December 3, 1976



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

Yes, we see thy need and we should say in this manner, for we should say unto thee the parable of the man who would be pharaoh, the man who would become, and be called, [a] living god.

As his father came unto illness and he was named pharaoh, and his father did pass away, upon the same day of the next month he himself became ill. And he said, “Bring forth all my healers throughout the land, for I have not begot a son that should be pharaoh, and should I pass now, the line of pharaoh should be broken.”

And so, from throughout the land all the healers came. Yet none could bring forth healing unto this one. Each brought forth his own proportion of healing.

And finally, the head priest in desperation said unto the pharaoh, “Pharaoh, we hear of a man in another land who is of great healer. His methods are not the same as ours, yet some say his is greater than ours.”

            And the Pharaoh [    ] said, “Then bring him unto me.”

But the head priest hesitated and said, “But Pharaoh, he shall not receive thee as a living god, for he worships but one God.”

And the pharaoh said, “Then he should worship me, and bring life and health unto my being.”

The head priest said, “Nay. You must understand this one, oh, Pharaoh, for he does not worship any man; he speaks of a one God.”

And the pharaoh did search back into all the knowledge. And he brought in his historians, and they did say, “Yes, once we did worship one God, and it was not a living god, it was a God that gave unto all and was the God of all. And we did drive this from our land because of jealousies among our priests, each wanting to become more powerful than the other. And we did lose the knowledge of healing and many of our arts because of it.”

And the pharaoh, that night, he too dreamed of a land and of this man. And he did say, “Then go, therefore, and bring him here.”

And so the priests did bring forth that that would be called the Star of the East [Note: the Dali Lama?]. And when the Star of the East did arrive, after he examined the pharaoh, he said, “In truth, Sire, the healing that thy need, and the disease that thy carry is the same disease that killed thy father. Let me bring forth one other healer.”

            And the pharaoh said, “And how does he believe?”

And the Star of the East said unto him, “He comes of the White Brotherhood, for he is yet a child. Yet his healing is great and his knowledge is greater than I. For he comes from the land of the Israelites.”

            And the pharaoh said, “Then bring this one to me.”

And the Star of the East said unto him, “Sire, this one, to cross your borders of the nations, should have to have the permission of the Roman Empire. And the Roman Empire, Sire, we do not think that he would, that permission would be given, for he lives now in a small town by the Sea of Galilee, and he works as an apprentice unto his father and a carpenter.”

            The pharaoh rose and said, “You would bring such to me to heal me?”

And the Star of the East said, “Yes, Sire, for he shall bring unto the Earth a healing greater than all.”

That night again the pharaoh dreamed. And in his dream he saw a great eagle appear, and he did see a healing come unto the Earth. And when he awoken, he said unto the Star of the East, “For I am better already, it must be your healing.”

            The Star of the East said, “Nay, only of a part.”

And he said to the high priest, “Then send unto this land for this lad, this healer of healers.”

And that night he did dream again of a great eagle, and its wings were spread, yet a golden ray did pass through his mighty wings. And that day a small lad and his mother did appear asking audience with the pharaoh, and they were turned away, when the whole city then grew unto darkness, and a wind blew from the wilderness.

And the pharaoh ran forth from his sick bed, and he said, “I feel the wings and the wind from the eagle. Who have you turned from my door?

            And they said, “Only a poor woman and a peasant lad.”

            He said, “Bid them enter.”

And the lad did enter, and he did come in to him. And as the pharaoh reached out to touch the lad he did become whole. And all rejoiced.

And the lad looked long unto him and said, “I shall go now.”

And the pharaoh said, “Nay, you shall stay and rule, for you are a true god.”

And the lad said, “Nay, for I go but to do my Father’s bidding.”

And the pharaoh said, “Your father is a carpenter.”

            And the lad said unto him, “I speak of my father’s Father.”

And the pharaoh still did not understand. And he did bring treasures forth, and the lad said, “Nay, I have little need for thy wealth, for the greater wealth is in my Father’s kingdom.”

And the pharaoh said, “Are you of royal blood?”

The lad looked unto him and he said, “I am the first blood. But my time is not yet. I must return unto my land, for I have yet to finish my schooling.”

And the pharaoh said unto him, “Then who is your teacher?”

And he did say unto him, “The Star of the East, the Star of the West, the Star of the North, the Star of the South have all come together to bring forth the greater knowledge, that I might bring forth a new coveth [covenant] upon your Earth.”

And still the pharaoh bidd* him wait, for he hungered for such knowledge. And he brought forth all his priests. And the Star of the East did stand beside the lad and the mother. And the lad did speak unto them.

And the pharaoh did say, “I shall send my armies to return with you that you might be safe.”

And the lad said, “Nay. For the day shall come when there shall be a resur­rection and this shall prove unto all mankind that life shall be as everlasting. For you once had a priest by the name of Ra-Tai who brought you great knowledge, yet you cast him aside. And once upon your land did dwell the land of the Eagle, and you cast this aside. And now the Eagle goes before me to cast away the ignorance and prepare the way, and his head shall be chopped away one day. Yet he shall go unto another land, and there your people, in the other land, I shall teach. And he shall go before me and prepare a way.”

            But he said unto the pharaoh, “There are many healers upon the Earth.” And he spread his hand forth, and he looked unto all the priests and assistant priests, and student priests, from all the lands. “All of these have brought you healing, but the greatest healing of all has been the knowledge you have gained this day.”

            And the lad left.

            The pharaoh was determined to learn more about this, and then he brought forth the records of the journey of the Magi, the great and greatest of all knowledge, and he did learn of the birth, and all that went into the preparation, and he did marvel of such.

            And as the years went by, his land was given abundance. Yet it lay in decay. And so he went forth into Israel and he asked all if they knew of the healer of Nazara.

            And they said, “Have you not heard? He has risen. They have killed him; they have crucified him, yet he has risen. And some say he has gone unto another land.”

After he had journeyed into the Roman Empire and there paid his tidings unto the Romans, he left. Sadness was in his heart, yet a gladness.

And there, before he left, he heard of Peter who was teaching in this city of Rome. And he did meet with him. And Peter said unto him, “For in another day, in another time, the Eagle you have told me about shall appear. At that time he shall come forth to prepare a way. And peace shall come between the land of Israel and the land of Egypt. There shall be wars and rumors of wars, but the Eagle shall prepare a way for his coming. And you shall prepare a way to protect his coming.”

And so the pharaoh journeyed home.

Peter, in his departing words, said, “I shall leave this Earth in the same manner, only I shall be crucified upside down.”

As Peter looked unto him he knew that his reign and his time was over, for the Romans had already prepared to slay him on his return journey. Yet with the knowledge he had gained, he knew that no man could take it from him. No one could harm the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

And a star appeared before him, and it came together as four. And the young man, who had been unto a man, appeared before him, and said unto him, “Walk with me now.” And so it was. And he said unto him, “Walk with me now, and you shall walk with me again.”

            We have told unto you this parable, for soon you shall celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazara. And all shall have gladness within their hearts. And they shall show good will toward men. But must it be for just one day? The Lord said, “Make the seventh day holy, and rest.”

          And so it is. Rest should be upon the seventh day for the body, but for the soul and the spirit, it should be of all seventh, as the Seven Spirits of God should enter into thy being.

We have also told you this to tell you that where we come from we do not sleep. We are here but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

The Lord says not unto you the way unto worship Him. The Lord says, “Give unto Me one-tenth of the love I have given unto you; Give unto thy fellow man one-tenth of the love I have given unto you; and give unto thyself. And in all ways I shall feel thy love forever and ever.”

Think upon our words. Think upon this parable we have brought forth unto thee. You shall find wisdom within it. And you shall find a part that you shall carry from here unto the many cities that thy shall travel, from this day forward.

       You have questions, ask.

            Yes Aka, I have a request for a life reading for [6-284-4…Globe].”

            We have told her the middle. Now, we shall tell of her of the beginning.

            We find this one – yes -- the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

We find this one born in the Year of the Dragon, in the Century of the Lizard, in the Day and the Month of the Cow, in the Hour of the Tiger, in the land that thy now call Australia. For, as a young lass, even then she did look unto many lands, for there was great crafts that scurried the heavens and the earth, and she did long to travel. And she had heard of the great city of Ur that she should travel unto, and of the people who lived in this great city who had brought such knowledge and gifts unto the land and unto the Earth. Yet there were rumors that all would disappear beneath the land, of great disturbances upon the earth, and the earth would change its face once again.

She did study in her universities, and as adulthood came, she chose pro­fession as the physician. For this she would soon travel into the land of Ur. She had cross feelings, for she loved her parents and her brother[s], and yet, there was much talk that a woman physician, how could such be of a healer -- and even yet, of a surgeon?

And she heard that before her departure, the great priests, Ra-Tai and Arcan, would visit unto her land. And they did gather in a great dome to hear the lectures.

And Ra-Tai walked out among them, and he pointed up, and as he pointed up, a light appeared above her, and he said, “Let this light guide unto you, for I give unto you the light of the Eagle. When you leave the land of Ur come unto the land of Egyptan.”

Her parents knew not what to say. Now there could be no denying her, for a gift had been given to her, and all rejoiced around her.

And so she traveled forth unto the land of Ur. And even in the land of Ur, due to the customs in that land, she was held in [least] esteem. Yet, soon the years of teaching were to pass, and she said, “Now I must go unto the land of Egyptan.” Bidding all there farewell, and hating to leave once again, for the love she had been given by such a gentle people.

And so she went forth. When she reached the land of Egyptan she found both knowledge and ignorance. And she was brought into audience in to the great priest, Ra-Tai. And he did say unto her, “What have you learned, my child?”

And she said unto him, “I thought when I reached the land of Ur, and the knowledge that came unto these people, and from these people unto me, there could be no greater knowledge. Yet I am here, and I see the Temple of Beauty, and the Temple of Sound and Color and Healing, and the great work that is being performed there. Which of these am I to be assigned to?”

      And he said, “None. For you shall linger here but a short time. For we shall send thee into the land of the Eagle, and there thy shall learn even of a greater healing.”

      The small craft left with her, Ra-Tai, and a small group of other students, soon to land into this magnificent land. At first your impressions were of the magnitude of the plant life, and the abundance of food that the ground would yield. You were also much impressed with those who worked and went about their day-to-day duties in the performance of teaching, and of being students, yet all worked in their own way, yet with a gentleness. Yet, you had yet to see or meet the one called the Eagle. And they said unto him, those of your teachers, “Why do they call this the land of the Eagle, and this of the master teacher, that of the Eagle?”

      And your teacher said unto you, “We know not, only the legend that he came of another planetary, and there, upon this Earth, he did bring forth his first karma.”

      And you heard that night in the auditorium the lecture that he gave. The preciseness of his knowledge of the human anatomy and the healing brought awe unto your mind, yet the wonderment of his words when he said, “I am here but for one purpose, and that is the preparation of the coming of [the] Messiah. If you here, you have heard the healing of the body, yet there is a greater healing that must come with that, for if you do not bring forth the healing of the soul, and the spirit, then you have not healed at all.”

      And one by one spoke up and said, “But is not this better not left unto the eldest priest?”

      And he looked unto you, and to the others and he said, “And what is a priest? Is he not a healer, a physician, for he heals and brings healing and knowledge unto you of God.

      “Soon this land here that we stand upon will be gone, and wasted away, for war shall come unto the land, and Ra-Tai shall leave and be driven from Egyptan, and we shall depart. And the last of these schools you shall not see again until in the valley of the Dead Sea, there shall be erected a school once again, and there I shall be a student.”

And he bid you all farewell, and all the things he said did come to pass. And you rallied beside the priest, Ra-Tai, and went into exile with him.

And then, the day that he was asked to return -- and the land of Atlantis had passed beyond, when he did make preparations for the storage of the knowledge. And you asked unto him, “I know that some of the priests shall be asked and you shall go unto this, of the great knowledge chamber, to close it from within, to seal it, the time capsule which will wait on man’s knowledge. May I go with thee?”

      The priest said, “Nay, for now is the time you must go forth and be fruitful. Seek forth thee a husband and bear children.”

            And you looked unto him and said, “But I am barren.”

And the priest said, “Not any more. For once again in a different time you shall come unto the Eagle, and he should spread his wings, and give thee comfort. And the mate of this time shall be your mate of that time.”

And when he left, you did not understand the words he had spoken. Yet a young physician walked by you, and as you bumped into each other he begged your pardon, yet your eyes did meet and meaning did come unto you. And he bid you to venture into his home to meet his parents. And it was the first time in a long time that you had felt the warmth and love of a family; [it] made you think of your own so far away.

And so, within time you did wed. He was an engineer and a physician, both. You bore children, and saw them pass on into humanity, and then you did pass from the earth, [the] both -- both to stay in waiting.

      Now we shall tell you the last. There have been many incarnations from the first unto the last. The greatest knowledge you have learned in this time -- for you shall bring forth a child, and this child shall walk with the Messiah. And gladness you shall feel, and fulfillment, for your priesthood has but yet begun again.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [8-354-7]; he asks, ‘What direction does time move? Does it move clockwise or counterclockwise? Is the future born on the left or the right side of us?’”

(Chuckle) We say unto you that time is but a measurement [by] that of an invention of man. It is but a yardstick. Go beyond your yardstick. When you measure light, you think of it as a final measurement point. Go that unto anti-matter and you shall find it shall travel 20 times plus 20 faster than the speed of light. Go beyond matter and anti-matter into the cosmic energy substance and you shall find that it shall travel 466.6 times faster than matter or anti-matter, or the speed of light. Therefore, look into the infinity of all things, and say, that as man emits light, it shall turn, therefore, into anti-matter until it reaches the human brain, there to be brought back into matter form again, seen, emitted once again. So therefore, time shall go both to the right and to the left, for you shall find within the human substance that all energy bends both to the right and to the left, that that of the human being is nothing more nor less, the body substance, than that of electromagnetic, cosmic electric-magnetic generator -- that, [it’s image], instilled within the human mind, fed both by air, light, sound, into the essence of all things.

We should say unto thee, into the further study of this knowledge, go unto that of C_______ McK_____ and look farther into the Archives, and you shall find an abundance of knowledge of the subject matter. But, in the searching for such knowledge as you should desire, we should add these words. Once thought is [emitted] it is immediately turned into anti-matter, until it reaches the next human brain, or humanoid brain. Now, the form of matter that it should expel should depend on that of the cosmic energy within the matter substance of such. Therefore, the atoms emitted, and the molecule structure shall be built around the same. The rate [per second], and the impulsation of the same, should depend upon both of the positive and negative ions which should be emitted into the cosmic energy, and brought forth, therefore, into the neutron, of the catalyst within such. At that point, all matter may be changed. A stone may be turned and cast into that of the humanoid, and the humanoid into the stone.

In other words, we say unto you, there beyond you, beyond this Earth, lies the vastness of galaxy, universe, and universes and galaxies, and dimension -- beyond the human thought, for there is no beginning and no ending to time, nor is there to infinity. This would be the same as the multiplication of π [pi], in other words, infinity into infinity.

Yet, if you would take any measurement on your Earth, numerology or numerals, multiply by 9 and divide by 9, and you shall find that you have cornered time back into a measuring rod. This should give you your pyramid cube or inch.

            Now, you have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8-353-1...Miami, Arizona] asks, ‘What was the purpose, and from which direction did the dreams I had received in the year of 1972 in the summer till fall of that place of Browning, Montana, and what or where did this understanding I now hold in the dream world occur?’”

We say unto you unto these words, our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold. Knowledge is brought from many sources. We say unto you, guides or guardian angels, as you would call them -- if you should cut away thy arm, and asked to learn the use of the one hand or one arm in place of two, then those from both sides should be sent unto you, those who have lost their arm and learned how to use them as one in the place of two, both of the earth plane, and as you would say, of the spiritual or astral plane. Now, as your knowledge should increase and multiply, new guides shall be brought forth.

      But we should say unto you, that knowledge was brought forth, as we did come forth, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Let all things and all boundaries, let them drop away. Bring forth your gathered knowledge. Bring forth the love, compassion and hope and faith from without the whole world.

      Soon, if the Eagle does not spread its wings -- this land of yours, this of America, this of the United States of America -- if it does not spread its wings, the land of Mexico shall be its greatest loss. If your politicians do not act and act suddenly, this land, which is free to worship God, yet has dictators within it, shall be gone. For we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks upon this earth. Now is a turning point for this land. If war should come forth, which now is ready to strike in the land, then pestilence and famine shall soon follow, and earthquakes shall rattle the land and divide it, and parts of it shall go beneath the sea.

We say unto you, this was the purpose of your dreams. The land, this land is a safe land. We have made it so for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. But it is not that we do not weep for all the land, all the people.

      We have sent and divided soul Ray’s presence into many of your minds. Some of you have seen him here, seen him there. We know that he could only endure physically to such a proportion unto each of you; therefore, this has been our way of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And each of you shall feel his presence even before you have met him, in a physical [such], but the spiritual being shall be there, for as we have said before, we do not sleep. We shall bring light where there is darkness. We shall uncover that that is hidden. Ask and you shall receive.

      Glory be the name of the Lord, our God. And glory be the name of His children and their many paths unto the Lord.

      Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


      [Editor’s note: *Bidd(en) is a Middle English term for bade.]


      [Note: In June 1972, the Lord and the spirits of Aka awoke Ray in Globe, Arizona, to reach out with his mind in answer to a prayer and save the life of a young woman (this editor) traveling near Browning, Montana June 15, 1972, because I had asked for him guidance January 21, 1972. (See the fourth question January 21, 1972 and the last message on June 30, 1972, as Aka reached and spoke to me in Montana in the hospital, where they made their presence known throughout the month after the wreck.) Perhaps this person in Montana in 1972 had experienced spiritual guidance in dreams during this time that the vast spiritual messengers of God, which dwell within Ray’s mind, made their presence known, for as God’s messengers, they would see the needs and give guidance to all who would “have ears to hear” and “eyes to see,” not just to one. It is said, “Ask and you shall receive.” And so it was, for us and hopefully others. You may still ask and receive.]


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona