April 3, 1976

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

            As the woodsman should go into the forest to cut lumber, first the right tree must be chosen, that the lumber may be cut in the proper manner, that the land will not be overcut, that the land may be replenished.

            And as the woodsman begins to cut, each tree must fall in its proper place, that it does not destroy other trees around it. To do this the woodsman must first cut from the opposite side of this which he wants the tree to fall. He must cut at the right angle, or the tree shall fall in the improper place and crush all the other trees beneath it. The woodsman knows that if he cuts all and destroys all, soon he would have no wood to cut. Then the woodsman should cut the opposite side of the tree so the tree will fall free. The woodsman also knows that as he inserts his blade into the tree, he must use wedges, that the blade will not be cramped and to insure that the tree should fall in its proper place.

            Then, as the tree should fall, the tree is trimmed. The trimmings then must be disposed of, but safely, so that fire does not run through the forest and destroy all. He also realizes if he cleans the ground too barren it will not reproduce.

            When the logging is finished, the woodsman knows that replanting and reseeding must be done also, and in that way he becomes part of nature. For before the woodsman cut the first timber, fire from the heavens did bring forth fires, burned the land, and then reseeded. In this manner, care of the land is replenished.

            We say unto you, look forth unto the desert in the land of Yuma, look into the land of the Sahara. In both of these places timber once grew abundantly. But through the wastefulness of man, all was lost. Yet, even in the bareness of the desert there can be a bountiful crop, and the land let grow again.

            The Lord said unto you, “SO WE HAVE CREATED YOU, OF OUR KIND, OR OUR IMAGE.” And the Lord did look upon you and say, “THIS IS GOOD.” [See Genesis 1:26-31.]

            And then you say unto yourselves, each of you, “I must cast aside this, I must cast aside that.”

            Man is much like the forest. A forest is much like a tree that bears fruit. The tree that bears fruit, all of the fruit will be picked. Some will be good, some will be not so good, and some shall be bad. Yet the tree that bears fruit will bear another day, if it is properly cared for. So, at the core [comes] man. But if a tree is overpruned, it takes a long time before it can bear fruit again. It is the same with man. Man sometimes is so busy casting aside the fruit that he cannot tell which is good, which is fair, and which is bad. As he looks, therefore, he is like the tree in the forest, that can seldom see its own growth. He will only judge his growth by what he sees.

            If the wrong woodsman comes unto the trees, he shall destroy the whole forest. And so it is with the [teacher], those who should come unto you and say these words, “You must do this, and you must do that.”

            We say unto you, as we have said before, we have come not for the time of Moses, not for the time of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, but we have come for this time, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Each day, each time, different laws are laid forth. We have come not to change the Ten Commandments. We have come not to change the laws of Buddha. We have come not to change that that was given by Mohammed or Ishmael. Nay. But we say unto you, there are some laws that become outdated and should be cast aside. The Ten Commandments are not of these that should be cast aside. But yet, there are some of the laws of Moses that cannot be applied today, for you are not people marching in the wilderness, but you are people marching in the wilderness of your own making. Unlike the days of Moses, we do not want you to stay in the darkness for 40 years. As we have said before, what was covered shall be uncovered. Where no light shone, light shall come forth, and that of the knowledge of mankind should come through the story, the lesson of the tree as it sits upon the [same].

            But, we cannot take from you your free will. We would not, if we could, for the Lord, God, did give unto you this, and it must be cherished above all. The Lord, God, did not make one man slave and another master.

Spiritual leaders the Lord, God, has brought forth in many forms, in many races. But He did not make gods of them; they are the instruments of God.

Those who should stand and tell you, “You shall be forever cast in the pit of damnation” for this or that, they themselves should use the Lord’s name in vain, for they speak not for the Lord, but for themselves, and their own likeness. And these are the false prophets that you were warned about in the Book.

It is these things which they said (cough) they said unto you, “Mine is the only way.” We say, nay; our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold. If a man should take the same axe into the forest, each man would swing the axe in a different fashion, but the final chore which he intends to achieve is the falling of a tree in the right position. They may not use the same axe, yet that of the end result is the same.

We have come not to take you from your religion. We have come to bring fulfillment into that that you possess.

But we say unto you, should a man spit upon his own soul, and [tear] and have pity unto himself, he should not help himself, nor should he help God, nor should he help his brother. In no way shall he serve God. The Lord, God, should bring healing, but the hypochondriac should live with one [pain] only to create a new one, for they wish to be sick. And then [it] is the sickness within the mind that they used [to harm themselves].

We said unto you, the measure of your faith, that is the measure of your wealth. The measure of your faith shall be the measure of your hope, of your love, and if you should give unto the Lord one-tenth of the love unto which He should give you, and should give unto each other in the same manner.

There are those who should put themselves in the position of being a god. We say unto you, there is but one God, and He is of a jealous God, and you are His children. As you should have children you should not give them unto others. So it is with the Lord. Yet, the Lord may shed many tears for His children, yet He has given them free choice, as a wise parent should. He sees you when you fall. He sees you when you rise. But we say unto you these words, if you should prune the tree that bears the fruit within yourself, it must be pruned in a proper manner so that the yield in the following year could be greater than the yield that year. What lies within another may be good for them and bad for you, for you are separate and an individual. Now, understand the faith of another. If you can do this one small thing, and love them because they love God in their own way, then you have become one step closer to the kingdom of God upon the Earth. You have brought forth, that much closer, unto the Lord, thy God.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [5-213-1]. He asks specifically, ‘To better understand my present reincarnation.’”

We should say unto you, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spiritual [body] of the same; we have before us the immortal body. We shall say unto this one, you [should] ask us, “Why should I be placed in the position of a cripple?”

We say unto you, you made [of] the choice unto yourself, but not for karmic reasons. You made the choice that you might become part of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. But only in this way would you have reached unto the one who could heal, who could [bring unto some] that [of] the light and sound that could heal the body. Only in this way could you understand that the body is like a perfectly tuned instrument. Out of balance it would play a sour tune. Therefore, [it would take] this ability, as such.

You have contemplated the love, and [become afraid]. We spoke unto you, we have brought unto you and shown unto you this love that we have given. Yet, it has taken a long time for you to reach forth to find the [true] meaning, yet there is more to come. When you have found the true meaning then you shall find that the affliction shall [be there] no more.

You are reaching. We say unto you, reach farther. Each day, say unto yourself, “That is [reaching distance].” But the same way, [the healing] will come.

We say unto you, this is not the way of all, but it is your way, and your choice, for this time, for this place, for this purpose. Look long unto the Eagle’s eyes. [Editor’s note: one microphone blew out.] And there you shall find the pathway.

Bring forth one last question and we shall answer it, and shall depart.

“Yes, Aka. [7-317-1] asks, ‘Where can we find published or taped predictions by Ray that have been fulfilled?’”

You shall find them in the archives. We say unto you, go forth unto [1-1-3] and [1-1-5]. Go forth into the archives, which has been scattered about. Look forth unto his lectures and you shall find both predictions and published. This is all on this subject at this time.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy. However, the tape quality was very poor and hard to hear in places.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona