July 12, 1975

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For we shall say unto thee the parable of the valley.

And the valley was green and abundant. And the rains came and the sun did shine, and all fruits and vegetables of many kind did grow in this valley. And the people knew not of disease or famine, or pestilence.

And they feared, therefore, to travel beyond mountain for fear that they would lose that that they had. Yet a lad came among them from the other side of the mountains, and he did tell them of the great cities and the great craft that flew in the air. He did tell them of the many wonders, of the electronics and the electrical lights. He did tell them of the many things he had learned upon his journey.

And, one by one and two by two they did leave of the valley. Yet he remained on.

            And then one day an elder came unto him and said, “You have come to tell us of the wonders beyond our valley. Why do you not leave, and go back into these wonders?”

            And he looked upon the elder and said unto him, “For I have searched all of my life for such a place as this. This is the greatest wonder of all. There is no war here, nor want. There is work for all. There is food for all. No one becomes sick in your valley. What more of the abundance of life could God give?”

            And the elder said unto him, “Then why did you come forth to tell your stories that our youth should climb these mountains and disappear?”

            And the young man said unto the elder, “For Utopia lies in many forms. It is where you find it. For me it is this valley. For them it could be the cities and all they contain. For is it not so that each of us should be different, as the leaves of a tree? You here have many gifts, the gift to use your mind to heal, to bring forth the abundance of crops, to bring forth the rain and the sunshine. I would stay here and learn of these things.”

            And the elder said unto him, “Will then you leave of the valley?”

            And he said unto them, “Yes, then I shall leave of the valley.”

            And so the days and years did pass. And one day he ventured forth into the cities. There he met many who had left the valley. Some had fared well, some not so well. But he asked each in turn how they did in these great cities. And all answered in the same manner, “For we have come into the city, yet the people fear of us. Why is this so?”

            And he said into them, “For the same reason they shall fear of me. For they fear of you because you were that of God’s chosen people, and they fear that you might make changes. They would destroy of you, and your valley.”

            And all said, “Then we should return back unto our own kind, for there is not the word, fear.”

            And they beckoned him to come forth with them, and he said, “Nay, I shall remain, for I shall remain as a shepherd. For there shall be more who shall venture forth from your valley, and I shall be here as their shepherd to guide them, that they shall not be alone.”

            And we say unto you, for those with the gift of the psychic who feel so alone, you say unto us, “Why should our gift be any different than the gift to sing or the gift to compose? Why should people look upon our gift and fear us in such a manner?”

            And we should answer in this manner. For the gift was given unto all. Yet for those who could accept and [expound] upon such, and develop this gift, they shall be placed before mankind that mankind shall always know that God should exist.

            And we should say unto you, of The Psychic Gift Before the Dawn, it should be brought forth in such a manner that the world should look upon this gift without fear. For those who should write of the gift, let them go unto those who know soul Ray as a child. Let them interview both of his friends and his parents, and his relatives, that they might seek a greater knowledge of the inner person in the writing of the same, and therefore, they shall know from what they are writing about.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [7-12-75-001] asks, ‘Will you please tell soul Ray how to cure my hands? They get sore to the bone, and get puss pockets between the fingers and on the palms.’”

            Yes, we see of thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we find within the body substance – yes -- the imbalance of the pancreas, an imbalance in the blood substance of the same in the circulatory system of the same.

            We should say unto this one, we have already placed, therefore, in soul Ray’s mind that of a new formula, which will be taken both orally and placed on the outer skin, that should change the chemical balance of the body substance. We would also suggest that further bio-therapy be used in such a manner that the change might be complete. But we say unto this one, that that you have asked for shall be given in full.

            Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [9-10-74-001] asks, ‘What was the strange odor present in our motel room in Tucson on March 2, 1975, when soul Ray was ill?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. There are those who should dwell in this land who should try to interfere with this work. But we should answer in this manner; nothing from either side shall interfere with this work.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, [9-10-74-002] asks, why does she perspire so while working on some patients and not with others? ‘Is this part of the healing process? I sincerely ask for God’s healing help and guidance for the healing of patients’ ills. I am also concerned with the continual ringing in my head, intensified at times -- a rarity if it is not ringing. Is this common with humans? I would also like to know about the heat in my body. Is this also part of my healing work?’” 

            We shall answer the question in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. First we should answer your question in this manner. We find, therefore, that of calcium deposits in the circulatory system, therefore, a restricting of the blood flow to the inner ear and inner eyes and restriction of blood flow to the brain. This, in itself, is damaging to the inner ear and to the bone structure of the same.

            We would suggest the use of 400 mg. of Niacinamide twice daily, and the use of the R. E. Lipo. These two substances -- one would dilate the blood vessel, the other would aid greatly in the cleansing and the elasticity of the blood vessel within the same. 

            The perspiring -- should a person labor in earnest they should perspire. It is a natural substance of cooling both the inner and outer body substance.

            But we should answer further in this manner. That of a high cholesterol count in this system, this should also be corrected with the use of the mineral substance with B6  and the use of the [lecithin]. A new formula has already come forth in soul Ray’s mind, and a combination of such should soon be at your hand.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a request for information for [7-12-75-003…Michigan]. She wants to know, ‘What does the future hold for me, and how can I make the best use of it?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we should say unto thee, look unto thy past. Thy past is thy present, and the most probable path of thy future.

            But we say unto thee, be transformed. We shall lay at your doorstep the bread and the wine. Therefore, provide the yeast, and a pathway shall be opened and thy shall know the direction unto which to follow. 

            But we should say unto you, you have thought that you too are old to learn. This is not true. Come forth and participate in the Teacher’s Course. This would better prepare you for the helping of yourself and others, and also provide the future that thy seek.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. [7-12-73-002] who is here tonight asks, ‘There is a book of mine titled, Another Pot on the Stove, that I am interested in publishing. What do you think of the material, and what are the chances of getting it published?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. There are certain changes that should be made in the book substance, and then your chances, as you would call them, of having them published would be readily available.

            We should say unto you and the bride-to-be, the Lord has seen, and we have seen, and glory be thy wedding night, for a rose shall be present.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, he has one another question. He asks, ‘My twin brother, C_______ D. C_____, has some injured knees, and I was wondering what can be done to help. They bother him a great deal. He was born in Kingston, Pennsylvania, 1/1, January 1st, I guess,….’

            The information you have just fed us is incorrect, but we still see thy need and we shall answer the question. Take, therefore, of the Earth formula [Note: Aloe Vera Earth formula Ray developed]. Applied properly, the relief needed in the healing shall come forth, using the cream formula of the same. [Note: Aloe Vera E. Cream.]

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [7-12-75-004…Phoenix…]. She asks, ‘When will I get well? And what line of work will I be best suited for, one that I can enjoy and be of service, and profitable.’”

            We shall answer in this manner to your question. The time element in your healing lies within your mind. The healing can come at any time thy wish.

            The second part of your question we shall answer in this manner. Seek out that in the line of the beautician or cosmetologist. There is that of the new facial substance which soul Ray has brought forth. With its proper use, and proper business management, this would give you a good livelihood.

            Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Across the Midwestern United States hurricane and tornado shall sweep the land. Across European nations earthquakes shall occur. In the land of the Alaskans soon new earthquakes shall come forth. Your harvest land shall be wiped away, and the world shall once again be tangled in the warfare that shall take from you the oil substance. Prepare, therefore, for the same.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona