May 3, 1975

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For we shall tell unto thee the parable of the farmer and the shepherd.

Each year the farmer did grow his crop. And in his crop he grew of many things of many kind[s], but the abundance of his crop was grain. And each year he went forth unto the market to market his grain. And each year the shepherd came forth and bought at the market many things.

But yet, when they reached the market place the dealer bought from the farmer for one price and sold to the shepherd at another price. And all things were good until the dealer became very greedy and kept buying for less and selling for more.

And one day upon the route to the market place the shepherd and farmer did meet. And the shepherd was very angry at the farmer and said unto him, “How can I continue to raise my flock when the product I buy from you is beyond that that I receive from the wool from my sheep?”

            And the farmer did say unto the shepherd, “How can I continue to raise my crops when the wool I buy from you is beyond that which it costs me to grow my crop?”

            And finally as they talked anger passed and reason came forth. And the two did meet and understand one another. And therefore, they and the other shepherds and the other farmers did do their trading and never went unto the market place.

And soon the other people that ventured forth unto the market place came unto them to purchase the things that were needed. Then soon the merchants came forth unto them to buy.

And soon one day, the merchant who had raised the prices and bought for less and sold for more did come unto them. At first, the shepherd and the farmer were angry, and they did say unto themselves, “Since he cheated us, now we shall cheat unto him.”

            But then, before them came forth one dressed only in white cloth and wore sandals. And twelve walked with him. And he said unto them, “We wish to buy your product. But we cannot buy unless we buy at the same price as all, for if you should do the thing that your greed and your hatred has set forth this day, then you shall be worse than the person who cheated you in the beginning. Because you have been honest you have prospered. Your lands have become more fertile. Your flocks have become larger. But if you begin, as this one has, then you shall soon be as he, without a field and without a sheep, therefore, to tend.”

            Yet still the farmer and the shepherd were angry. And he said unto them, he said, “Shepherd, you have many sheep in your flock. Are they all well-behaved?”

            And the shepherd said, “Nay, I have some that continue to stray from the flock and endanger my flock unto the wolves, because I must tend them and give them extra attention that my flock should need.”

            And he said unto him, “But yet you continue to bring them back unto the flock, is that not true?” And he said, “And you farmer, do you have fields that grow better than others, yet it makes you work more? Yet you do not give them up and say they are worthless, but you try each day to make them better. Only in this manner may you return all of your flock and all of your fields back into which they are. And by maintaining them, so shall they grow and prosper.”

            The farmer and the shepherd thought long on their words. Then they said unto this one, “You are very wise. Where, therefore, do you get your wisdom?”

            And he looked unto them and said, “My wisdom should come from my Father and yours, for are we all not the children of God? And does not the sun and the rain shine on all and fall on all in equal?”

            And this one said, “You have done well, farmer, for you have stayed within your trade. You have done well shepherd, for you have done that that you knew best. Then we say unto you, the time that you have taken to establish a market place has taken you from your fields. If the merchant has learned his lesson and learned it well, return him back into a merchant, for that’s what he does best. But make him a merchant of your kind.”

            And then he called back unto the one known as Judas for the purse, to pay for the things he would purchase.

And both the farmer and the shepherd said, “Nay, for you have already paid for your purchase in the wisdom of your words.”

            And he said unto them, “Nay, for the wisdom of my words came from my Father. The bread and the food that we should purchase, and the meat, and the clothing has also been provided by our Father. Yet should a workman be worthy of his wages, so you should be worthy of the labor you have brought forth in producing the crop before you. But learn from that that the mistakes of the merchant.”

            Now we say unto you, and we should say these words unto your shepherds. You have before you at this time a similar case. Both the farmer and the shepherd know quite well that should a member of their flock continue to endanger the whole flock, then it must be plucked from amidst the flock. And if weeds should grow in the field, then the garden should be weeded.

            We would suggest that you take these words that we have spoken unto this one. We would also suggest that you should remind this one that we have come forth that nothing may be hidden, that all was covered it shall be brought forth into light.

            But yet remind yourselves that we are here but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. As many hands that are needed shall be provided. But never deny one more hand.

But we also say unto you, make your decision and bring it, therefore, before your prophet, that your recommendations and the final decision shall be made in the same manner.

            We shall also say unto you, that as we are the servants of God, so the ministers are the servants of the shepherd unto God, and so the shepherds are the servants of the prophet unto God, and so the flock should be the servants unto God, but each in turn, should no minister show disrespect for the offices that we have set forth. Should no office in your Association be overruled by another without due course and recognition.

            We have chosen very carefully one by one and two by two, and we shall continue in the same fashion, that the day of preparation should come forth upon the land.

We have prepared you with the knowledge of the famine. Now we should say unto you, new earthquakes shall appear across the land. Tornados and hurricanes shall sweep the crops.

We say these words unto you, for this land of yours shall remain safe, but all of you shall feel the effects of the other land. In the planning of your distribution of your food, plan in such a way that you may serve all of your flock. Do so in this manner. Advise your people to keep enough food and water, clothing, and the essential medications on hand, that they may remain in one place until it is safe for them to journey or for you to journey forth to bring them into safer land.

            You are seeing the end of a war and the beginning of a new war. We should say unto you, for those who should plot and build armies, and store weapons in the land you call Texas, should plot to overthrow your Government and the government of Mexico. These are the same who assassinated many of your people.

            Grow strong within yourselves, and [then] open the door that others may enter, and through this strength your growth now shall mature.

            Now that the Rose without Thorns is fully protected and the work is fully protected, that it may not be misused, a way shall be opened and it shall be given wings. Prepare, therefore, for the new book, A Psychic Gift before the Dawn, to come, therefore, together. And the knowledge has already been given. You shall find the knowledge in the lectures and the lecture tape, that soul Ray has gone forth upon the land. Other knowledge we have implanted within his mind for the fulfillment of the book. But many minds that work together should make the book into that which you desire.

            And now we should say unto the one[s] known as [11-26-71-002] and [8-27-73-001], for that and the vows that you shall take, we have prepared the way that three days shall come into one. But love is like a rose; grasp it not too tightly that it may mature and grow, day by day. You have the counsel of the prophet and you have the counsel that we should bring forth unto you.

            And now we shall allow one message. This message is for the one known as [5-3-75-001]. And it should be as following -- For I have gone before you to prepare the way, and now I have prepared a way that your father should come forth and prepare a way for a greater coming. I have chosen his mate. Accept the gift that is given, with love.

            And to [11-26-7-002], give the love that I have given and it shall be returned. For I shall watch over this marriage. For as life was given to me, everlasting and enjoyful, so I wish it to be given unto my beloved [8-27-73-001] and my beloved [11-26-7-002]. This I give you as your wedding gift.

            And now we should say unto thee unto these words. Many questions lie dormant within your minds. We shall bring forth new knowledge as the days should pass. That that your organization is today, it is but entered from the brook unto the river. Now the growth shall commence. Take forth your newsletter. Bring forth the best of artistry. Improve the cover, or the cover of your newsletter. Bring it forth now in a magazine form. Reach out and gather advertisement to go in the same. And it shall sprout wings and grow.

            We find one tonight who is greatly troubled. And we have permission to answer the question within her mind. Spring has come upon the land and flowers shall grow. Give them time for summer to come forth and then autumn, and that shall be the time of harvest.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            We shall say unto one other, the fulfillment of a karma has been completed. Now you are free of your past, for the day of pharaoh is behind you.

            Soon shall come forth the first of the prophesies of soul Ray’s visions, the vision we showed him of the coming of time, the fuse that was lit in France that grew unto Israel which coveth the Earth. This vision in your new book should be illustrated and brought forth.

We may tell you of the coming and that that might happen in the future. But as Jonah, all does not happen if prayer is given forth into the Lord and a change is made. [See Jonah, chapters 3 and 4.]

But we shall say unto you, you who should live under the American flag, you who founded your nation on the basis of freedom of religion, our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold. We have brought forth unto you a philosophy. But we should say unto you who have taken the vows of ministry, your vows unto your ministry shall come before all other things, and all other religions. For without the fulfillment of those vows, the other religions shall fall. And this will be a sad day in man’s eyes and in God’s eyes. For God did not make the rules of His worship, man has made them. Yet each in his separate way in his way of seeking forth his Father, all of these should be fulfilled. It is the job of the ministry to see that these are fulfilled, that each person who should wish to worship their God in their own way should retain that right and privilege. But you must grow strong in unity.

            Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona