September 27, 1975

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We shall say unto you, as was written in your book of Revelations, look therefore, and you shall find within the same that the Beast did rise, and the Beast did have upon its head ten crowns. And the Beast, therefore, had the head severed, yet it grew a new head. [See The Revelation 13:1-9 and 17:12.]

And you should say, “How should this be possible?”

And we should say unto you, the time and the place is now. The head that was destroyed of the Beast that carried ten crowns was the head of a nation that was removed. And therefore, it did grow a new head. And each crown represents a nation, a nation each within what you would call your Common Market. And it did say unto these words, “Lest these be carried and wear the mark of the Beast, they could not trade nor barter.” And so it is, as it was written, as it was given unto John. Even within his madness so he placed forth that that was to come forth in your day and in your time.

Yet, the reign was short. We shall say unto you that Rome did rise and Rome did fall, and Rome did carry upon its shoulders the emblem of the eagle. And so was the fulfillment of the first of the prophecies. And now is the second, for you are the modern Romans.

            Leste not your nation fall from within itself -- leste not it fall, “one nation before God.” you are few, but your strength should multiply. We have said unto you, bring forth and come forth as a mirror unto the people. We have encouraged new teachers and ministers be brought forth for this purpose. Yet each one of your members is that of a missionary within itself, for as each member should cast his light upon the water, so a reflection should come forth.

            Leste these wear the mark of the Beast, now is the time that all should reach forth to multiply and increase the dominion of your membership. This can only be done with increase of the group study sessions in correct and proper manners: that before God, that with God, and that for God.

            If a teacher cannot carry the burden, it is better to be a good shepherd than a poor leader of nations. As you carry forth the words, one unto another, forgiveness, mercy, and humility must be part of your banners.

We say unto you, go forth in such a manner that you should knock upon the door. Should they bid you enter, enter and drink of their wine of knowledge and give of yours. It is only in the trading of knowledge, and through knowledge, can the mark of the Beast be avoided.

The time grows near when new hurricanes and tornados shall strike your continent, both from the eastern and western seaboards. Volcanic action beneath the ocean shall bring forth new tremors in the western and eastern seaboard. They shall intensify. Earthquakes stronger than the earth has known in many, many years shall now strike. The month of October shall mark the beginning.

The fuse is short in the land of Israel. It shall be lit from the continent of France, and therefore, may spread upon the Earth.

Your nation, even as it stands, can crumble a little at a time unless now the spiritual substance of mankind is applied. It cannot come in such a manner that one should stand and take; it is in the giving that you shall grow. As we have said before, we shall supply your needs, not your wants. Therefore, in the preparation of the coming times, prepare in such a way that you should not make war upon your neighbor.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [7-316-1] who now lives in Yuma, Arizona, and asks, ‘What can we take to nullify the poison cotton and lettuce sprays that we have to breathe? Also, Aka, please tell me about my health conditions.’”

First, we should answer in this manner. We have brought forth the substance that is known as the “Goldenseal with B-6” formula. This in itself is constructed in such a manner to cleanse the system and maintain the toxic level of the same.

Of your health conditions, this in itself is a general question. Your main health condition at the present time is condition of the liver, and a toxic condition within the same, a blockage. Using of the substance we have just suggested, this problem could be readily dissolved.

As we have said before, we have brought forth that that is needed for your needs. We have seen the need. Therefore, we have implanted the knowledge, and the substance is before you.

Now we should say unto you, due to the condition of soul Ray’s health and the overtaxing of his body substance, your reading shall be short. We have given unto you that that is needed.

            The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona  85501