July 26, 1975

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner.

For man is like the universe. Each part of man stands in balance with the next part, each serving its function. When any part becomes distacted [distracted? detached?] from the other part, in the harmony within the same you have created [an] imbalance, and therefore, should it offend thee thy cast aside. Yet, the immortal body, or the aura of the immortal body remains of the part, therefore, cut away.

And we should say unto thee the parable of the workmen.

The workmen were assembled from far and wide to build the temple. And the master builder did bring each laborer forth and show him the complete form of the temple, and therefore, each laborer in turn knew that each block laid in place would be part of a whole. And therefore, we should explain the work we are about to do and the work we have done, and the results of the work upon the world.

When the right eye offends us, we cut it not away, but remove it from its present position and implant it in a position that it serves the function of the whole, in a better purpose for all. But should the workman come forth not knowing of the destination of the vehicle, then the workman is confused, and where confusion lies, so does fear. If the workman comes forth only to gather his pay, he is, therefore, a poor workman indeed. It is well that a workman should be paid for his labors, but if he knows not where the labor should end and where the joy should begin, then, in full, he is neither capable of serving any proper function in the structure of the same. Should a workman not know the purpose, then, in turn, he should not know where he has been and where he is going.

In the work and the preparation of the work we have laid forth, and the direction of our Father, as we have said before, we have come for but one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. But in the function of the preparation, it can only come about as the preparation is made one by one, and two by two, and three by three.

Many shall say, “How can  I  serve when I  have fallen?” To fall is not a sin, but to not get up would be a sin. By falling is learning, only to rise and climb again.

We have brought forth unto you different knowledges of different times. We have brought them forth all to serve the same purpose, to show you the folly of the past so that the future might be changed. As we have said before, free choice was given unto man -- and man may change [the] destiny unto which he has taken unto any time he should desire. In the changing of the destiny, you have before you at this time the choice, the choice to say unto yourself, “Yes, I am serving myself; I am also serving mankind. And within both I am serving God, our Father.”

            As we have said before, each of us were chosen, yet we did ask; as it has been said, “Ask and you shall receive.” We knew the task before us would not be easy. We knew that the falling to the earth many times would come forth before the final preparation could come about.

            And so it should be within you. If the true purpose of your venture unto this land, and into this work, is within truth, then stand and we shall hand into your hands the tools necessary for the building, that each should be a master builder, and the temple of God within man shall rise and [shall] come unto all.

Many should come and many should go, and yet not see the light beneath their feet. Many shall continue always to seek outward from themselves to find the greater knowledge, when knowledge has been placed within every mind. In telling you of that of the past, and in telling you of that of the present, and in telling you that of the future, we bind all of these things together as the purpose but for one, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

            We have walked upon the water that you may witness of the same -- not to show ourselves we could walk upon the water, but because of your skepticism we have done so, that you might see that we are not impregnable or infallible. [As] a man should build a fort and should say unto himself, “Now I am safe, nothing can touch of me,” it is but a matter of years or days until all that is necessary has been produced upon the Earth to penetrate the farthest on the Earth’s of hiding places.

            As your country stands, each in turn has said unto themselves, “One nation under God.” We say unto you, we see but a handful, yet for within the handful the cup should runneth over. And so it should be within the descendants of Abraham.

            Find within yourself that you may be able to give, expecting nothing in return. Find within yourself your love and desires for one another. Put them each in their proper sequence and the world shall rise and blossom, and the sword that should cut two ways shall bring about the balance within the same.

            But we say unto you, seek not the door to enter unless you are prepared to face what is on the other side.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes Aka. I have a request for a life reading tonight by [7-26-75-001…Scottsdale, Arizona…]. He asks for a life reading, ‘In order to know better what God wants me to do with my life, to better understand myself. I would especially like to know what the best career choice for me is.’”   

            Yes we see thy need. And we should say unto you, repeat the question, please.

            “[7-26-75-001] asks for a life reading, ‘In order to know better what God wants me to do with my life, to better understand myself. I would especially like to know what the best career choice for me is.’”   

            We shall answer in proportions of the same. Due to the fact that soul Ray has overtaxed his body our time shall be short, and therefore, we should give but one part of the answer. The remaining part should be brought forth at a different time.

            We see the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, have before us the records. We see [that] in the record form, that in the year of 1832 this one in the land of England become a renown attorney of law. He was highly respected, for he did look, therefore, into the Roman Empire and the privilege of a Roman citizen. Yet, as before, he did fall beneath the sword of a dictator, an emperor.

We say unto this one, seek out the knowledge of the law of your land. Look, therefore, into that of the studies of the attorneys, and the self-satisfaction shall abound within the same. But we should also say unto thee, we have brought forth into thy mind for keeping the need that each should follow the laws of their land. But we would also say to this one, laws should never be an idly given thing, for should a person promise unto the Lord this or that and fulfill nothing -- fill the cup that it might runneth over, but in doing so fill it in such a way that all who may see it [shall] see, therefore, the good within the same.

            Now we should answer in this manner, for we weary and soul Ray now should be wakened from his sleep. But we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Across the land. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona