October 4, 1975

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For as man stands upon the Earth, if he should stand in such a position that one hand held the past, the other the future, and dwelt each day only on that, then where would his presents be? He would stand only in one place, serve no purpose to himself or any other.    The past is only knowledge that can guide you to the present. And the present should make of the future.

You with your individual free will, your minds -- your minds are capable of moving mountains. A child may develop the mind quite rapidly because he has not placed before him what he cannot do. When a child learns to walk the equilibrium begins to function in such a manner that he may hold his balance.

Mankind is so busy holding their balance that they are not reaching for the stars, for through the stars shall be the pathway through your future, through the further exploration and development into your space travel. You shall find with the development of the cosmic-magnetic-electrical-energy substance both land and space travel and your power needs may be excelled.

You say unto us, “How can you speak of the book of Revelations and a new source of energy substance in the same breath?” We say unto you, your earth has changed its facial structure many times. It shall do so again. It is the spiritual structure of man with knowledge that shall gain you your new heaven and your new earth. To fear is to be ignorant.

Each of you asks the Lord, our God, each day for your peace of mind, for your well being, and for your many needs and wants; [that], which among you should say unto himself or herself, “How may I give unto the Lord, God?”

The Lord, God, does not ask a mighty temple of brick and stone. These things are good, for it is a gathering house. The only temple we seek to build is that within man, the temple of God is man. The body of God lies within all.

To fall down is not a sin. There are many things that you would call sin that our Father thinks little or not at all of.

You seek to explain to yourself the book of Revelations. You seek the knowledge of that that should taste of honey, yet grow bitter in one’s mouth. [See The Revelation 10:1-11.]

We shall answer your question. In man’s quest for his future, if all he could see was the future and not of the present, it would soon grow very bitter in his mouth. These were the scrolls that John was directed to eat, the scrolls of the future.

Your future can be made in such a manner that the famine, your time of the Anti-Christ or the coming of the Beast upon the Earth, can be wiped away with your minds. The chaos of the shifting of the Earth’s axis is nothing more than a minor adjustment that must be made within man and beast.

            We have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. The great Sword hovers, to strike from one side and part the land; the other shall part man. If a building should burn, and all inside use their minds and orderly and jointly remove themselves from the building, no one will be harmed. But fear, the constant dwelling upon fear, can destroy the mind, can destroy all around you, for you shall cease to see the flowers that grow today and can grow tomorrow.

We have also said unto you that where deserts stand water shall flow. New gardens, new forests shall arise. Your water level of the seas shall rise, only to recede again. The continents shall shift and change, only to stabilize again. Mankind has lived through every change of the earth. That that he has lost each time was his knowledge to crawl out of the cave, to not be afraid.

Use your knowledge here and now that you may store the knowledge from within.

Remember, you just -- you are now, only now, beginning to understand the knowledge of the medicine used by the Sumerians thousands of years ago.

We have said before that the true healing shall come through the light and sound. We shall elaborate farther in this manner, that through the functioning of the brain cells in the brain in itself, tone, or as you would know, musical tones, shall immune [emit, emulate, immute?] light. The light substance is an electrical substance that should be carried forth throughout the nervous system, throughout the biochemical functions of the body substance of the same.

And you say unto us, “How can this be so?” And we say unto you, does not the sperm of man carry light force and tone? Does not every object upon your earth? Should you change the cosmic flow, energy flow, into any object, should it not be mutated, therefore, changing the molecule structure of the same, and changing its form? You can destroy nothing. You have destroyed nothing. You will destroy nothing. You may only change its form.

We say unto you, study of the words we have spoken. You shall have many questions. Let them form and bring them forth, and we shall answer of the same.

You have questions, ask.

Yes, Aka. Firstly, I have a question for [6-274-2]. And she said, 'I wish to keep my house. If I sign the paper will this be insured?’”

We shall answer in this manner, since this is a question of a personal nature. You have now the advice of a man of law. Take the advice of the man, and the house shall remain intact. But we say unto you, make no bargain that your soul cannot carry.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [2-30-2-a] asks, ‘What place has St. Michael, the Archangel, in working out the karmic problems of this Earth? And what part will he have in the fulfillment of the prophesies of the book of Revelations?’”

(Chuckle) We say unto you, go, therefore, unto Jewish astrology and you shall find the answer. Saint Michael, as you would say, is a planet in your solar system. Study, therefore, of the same. If you do not fully understand then, we will bring forth the fullness of the answer. But an answer and knowledge earned stays in the mind. Take forth the knowledge we have given, and then come back and ask again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, she has another question, Aka, ‘Who is the Blue-Star Kachina of the Hopis? Is it an extra-terrestrial being?’”

(Chuckle) We shall answer your question in this manner. Long ago, when the Messiah walked the face of your Earth, your continent, this land -- and before his coming, a star was promised of his arrival. And he did say unto them, “For I give unto you the morning star and the evening star. I shall go with it, and I shall come with it.”

And so, through their folklore it has been handed down. Much as the tablets of Moses, that of the Ten Commandments, so were the tablets of the Hopi. Yet both no longer stand upon your Earth, only the wish and the promise -- the promise, therefore, unto the people that they should hold holy unto the Lord all days, and that they should worship no other god before Him.

The one who should come shall say to you, “I am not God, yet I am the spirit of God.”

So it has been upon your Earth before. So it shall be again.

Our purpose, that we might serve both man and God, should be for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Much as the star, the doll [Blue-Star kachina] was made to remind them of this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Mark [3-115-2-a] asks for guidance in the study of the book of Revelations. ‘There are many traditions about God’s children during the time of tribulation. Will they be removed bodily, or what?’”

(Chuckle) We shall answer in this manner. When as a child, you should eat as a child, and you should think as a child, and you should walk as a child.

We should say unto you, for in his madness John left a puzzle. We shall further answer in this manner. John was imprisoned, not because he was a Christian, but because of his insanity. Yet the Lord sought yet to work through him. And yet he took of that that the Lord gave him and made puzzles of the same, for, as an apostle, he knew that man, long after he was gone, would find many thoughts and translations of the work he should leave behind. This was his punishment to mankind for imprisoning him. It was not the intent of God that this should be of such. We should say unto you, we shall unscramble the puzzle as the time is needed and as the parts are needed.

But we have said before, a teacher can only rise with his pupils, and a pupil may only rise with their teacher. We have said before, let each pupil take one night of study and conduct your classes. It this manner it shall cover a greater latitude and more knowledge shall be gained. It is sometimes only by falling down and learning how to rise that one should learn to walk.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, I have been looking for the coal that you mentioned, and I have located some and I wonder if the coal that I have found is the coal that you were referring to or whether I should look somewhere else?”

We shall answer in this manner. Near where in this place you would call the mountains of the Pinal, near the area where the stream should flow that your father’s house should sit, yet both possibilities should be explored. You shall find other areas; search farther. They must be developed for the use of the people.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

But we should say unto you, all of you wish to survive. Yet, because your teacher should be of youth, you refuse to study. But we say unto you, where one should gather we shall stand. We should further say unto you, from the smallest thing in the universe we should learn.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona