November 1, 1975

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as ferment should become ferment, and life should become life, as the seed is brought forth, from that point unto the beginning of all time so has it been in the eyes of the Lord, your God.

            We say unto you, hark, for we bring not unto thee the tidings thy wish to hear. We have spoke unto thee before of the coming of the famine, and we have told unto thee the time is now, and we have said unto thee a part of your book of Revelations.

            As we have told you before, the city of New York would fall and crumble, therefore, unto dust. And for those who would trade with her, they shall back away and look at her. And so shall be the beginning of a new beginning. [Editor’s note: see the April 17, 1972 and June 2, 1972 readings.]

            If you run in fear as you see one great city upon another fall, then fear is all that you will have. We say unto you, stand fast, for much as your phoenix bird that should rise from the ashes, so shall the civilization of man in this land rise once again.

            We have told you before of a government within a government, and so it has become. [Note: see the August 28, 1974 reading.]

            Your inflationary depression walks hand in hand with your Fifth Angel, that now walks upon the ground, and man should wallow in its pity.

            For those of you who should fall, yet not rise, there shall be no more. But for those who shall stand, fall, and stand again, the storm should soon pass over and beyond them. And the country should rise in strength once again. We have said unto you that these years should be lean years.

            And now we shall say unto soul Ray unto the interpretation of the dream of the same. For he saw before him that of a giant, and many stood beneath the giant, including himself. And he felt kinship to the giant, as though the giant was his other self. And the giant did seek forth a craft, ship, and was told that all the ships in the harbor lay sunk, and the harbor was blocked. And he did go forth, and there find a skull on the hull of the boat. And he did rise into the craft, and therefore, turn on the water, and the water gushed forth, pure and clean. In his mind he thought the water must have been that that had destroyed the civilization.

            We shall explain in depth. There shall come hurricanes and tornadoes upon the land as it has never seen before. And the hurricanes shall bring forth tidal waves into immense proportion. And cities shall vanish from the earth. And the debris of the cities and the ships which would carry them on their journey shall vanish.

            Therefore, as the water should flow, so should be the answer, for the answer shall be in that of the immortal body of men, the true self.

            There will be those who shall rush around and destroy not only themselves but many others. Now is not the time to panic. Now is the time to gather yourselves in the greatness of yourselves. And you shall find the strength that shall lie there forth in the group forms. We shall say once again, your salvation, your strength shall come in your group forms, that of being able to rely upon your brother, and your brother being able to take count of you. But from it all shall sprout a Rose without thorns. [Editor’s note: a rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth of coming of the Messiah.]

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. This question was asked before and you said the data was insufficient, and additional information was requested, and it was given the same. It’s from [7-311-1]. He requests a life reading in order to better know what God wants him to do with his life and to better understand himself.”

            We shall say once again, the data is insufficient. The signature upon the same is not that of the person seeking the reading.

            You have other questions, ask. But now is not the time that we should give forth of a life reading. You have other questions, ask of these.

            “One moment, Aka. From [7-320-1…Salem, Oregon], and she asks, ‘How can I best prepare for the times of destruction that will be happening in the earth, and is this a safe place?’”

            We shall say unto you, nay, that unto which you dwell is not a safe place. We shall say unto you, there shall be places upon the earth that safety of the body shall be provided. One of such shall be this land. And other of such shall be certain proportions and parts of this land. [Note: Globe and other parts of Arizona, including Young and the Round Valley areas.] Another shall be parts of that of the land of Colorado, but only certain sectors because of the volcanic action of the same.

            We have answered your first question in the first of the reading.

            Now we shall answer that in the mind of another, of the data of the Eagle. The time, therefore, of the artifacts of the same should be dated in this fashion. That before your time of change and counting did start, of the death of the one known as Jesus; therefore, we should say unto you, that bring forth unto the lifespan of Jesus of Nazara and you shall find from the time of the crucifixion that ten years did pass before he entered the land unto which you have found the artifacts.

            The artifacts did come from above the land, and it was meant to come forth, as we have spoke of before, at this time as proof of the coming of the Eagle upon the land and the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

            We shall now say unto thee in this way, in this manner, of a new, unto you, of electrical force that could be brought forth upon your earth in your time and crisis of energy needs. We shall say unto you that cosmic energy may be expelled at a rate and directed thereforth through with the construction of the ion unit. It must be mirror-faced, brought forth through three quarter-inch in diameter ruby sectors. As this should pass through this sector you shall find that you have added to the [molecular] substance of the negative ion. Bombardment, therefore, into the positive ion shall create the electrical force, and may be channeled in that manner. It may be dispensed much as you dispense your present electricity.

            Soul Ray now grows weary. We shall give further information upon this at a different time.

            The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherub. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God. Glory unto man, His children.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.