHALL BE.” [See Genesis, chapter 1 and 2:1-4.]

            But as a well-tuned instrument, man soon, in his boredom, in his ever-seeking mind, as his Creator’s mind, he started to create, first with flaws. And in the creation he created unto himself his own world.

Some said, “Let us go back into the spiritual form.”

            Others said, “No, let us go forward and seek out that that lies before us.”

            The wiser said unto them all, “Let us do both. Let us become unto ourselves the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body shall rise, and that shall be that that has cometh from God and shall return unto God.”

            Between your language barrier and ours we shall try to have you understand. We have said before, we do not sleep. And we shall explain in the parable, that as the sun was made it should shineth through eternity. But as the earth should turn and wobble upon it axis parts of the earth shall be in darkness, only to be re-lighted again by the sun. And God, in the same manner, should find His children that should wander from their paths, only to return back into the warmth of their Father.

            In your days of trial and tribulation you should say unto us, “What manner of beings are these?” We have tried to explain unto you, then from which we come, matter, as your know it, is not as your matter, for much as you in the beginning were of pure energy form, so are we. But that you may see us, for those who should, then we should place ourselves in the form of man. This would be readily acceptable into your mind’s eye.

            But soon upon your earth others of your own kind, who have come forth from other worlds, from other environments, shall come upon your earth, some larger, some smaller. Their lungs, their respiratory systems, all shall be of a different kind. Yet they will be from all the same seed, for man should change to adjust to his environment.

            Now, you may seek unto these who’ve come forth in peace and make war upon them, and in turn, they can divert back and make war upon you. Or you can learn from them much, of their technology, as once before your people learned from those of another planetary system. We say unto you, that that they should bring should make your preparation for the coming of the Messiah much easier. It should fill the bellies of the needy. It shall bring warmth unto your houses and unto your hearts. Do not turn away from these.

            There are other planetary systems who are much on the same level as your own, that at this moment are sending forward robot-controlled spacecraft. As you have found out, there is nothing to replace the brain of man, and nothing that can be built, except by God, that would replace this. For it should have compassion when compassion is needed. It shall have strength when strength is needed. It shall render judgment. It shall make decisions. And it shall reign upon heaven and earth. You have encountered some of these robot-controlled crafts; but as you yourselves have done, you have sent probes into outer space. You have not realized that the dimension of speed and speech makes yours and theirs pass by one another; soon this barrier shall be overcome.

            You shall continue, the land shall continue to have tornado and hurricane-type storms. This shall sweep unto the earth. The wheat and the harvest of the wheat shall be in jeopardy.

We should say unto you, as was said one before unto Abraham, let prayer come up from the [news] who would change. There is much that can be done with your minds in the changing of the weather form, and the earth’s movements within the same.

            With what we have said we have satisfied and answered none of the question that you have had ready for us to answer. But we have answered long-standing questions within your minds.

            We shall go on to say unto you, that the children of God shall come in many forms. Your technology shall increase even greater than it has ever known before. Remember, control your technology, your science, that it may serve you and you do not serve it. But do not be afraid of the advancements that shall come upon the earth so rapidly -- the changing in the earth’s form, the storm of different value, the earthquakes, the volcanic action which will erupt across the earth. None of these things you should fear, for you shall be warned before you are in danger, that your lives may continue to serve and function in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

            We shall explain now unto soul Ray’s dream that the pathway should be through El Paso. We have opened up the doorways that many organizations who are seeking the same knowledge that you yourselves are seeking should come together and join hands. You shall have to be diplomatic in the handling of such procedures.

            Now soul Ray weakens, and therefore, we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: The transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona  85501