April 29, 1976

Globe, Arizona



            Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

For in the land that shall become the isles of California, in the month of June, from the 15th day, the tremors shall be felt. And then, into the month of July, on the third day and the 13th day, an earthquake that shall register 8.5 on your Richter scale, shall reach like fingers from the lower proportions of San Francisco down, through Blythe, California, across through Los Angeles, through Oxnard, California, through San Bernardino, California, and all those communities laying within the same. That of the San Diego shall feel its wrath.

In the land of your Mid-Eastern states, earthquakes shall be centered in that region. In the month of June, July, and August, hurricanes and tornados shall ravish the land. That of your food crops, and the harvest belt, shall be badly damaged. Therefore, we say unto you, from the desert shall come a harvest, not in proportion of that of last year, but it shall come in a proportion to suit your needs. Gather from the same, and your needs shall be fulfilled.

We say unto you, if you should go unto the desert, and leave your water and food behind, and say, “Lord, provide,” the Lord has already provided. It was your own folly that you left your water and food behind. Why should He then provide the second time -- to prove unto you, as a stupid child, the Lord is the Lord?

We say unto you, if you cannot believe us of the things of heaven, how can you believe us of the things of earth? We say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

We also say unto you, Atlantis has come and gone many times. The golden age of your population, the golden age of your civilizations, have risen and fallen into the dust. The earth has risen and fallen. Where oceans were they are no more, yet they shall return.

Take heed of our words.

From now until the year of 1985 each earthquake shall become increasingly worse. And then, in the year of 1998, the splitting away shall take forth. The Eastern seaboard region shall split away. The Western seaboard region shall split away. Northern Europe shall part. The British Isles shall become that, part of Europe once again. War shall come before that time, yet shall stop, because man shall stand to fight the elements.

            But before that time shall come forth, you long have waited for the meeting of your own relatives from other planetary systems where the seed was implanted. This shall soon come into reality. But not in the way of hide and seek; a formal introduction shall be made.

            You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, from [8-333-1], and he asks, ‘Can you give me any information about the improvement of my breathing, and heart difficulties?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Part of the improvement is due to that of your reaching for within yourself and bringing forth the spiritual self. The other part is due to that of the gift we have given unto soul Ray that he might give unto you. We shall further say unto this one, further improvement shall be given.

           We shall ask that you give us, with the rest of your questions, all of the data. You have other questions, ask.

            Yes, [8-333-2], and would like to know how much psychic ability you feel she has now, and how much further in this life you feel she will go?”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

            We shall say unto this one, this you call of a psychic ability is a natural God-given gift. We say unto you, if it should be improved, open the door that we may enter, and we shall bring into thy mind three nights of dreams. And then come forth again, and further information shall be given.    

            We shall say unto this one, with the use of bio-therapy, many doors may be opened. But the mind is much like the stomach, if it should be overfed it should develop a headache, much as your stomach should develop a stomach ache, and you would digest not that which we have given unto you. So we should give unto you, as you should place it to work, that that is needed. But we say once again, open the door that we may enter, and three nights of dreams shall be yours.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank  you, Aka. From [8-333-4], she  asks, ‘Where is my friend, guide?’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. He is working.

            You have other questions, ask.

            From [8-333-4],‘Why do I repeatedly dream of losing my purse or baggage?’”

            (Chuckle) We shall answer your question in this manner. As the house should be the soul, the purse should be the spiritual substance that should go unto the house. It is that which you transport with you, and therefore, it would be the losing of one’s self. Your fear of losing control of your own emotion, letting, as you would say it, “it all hang out.”

            We shall say unto you, you have written many books which say this is sin and that is sin. We say unto you, the Lord, God, did give unto you the Ten Commandments, and in all of the words within the same they say these words. Give one-tenth of the love unto the Lord unto which He has given unto you. Give unto one-tenth of the love unto your fellow man, this same love. But just as important, give unto thyself. And in all ways, you are doing the work of the Lord. For you are the temple of God.

            It has been said, destroy this temple, and it shall be rebuilt in three days. And so it is. And so it has been. The resurrection of the one known as Jesus of Nazara was the proof that rebirth was that of real and solid fact. For when he rose, two of the apostles did see of him, yet knew him not. And when he approached them all, did not Thomas doubt him and say, “If you are he, then show me your wounds?” And he did show of them his wounds. The reason they did not recognize him is because he had taken forth a different form.

And Peter did say unto him, “Oh, Lord, let me go with you.”

And he did say, “Nay, for yours shall come in your own way, in your own choosing. But all shall pass before us, and John shall remain.

And he did say, “But why Lord, why should John remain and the rest of us should perish?”

            And he did say unto Peter, “What business is it of yours that John should remain? For John has his own madness that he must bring forth and conquer.” And so it has been. And through this madness was given unto you the books of Revelation, which has long puzzled you.

            We say unto you, ask and you shall receive. We shall filleth thy cup with bread and wine. Drink it, eat it, and we shall filleth it again. And the knowledge you seek is but at your tips of your fingers.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, from [8-333-5],‘In what field of occupation will I achieve my present life’s work?’”

            We say unto you, you have chosen to become a teacher. You are now taking the Student-Teacher’s course. Continue in that field. Become a teacher, and then a minister, and then a shepherd. For we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. It is only through the touching of one unto another may this be achieved.

            We say unto you, should we fail upon our mission, you shall have 3,000 nights and days of darkness upon the earth. And each day shall be as a thousand days. And man shall crawl once again from the rocks. And he shall place upon himself skins. We say unto you, this is not necessary. Must the Sixth and the Seventh Seal be opened to prove unto you our words?

            The candelabra is within your reach. We did not bring forth the miracle of the candelabra without cause. Put out your hand, that you may pick up the cup and light the torch of light, and therefore, bring forth the Seven Spirits of the Lord. [See The Revelation, chapter 4-5.]

            You say unto us, once again, we have spoke unto you as in riddles. We say unto you, nay. Take of our words and study them.

            Your time grows short. From now unto the year of 1999 a way must be prepared, and the new heaven and the new earth shall come forth, and the thousand years of peace shall come forth unto the earth. And all things that have been prophesied shall come about.

            Where you stand, so may stand two. And two shall bring forth ten, and ten shall bring forth one hundred, and one hundred should bring forth one thousand, and one thousand should bring forth one hundred thousand, and one hundred thousand shall bring forth one million, and one million shall bring forth the face of the earth.

            For the earth shall stand and smolder, for the fuse is lit from France into Israel. When the fire reaches Israel, the earth shall begin to smolder, and you shall see he who is of the Messiah who shall come forth. And then the earth shall run blood red. And then you shall see those from the earth and those from the heavens come forth and rebuild the earth. And there shall stand a mighty monument, for within each person shall be the temple of God.

            And so, we say unto you, is the prophesy that has been this day upon the earth. For if our words are false, then we are the fool, not you. If our words are true, then the kingdom of God lays in your hand.

            The Eagle is in flight.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, from [8-333-6], she asks, ‘Will my liver be healed?’”

            We have said, “Ask and you shall receive,” and so it shall be. For all those who should ask for healing, let them do so, and let the deliverance of healing come forth. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His people.

            Praise be given unto the name of the Lord. Praise be given unto the name of His people, for they are the people of the Earth.

            [Arkan yahnah, seay, seay].

            And healing shall come forth unto thee.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. From [8-333-7], ‘I greatly desire to develop the abilities I am starting to be aware of in aura reading, psychometry, and channeling healing for the benefit of my fellow man. Will I be able to?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And we say unto you, as you have asked, so shall you receive. Come forth, and you shall find a Teacher’s course. Pick it up. Reach your hand forth and you shall find A Rose without Thorns. Pick it up. Bring them together, and look around and about you -- yet, you know them not; yet you see Him not, yet He remains within your mind -- and you shall see the flight of the Eagle, and you shall become part of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

            For we say unto you, the spirits of God shall flow as a brook, and from the brook it shall flow unto the river -- and the pebbles of the sand in the river shall be as the spirits of man that should flow unto the ocean -- and the pebbles of the sand upon the ocean shall be as the souls of man that shall flow to the many lands, unto the many galaxies, unto the many universes -- and so it shall be.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “From [8-333-8], ‘Do you see a change in professions for me; if so, when?’”

            Yes, we shall say unto you, it shall come on February the 4th in the year of 1977. Preparation for this change shall come about in a gradual manner.

            There is more you should seek, for there is that of a personal nature that you ask. And we shall answer unto you, it is written that, “As you seek,” in the laws of Moses, “so shall you find,” in the Ten Commandments, the answer to your question. The answer is, yes.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. From [8-333-9], and he asks, ‘How and when is it possible that I will stop stuttering and stammering once and for all?’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. Come forth unto soul Ray for bio-therapy treatment, and your problem shall end. And the knowledge that you gain shall help others.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, one moment, Aka. From [8-333-10], ‘What will happen in Camp Verde regarding our personal interests?’”

            You shall reap the fruit that you have planted, and harvest the crop. It shall be bountiful.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, from soul John [4-125-2], and she asks, ‘Please heal my heart, mind, body and spirit in the fullness of God’s will. What should I do to prepare myself for healing work?’”

            Forgive thyself, that thy may forgive others. Look into thy heart and find the humility. We have said, long ago, we had placed flowers at your feet, that a star had risen in the east. We have said unto you that a student should never be greater than the teacher, nor the teacher be greater than the student. We have said unto you, look unto the prophet for guidance, for only in true union and love can thy growth mature.

Soul now -- soul Ray grows weary. And we say unto you, awaken soul Ray from his slumber….

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona