March 29, 1975

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, for we should tell unto thee the parable of the father who should take his son for the first time unto the world.

            And as they traveled far, one day upon the roadside there stood a man. His back was turned toward them. And in their travels they had lost the water into which they would drink.

And the father said unto the child, “Go unto the man, and therefore, seek from him the knowledge [from whom we’d] find a well.”

            And as the boy approached the man, the man turned. The boy drew back, and ran back unto his father.

And his father said unto him, “Why do you run back unto me? Why do you not seek the knowledge that I sent you forth for?”

            And the boy said, “I am frightened, for he, this man, is very ugly.”

            And the father said unto the lad, “Come.” And they went forth, and once again the man turned. And in his hand he held the urn of water. He reached his hand forth, and handed it first to the father. And the father did drink, and the water was sweet.

And then, the father handed it back to the lad. And the lad did drink.

And the lad started to hand the water back to the father, and the father said unto the lad, “Return the water unto whom it has been given from.” And the lad did so, but in the process of his fear, he dropped the urn. The urn shattered and the good water spilled upon the earth.

The stranger knelt and touched the broken pieces. He stroked them gently with his hand. And piece by piece they gathered back, and the water filled the urn once again.

The father thanked the stranger and turned and walked away.

            And the lad said unto his father, “You have not rebuked me for dropping the urn.”

            And the father said unto the son, “You have let your eyes guide you, not your heart and soul, for you have seen only with your eyes. Let the soul see, and that that the soul shall see, so shall the spirit and the immortal body. And you shall see that unto all things that God should dwell within.”

            And the lad said, “But how could he make the urn whole?”

            And the father said, “Turn back and you shall see.”

            And as he turned back, there stood a prince. His clothing was pure and white.

And the boy said again in wonderment, “How could this be?”

            And the father said, “You have looked with your eyes at first; the second time you saw with your heart and your soul. You shall meet many men and many women in this world, and the world thereafter…”

            [Editor’s note: The message that was being recorded was interrupted by a nearby amateur radio operator’s broadcast whose voice burst loudly through on the tape recorder. The woman recording the message said to her husband who was reading the written questions to Aka, “Ask Aka what to do.”]

            “Aka, what shall we do about the radio breaking in?”

            We should say unto thee, go unto the end of the street and use of the name of soul Ray, and say unto this man that the recorder is being used, to turn off his machine, or we shall do it for him.

            “Yes. Aka.”

             [Note: The moderator whispers to his wife to go and tell the neighbor. Then after long pause, Aka resumes.]

            We should say unto you, today is the day that soon you should celebrate the resurrection.

[Note: there is another loud interruption by the amateur radio operator who tells his radio contact he has to shut down his broadcast until later.]

“Yes, Aka.”

And we should say unto you these words. For as the resurrection should bring forth in truth that of the life hereafter, eternal life, so should our Father have many mansions.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona 85501