February 7, 1976

Globe Arizona



Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim. We have told you before that we would give you ample warning before each of your natural catastrophes took place, and the position of the same, and the time of the same. We shall say unto you, go back unto that that we have told you, that you may have full knowledge of each step that shall be taken.

            Now we shall say unto you, further earthquakes shall occur. Your Eastern seaboard shall suffer severe damage. That in the land of the Californians shall suffer severe damage, but first, more earthquakes shall be centered in the New Mexico part of your continent, then unto the South American proportion. But we say unto you, prepare, therefore, this nation, this time, to give aid unto those who should be in need. If aid does not come soon, further embitterment of these people shall endure. Therefore, a warfare within a nation in a revolutionary form shall take place.

It shall involve your nation, and because of the involvement shall bring forth unto one house; two nations shall be born together.

We say unto you, our Father should shed tears to see His children die. Yet, we say unto you, as Job did come unto the people and say, “Change unto your ways” -- as Jonah did come unto the people and say, “Change unto your ways,” and so it was done, and the destruction of the land did not follow.

            But we say unto you, the earth shall change its face. It is like the coming of your winter. And winter should come that the land may rest, that should bring forth the spring, that should bring forth the summer, that should bring forth the autumn. Your earth now lays within the autumn of its bosom. These changes in the earth’s surface are necessary that the earth may gain new life and the balance of all things may come forth.

            But warfare is not a natural balance, even though in some eyes it would be, a control of the species. Warfare comes from within man. We say unto you, link your hearts and your minds together that a peaceful solution might be rendered, and a just reward unto all.

[Editor’s note: Was Aka speaking of a Guatemalan earthquake? More earthquakes followed in southern Mexico and Central America that later led to civil war in Mexico as starving farmers from the rural mountainous region fought to get aid from the Mexican Government, which they felt was not fairly appropriated to their region. Civil and guerilla warfare continues against the established Mexican government.

On a broader scale, an influx across the U.S. border of desperate people seeking work, criminals, drugs from war lords or cartels, and violent gangs from Central and South America, has only increased through the years.]

            We have told you before of the fuse that should be lit in Israel, and so it should burn and spread, therefore, upon the earth’s surface. [Note: See the November 19, 1971, reading.]

The warfare shall first come into the land of Mexico. At the same moment, those of the Soviet Union and the Peoples’ Republic of China shall bring forth warfare in the land of Israel. We say unto you, should the Eagle [U.S.A.] not spread her wings, woe be the land; woe be the people; woe be the children of our Lord.

            We say unto you, take away your prejudice[s]. Cast them aside. Go forth in such a manner that the philosophy that we have handed unto you may be handed unto others in a just manner. Do not go forth unto a man just to show him that he is wrong and you might be right. Go forth in a manner that you may drink of his wine and he may drink of yours, and knowledge shall be as a seed, and its growth shall become abundant. For only ignorance breeds war, and only ignorance builds barriers between mankind. Knowledge shall do away with your poverty, your starvation, and shall stop the burying of your children in pits.

What you have seen in the land of Mexico should soon be a part of your own land. And trenches shall be dug and your children shall be buried in them.

            We are here not to take from you your free choice. We are here for but one purpose and that is the coming of the Messiah. We have brought knowledge unto you in many manners. What was covered we have uncovered, and we shall continue to do such. Bring forth unto us questions that seek knowledge and understanding for your earth, and we shall give you the knowledge you seek. But prepare within yourselves a place for the coming, and then you shall prepare within others, for you shall be as mirrors, and that that they see they shall see into themselves and make the changes.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, from [6-290-5…Richfield Park, Arizona]…asks, ‘My mate recently entered a partnership with O__ J______, connected with oil and gas. I want to know if this will be successful and if there is any advice that can be given concerning this. I desire for Aka to know that I am grateful for the healing that is being given to me.’”

            We shall answer your question in this manner. We should say unto you, let the buyer beware. We should say unto you, watch this partnership very closely, that one does not receive all and the other does not give all. Let it come on an equal basis, and reward shall come unto both.

            But look, not only beneath the surface of the ground, but in what you invest in and who you invest with.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, from [8-328-1…Las Cruces, New Mexico], and she asks, ‘I am asking for advice to pursue the developing of the state land I have leased for oil and gas. If it materializes, the money is to go for the Lord’s business. What steps am I to take first; who to contact? Thank you.’”

            Yes, we see of your need. And we shall answer in this manner. Your Gulf Oil companies are making tests in this area at this time. If you should contact them, the development of this area should come about quite swiftly, but we would say unto you, upon any proposal that is made consult your attorney and take his advice. Draw no papers nor sign no papers without the attorney first seeing that your interests are protected.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I would like to know, how we can recognize truth from fable, those things that are figments of one’s imagination and those that are real? Is there emotion on the spiritual plane of life? I have heard that man is evolving from the emotional to the mental level. Is this true? How can we learn this?”

            We shall say unto you unto this way, into this manner. There are many things that should come of the spirit. And those that should come of the spirit should come of the Lord. There are many things that should come of the soul, and some of these should come of Lucifer. But that of the imagination neither comes from Lucifer nor comes from God, but Lucifer should be the first one to take advantage of it.

Open the gateway that we may enter, we have said unto you. We did not say unto you, open the gateway that any may enter.

In your spiritual growth take stock within yourself, much as you would stop and count your blessings, to see if they are within truth and true blessings.

But remember also, what is food for one would not be food for another. This is why our Father has many mansions. [Editor’s note: chimes ring out from the clock in Ray’s living room.]

And we say unto you, as the bells should ring upon the land, and as the temples shall rise, there shall be some false bells and some false temples. But we say unto you, those who should be built in the light and the coming of the Messiah shall stand. Those who should be built for the coming of the Anti-Christ shall fall away, for his reign shall be short.

And we should also say unto you, for those who should wear the mark of the Beast shall wear it forever. [See The Revelation, chapters 17-20.]

We have said unto you that the spirits of God are as the pebbles of a brook that should flow into the river; the pebbles of the river are of the spirits of man that should flow unto the ocean; the pebbles of the ocean are like the souls of men that they flow to the many lands and back again.

But we say unto you, that a man should have a soul does not mean that he would have a spirit. For the soul always knows of man. The spirit always knows of God. It is only when you place the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body together does all come in accord, one with the other.

Should that within a man become too harsh, that the soul can no longer abide, then it should leave, and this one shall become a lost soul, wandering forever into nothingness. The only resurrection for this – should they look back into the light of our Father. Yet, they should wander forever on the earth plane, always seeking, seeking entry.

For those of your civilization who should participate in the use of liquor, or alcohol or drugs, they have opened the doorway, not for the development within themselves, but for the possession to take place of a lost soul, for all they can think of is re-entry, not with the knowledge they have gained through a lifespan.

And many of these shall stand forth and say, “I shall rise, for I have the knowledge.” We say unto you, if you build a house, build first the foundation and make it strong. If you place doorways and windows, place a door that you may enter and a door that you may walk out of. But when you place this building within the mind, remove the hinges from the door, that that knowledge that may come in may pass through and on into others, that it may build.

Remember, a lost soul has placed hinges and doorknobs upon their minds. Therefore, what growth they have may look mighty to some, but it is very narrow, for no knowledge can get in, and no knowledge can get out, and they are truly lost within themselves.

When you see that which you would call, a spiritual being, look into this one and see its purpose. Within each of you there are that of what you would call, your guardian angel. There are those from both sides that shall change from different times. These shall be your guides throughout your life plane.

As your growth should mature, so should those that are needed to provide this growth. When a man should lose the use of his right arm, and he should pray the Lord to send those to him to teach him to use his left arm in the place of his right, the Lord should not send those who have never lost their arm; He should send those who have lost their right arm and learned how to use the left. This, and in this manner, you shall know the guides that are sent to you are those that are here and now to serve their purpose. And their purpose is the purpose of the Lord’s, your growth, your maturity.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [8-328-2], and she asks, ‘Is there something more I can do to complete healing in all areas, to remove the scars?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto you, let the dead bury the dead. For our God is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living. The dead is your past, and the past of the others. Its only use to you, for you are all parts of everything you have ever been – its only use to you is the knowledge that you may obtain from it today for tomorrow. Cast it aside.

There shall be some around you who should not choose your direction. This is their free will. Give them that which you can, but do not become a crutch for them. It is one thing to meet the fallen stranger on a pathway and help him stand, and teach him to stand, but if you become his crutch, then you have become lame yourself.

You have other questions, ask.

“From [5-206-2], he asks, ‘Where in the Flagstaff area will the volcanic eruption take place? When is the most probable time it will happen? Will it take place in locations of the San Francisco Peaks, Sunset Crater, or Shadow Mountain?’”

We shall say unto you, in the location, as you would know it, as Sunset Peak, shall what you, you shall call the Window Valley, at that point the eruption shall occur, spreading into the other three areas you have mentioned. The time shall be in the year of 1980 in the month of February. This time element, because of other occurrences, may be stepped up. If it is, it shall occur in the year of ‘79, still within the month of February. But earthquakes shall occur in this area more rapidly. Your urgency is now, to make plans for the leaving of this area. We shall stay the hand as long as possible. But nothing can interfere with the natural course of events.

You have other questions.

“From [2-30-3 in Globe] and he asks, ‘I remember a scene when I was in Mexico standing on barren ground outside a cantina. A group of riders came up to me. There was a white hat on a table in the cantina, and I think it was mine and I could not return for it. Can you tell me about this?’”

We shall say unto you, the scene you remember is part of [your] subconscious; the white hat is the symbol, as you call it, “the good guys.” You are trying to return to it. [It’s a] subconscious need, of saying to yourself, “That which I do is right, regardless.”

We shall say unto you, in the area you are now dealing in, the chance shall soon come for settlement. Take of it and remove thyself from this task, for it is ugly at best. That which was set out in the beginning, the goals and your desires, have been met. You have told the story many times about the salesman who should buy back his product because he oversold. Take of your own advice.

You have other questions, ask.

[Editor’s note: There is a problem with the copy of the tape recording used to check this reading. The messages could not be compared from this point to the last paragraph, as Aka spoke of a virus.]

“Aka, [3-69-2] asks, ‘Am I correct in my interpretations of my seeing the white book? If not, what is its meaning?’”

We should say unto you, the white book was the one of 100 of The Rose without Thorns. Its meaning was of the many which should come after. The whiteness represented by the purity of the thought that went forth in the making of the same.

There have been many who have read this book, but few who have stopped to understand it. They leaf through it only to say, “It has meaning; it has depth.” But locked within it lie the secrets of the soul, the spirit and the immortal body.

We have told you before that a book that should come, The Book with Wings, we have told you it should not come forth as one book, but of many. We have told you before that it should come forth in many places, in many phrases, but in essence it should come forth as a new coveth [covenant] for this time.

You have other questions.

“From [5-213-2], ‘In my present attempts to help the state of Israel, could I have the number and dates of the patents from – is it Canada -- the Patent Office?’”

Yes, July 2, 1962. The Patent Office would be that of Canada, the Canadian Government. This could easily be obtained be writing the House of Commerce in the government of Canada.

You have other questions.

“Yes, thank you, Aka. [7-317-1] asks, ‘Do you have news of my dear teacher from New Zealand, _____ _____, a picture of whom I have here with me?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. What you wish for is for us to transfer a message, that proof of our sincerity shall be proven to you. We shall say unto you, at what point of proof would you wish us to walk upon the water?

Since you have asked the question in your desire, we have placed in your mind part of your past that you may use it in the writing of the book. Now we shall place your teacher and let you compare notes. Sometimes that that a person should ask for, they should think upon what they request. But your request shall be granted. For three nights hence, so it shall come.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka [7-317-2] asks, ‘Would you advise the installation of a Culligan Aqua Clear Model H-5 reverse-osmosis water purifier in our house?’”

Yes, we would advise this, but we would also advise that there is another source that could be obtained at a more reasonable price. We would suggest that you contact _____ _____ and obtain literature of the same in this matter.

But we have further to say unto this one. We should say unto you, the flu epidemic into which soul Ray spoke to you about and said unto you it would reach epidemic proportions, we say unto you, this is a man-made virus, constructed in such a manner that yet, without the desire of use, an accidental happening outside of the city of Hawthorne did release of the germ warfare substance into the atmosphere of your land.

The virus may live at any temperature. In the treating of the substance of the same there may be used two methods -- because the virus should attack the nervous system of the same, and the later effects could be that directly related into the breaking down of the central nervous system -- this is two viruses brought into one, that that was known as nerve gas and that that was interbred with that of the Hong Kong flu, therefore, making one strain or one [segment] of the virus. We would suggest that a stabilizing substance be used. This could come in the combination of vitamin-mineral supplement and the large dosages of vitamin C. Or it may come in the use of three common antibiotics, but they [must] not be used over a 3-day period; it must be changed and all three used, only 3 days of one single period. If treated in a traditional manner all you shall succeed in doing is in making the virus go dormant only to reappear once again.

Now soul Ray grows weary.

And we shall say unto you, hasten their warehouses, for the need shall come soon.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.