May 31, 1975

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For as a poor man should walk upon the earth, he should only remain poor as long as his mind should not seek out from himself -- for the earth was bountiful and seed was plentiful upon the earth. That that one should walk past and not see another shall come forth and see, and therefore, see within the same a city, and from his seed, a city shall grow. And because of its growth, many shall reap the fruit of its benefits.

But the one who walked past, it is easy for him to look back and say, “If I had discovered the city I would have done this or that.”    

            There shall be many times in a man’s life that they should see behind themselves. But if they tarry too long, they shall not know where they are going because they become so involved in their past and things that might have been they will not create that that lies ahead. For within the twinkling of an eye, man can change his own destiny.

He may take the barren desert and make it bountiful. He may conquer the air and the sea. He may conquer universes upon universes. But the greatest thing he may conquer is that from within himself, the greater part of himself. And that that he should find peace of mind within, that shall be the most bountiful of all his riches.

            You shall build storehouses, and many things you shall store. But as the need should arise for each thing, a way shall be provided.

            Soon shall come your day of your annual gathering. And all shall come before their God in a prayerful manner. There shall be those, who through their servitude to man, shall be honored by man, but they shall also be honored by God, for God should reward those who should feed His children and tend them and tend the flock. All of the work that is necessary shall come forth. For the day is at the hand that you shall reach into the farthest lands and bring forth the words and the knowledge we have brought forth unto you.

But a greater knowledge yet lays dormant within your minds. For within all of the work and all of the knowledge, should anyone forget that the true reason for our coming was the preparation for the coming of the Messiah -- this should come first above all others.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a question for a health reading from [Mrs. S_____ M____ D______, nicknamed Sandy,…Phoenix, Arizona]. And she says she has trouble with her abdomen, throat, and frequent bruises on her legs. What can she do for this? And also any comments on childbearing?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner, that the necessary herbs that are needed for the correction of the above situation lie at your fingertips. At the beginning we gave many, many health readings, as you would call them. But as we gave them, so should we prepare one that we would send within your midst as a healer with the knowledge to give healing into all, in equal proportions. Come forth unto soul Ray and he should bring forth unto the healing that is needed into the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

The bruising of the body is that of the, what you would call, of the thin skin, of the blood vessels being too close to the surface of the skin, and them being too brittle. The taking of the vitamin E substance in 2,000 units per day, with the taking of the mineral supplement, and the taking of 600 mg. per day, in the taking of the R.E. Lipo-C in the commodities of three, 3 times per day, in the taking of the niacinamide in the quantities of 300 mg. twice daily, of the taking of the Aloe Vera E Cream, moisturizing the whole body with the substance of the same, this in itself, the body would have a chance to rebuild the organisms within themselves, and your health problem would soon correct itself. But once again we would suggest that, come forth unto soul Ray, that the healing skills that we have implanted in his mind might speed up and increase the healing thy have asked for.

Of the child bearing, this is in past tense.

You have other questions, ask.    

            “Yes, Aka. I have a question from soul John [1-21-72-002-7], and I wonder if you want to have me to ask the question at this time or if you’d like to have it another time?”

            Bring forth this question.

            “She says, ‘I would like to ask a question that has been in my heart and in prayer for ten months now.’ And it reads this way: ‘Father I love you with all my heart and soul, and I love Aka and those whom You sent who know You best, immeasurably. Thank you for your love. Thank you for providing for my needs. If it is your will, please, Father, allow me and help me to be your minister, to walk as John, and with Aka and those You sent, and prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. My only will is to serve You and to do Your will. Please help me. And please help me spiritually and physically, if it is your will.’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Thy had cast aside all things we had brought before thee. Thy had cast it aside, for greed. And thy had run in madness. We had provided a way. We shall do so again. All thy must do is pick up thy ministership. And do not hide as though thy would hide from a wolf.

            Thy God has looked upon thee many days. Thy God has heard thy prayer. But as we have said before, when you should speak unto the Lord, God, speak unto the Lord, God, in such a manner as you would speak unto yourself. It is not necessary that you should hide away in a closet. It is not necessary that you should kneel. But stand forth, that the Lord may deliver.

            But covet not that that should [never] belong to you. Be fair in your dealings with others, and others shall be fair in their dealings with you. Many mistakes have been made -- not only upon your part, but others. We have brought forth unto the hands of the people a prophet, that his knowledge should come forth, and he should lead his people, as we have said in the beginning, in a righteous path before God. And his people should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah upon the Earth.

            The Lord looked forth long ago and placed into thy mind and hands the gift to write, and the gift of happiness; thy have cast all these aside. But you cannot take that that belongs to another without the other’s permission. The talent and the gift still remains dormant within yourself. Apply this talent in a righteous manner and we shall go before ye. Apply it in a manner unbefitting the Lord and we shall not be with thee, for as we have said before, there is nothing from either side that shall interfere with this work.

            Thy have said thy vows unto the Lord, God. And we say unto you, that this work should go on that the vows of obedience must come forth unto the prophet of the same. Now it the time of the Cherub. Waste not thy time, nor ours.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Thank you. I have one more question from [5-24-75-001…Tucson]. And she asks this other question, ‘Will my sons, P___ and R______, come to live in Arizona?’”


            We should say unto the one known as [7-22-74-003], and to the one known as [1-6-74-001], prepare, therefore, a way that the work should come forth unto thy land.

            We should say unto this one, [7-22-74-003], of thy question. Soul Ray has already answered your question in fullness. He has shown you a way. We shall tell you, that as Sarah waited long for the birth of a child, so did it not come forth without the work of a prophet and the work of the Lord through the prophet, and the same should be as now.

            We shall say unto [1-6-74-001], that that that was stolen shall be returned.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. You have told us about Aka, Arcan, and [Katon]. Could you tell us about who some of the other members of the Council were, for our instruction?”

            We shall inform you at the proper time. At the present time this serves no function.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When m son, [11-16-70-003] was born…he had a “W” on his forehead which stayed there a long time. Was there some meaning in this mark?”

            We shall say unto you, this is the water sign -- the sign of life, and of the life-giver. It is placed in such a manner that those who should bear it should also bear forth and go forth and become physicians of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. One moment. What is the effect of holding carbon in the right hand and a magnet in the left? What effect does it have on the body as thought to have been used by the Egyptians? Also, do left-handed people have a different, do they reverse in their polarity?”

            First, we shall answer the last. Yes, left-handed people reverse in their polarity, but only in manner of the ozone field within itself.

            Of using the carbon in one hand and the magnet within the other, this was, in itself, in the construction of a magnetic generator within itself, and a means of supporting electrical current. But a man could stand all day with carbon in one hand and a magnet in the other, and without the proper elements, unless lightning should strike him, the only electricity he would generate is that that he would naturally bring in through his body substance.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you Aka. [8-17-73-002…Chandler, Arizona…] asks, ‘Could I have time of my birth, please?’”  

            Yes, we see thy need. 2:52.6 a.m.

            Now soul Ray grows weary.

And we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine shall reign. New tornados shall sweep the lands. Hurricane shall devastate. Earthquakes shall come forth, soon on your western seaboard, soon in the land of Mexico, soon in the land of the Alaskan and Canadian, soon in the eastern seaboard.

            Fear not, for what we have given is only a warning. Prepare yourselves to grow and bring forth new growth and life, for it is but yet spring.

            We shall leave unto thee now and return on the night of your gathering.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona