March 15, 1975

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For we shall tell unto thee the parable of the three boys at play.

They had tired of their normal play. And a fourth boy had joined them who was a stranger. And they thought, therefore, to play a trick upon the boy. And they said, “We shall play that of God and man, and you shall be God. And we shall be the body, the soul, and the spirit of man.” And so they commenced their play.

The body of man chased and ran forth unto the hilltops, and said unto himself and to all who could hear, “For I shall reign over the domain of this land and be the master of the same.”

And the second boy raced to his side and said, “And I shall be the spirit [soul] of man, and I shall reign over the body of man, and therefore, reign over all the land and sea and all that dwells within the land and the sea and the heavens.”

And the third boy ran to the hilltop and said, “And I shall be the spirit of man. And I shall reign over the body and the soul. And as I shall reign, then you who are beneath us, you who stand beneath us, are God. If you are truly a god, then rise above us.”

The lad thought long and spoke back unto his playmates. And he said, “You who reached the mountaintop first should be the body of man. You who reached the mountaintop second should be the spirit [soul] of man. And you who reached the mountaintop last shall be the spirit of man. But I need not rise above you because you are incomplete.”

And the three boys spoke back unto him and said, “How could this be so?”

And the one who played that of God said unto them, “For you dwell within my Father’s house, and in my Father’s mansion, and therefore, to be complete there must be the immortal body of man, that that should never end and never begin, yet should live forever and have eternal life.

The three that stood on the hilltop were amazed at the answer, for they had thought to play trickery upon the new lad. But yet they dwelled upon his words, and became angry and came from the hilltop and began to beat upon the boy.

The boy did not cry, nor did he cry out in pain. He said unto them, “That that you have done, you cannot harm me.”

And they drew away.

And one picked up a rock, another a stick.

But the third stood back in fear.

The one with the rock threw the rock, and the rock did not strike the boy who would be that of God, but it struck the spirit. And then, the shaft was thrown, and it did not strike the one who should be that of God, but it pierced into that of the body that would be the spirit [soul].

And yet, the lad walked forth.  He’d healed, the wounds that had been inflicted upon him were healed. And he placed his hands so gently upon the third lad, and his body also was healed.

And the third lad said unto him, “Why you would heal me, and I would harm you?”

And he said unto them, “For you have played a game, yet all games that you shall play you shall find shall soon come into reality, for with this action you have performed, should cause another action to be performed. Once thought is put into motion, then all thought is eternal, much as the eternal or immortal body of man.”

And they said unto him, “How do you know of these things?”

And he looked back unto them and said, “For my Father has told me so. And that that He has told me must be true, for He is our God, mine and yours.”

And he lifted his hand, and as he did so, a fourth lad appeared before them. And this was the immortal body of man. It carried the hatred, the anger, and the wounds that had been inflicted upon the spirit.

And the fourth said, “I am the immortal body. Therefore, all of your deeds I shall carry. You may destroy me, and only me. The body shall be the temple of God. That that you do unto the body you do unto God, and you do unto yourself. That that you do unto the spirit you have done unto the body. That that you do unto the soul you have done unto the body. And in all things you have done unto the immortal body.

And the immortal body began to stagger and began to wither away. And all three of the lads rushed forth, and said, “Oh Lord, let us now heal this.”

And upon their words, all four became whole again.

The three lads were very curious, and asked the name of the lad.

And the lad said unto them, “For I am my Father’s son, for I have come forth to go about my Father’s way. My day shall come and my day shall pass, yet that mark that my Father has bared to be left upon the earth in my name shall be done so. Yet I can do nothing without my Father, and in my Father’s name.”

And they asked him once again, “But who are you?”

And he said unto them, “I am Jesus of Nazara.”

The lad was yet unto his eighth year. Yet with the help and knowledge of those of the white robes, that that is known as the White Brotherhood, he had grown, even then, beyond that and the comprehension of mankind.

And he said unto the lads, “You now fear me, and so shall others. And so shall they crucify me, for they do not know of that of which they do. Because you try to destroy all things you do not understand, bring forth understanding and you bring forth truth, into the land and into the heavens. And in truth our Father shall grant a new heaven and a new earth. And you shall walk upon the galaxies and planets upon planets. And you shall know of [my] Father’s many mansions.”

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [3‑15‑75‑001…of Faith, South Dakota].  She says ‘Please, I beg of you in Jesus’ name, help me. I have been paralyzed from the waist down and unable to control my urine since a car accident July 3, 1965. At that time I received a blow, no cut, to the spinal cord in the first and second lumbar region.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Yes, we find, therefore, damage done unto the central nervous system. We find that certain nerves have been – a deterioration caused from the blow. We would suggest that this problem within itself could be corrected with the use of bio‑therapy. We would suggest that you should come forth unto soul Ray. There is no manipulation, only that of a nerve implant, that could be done. And this in itself must be done in the proper manner.

We say unto you, if this should be done by a neurosurgeon, take that of the sperm of the male, taking it, therefore, within 24 hours after it has been taken from the male; therefore, exposing the nerves, using that of the sperm to regenerate the nerves within themselves, and this way and in this manner, this could be corrected.

Soon you shall find within the sperm of the male new life‑giving properties. This should be used in its proper source, for that that is brought from the seed shall grow unto the tree. We should also answer that the keys shall be both light and sound, used within its proper atmospheric conditions. As this sperm is used, it [must] be kept at an incubated temperature, in other words, at body temperature at all times.

The key to [internal] life lies within the same. Also that that you should call cancer could be treated and cured with the same sperm, and an extract made from the same. The aging process of man could be reversed in the same manner, with using bio‑therapy in accordance with the same.

You have other questions, ask. One moment.  

Yes, yes. Yes, Father.


Permission has been given.

The healing that is needed to bring you unto this land shall be given and the means shall be set forth in motion.  Ask in our Father’s name, and you shall receive.

This is all on this subject.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. I have another request for a health reading from [3‑15‑75‑002…Phoenix]. The question they ask is, ‘I would like a health reading, especially as to why my blood is anemic, and also is there anything I can do to keep from having any more outbreaks of cancer?’”

Yes, we shall answer in this manner -- with the use of the negative-ion unit placed on a north‑south axis; that the subject matter should be placed on a mat that should be in height three foot above the floor level; that the ion unit[s] should be nine foot apart, and should be six foot above the body substance in height. This should be used in short intervals.

We would further suggest that the use of the new mineral substance that has been brought forth through soul Ray’s mind be used in the treatment of the cancer substance.

There is yet another source that lies within soul Ray’s mind that shall bring forth that that is known; the mineral substance within itself is chelated. Once ionized, and once [the] B‑6 vitamin is placed within the same with that of the niacin or niacinamide in correct proportions, this should act as a purifier of the blood. The ingredients of B-12 should be added in accordance with the same. All of this and the knowledge of the same has already been implanted in soul Ray’s mind.

New uses of that that you would call the chaparral has also been implanted in his mind.

New uses for the vitamins E, A, and D in accordance with other substances of the mineral compound, using that of myrrh and golden seal, and slippery elm in accordance with the same.

This is all on this subject at this time.  Should further information be desired, ask.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question or a request for a health -- assistance, from [3‑15‑7 5‑003…Phoenix]. She asks for healing. ‘Please help Ray and me to bring my high blood pressure down to normal, and also sugar. Thank you.’”

That that has already been started shall be completed. The healing asked for shall be given in God’s name. Continue with the therapy that soul Ray has brought forth. But come forth with faith, and faith shall breed love, and love shall bring healing.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have requests for [a] health reading or other questions; would you like me to take the other questions at this time?”

Bring forth the other questions. Ask.

“Aka, I have questions from [8‑8‑75‑001…Oregon]. And he asks, ‘The scriptures state that Christ will return suddenly at a time that only our Father, God, knows. How can it be that the Christ is already walking on this plane now?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner -- that should the whereabouts be known unto your man, and man in his present state of mind, once again the child would have to be brought forth back unto the Lord for keeping for his safety.

We are here but for one reason, and that is the preparation for his coming, and his day, and your day of glory upon the Earth. Have you forgotten that God let you crucify this one once before, to show unto the truth of the resurrection of the same? And each drop of blood that flowed from the Lamb upon the earth did cleanse the land.

You, each of you, must be made ready, for only in this manner can harmony and peace come forth upon your Earth.  

This is all on this subject; one moment.

But we say unto you, the answer in full to your question lies in the first part of the Rose without Thorns. Pick it up. And hand it to another.                                                   

We say unto you, we have placed into your hands this Rose without Thorns, yet you fear it; you fear the contents. You fear of any change. You have become accustomed to your small vices, and you are afraid that they shall interfere, that you shall not have the time.

We say unto you that God loved to see His children laugh and be merry. But there is a time for laughter; there is a time that man should provide with the hands of God the bounty and the bread, and provide also for his family. There is a time for the worshiping of God, each in his own way. But the knowledge placed forth in these pages were placed there that the preparation for the coming of the Messiah and that the time of maturity could be made soon.          

But yet we shall say unto you, if the work that we have been sent forth upon your planet, your Earth, does not come into completion, then he who should be sent forth shall be drawn back unto the heavens unto his Father, and three thousand years of darkness shall lay upon the land. And you shall once again emerge from your caves.

Now we should say unto you, soul Ray grows weary.   

The match has been struck in France. It grows rapidly into the land of Israel. New wars and the planners of wars have already been set about. Should these wars once again come forth it shall engulf the Earth.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your land. Beware that the Seventh Seal is not opened.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona  85501