October 18, 1975

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as man should walk forth into your planetary system, there you shall find new earths, and many of your people shall come forth to colonize. They shall gaze upon fields never plowed. But as the plow should enter the earth to till the ground, it shall bring forth new life upon a planet, much as your Eastern world did bring forth unto the Western world, and trade cultures into the same.

            You shall find those of your own kind in these other planetary systems. And you shall say unto us, “How can this relate unto us?” And we say unto you, look into your day-to-day tasks, that as you should meet another unlike yourself, fear them not. Understanding one another, that each may put their hand to the plow, and the task they should bring forth shall come from the faith within. And the faith within shall come from the hope within. And the hope within shall come forth as a gentle summer breeze. And love shall flourish. But as you should plant a seed today, even in friendship, time shall bring forth its harvest.

If you trade and barter, look deeply into each part with full understanding, with the understanding that the love, the compassion, the hope, the faith, and the wisdom of all shall let its roots bury deep in the soul and heart and spirit, and the immortal body of man, letting all flow in harmony, one unto another.

            We have said unto you, we come but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Some, because of the natural catastrophes that should befall the earth, should be fearful. They are wrong. The fear only breeds more fear. The knowledge and understanding takes away the fear, the working of one hand into another.

            We have placed into soul Ray’s mind the baptism of your organization. [For] he did seek in his dream form, a church. It was a poor church, and he said therefore, “Build into me a steeple, and I shall provide the bell. And it shall ring forth the freedom of religion throughout the land. And it shall come before your bicentennial year of your land.”

            And so we say unto you, we shall provide the bell. Where more than one should gather, so we shall stand. And where only one shall stand, we shall stand. But the learning to stand together in love, in faith, and in harmony is your greatest task in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

            If a burden is carried with love, it is no burden at all, for it becomes light, and your feet shall gather wings -- for you shall become in harmony with the universe. Let it be so. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Can you suggest a solution to the present problem at the Inspiration Smelter so that it can be made to function? The acid vapors pass through pipes containing stoneware pads and these are being smashed by turbulence. They do not know how to correct the problem. They want to put the people back to work.”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, you have worked in that form, as you would call it, Egyptian paste. Should these be made of this substance, firing at a higher substance, being placed as they are now, but with a counterweight should the turbulence grow too strong. Both substances could be made of the same substance, and therefore, could correct the problem at hand.

            But we say unto you, there are those who would keep this place of employment closed for their own purposes.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Thank you. I have a request for a life reading from [7-319-1…Tucson, Arizona]. She asks for a life reading in order to better enable her to use what skills she possesses and to help in the work of the preparation and to make her a better person.”

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have before us the records. We shall say unto this one, we shall bring forth unto you that that is needed for today. It shall not be all of your incarnations upon this planet, but it shall be that that is significant to your development of this day and of tomorrow.

            We find this one has entered many times before the entry, in the land of the second continent of Atlantis. And this one, as a girl child, was prepared in all ways to marry within her [status]. Her father was a merchant of jewelry and had done well by himself and his family. Yet, the mother would be, as your would call, a social climber of today. She cared not for her husband’s feelings and not for her daughter’s feelings, but sought a marriage of prestige, and therefore, did barter, that she might marry that of a noble from the land of Egytan.

            And so the marriage did come forth. You were young with little understanding of politics. The people of Egyptan at this time had placed the great priest, Ra-Tai, in exile. And your wondered to yourself, not loudly, but into yourself, why this should be so. You were afraid to ask of your husband, and therefore, you did ask of the servants.

And the servants did say, “There are those from the land of your home who should take power, and seek power in this land. And there are those of this land who cares not for the development of the people.”

            And you said unto this servant, “Then why does not this one that they say that comes from the land of the Eagle, why does he let this come about?”

            And the servant said unto you, “We know not.”

            But then word came that the land of the Eagle had not entered nor blessed the crops. Plague and pestilence did rule the land. And Atlantis, all of her continents were plagued. And [Lakemia [Lamuria?]] was of the same. All of the known world seemed to stand in an [other, utter] darkness.

            And then your husband did come forth and say unto you, “I must leave you, for there are those who would bring Ra-Tai back. And should he return, I might fear for my life, for it was I, among others, who had him banished.”

            And you said unto your husband, “But what shall happen to me? Where shall I go?”

            And he said unto you, “You shall become as a servant.”

            And so, doing your husband’s bidding, you did so.

            Ra-Tai returned and the land began to flourish. And the great priest, Arcan, came forth from the land of Atlantis.

And, as you served them both their midday meal, Arcan looked upon you and said, “Are you not the wife of the noble?”

            And you looked upon him and bowed your head and said, “Yes, that I am.”

            And Ra-Tai said unto you, “It is our mission that we should venture forth into the land of the Eagle. We should like your husband to accompany us.”

            And you said unto them, “But sires, I know not where my husband is.”

            And Arcan said unto you, “Go, therefore, into the Temple of Beauty and you shall find him. And say these words unto him, “If he is to be transformed, he shall return here.”

            And so you did do of such and there you found of him. At first he was fearful, but then he returned.

            And Arcan said unto him, “You took of a wife, yet you shunned her aside, and placed her in servitude. Therefore, she is no longer your wife. And you are no longer a noble, for a noble is a servant of the people, and only that. Therefore, she shall take your stead and go forth with us into the land of the Eagle.”

            And so it came about. And those from Ur and those of all the lands did venture forth. And there you saw many wonderful things -- new plants, and new seed substance to feed the land, new forms of medicine, new forms of transportation, new energy substances beyond the wildest pieces of your imagination.

            And Ra-Tai did say unto you, “As our delegate you shall remain and learn and bring back unto us these new secrets that have been given unto us. But bring forth nothing that is not given.”

            And so, you went forth into the experimental laboratories. And soon a kinship in the work was brought forth into your heart. And many days you did listen and hear the words of the coming of the Messiah. You did hear the words of the sinking of the land of Atlantis, and of other lands. But they were spoken in such a way, and they did say unto you, “For the greatest knowledge that you shall have to take back into your land of Egyptan is the knowledge to store knowledge so that mankind may carry on all, that he shall not go back into the days of darkness and fear.”

And so when the time went forth, you did use of such. And in the Great Pyramid there were developed the devices that on the day of the birth, when the planets did align into their proper sequence, that the closing of the door would come forth unto the tomb of knowledge.

You did grow old, yet the time did not come. And you did pass beyond, only to look back and see that that was promised to happen upon the earth come about. And you did look upon the Earth, and you did say unto yourself, “How can this, these people, why do they not use of the knowledge we have left behind? Why do they scrape away the surface and seek not the knowledge within?”

You saw the city of Cairo built from the shell of the pyramid as the limestone was removed. And you saw that the pyramid no longer functioned with its full power, the power to stabilize the Earth that it should not turn upon its axis again.

You wondered, and yet, when you saw the one of Jesus of Nazara appear upon the land, you thought, “Now all things shall change.”

Yet, you saw the crucifixion, and you saw the Eagle change his flight unto another continent, and the reappearance of that of Jesus of Nazara upon what you would know as the North and South American Continent.

And you said into yourself, “Here, in this land, is where I shall come again. But I shall come in a time when the preparation for the coming of the Messiah is at hand, that I may use my hands, my mind, my body, my soul, and my spirit, all in offering into God.”

And so, your destiny and your re-entry has brought you here unto this time, unto this p1ace, and once again, as the Eagle scoars [soars], and the preparation is being made. We say unto you, we have placed all the tools within your grasp. Bring forth your group form in such a manner that the bell we shall provide shall ring forth your freedom of religion throughout the land, and the preparation shall be made for that of the same.

Heed our words carefully, for they shall have greater meaning than lies upon the surface. For stone by stone so shall this temple be built. But remember, as easily as you should turn a stone, so our Father should turn the descendents of Abraham, one unto another. [See Matthew 25:1-8.]

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary and our time should grow short.

Prepare to see within your hearts, your souls, your minds, this coming. Listen and you shall hear the bell ring within you, and those who shall see you shall know of it, for it is a glorious time. Glory be the name of the Lord forever and ever.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona  85501