February 25, 1976

Phoenix, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening Aka; where is soul Ray”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer thy question in this manner.

As we have said before, that we would tell you when the time of the famine had arrived, and so we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, and pestilence and droughts, earthquakes, tornados, and volcanoes shall sweep the land. We say unto you, thousands and millions shall die. But prepare thyselves, now, and this need not happen.

Your world shall go hungry. The one known as Jesus did say, “For beware when that day should arrive. Pray that it does not come in the winter time, for thy children shall freeze from the cold, for they should have not clothing nor food.”

And we say unto you, prepare, now, and these things thy shall live through.

We shall say unto you that men shall become as animals and shall kill for crumbs of bread. They shall snatch the food from the mouth of the child. All these things shall come as past.

Before, we have warned you, step by step, of the perils ahead. We have told you that you could not stand as one person alone and survive, that you must stand together. This is why we did say unto you, “Form your organization.” This is why we gave unto you A Rose without Thorns.

We told you we were here but for one purpose, and that was for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Now we shall tell you that man shall be tempted, much as the one known as Jesus was tempted. For those who shall rise through this temptation shall walk in the footprints and beside the Messiah who should come.

But all these things must come forth, so that your land and you shall be ready for his coming. The earth shall change its face; each step, one behind the other.

We shall say unto you, once before in this land did come a time such as this. You called it your depression, your Great Depression. And the wind did come and lain bare the ground. Yet many of you here this day lived through that time. Yet, you have become a different people, a people used to buying all things that they need.

But now you have before you an inflationary depression. This can strike the land with a two-sided blade. One shall cut away the land, and part it. The other shall cut away the people.

It is easy to be a good Samaritan on a full stomach in a warm house. It is not so easy to be such a good Samaritan when you have naught yourself. But we shall tell you, that as Jesus stood in the church and as the old woman laid three pennies in the plate, he said unto the others, “She has given her all, and more than any here.”

And they said, “How could that be?”

And he did say unto them, “It is easy for the rich man to give three pennies, for he has many pennies left. But the three pennies that she gave was all she had.”

For you to survive you must build and supply your warehouses now in such a manner that regardless of whether they belong to your organization or not, as long as they come and are willing to work, they shall be fed and clothed, and the medical aid be given.

That that you have seen in Guatemala – you have seen the rivers changing their courses; you have seen thousands die needlessly because even though the warning was given, they did not prepare.

Jesus did say that the warning would be given, and they should not even stop to pick up their coat, but to flee to the hills, yet they did not. And the same shall be with you. We are giving you this warning -- not as a threat, not that you should repent, for that must come from within yourself -- but so you, your families, your friends may bind together.

You shall say, “Why should the Lord lay such a bondage upon His children,” much as the people of Israel who were in bondage in Egypt did say. And we should say unto you, so that they could prepare the way that the world should know of their God.

But we say unto you, even as the waters closed upon the Egyptians, the Lord wept, and He did say unto the people, “Why do you cheer while my children die?” And so He shall weep for you now.

But the Lord has placed free will in your hands. What you shall do with it shall be of your own choosing.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. From [8-330-1], ‘Will I remarry my first husband? Will he be able to make a change? I would appreciate any further information you cold give me.’”

We should say unto this one, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And we should say unto you, the two of you have bore this karma together. Each have faults. Each should correct these faults. Each should learn to overlook the other’s faults. Your marriage and your reunion can only come when you can love one enough to free them.

In this case, there are certain things that should be removed and cast aside. We shall say unto you, it is written in the book of Moses that should a man and a woman divorce one another, they must, therefore, go before their God and ask forgiveness before remarriage into each other. If this is not done, then they have sinned against God and they have sinned against man and they have sinned against themselves. They must go unto each other and ask forgiveness.

But we should say unto you, you could seek out others who should be and look for the characteristics of the one you have left. And should you meet this new person, they would have those same faults as the other person, and so would you. Would it not be wise to rebuild the house and start with the foundation that you already have?

Build the foundation well, and the marriage shall stand, and it shall bear fruit and the fruit shall be good. And the fruit’s fruit shall bear fruit. We say unto you, for you, as the descendants of Abraham, are the children and the seed of God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. From [6-275-1…in Alameda, California], ‘Thank you, Aka, for what you have done for me. What can I do for others to help myself and them stay that way?’”

We shall say unto this one, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And we should say unto you, a promise unkept, whether that promise be to yourself or to another, is a lie unto yourself and a lie unto the other. We say unto you, a way shall be made that you should be brought back forth unto the land and united with your wife, in the land of the Eagle. And a way shall be provided that you shall make your livelihood in this land. Prepare for this and prepare for the reunion.

But we say unto you, learn to look unto all things and see the beauty within. To love is to love enough to let that that you love have freedom of choice. But this must go together; she in turn must learn the same. There is much for both of you to learn. Give it time, and that that you desire and the knowledge you desire shall be laid before you.

But we say unto you, we have placed into thy hands A Rose without Thorns; pick it up. Read it once, and as you read each chapter write down what you feel the meaning is. And then reread it again, and again, at the end of each chapter write down what you feel the meaning, what you have gained from the chapter, is to you. And then, read it unto the third time, and then this time write down once again what you have found within the whole book, and you shall find a peace and a truth within yourselves. Can you understand of which we speak?

Yes, we see thy understanding, but not in full. Listen carefully. Reread this transcript and you shall understand in full what we have said.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [8-330-3…in Sun City, Arizona], and she would like to thank our Father for the healing she is getting and ask for any messages that our Father has for her.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, come closer. There are many types of healing. There is the healing of the body, the healing of the mind, the healing of the soul, the healing of the spirit, and the healing of the immortal body. There is a time to plant the field, but do not expect it to grow and mature in the same minute that you have planted. For man is much like the four seasons that God did place upon the earth. There is the winter when the land should sleep and replenish itself. There is the spring when the planting is done and the trees and all things of life come forth unto the earth. And then there is the summer, and this is a time for growth. And then there is the autumn, and this is the time for maturity and the reward before the rest. And so is life much the same.

We say unto you, there is much that could be done. You have knowledge that could be shared with others. Look forth into the study groups. Look forth into that of the Teachers’ courses. But remember, it is better to be a good pupil than a bad teacher.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. From [6-290-5…in Richfield Park], ‘I wish to thank my Father for the healing I have received, and would love to receive any messages my Father has for me.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, pick up the Rose without Thorns, and you shall find therein the Parable of the Woodsman and the Tree, and the circles in the stump of the tree, for there laid the whole life story of the tree, the good years, the bad years, all parts. Study it carefully. And then go forth and you shall find the Parable of the Healing Well, and take from the knowledge of the same, for you shall find that God’s love, compassion for His children can never run out. It is like the water upon the earth; it is the breath of life. It is a breeze in the heat of the desert, for it is all things, and nothing. For it is like the galaxy, it is so great that there is no beginning and no ending. It is like the universe that flows forever. It is like the river that you would say, “I have seen this river,” but yet you have not, for the water in the river flows onward and new water replaces it every second. And so it is of life. Each man, each person -- each man, woman and child -- might drink from this river. One might use a cup, another a saucer, another his hands. There are many ways of taking the water from the river. This is why our Father said unto you, He has many mansions; each is great to behold. Glory be the name of our Lord.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [8-330-2], he asks, ‘What happened to the camera I left on the back of the car?’ And he would appreciate any other information you have for him.”

We should say unto you, it is in good hands! The person who picked it up is using it well, and enjoying it.

But we should say unto you, the loss of the camera came forth because you were negligent, and because you could buy many other cameras if you desired. This shall not be so, unless you prepare for it now. Your camera is like a crop of wheat in the field. If the farmer does not tend it, it should go away. It should grow weeds, and become a useless thing. Yet your camera was better than the crop. Even though you were careless, the one who picked it up now uses it. So, we should say unto you, wish them well.

But we should also say unto you, it is written, “Thy shall not steal, nor shall thy covet that of thy brother’s,” both meaning the same thing. Therefore, we should say unto you, if you can learn to forgive this one, then you shall learn to forgive thyself, and you have left a karma behind. The other one must remove his karma himself.

We say unto you, a man may cut away thy arm, thy leg, or take thy life, but he cannot harm thee, for he cannot touch the soul, the spirit, the immortal body. Only you can harm these things. You say unto us, here, we have asked about a camera, but in your mind we have answered many questions that were more important than the camera. For the loss of the camera you have been paid back tenfold. And so it is, the way of the Lord, for the Lord should act sometimes and appear in mysterious ways, but should you wait and look into the understanding -- this is why we should say unto you, pick up the Rose without Thorns. You shall find, therefore, the Parable of the Wild Rose, and of the huge man who did sweep it up in his arms to carry it away, and of the little girl who did give it life and heal his wounds. Pick up this Rose without Thorns. You shall find much within.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [6-281-1] and she asks about, ‘Would it be advisable for her husband to seek help from Dr. McGarey? And also could you give any information about her health?’”

We should say unto you, our time should grow short.

The help that Dr. McGarey would give would be good. We should say unto you, the help that soul Ray might give might be good. Use of your free choice to make this decision, for both would give honest service.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka, from [8-327-2] and she asks for some information on matter and its reverse energy.”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto you unto this way, this manner, that all matter, as such, has its counterpart of anti-matter.

The thought, and origination of a thought, begins in a matter form; yet the beginning begins in an anti-matter form, much as the earth is born, the creation of a planet. [That] may remain in the matter form, yet to be cast out as light, and this should stay in the matter form.

Now the projected thought should be changed into the anti-matter form, and shall travel therefore, and be received by the mind, and changed once again into the matter form.

The human mind is a very delicate instrument, yet unique in every way. It is the most powerful force upon your Earth. It is the most powerful force in the whole universe, and galaxies beyond galaxies.

In the -- as a planet is born, anti-matter [clashed, crushed] together in particles at 1,000 the speed of light, and as it should come together, the intensity and the speed should become one one-million parts faster than the speed of light. And so, a solidification, the building of an earth form does mature into the matter form; so it is with the thought.

As a dreamer would dream and go forth and build his house, so should be the way between matter and anti-matter; yet both would achieve results. For he has cast his thought ahead in time to see each block laid, the foundation built, each board, each nail placed together. The same thing happens when man places seed in the earth. He visualizes his crop, and the seed should pick up his thought and bring his dream into fulfillment.

The question you have asked should be asked again, that we may bring forth fuller knowledge on this subject, for it is one that should be used. You shall find that it is the same method that soul Ray uses in his healing work and in the psychic surgery, of changing matter into anti-matter and back into matter form again. You shall find it is the same healing force that was used in the Great Pyramid. It is a projected force. Yet each is different, and the use of each is different. A full knowledge of this should be brought forth.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

Soul Ray grows weary; our time has grown short.

We say unto you, the famine is upon you. Shall you wait until the dust and the drought should bury you? But this land on which you stand this year shall bear bountiful fruit. Your desert lands shall provide, through that of the mesquite, food that could feed the world if it was harvested. It would be higher in protein, higher in vitamin supplements, than your wheat. You have many desert plants that bear bountiful fruit each year, yet go to waste. In soul Ray’s mind is the knowledge of turning this bountiful crop into usable, eatable substance. Ask these questions of him in the wakening state.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona