August 20, 1976

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Within your minds you have asked many times about that of the exorcism, and therefore, we shall answer in the form of a parable.

And we shall say unto you, that was of the usual manner of the rabbis of Thore, they did debate long upon each subject. And upon this day they were debating that of exorcism, the driving out of an evil spirit, and how they would know when this was truly within that of the person that should be treated.

And the first rabbi said, “First, we should consult the physician to see the physical state.”

The second said, “Nay, we should consult the psychiatrist.”

And the third said, “Nay, this is a job of the priest and the priesthood, and it must be decided within us of who should possess that of the evil demon that should be driven away, and the matter thereupon.”

But yet, the argument lasted day after day, without an answer, and finally all three did agree that they would go into three days of solitude, and therefore, pray unto the Lord for an answer.

And when the three days ended, each returned. Each looked long, gaunt, the face drawn.

And the first did rise to speak and his words did stammer. And he said unto the others, “I say unto you that only those who possess a gift, a gift of the true psychic, the gift to see of the spirit -- but each of these must be schooled in the ways of the physician, in the ways of the psychologist, in the ways of the psychiatrist -- they must posses all of these gifts, and they and they alone.”

But not one should say, “But I should say it should come from all three.”

And the third arose and said unto the other two, “I would agree, but I say that the evil spirit is like the feather floating about, landing and rising with the currents of the wind. It comes from no place, and has no place to go, and even though it may enter, it may never be reborn. So, if we are to deal with that of a feather, then what manner should we use? And I say unto you, we should use unto this manner, that it should be that of the psychic, that of the physician, that of the psychologist, that also of the priest, and the psychiatrist, and it should come in that of one.”

And the second did rise, and he said unto them, “Through my meditation and my prayers I have seen beyond a veil. I have seen through the planes of this lifetime and the others. I am not a sorcerer, or am I a practicer of evil ways. Yet for most of my life have I seen of these things. I have used this ability to guide me through my life and into my priesthood.

‘And some would say that I am psychic. And let us look at the word and the definition of the word of psychic. We say one word which would have the meaning of many, that of those who can see of the soul, that of those who could see of the spiritual substance of the same, and that of those who should see of the immortal body unto the same. And then, and only then, could the true substance come into completeness.

“I say these words, not that I should be right, but that that we might never misjudge any man, nor any woman, nor any child.

“But I say unto you, let us do it in the way of our Father. Let us bring forth the Seven Spirits of the Lord in a symbolic manner. Let us light unto the seven-candle candelabra and place it in the center. Let us take of the thirteen single candles and place them in the circle, that they may represent the Father, Himself.  And then, let us take and walk, therefore, in a counterclockwise motion, reciting unto these words.

            “‘If you be of God, welcome unto thee. If you be of Lucifer, then go of thee.

“‘If you are not of Lucifer, then we should give unto thee of the free choice: be gone back into the valley of lost souls; return, for we shall show you the light of our Father, and go unto the light of our Father; or be destroyed into the ground and unto the hallowed ground unto which we have created, therefore.’”

And he said unto them, “For if this, in truth, they are possessed, they cannot stand or exist within the holy circle we have created.”

All three stood and said, “This is right; this is good.”

And so, as it has been spoken, so it should be written. And so, it was set into your own text, into your own Holy Bible. It is called, the exorcism, in your Old Testament. It has changed not, for it came with the laws of Moses and before Moses. For the Ten Commandments did not come just in the time of Moses; They came before Moses. They came upon all land, all earths beyond earths, beyond time. For they were not the laws of Moses, they were the Laws of God and that that God must do Himself and abide by Himself.

There are many parts of your Old Testament that should bring forth many truths.

Now we have said unto you and prepared that of the knowledge that all of your Teachers and your Ministers must know of. But we say unto you, if an exorcism should be performed, let it be as the three rabbis. Before such an act is performed, let three of your Ministers or Teachers come together. Let them fully study the situation. If they are not sure of the act that they are about to perform, then let them come into your Shepherds -- not one, but all of your Shepherds -- and let the knowledge flow from them. And still, if they are not sure, then come into your Prophet and let all of the minds bind.

But remember, if you drive from the soul, their own soul, if you destroy it, you have driven away the spiritual substance within the same. “Judge not lest ye be judged.” Remember that the best things in one person are not the best in another. Make certain before you act, and when you act make it an act of love, an offering to and from our Father, for you are acting in His stead.

And now we shall answer unto your minds. In the day that we told of thee of the 8.5 in the Richter scale, and the climbing, and that of the task it would take, and we said, “Our Father weeps,” and so He does. For your pestilence and famine has not ended; the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Let those who are not marked by the Beast, let them take, instead of the 7 7 7, let them look at the one who shall possess the number of man, six hundred and sixty-six, and this shall be the number and the name of the man of the Anti-Christ. [See The Revelation, chapters 12-13.]

And once again you say we have asked you as in riddles. We have said unto you, pray not that the Sixth and the Seventh Seal should be opened. [See The Revelation 6:12-17,  and chapters 7-10.]

We have also told you that of the birthplace and the time of the Messiah that we have come to prepare a way for. There are others that are preparing the way for that of the Anti-Christ upon your Earth. He is also upon the Earth. And the nations have come together, and the time that God should look upon the land of Israel and it should be holy is at hand. All of these things are now unfolding.

More earthquakes shall shake the earth. More death, more pestilence shall occur. But for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast shall not fear. [See The Revelation, chapters 11, 14, 19, 20:1-6, 21, and 22.]

We see many questions in your minds, and we shall answer the one in the mind of [6-281-1]. You have had a vision substance of a large cathedral and an ocean. And we shall answer in your mind; this is a remembrance of a time before the last of Atlantis, in the land of the Eagle. For you served as a nurse in this land in the same manner as you are doing now. We did not choose lightly in placing each part together in the preparation of that of soul Ray. We shall say unto you, you have seen one part. Now we shall open the doorway. Unto three nights thy shall dream. Upon thy wakening, and through these days, awake and a dream state, as the thoughts flow, write them down. And then, we shall fill the gaps in between that you do not understand.

You shall be the teacher of a new student who we have waited for, [5-216-3]. We see in this student much that shall come forth in the preparation.

And now our time grows short, and many questions shall be left unanswered for this time.

So we shall bring forth a message from [8-344-1].

“For that that I could not give on this Earth, so I should give from this side. My sleep is over, and that that God has given me, as a gift unto my loved ones shall be given. But I give unto all of you, each of you, the love I held back while I dwelled within my earthly body. I ask your forgiveness and your love, for love is God and God is love.”

Now soul Ray grows weary.

And we shall say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim. We say unto you, look into the heavens, for we shall bring unto you a new sign. Count of 13, add of 7, subtract 3, and that shall be the day you shall see in the heaven that that shall give you proof of our being. For we say unto you, how can you believe us of those things of heaven, if you cannot believe of those things of earth? “For none shall know of heaven who has not known of earth, and none shall know of earth that has not known of heaven.” [See John, chapter 3.]

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his sleep.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona