February 14, 1976

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka, where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For those who should ask, so should they receive. For those who should ask guidance, so should they receive. But for those who should ask for knowledge, so should they receive, but in the proportion they have asked.

            We did say unto the one known as [7-317-1] that we would bring forth three days, both in the dream and awakening state, that the knowledge he desired would come forth. And so, we have brought this forth. The greatest knowledge to be gained was in the knowledge, that [within] the readings. There is a time for all things. There is a time for the healing of the body, the soul, the spirit, the mind, the immortal body. But one should lead into the other. In doing this, and in our main purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have brought forth in the form of parables much knowledge. It is looking into these parables and finding their meaning that the truth may be found and the greatest knowledge that shall prepare the way for the coming may be found, the knowledge that may help mankind in his day-to-day struggle to reach the enlightenment which he seeks.

            We shall say unto you, if it was intended that every man become a Christ upon the Earth at the same time, then it would have been done so. But even the one known as Jesus Christ of Nazara did always look back upon the Earth and know that within his true love of the Earth he must return. And so, we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

            As we have said before, he has appeared upon your Earth in many times in many ways, in many forms, by many names. But this coming shall be the most important of all times, for it shall bring upon the Earth a thousand years of peace, not as you count, but as the Lord should count. And each day should be a thousand years.

            We say unto you, your Earth has seen many Atlantises rise and many Atlantises fall. Through the true course of events the earth has changed its form many times. It is in the midst of doing such again, that the cycle of life may be complete. These are the catastrophies of the earth, the eruptions of the earth.

            We shall say unto you, look into your harvest fields. We did say unto you, gather of the food substance.

            And you said unto us, “When?”

            And we said, now.

            Soon the land which bears the burden to bring the greatest harvest of food substance shall be barren. If it was wise, at this time more of the land of this land should be put into cultivation. But as before, few of your politicians have believed in prophecy. They shall attend their churches, and they shall say, “I believe, therefore, in the Book that is written before me.”

Do they not know that every word within that book came forth from the prophets of God?

            There shall come a time when man shall look back upon your time and pages shall be added to the Book. Look into that that we have said would come and you shall see it now unfolding before your eyes.

            Famine and pestilence shall rise. Man has the tools to combat it, but shall he? We have shown you in the land of the south [Guatemala?] how man should combat it. First there were but few that died, yet thousands followed, and more will follow in its path, because man gave too little too late. Man either gives more than is necessary at the wrong time, or not enough at the right time.

            This is also true in your preparation for the coming of the famine. But we shall say again, not one family shall stand alone and survive. It must be done as a joint effort. It must be by binding together and laying aside your petty grievances, your petty jealousies.

We have brought you forth as a group. We have asked you to leave behind your jealousies and your greed. We have told you that we would wipe away your old karmas that you may start anew. We say unto you that the karmas you build now shall not be wiped away, only by yourselves.

            We say unto you, listen carefully unto the words of the lecture that soul Ray gave in the land of the Phoenix [Phoenix, Arizona]. Pass them on, these words, to all your membership in hopes that they may gain from it and grow forever.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, soul Ray has a question. ‘What is the next step to do about my blood disorder, and is chemotherapy recommended or what?’”

            Yes we see thy need, and we should say unto you these words. Two programs must be initiated. One is within the diet substance of the same. More of the seafood substance must come into the diet. Second, we should say unto you that as blood is extracted, a blood exchange should be made in such a manner that the new antibodies of the blood placed in the system would have a chance to combat the situation. A form of chemotherapy, as you would know it, should be used. This should be used in the form of the use of antibiotics -- if treated in intervals, not in heavy, stringent manner; in other words, a series of antibiotics should be used in one-week intervals once a month. This would allow the system to correct itself.

            We have said before, we will maintain the body substance and give forth the healing that is needed.

            We say unto you, to answer your question within your minds, “Why then should he suffer, when we could heal the body?”

            We say unto you, that part of the biological change of the blood structure is due to that of the energy force he chooses to use in his form of healing. Under different atmospheric conditions there would be no problem, such as placing him closer to the ocean substance or lower altitude. Yet, this again would not [seek, suit] his need within himself. We would suggest more frequent trips to the ocean.

But, we should say unto you, his choice is to find a cure, not for himself, but for the many others upon the land who carry this disease substance in their bodies also. [Note: He had polycythemia and later was diagnoses with systemic lupus erythmatosis.]

            We would also say unto you that if you could learn from him the use of the bio-therapy, this could be used to alter the chemical, biochemical process of the blood substance.

            But we say also, he should bring forth and use more of the exercise of the swimming. He is spending far too many hours working, both in the bio-laboratory, in the healing, and in the laboratory to produce the substances to heal your bodies.

            Yet, as we have said before, he is a stubborn lot. His greatest joy comes from seeing others healed and the bringing forth of the substances that will heal the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of man. We cannot change nor take from him his free choice, for this is his will, his free will. His love of life extends beyond that of his own life. For his love of life is seeing life renewed. Much as his roses come into bloom, his greatest joy is seeing the blossom within another human being. To understand the healing, you must understand the man. Yet his quest for knowledge shall never end.

            You have many other questions in your mind this night. But all have wondered long about this one, and so, we shall finish what we have started. From the beginning, as we have said before, he came unto your Earth as the sons of the God did come forth, and therefore, he did bring karma unto the Earth. Through his own free choice, and his desire to remove this from the Earth, we say unto you, the Eagle in is flight and nothing we can do can stop it, for he shall expend his last breath preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah. It is his choice.

            He shall continue bringing forth that of the bio-therapy, and the means of treating your diseases, [and] the means of seeing them in their truer form. Deny him that and he would die. Deny him the right to heal the sick and he would die. Deny him the right to seek forth and bring forth knowledge that will stand long after he is gone from your Earth, and he would waste away. For building, whether it be of stone or man, he shall do to his last breath.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions shall sweep the earth. A new volcano shall erupt again in the northern hemisphere. Further earthquakes shall appear in and around your land that you stand upon.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona