October 11, 1975

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For fear that plagues the land should be as the rushing sea. If the captain of the ship upon the sea should handle his craft well during a storm, there should be no reason for panic or fear.

Assurance that you shall reach the land and the end of your journey shall come forth only when you lay your fears aside. For fear is much like greed. It should take but the smallest seed to start its growth, and soon it could consume you and everyone around you.

It’s like a task that is prolonged too long. The longer you wait, the greater the task should become. Much as the task, when the fear begins to enter the mind, confront it. Look within it, and you shall see that the greatest thing to fear is fear itself, and that which within itself should consume the mind, therefore, consuming the body. And [an] emotional upheaval should begin through the mind, and therefore, through the body.

            We have told you of the light and sound of the brain within itself. We should tell thee farther that all you have ever been and shall be lies within the brain. The brain is the house of the soul of man. Was it not said that another man could take thy arm, thy leg, or even the body, but only you yourself could really harm yourself? And this can only be done through fear. And fear could grow into greed and lust, and leave all you have worked for behind.

            There shall be some of you who shall have but one teardrop to offer into his Father, and some who shall have many. But the one who has only but one, and gives it freely, shall, therefore, be as great as the one who should give many. For within this one, they have given their all.

            Mind and body must function as one, for the mind shall rule the body in all respects.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a question tonight from soul Ray and from [6-281-1]. ‘Aka, we have been thinking about a plan to promote spiritual healing becoming an integral part of medicine as it is practiced by the medical profession. Can you give us advice and help us in formulating this? What is a good way to start opening the doors in our community? How should we go about the research part? Do you have any specific advice to soul Ray about this in his part?’”

            Yes, we should answer in this manner. First, we should say unto you, if you should build a house, therefore, put beneath it a good foundation. Dig deeply, and root it solidly unto the earth’s surface. The same must apply in research. Accurate records must be kept, precise records of the work. We shall say unto you, with this type of records taken from any subject over a repeated length of time, then you have the foundation to build from.

We should further suggest that the further participation between your medical society and that of the healer, the trading of knowledge, therefore, within the same, doing so without reservations, the reward shall come as it should be through the healing of the patient. It is not important who should get the credit. It is important that the life be saved and life be preserved.

Some of you will wonder why we shall say of these words, and we shall say unto you -- one day upon your Earth you can learn more than a hundred years on the other side.

Knowledge from both sides may be linked together. We shall say unto you, your civilization as it stands today is now reaching into the realms, the greater realms, of mind and body. The tools that are needed will be provided.

Your golden age has been upon this Earth many times. It has been lost many times because of ignorance and fear.

            We shall say unto you, go forth using, in experimental techniques, of both the EEG attached to the patient and to soul Ray as experiments are done; running, therefore, in accordance, organ by organ you shall see the change in the pattern substance. This experiment you have already done, but more research must be done to collaborate [corroborate] the same.

            We would suggest the farther attendance of the different societies that are coming together in this field. We would further suggest that both you and soul Ray should go, therefore, into that of the isles of California, and therefore, participate and bring forth, and see, therefore, for yourselves the knowledge that you have already assimilated. You are like a tree. In your research you are far advanced. Yet you have nothing to compare it with. When the research is finished, find those who should take of the same and use of it.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question tonight from [7-317-1] and [7-317-2]. The question, one: ‘Two of our friends are interested in Swami Kriyananda’s Ananda Cooperative Village. How will this fare in coming troubles? It’s near Nevada City, California.’”

            We shall say unto you, as we have spoken before, you have less than five years, as the isles shall soon, and the land of California shall soon begin its destiny of the removal of land and the upheaval of other land. This land into which you speak will not fare. The land unto which you stand shall remain while other land suffers great upheavals.

            Regardless of the faith of man, there is room for all. And the knowledge shall be given to all. We say unto you, the knowledge shall spread upon the Earth and grow thus far into the same. Our Father has many mansions.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, [7-317-2] has another question: ‘What is your opinion of diet and refined foods as a cause of sickness?’ She has asked in the past especially about white sugar.”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. The white sugar, in refining, in itself, does little but take, therefore, from the substance of the same.

            In this particular question you are asking both for that of hypoglycemic patients and diabetic patients. We would suggest the use, therefore, of the tupelo honey that should come from the region of the Florida land. This should contain within the substance three different types of glucose. This substance will feed slowly into the system, and therefore, can be handled by the system much easier than your other sugar forms.

            Of diet within its same, and roughage, roughage must be needed within the system, therefore, that the system may digest its food more readily. Cooked food quite often, if prepared in a wrong manner, could take, therefore, of the vitamin substance within the same. But in this day and time, I would look closer into the mineral lacking in the food substance.

The oritate method and chelating method, and the combining of the mineral substance, both with the use of the ionization and the use of the B substance, or your B6 substance, within this would, therefore, help very much in the repair of the lower colon and the damage, therefore, into the same, as surgical techniques seldom may help these regions because the diseased area only will become diseased again. Correction can be made without surgery in this fashion.

            Your question should cover a great latitude, and therefore, we shall add more unto it from time to time.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [7-311-1]. He asks for a life reading, ‘in order to better know what God wants me to do with my life, and to better understand myself.’”

            One moment. We find insufficient data. We would suggest that this be corrected that we might answer this question more fully.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [5-239-5], his parents ask for a life reading for him.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body before us, and therefore, we have the records.

            We shall say unto this one, as you should grow older, look back upon this that we should give, for it shall be both the guideline of where you have been, but where you are going.

            We find this one born in the Year of the Dragon in the land that you should now know as Mongolia. Much has changed of this land. This land at this time was of great vegetation, warm, tropical climate.

We find the entity, therefore, born into that that you would know as a hunter. And fashioning the weaponry of stone, for they are emerging once again from their golden age into their stone age. The knowledge these people once had is but legend. This one is born with an ability to see the past, and within his ability he, therefore, should bring forth the figures and symbols that he should see. He should carve them upon the stone.

            As he grew older he did, therefore, higher into the mountains. And therefore, he unearthed caverns containing great records, and modern machines left from another generation of man. At first he thought to tell no one of his discovery. Soon he would find that the symbols he did see were written, both in scripture that man could read from. Yet he would study long. Finally within his frustration he would go unto the wise ones of his village. Only the wise ones thought him possessed, and drove him back into the cavern, and therefore, did stone up the cavern. And there he did perish.

            We find this one not again until civilization reached the land, therefore, of the Egyptan. Both the land and the space travel between these lands and that of other planetary systems was a common event. But once again he was born, therefore, with the knowledge to look back.

And with this knowledge he said unto himself, “If man should destroy himself once again, our knowledge must be preserved.” And therefore, he sought out the great priest, Ra-Tai, to tell him of his vision.

And Ra-Tai took him forth, therefore, into the fifth continent of Atlantis, of [Pe-ra-us]. And there, with Arcan, they did discuss this matter.

Atlantis with its splendor and its greatness – how could it perish? Arcan said, therefore, unto Ra-Tai, “Of you I know of the great visions you have brought forth, of the binding of the wounds among our two people, and the people of [Lemuria], of the world peace we now have upon this, this world, of the peace we have made with the other planetary systems. Surely it should stand.”

            And Ra-Tai said unto him, “Let us prepare, therefore, a storing place of knowledge. It shall be in mathematical cubicles, the knowledge within itself. Part of the knowledge shall be stored in the structure that was built long ago by the old ones. But we shall preserve our knowledge of today.” And therefore, you did place beneath the tombs of Cairo the records that rest there today.

Your years were old, and yet, when you passed beyond you died with great satisfaction that the knowledge would not be lost.

You saw the coming, therefore, of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. You saw the continent of Yucatan rise and fall. You saw the invasion, therefore, of the Spaniards and the destruction of the knowledge in that [plan].

And yet, you have come again. Your task that shall lie before you in this lifetime, for you have seen the Eagle’s flight, you shall know that when the earth should shift again that Atlantis shall fall again and rise again. But once again your gift of far-away knowledge shall remain with you. Bring forth the knowledge, both of that time and this. Take our words as a gift, not unto you, but unto mankind.

            Now soul Ray wearies.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for improved accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona  85501