August 6, 1976

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Many who have come have come through idle curiosity, but as we have said before, this is good, for each shall leave with something greater than they came with.

Your world, as you know it, shall now face its greatest crisis, both pestilence, famine, and the eruption of the land. We have told you before of the pestilence to come. And so it knocks upon your door. We have brought forth, through dream substance unto soul Ray, those formulas needed to help you survive through the time of the pestilence.

We shall say unto you that that that you would call of a flu epidemic was all but of the same kind. It was brought forth in two forms into your country -- one, that of your own Government of the accidental bursting of a canister; the other has been brought forth into your country in the form and in the disguised substance of that of both heroin and marijuana – those who had planned the destruction from within of your country. [Editor’s note: see the February 7, 1976 reading.]

The virus substance, when attacked, should change its form, should lay dormant only to change its direction once again. It was the total substance of all known flu germs that man has even known upon your earth. It is deadly. It may cause both cancer of the blood and cancer of the body substance in its latent states.

A new formula which shall go forth and be placed in soul Ray’s mind is now taking place, for once again, we shall feed him in substance that is needed. As we have said before, for those who should come forth in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, we shall take care of their needs, and so it shall be. But as you yourself have a saying, that you may lead the horse to water, but you cannot make them drink, so is it and it shall be true. We have brought forth that of the new and the old vitamin C formulas; placing these two together you shall find you shall have the ingredient necessary for one side, or one phase, of the treatment of this disease. Placing that of the formula for that that you call your Wonder Loss shall stabilize the blood substance. And now, with the new formula, with the use of the yucca seed which is now in soul Ray’s mind, shall further help to destroy the germ substance and build an immunity in your body substance toward the same.

The words we have spoken seem shattering. And you say unto us, “How far may this epidemic reach?” We have told you before, as a brook, it should flow to the rivers, from the rivers it should flow to the oceans to the many lands -- and we are not speaking of a spiritual substance, but a blight upon the land and man.

A third of the Earth’s population shall dwindle under its thumb. From volcanic eruptions, and that of the earthquake substance, another third.

In the land of both Russia and China, as we have told you before, one should be the Bear, the other should be the Dragon, and neither should be trusted. We say unto you, should this nation stand as one nation before God so it shall be preserved. And so shall all other nations.

The earthquakes which have come have not ended, but shall continue. We say unto you, take of these words we have spoken and use them in such a manner that it shall do the most good for the most people. But do not create hysteria, for that alone would kill more of the earthling people than any disease in itself, or any earthquake. You shall find that the greatest majority of people shall not die directly from the earthquake itself, but that that should come after, from the pestilence that should reign the cities. We shall also tell you that from your raise in your rat population has been offset the balance of the earth. These should carry diseases within the city. In all treatments gloves should be worn, and masks could be used for the protection that you should not carry the germ from one person to another. You yourselves have mentioned that touching is loving, but in this case the touch could bring death.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, what about the rat population in the countryside, like here? Are they likely also to be carrying this disease?”

Yes, but not in the proportion of your heavier populated regions. Efforts should be made in your own homes to control the rat population. You yourselves possess a poison that could safely distinguish and reduce this. The cities who should hear this warning should take the measure as necessary for the destruction of the sewer rat.

“Aka, could you tell me what poison you refer to as being most effective on rats?”

That that is the most effective is one that you now use as a medication to thin the blood.

“Yes…Warfarin? Is that Warfarin?”

 Yes, this is one; it is called by many names.

“Thank you, Aka. What other precautions for those of us treating, such as cleaning the room and so forth, the treatment room, what other precautions do you recommend for treating the ill people?”

That precautions be used in the treatment rooms, that they be disinfected each day. All of these things is that that you are doing now. We are only giving you further instructions.

Once before we came unto you to tell you of another plight upon the land. We told you then that within eight months that plight would be gone from your land. We tell you now, once again, that within five months this plight shall leave the land, but not all of the lands of the earth.

We have described before how, in the early stages, this could be treated by the using of three different antibiotics, each for three days. But each patient must be tested. But, this would not give the immunity necessary, because the disease would return and return again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, thank you, Aka. [2-30-2] asks, ‘Aka, my employment is taking very undesirable directions. Please suggest what work I should undertake, or if more than one job, how much time to spend on what.’”

We shall say unto you into this manner. We have returned you back to your teaching and into the building unto which you worked. It should be brought forth that further expansion in the college, and an extension from that of the University of Arizona be coincided with that of the college into which you now teach in the field of archaeology. The other tasks and work at hand shall all fit in its proper perspective. Fear not, for we go before you to prepare a way.

Now we say unto you, for soul Ray grows weary, and our time grows short.

There are many things which we have said before that few of you may understand. We have repeated them, and yet, some have heard us not.

We say unto soul [5-206-2], stand beneath the cross that you may feel the drop of blood, and you shall know the true meaning of love. You look at us in a critical manner, and we say unto you, “Judge not lest ye be judged.” We have said before, we offer the wine and the bread; must we also provide the yeast?

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Soul Ray grows weary.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona