July 19, 1975

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For we shall say unto thee of the parable of the merchant, the merchant who sailed the many seas.

He bought from one port and sold in another, and then re-bought in the same port to sell in another. He was a very honest man. Yet, in his travels he would meet very many dishonest men. And there was times within his travels that he became very disillusioned. And he thought into himself, “How can there be so many dishonest people?” And day by day he grew to think that there were none.

And then one day, in need of water and provisions, the ship anchored off a small island. As he reached shore in the longboat, the natives of the island came forth. They brought food and water and much of provisions. And they gave forth all of these provisions.

            And he sent his men back unto his ship to bring forth merchandise to trade. Yet the natives would not take payment for their hospitality.

            They said unto him, “Do you not know that a true gift is a gift of giving and expecting nothing in return; would you deny us this?”

            And he said unto them, “Where have you learned these words?”

            And they said unto him, “He who walketh upon the water did bring us our knowledge. Before he came the island was divided into four parts. And each part thought that they were greater than the other, and each of us did make war upon the other. And he did come forth, and he did heal our sick. But he healed our wounds of warfare, our ignorance, and turned our fears away from ourselves. He taught is how to heal ourselves. But the greatest thing he taught us was to love one another.”

            And the merchant that night thought long upon the words that had been spoken, and said unto himself, “I must learn more of these people, and I must learn more of the one who visited them and gave them such a great gift.”

            And so, he stayed and lingered long, seeking day by day new knowledge and gaining of the same.

And then the day came forth when he knew he must travel on.

            When he reached his next port, before he started his trading, he went unto the person that he would trade with, and he gave of them a gift. And they in turn tried to pay him for the gift, and he said, “Nay; the gift is a gift of friendship, faith, hope, and love.”

            The next day, as the merchants came forth to buy and to sell, there was no greed on either side. He filled his ship and emptied his ship, and sailed forth with more in merchandise than he had ever gained before. But he had gained far more, for he had overcome his fear within himself. He had learned that as a mirror he should reflect and so he should be given in the same manner.

            And the greatness of the merchant’s voyages reached the world over.

And upon entering his homeland port the word had reached out before him. And yet his was of a small merchant ship; yet when it came into port he could hear cheering from all sides and wondered, “Why? What honored person were all of his people cheering for?” He was much surprised to find that he was the honored person.

And they listened long to his stories, and they found them good. And therefore, that that he had brought forth from the oceans and the many lands, he did find in many lands and he did carry forth as a messenger.

            And they said unto him, “What is the greatest thing you have learned in your voyage?”

            And he said unto them, “That the greatest knowledge need not come from the highest educational facilities. It must come from the true heart from within, which each and every one possesses. For on that small island I found that that I had sought. But I found that in giving I received, but most important, I found that in giving any gift, the gift must be [done, given] in love, expecting nothing in return.”

            You shall say unto us, why should we tell you such a parable? And we shall say unto you, for the parable and the story that we have told comes from the Akashic records of one of you. That one now faces the fears from within. Fear may only breed more fear. A task undone, the longer it is prolonged, becomes a greater task until it is performed, and then it becomes a small task. Fear breeds fear. Hate breeds hate. But love breeds love, and faith, and hope, and fulfillment. Be as a mirror. Let that from within you shine out, and all shall see it, and the wonders, therefore, within.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [10-27-73-004…in Phoenix]. She also asks, ‘What have I learned in past lives that can guide me in this life? And how may I better serve my God?’”

            Yes, we see of thy need. Therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records before us.


We find this one, in the Year of the Cow, in the Autumn of the Chicken, who should come forth in fulfillment in the land that you now know as proportions of the city of Peiping [Peiking?] in the country of China. At that time this was of an island. It was considered by those of the greater countries and the greater lands as a backward place. Yet many of the old masters went there to meditate and find fulfillment within themselves. Therefore, this one, as a child, sought the knowledge of these masters, yet never fully grasping their meaning. 

            And one of the masters said unto this one, “It shall not come within this of this lifetime you see. The knowledge you seek shall come forth at a different time. But come, child, come with me.” And he did go unto the mountain, and he did show unto this one the wonders of the land. And he stretched his hand to the four corners of the Earth and said unto this one, “Behold, for there is the Lord, thy God.”

            And the child looked and looked, and felt bewildered, for she knew not what he meant.

            And then the master turned into her and said, “Behold, for within you I see the Lord, God.”

            And she felt over her body, and she could feel no different.

            And he said unto her, “Behold, for within me is the Lord, God.”

            And she looked and his form had not changed.

            And he said unto her, “Come back each year of your life upon this mountain. Look to the east, look to the west, look to the north, look to the south, and the day shall come when you shall see three eagles in flight. One shall be larger than all the others, yet they are but one.”

            In much confusion, she returned into her village, quiet and disillusioned.

Yet each year, she ventured forth.

            Then came the day that she would wed, and so it came, and came to pass. And then the day came when it was her time to venture upon the mountain. She was heavy with child, yet the mountain had called. Her husband feared that she should make the journey alone. And therefore, she went. When she reached the top of the mountain, the labor pains began, the pains of life. And there upon the mountain she did give birth unto a child. But she was confused. She was afraid the child would die and she would die before anyone could reach them.

            And suddenly from the east she thought she saw the eagle, then two, then three. And the glow of the heavens filtered through the mighty wings. And the greatest of eagle she had ever seen came gently down to pick her and the child very gently, up.

            She awoken the next morning to find herself and her child in her bed, and said, “I must have never even climbed the mountain, it must have been a dream.”

            And then, she opened her eyes to find her husband, her mother, her father and her brothers all standing. And she looked into the faces and all of them had a great reverence upon their faces. And she said, “I see --- what is this strange thing I see in your faces? It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It is almost as beautiful as my dream.”
            And they all came forth, and said, “Tell us of your dream.”

            And she told of the birth and the eagle.

            They listened.

And the husband said unto her, “Your dream was not a dream, for the eagle did come forth as three. But as the eagle landed, the eagle stood as a man, gently holding you and [a] child. And then, the eagle flew away, back into the heavens, and then became three. And a great glow came upon the village, and all the masters bowed. And the masters said it was a sign, that from this the descendant of Buddha should rise.”

            Your years did pass. Your child did grow strong, but different. Knowledge came forth unto him with ease.

            And he bore children. And one of each descendant had the same gleam, the same glow within.

            Soon, as your years would pass, you passed away.

And then, your time of searching began on the other side. Yet each you met did give you honor and praise, and yet, you did not understand.

            And then your time for reentry did come forth. And, once again, you were born, but this time into royalty. And this time when you bore the son, and as they brought him forth, there was the sign of the eagle above the heart. It seemed strange, for your memory was aroused.

            He grew unto manhood. And then, one day he left. And he said unto you, “Mother I am a prince, but I am nothing, for I have been on the streets and seen the beggars, I have seen the diseases, I understand them not. I shall go and seek the knowledge.”

            There was an understanding within you, and you said, “Go, my son.”

            Your husband was irate. How could a son of his, a prince, dress himself in rags and go forth?

            And then one day, stories began to flow back, the stories of the birth of a new religion, a new philosophy. They built many statues unto him. And one day he returned back. And the crowds were great that followed. And he bowed before his mother, and said unto you, “Mother, my time is not long upon your Earth. I have learned many things. But you, mother, shall go forth and prepare a way that I shall come again. Yet I shall come in many forms, for I know that the son of God shall come upon the Earth, and my spirit shall flow within him.”

            You understood, but yet, you did not understand.

You grow old, after the passing of your son, and once again you did pass away.

            You watched the Earth, and still you were held in high reverence. And then you should meet the one that was soon to enter, the one who should be called Mary.

And she did come unto you and say, “I am to enter the Earth form. Please give of me your blessings and your guidance, for you shall remain upon this side and guide my footsteps upon the other, that both upon heaven and earth, the firstborn child shall know.”

            And so it was.

            And then all the heavens watched as the birth came forth as the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And you did look upon the Earth and there once again the eagle was in flight, in three forms.

And you went back after the long wait, and said unto yourself, “I do not wish to return upon the Earth. I wish to remain and study. I have seen all of these of where I have been, yet I understand them not. I felt the reverence of the Lord, our God, yet still, His ways are so mysterious unto me.”

            And one of the masters said unto you, “Then soon the eagle shall take flight again, for a new way shall be prepared for the last and final coming of the Messiah upon the Earth. Why do you not venture forth, and help prepare the way for his coming?”

            And so, you chose your birth. You were to endure much suffering. Yet you brought forth upon the Earth children while you were fertile. And there was time for their growth and their maturity.

            Now you stand once again at the doorstep. Open the door, that we may enter. Take of our words. Take the fulfillment of the words, and see within.

            This is all on this subject at this time.

            We should say unto this subject, we have given you the reason for your suffering, and your pain, and your loneliness, as we have given you the bread and the wine. Each time of your birth your understanding was made easy, yet you could see it not. This time you must see it for yourself. See it. Know what it is. And then make up your own mind of the direction of your life.

            We have come forth to build upon the Earth in preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Nothing from either side should interfere with this. Take up the cup of knowledge that has been given and add to. The flowers have been placed at your doorstop. What shall you do with them? We cannot interfere, as it could not be interfered with you before.

            And now we shall say unto the one who we shall call [7-19-75-001]. The first of the reading was yours.

            Now soul Ray grows weary. But you have two questions about a person’s health that should be answered. Ask of these.

            “One moment. I am not aware of the questions, one moment…Here it is. I have a letter from a [7-19-75-002…in Tucson]. One moment…”

            We shall answer of this.


And we shall say unto this person, soul Ray shall soon venture into thy land. Come forth, that he may administer the healing that is needed, both of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

But the healing that thy have asked for shall be granted. And so it is done in the name of the Almighty God. Glory be the name of the Lord. [Kay-ah, kay-ah.]

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona