January 25, 1975

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            And we should say unto you that all that was in the beginning shall be as they were in the ending.

            And you say unto us, “How can this be true?”

            And we have told unto you that the earth has a time when the winter should come and the earth should rest, and the leaves upon the trees should fall away. And then should come the spring, and the leaves should come forth as buds and then into leaves. But the leaf that was but a leaf should slowly grow and become a branch upon the tree. We say unto you, then should come the time of growth and maturity. Yet not one leaf shall fall until it has learned the lesson of the tree. The leaf must learn the lesson that should it become a tree, it should fall from the tree and come from the root and the seed, and therefore, new life shall come forth.

We have told you before of the body and that it within itself should be the temple of God. And it should assume its passageway from birth, much as a ship should cross the sea, it could confront many storms; yet it should continue its journey. But only as the ship when it reaches its destination, it should start upon a new voyage again. The voyage should be the soul of man through the lifespan.

            We have told you before that the spirit is the thought of God which should always remain in man and become part of man. And through the voyage, should the tree and the leaf all learn of the same lesson, at the end of the voyage the spiritual form should be carried to its final journey into the immortal body, only to be born again.

            We should say unto you these things, ask in our Father’s name and it shall be given. But it should be given in a righteous manner that should take not away from anyone’s free will -- for this was a gift from our Father in the beginning, and so it must be in the ending. As each should reach forth into our Father’s many mansions, they should bring forth all they have ever been, and they should leave along the way of their journey the knowledge they have gained. In this manner, this part of them, much as your world, should never end. For man is like the planet you live upon. For each you should meet should become much as the moon unto the Earth, and much as the sun unto the moon and the Earth, for there is a purpose for all, that growth and maturity should come.

            As you serve in your journey, you shall seek unto yourself your own reward, without the violation of the free will.

You say unto us, “Once again you speak as unto riddles.”

            Yet we say unto you, nay. For among you have come what you would call death unto three of you. Yet we say unto you, for our Father has gone before each to prepare a way.

            One shall wait a while, and gain knowledge, and come forth and add to, unto what is already here.

            Another shall do the same.

            But the third shall come forth in a child yet to be born. And the child, you shall know her, and she shall know you, for the seed is planted in another land. The entry was conceived before the passageway was ready, and therefore, the entry was taken back, that the entity of the same might enter. Now all is in readiness, and the buds upon the tree shall grow again. But they should come back with the knowledge of where they have been.

            Let the words we have spoken flow as a brook unto a river, unto an ocean. Let the winds pick them up and carry them into the many lands as seedlings and pollen, that the fruit upon the tree should be sweet unto thy taste.

Many should come forth and say unto you, “Then those who walked in a righteous manner, why should they wither away?”

            And we say unto you, they have not withered away; they have but changed their form, only to return again.

            If you cannot conceive from our words, then we shall say unto you, as the one known as Jesus said unto Thomas, “Then, therefore, feel of my wounds, and you shall see I am but of the same, only my form has changed upon this day.” The resurrection and the crucifixion was to show unto you that even though the temple was destroyed it could rise again in three days. And so it has, and so it shall be. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

            We are here but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. In that purpose we seek to fulfill the pathways of many. We seek to help them to retain the knowledge that they should need, for they go before you to prepare the way for the coming. For has it not been promised, a new earth and a new heaven? And has it not been said that all that have passed before shall rise again?

And so they shall. All was for a purpose.

You say unto us, “Why then was this one’s life spared so many times and yet taken?”

And we say unto you, that that she asked for in the name of the Lord was given in all ways, for now all is in complete.

            You say unto us, “Then how could she shed her tears for the passing of a child when she knew that the vessel was her own?” But soon as the conceivement and the vessel shall be made ready.

            But the winds blow on, and the earth should turn, and the seasons should change. And so should man in his journey across his lifespan. We say unto you, therefore, build unto thyselves an ark that thy journey shall be a safe one. But in the building allow room for thy neighbor and thy neighbor’s neighbor.

            The times that lay ahead of you shall be harsh times, yet they shall be good times. Remember, there is a time for all things. And laughter is the greatest tool of all, for it is part of loving, and part of faith, and part of hope.

            We say unto you these words. For three stood beneath the cross, and three drops of blood did flow upon their forehead, and they know that the crown of roses, the thorns were taken away.

            We have laid into your hands A Rose without Thorns. Seek within it the knowledge we have given, and prepare to make a place for A Psychic Gift before the Dawn, for each shall be in preparation for the Book with Wings, for each shall be a chapter within the same.

            You have come forth with many questions. We have answered the questions most deep-seated in your hearts. We have said that we would allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work, and it should have helpers from both sides for the completion of this work. So you have lost nothing, you have only added to what you have already had, only in abundance. Provide the yeast, and we shall provide the bread and the wine.

            Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. In your next month ahead new earthquakes once again shall ripple the land. Tornados and hurricanes shall sweep the lands. Your politicians shall snap and fight as mad dogs, one unto the other. Yet out of it all a time of peace shall come.

We say unto you, fear not that man should cut away your hand. He cannot harm your soul, or your spirit, or your immortal body. But should a man lose his hand and pray unto the Lord that he might learn to use one hand in the place of two, then those from both sides shall be sent who have lost their hand to teach him of such. But he must have faith in that unto which he should learn. For a teacher shall always be a pupil, and a pupil will always be a pupil. And a master shall be a pupil. For God has learned from His children, and His children have learned from God.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501