November 8, 1975

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

"Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?"

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for we should say unto thee, beyond the boundaries of your earth lie many planets of life form, each within its own galaxy and universe, beyond universes. Each was made up for the expansion of man. Yet man should come in many forms, for he has adapted to his environmental environment, both that of a social nature and that of a physical nature. The biochemistry of the same should be altered to fit his environment; yet he, in himself, the shell into which he should live, was constructed in such a manner that the biochemistry could change.

Once again within your body substance, on your planetary system you called Earth, this has been taking place. Much as your Earth began to shift on its axis in the year of 1925, so did man begin his environmental change. You have advanced scientifically very rapidly, yet you have accepted certain things as fact without change -- and who should know better than what was so and truth of today should be but a second truth of tomorrow? Yet it shall not be cast aside; it shall be added to.

But the concept within your minds of matter and anti-matter, this you shall soon change your theories upon.

A rose may grow upon the Earth in one fashion, and upon another planetary system a rose may grow on that earth form also. It may be called by a different name, its structure may be altered in the molecule substance, yet that that it was placed upon the earth for shall serve the same purpose.

Much as man should change his biochemical structure, so should there be room for change in his spiritual substance and his spiritual growth. We say unto you unto this manner, we have come not to change the laws of Moses, nor have we come to change the words and prophesies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We come to bring unto you a further truth, taking not from that that was given, but to add to. Yet we come not as Moses, nor as Jesus, we come but to prepare the way for he who should come after us, for we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. But in the preparation, we say unto you, that preparation must come forth, first within your souls, your mind, your heart, and your immortal body of the same. It must also come forth in such a manner that you do not lose your good judgment.

There shall be many who shall come forth as false messiahs. They shall say unto you, “You must be this, you must be that.” We say unto you, the Lord, God, did place unto you free choice. He who should come from God should not take that from you. He who should speak of God should not take that from you, for the Lord, God, would not take that from you.

We say unto you, as you, of man, [who] did choose of death form that you might climb the ladder further, that you may enter and re-enter again, but the choice should always be yours, even upon a mission upon this Earth or upon the other earth forms we have spoke about.

Soon upon your earth other humanoids from other planetary systems shall make themselves known unto you. Some shall put out their hand in peace and in guidance. Some shall come with motives not the greatest, and not for the betterment of your earth, but for theirs. Some should place themselves upon the earth and enter as your form. These days are coming about but for one purpose, that from the beginning of all galaxies and universes, so shall they know the coming of the Messiah.

You have many questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. I have a question tonight from [1-1-5]. He asks, 'Aka, I would like a health reading; is there anything I can do to improve my hearing?’”

Yes, we should say unto you unto this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we find in this subject the lack of the substance, as you would know it, as B-2 and B-1. This, in itself, has caused hardening of the arteries, shutting off the blood supply to the inner ear and the bone structure of the ear substance of the same. This is also affecting the eyes, and is also affecting the memory pattern of the brain. We would suggest that come forth unto soul Ray that the necessary adjustments of the vitamin substance and herbs come forth that this may be restored.

We also find within this body substance within the liver area, kidney, we find, therefore, large quantities of pesticide. This is creating a blockage of the liver. Less and less of the liver is being used. This also could be corrected in the same manner.

We find also within this subject that of a heart problem. The arteries between the lung and the heart have been weakened due to the lack of circulation throughout the body. In essence, this has caused, as you would say, back pressure upon the heart valves themselves. We would suggest that the above mentioned be corrected, and therefore, the heart function would correct itself.

You have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka. I have a question from [6-274-2]. She says, 'The work here is more important to me, but you said in October, I have a lawyer, so listen to his words. Is it [to] my benefit to go to be in court on 11-24-75?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. It would serve of little value, except a moral substance unto the attorney of the same, that you be present. But should the request be made, after a discussion with the attorney, and the discussion should enter into the financial means of your transportation, then take the words of your attorney. But we say unto you as we have said before, that that you and the attorney seek shall only create more hardship. But that that must be must be, so go forth in the manner into which we have suggested.

You have other questions, ask.

"Yes, Aka, I have a question from [6-281-1]. She says, 'Dear Aka, recently I have been reading a book entitled, Everywhere the Light, The Story of Zitelle. It is written by Neil Bishop. I have some questions regarding this work. Please comment. "There is an essence in almonds unknown to mankind. The same applies to raisins and dates and figs.” Can you tell us more about which nutrients are vital for special kinds of illnesses, and which nutrients more emphasis should be placed upon?’”

Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner. But first we shall say unto you, what should be good for the biochemical structure of one humanoid should not, therefore, be good for another. Therefore, many tools are needed. You speak of the almond substance within the same. We should say unto you, you have now a drug called Laetrille that has been brought forth from the apricot-pit substance. In its present form it is dangerous to man. The almond, an extract made from the almond, added to the Laetrille in its pure form, and taking that of the chaparral and adding to, in the correct proportions desired, and that of the calcium-magnesium base, would change the structure, therefore, and be useful in the fighting of the virus-type cancer. Yet, it would be fairly useless in other types of cancer without the use of large doses of 50,000 units of A, the vitamin A.

What we have tried to show you in nutrients, once a substance is placed within the body structure, the body, therefore, shall change its form. The biochemical structure of the body substance shall change the form of one substance in one person in one way, and another in another way.

It is quite often you have seen in a subject the yearning or the desiring of a certain substance. This is the mind itself speaking out from the body of a food substance it needs. Yet sometimes that that it reaches for is not that that should be put through the stomach, for nothing should be placed in the mouth that the stomach cannot digest, and nothing should be placed in the mouth that the circulatory system cannot purify and find useful. Food substance, this in itself you shall find, through genetic breeding the cell structure shall be changed to meet the required needs, much as man adapts to his environment. If you lived in a land where all you had to eat was fish and vegetables, you would soon find through genetic breeding and time the body substance would produce fully all that was needed. Yet, even in that environmental condition there would be certain vitamin-mineral substances that should be added.

We would not suggest that a vegetarian become a meat-eater or a meat-eater become a vegetarian. It may be done, but it must be done in a gradual manner. This is why we have suggested that certain proportions of that that you have stored for future use be used now, that the body may gradually adapt to this substance.

You have many different types of medical substance. The size, the weight, the height, must all be considered in the administering of these, as such. The amount of protein per se must be calculated very carefully, and the amount of carbohydrates should be calculated very carefully, and so on, in such a manner that a very balanced, nutritional diet for the subject at hand may be brought forth. But always take in consideration that not even one snowflake upon your earth is identical, nor no part of the same snowflake may be identical. Each cell is different and apart, and the cell structure of each human, fish, fowl, or animal is different.

You have other questions, ask.

"Thank you, Aka. Soul Ray asks, 'What happens in the disappearance of both people and substance in the Bermuda Triangle?’”

Yes, we see of thy need. First, we shall answer in this manner. It must be realized that that that now is at the bottom of the ocean was once land form. Where now you pump your oil from, huge forests and life form did live. Civilization upon civilization has flourished upon this earth, reached forth into its golden age, and passed back into the rock ages again because in its golden dawn it could not believe that it could end. Therefore, it never pre­pared itself. It never placed away knowledge in such a manner that it could be carried on.

Even those who built the Great Pyramid did so in such a manner to confuse those around them. They built so carefully to hide a knowledge and store a knowledge, they lost unto man at his most needed time the knowledge that kept him from going back into the stone ages.

Therefore, there are many triangles. You shall find they shall be in the shape of the pyramid forming. These were crystal substances, much as we have described before, that was used as cosmic-magnetic generators to transform huge amounts of energy around the earth substance. But they were also used to transform huge amounts of energy from one planet to another. They were also used in interplanetary space travel.

At the ending, and the time of the ending, and the fall of the continents and the isles of Atlantis, and Lemuria, and Ur, their power sources were covered by the oceans. Yet, when the weather substance, the environmental substance, atmospheric changes are at precise temperature, these substances or cosmic generators, as you would call them, may be activated. At that moment, that that is matter is changed unto anti-matter and is transformed billions of light years into another dimensional planetary system. Life does not cease for those, nor does the destruction of the material substance. They are only transformed from one point to another. They are changed from matter into anti-matter, and back into matter again. This new form of energy is the same energy that we spoke of in our last reading.

You have other questions, ask.

"Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [7-317-1]. He asks, 'I am learning about many different branches of healing and all interest me. Could you give a guide as to which one suits more my interest, character, and capabilities? Thank you’”

We shall answer you in this manner. Your true capability lies in administra­tion, and the use of the psychic in this manner, that of bringing the healer and the doctor together. If this could be brought forth, you shall find that much may be gained unto mankind, and the acceptance as each as an equal part of the same. You shall find there is much that the doctor shall teach the healer and much the healer may teach the doctor. But both must enter with open minds and respect for the other. To discuss a point of diagnosing and treatment of an ailment is but an adding factor into the learning process of both. The exchanging of views is but the adding factor to both. But correlators, those who’d bring these together that they may trust each other -- you must realize that many years have been laid aside that the healer has had to hide his knowledge, and even yet, your laws restrict the healer in such a manner that the true potential of the healer can seldom be brought forth. But to administrate you must know both from the healer and the doctor of their knowledge; only in that way shall you gain respect for both. Therefore, we shall say unto you, come forth unto soul Ray. You shall find that the needs within you shall be filled and your cup shall runneth over. As we have said in the beginning, those who should come forth with the honesty, to serve mankind, in their hearts, we shall provide for their needs, but not always their wants.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. I have a question from [7-321-1]. She asks, firstly, ‘Dear Aka, could you please direct me at this point in my life the direction I should take in the service of the Light?’”

We shall answer in this manner. We have brought you to the Light. It lies at your feet. Pick it up. Look into it and you shall find the fulfillment of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. But when you look you shall see as a mirror. The substance you shall see shall be a beautiful thing to behold, for you shall find within yourself that that you have longed for, that of your true self, your greater self. But when you see this you shall find the greatness that should lie within all mankind, and the beauty, therefore, within the same.

You have seen a small portion of that that may be done with the bio-therapy. Yet you have not seen the doorways through the mind that may be opened. We shall say unto this one, we have placed into your hands A Rose without Thorns; pick it up. But do so of your own free choice.

Now we should say unto those who wish to develop further their psychic abilities. With the use of bio-therapy this may be done very rapidly. But we should say unto you, it should be administered very carefully, that your advancement should be in such a manner that your understanding shall grow in the same manner. It should be done with judgment.

Now we shall say unto you unto these words. We have told you before that the records should be kept in three places -- in that in the land of Yuma, in your national headquarters, in the household of the McKusick’s, and now, we shall add a fourth. But both fireproof chambers must be provided as these should be stored. Now is the time to build the fourth. This should be placed in the home of Thomas and Allison Odum. The trust of the keeping of these is a sacred trust. We say unto all, they may be kept in such a manner that they may be shared by all. For we say unto you, does not the sun, the rain, and the cool night breeze come unto all?

Soul Ray now grows weary.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona