October 15, 1975

Phoenix, Arizona



[Editor’s note: The first part of this reading was not transcribed, so the reading begins with these words.] [We should] say unto you, that as a tree must grow, so should the spirit of God grow in man.

There are those who would say that God is dead in man. We should say unto you, nay. It is but a new awakening. The growth is now maturing. And mankind is looking deeper and farther into the knowledge of God and seeking His love and wisdom.

If you should cut down the tree, and there before you, you shall see many circles. Some shall be bent and twisted and narrow; these will be the lean years. Others shall be fat and straight. These shall be the years of great progress for the tree and much development. But yet, should a tree bend with the wind, it shall not become broken; yet it may be deformed at the base, only to right itself and reach upward toward the heavens.

So should all of these things we have said apply unto man. The lean years are the lean life spells, or lifetimes, as you would know them, where we have learned little; the fat ones, where we have learned much. The bending and the straightening we may do many times in a lifetime.

One would say unto you, “You must die to live again.” And we say unto you, this is wrong, for the resurrection was proof unto man that any minute of a lifetime can be a new birth.

As the rays should come from the sun unto the earth, so should the many rays of God dwell into man.

Should you climb the ladder, climb it in such a way that you should denounce no one their belief and the way they believe in their Father, but reach for a greater understanding of the same.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka, from [7-318-1] and she’s present here tonight. ‘Will I ever love somebody else and marry him?’”

            Yes, we shall answer your question in this manner. [If] a farmer should own a plot of land, and on the land should only be rock, then he should go hungry looking and trying to grow a crop upon the same. Yet a miner should come by and see the same rock and find riches in the same.

            We should say unto you that as fisherman goes unto the ocean and casts his net, he should bring forth sometimes things he should rather not catch. He shall cast them back. But this should not stop the fisherman from fishing. Continue to cast your net, and one of your own kind shall come forth soon.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “From [7-318-2], and she asks, ‘Who was I in my incarnation preceding my present one?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. We shall say unto you, in the land known as Ireland, there upon the small farm, you herded the dairy cattle as a lad. As an adult you moved to the city, and therefore, worked in a fiber mill, that that the wool was brought into cloth. In older years, you were a very stingy person. Your daughter sent forth her child because she had neither bread nor milk to feed the child, and through the child you found the love you had lost so long ago. And you went forth and gathered your daughter, and therefore, you did find the God within yourself.

            This you seek now. It is in the same place it was before, for you are all parts of everything you have ever been. It dwells within you. It is at hand. It is not in your purse, but in your heart, and soul, body, mind, and the immortal body within the same.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, from [7-318-3], and she’s here tonight, and, ‘Will I ever be together with my ex-husband, K_____, in a man-wife relationship, or is there a future for me with J__, the man I am with at the present?’”

            We should say unto you, it shall be neither of the two, but there shall be a third. And we should say unto you, that when this day comes forth should the minister read unto the marriage of Cana. [See John 2:1-10].

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, from [7-318-4], and [7-318-4] asks, ‘Which field is best for me in which to pursue my degree, librarianship or communications cinema, or should I continue in communication and get an MLS also?’”

            We should say unto you, you should continue your education. But you shall stop at neither of those mentioned, for you shall go farther and enter into the political arena and become quite known for your ideals. These ideals shall not only sway the city, the state, but a country in its path in the future days to come. Think well; “one nation before God,” one soul before God, but that soul’s responsibility is unto all of God’s children, for remember, our Father has many mansions.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “From [7-313-1], otherwise known as M____ O__,…and M____ asks, ‘I have been asked to start a band with a friend I work with. Also I have been asked to rejoin the band, "Gravel and Roll," that I played with a year ago. I don't know which band would be the best for me to be a part of. Can you tell me? Will either one be successful for me?’”

We shall say unto you, at a later time you shall reach into another field of endeavor, but for the present time, let the last be first, and this should bring forth gratifying results in a monetary fashion.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, from [7-318-5], I’m not sure if that’s all one name….She wants to know, ‘What will be the outcome of my new marriage?’ -- married on 6-28-1975.”

            We see not of this. Data incorrect.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka, from [6-283a-3], and she asks, ‘Will my children, I, and my husband be happily reunited again, and what will be the outcome of this situation?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Seek and you shall find. Be fearful, and you shall lose all you will gain. Let the past be the past. Walk forth into a new endeavor with vigor, love, and the knowledge within that it shall endure and withstand.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka, from [5-238-6], and she asks, ‘What are my prospects for the coming year?’”

            Yes, we see of thy need and we should answer in this manner. The financial prospects -- and this is in a direction into which you are most interested -- shall do well, if you within yourself could take stock of your inventory.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, [7-303-3], and she asks, ‘What is your advice on my purchasing the property where I am living and working? Is this a good move at this time?’ And she also would like to know, ‘Did I interpret my vision of July 11, 1975, at 4 a.m., reasonably correctly?’”

            First, we should answer your question in this manner. The vision was not interpreted quite as clearly as could have been.

            The question, we should say unto you, the property should be purchased; [it] would be a very wise investment. But if you should do so, it should be done quite promptly, or it should slide beneath thy fingers, for there are other forces at work at this time.

            We shall say unto you that as the Eagle flies, so shall the destiny of the Eagle’s nest rise.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, from [7-318-6], ‘My husband, D____, and I are having serious marital problems. Will these problems be worked out so that we will have a fulfilling union with each other, or will we be divorced?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner; those who pray together stay together. Give that unto God that belongs to God; give that unto your husband that belongs unto your husband; give that unto yourself that belongs unto you. In all three you shall serve yourself, your husband, and God. But in all three you shall be serving God. A house divided cannot stand. Place this time a foundation under the marriage, and fruit shall come forth [abundantful].

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, I’d like to ask a question tonight. I’ve been concerned about a young member of my family, and I was wondering if you could give me any help and advice in relating to her in a more fruitful manner?”

            (Chuckle) We shall say unto you unto this manner. The fatty tissue of the buttocks was placed there not for just sitting. Lie shall compound lie, as long as the liar is allowed to continue to lie. This one you speak of has little feeling. She is so afraid of being hurt that all she knows to do is hurt others, yet she will listen not. We say unto you, now of all times, use a firm hand, but put love behind it.

We shall answer one other question that lies within the mind. Find thee there A Rose without Thorns. Pick it up. Gaze into it, and speak unto the author. For what you seek is but at your footsteps.

            We say unto you, soon new tornados, new hurricanes shall battle your Midwest. They shall reach both seaboards, both the Atlantic and the Pacific. The Mediterranean area shall suffer new earthquakes. Both California and the Alaskans within the month, as you would count, shall both suffer severe earthquakes.

            The land on which you stand shall now start to recede a little at a time. In the next five-year period the Phoenix bird must rise again from the ashes.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


            [Note: these words were said to Ray, as they were at the end of each trance reading.]

“Ray, now it is time to begin your journey home. Down the stairs, Ray. Down the stairs that bring you home. As you start you will hear no outside interference, only the sound of my voice, Ray. Down the stairs that bring you home.

We are now approaching the bottom of the stairs, Ray. We will rest and gather strength. Rest and gather strength. You like it here. You have been here before, Ray. This is a beautiful place. There is a stream. Along the stream there are rosebushes; beautiful rosebushes of many colors. In the valley you see sheep grazing. You feel good. You feel very good. Your body is beginning to heal itself. All the strains of the day are fading. You are resting. You feel good here. We will rest and gather strength. Your body functions are returning to normal. You want to wake up.

Now we are at the bottom of the stairs. You will not have a headache, and you will not feel dizzy. All the strains of the day will be gone. When you want to sleep tonight you will have no trouble. You want to wake up.

When I count to three, you will awake, but not before. Your body is returning to normal.

One, your body functions are returning to normal.

Two, you want to wake up.

Three, you are awake.” 


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio tape for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, AZ 85501,  A 624240