February 28, 1976

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have told you before that we would give you warning in time that you might protect your loved ones and yourselves. We say unto you, these things that we say now shall happen, step by step, and unfold before you day by day. Throughout the land the time of the famine is now; throughout the world, the time of famine.

We should say unto you, because it is of your election time, your politicians shall play that of hiding from the public that which is so. As a result, they shall deplete your reserves by trying to feed a hungry world. Your harvest lands have and are being annihilated through drought, through wind, through storm. The land itself shall be made to bear nothing, for the soil shall be eroded from the land. Only in this land shall your harvest be bountiful. And we say unto you, the desert harvest, that of the flour that should come from the mesquite, the fruit of the desert plants, all shall be in bountiful to you. 

One side of your political parties shall play the part of the Devil’s advocate, to try to show you how bad the problem is. They will overemphasize the problem and do nothing to correct it. They shall be as a dog sitting upon its own tail barking. The other shall tell you how plentiful and how much reserve, or surplus, as you would call it, your country possesses. They shall be as the hyena who laughs at nothing.

We say unto you, through your groups prepare for this time, for the time is now. It shall [graduate] more so as the months pass by. The land that is now having pestilence struck upon it, it shall be many years before it can be reused again. If the land in this land [Arizona] could be used, more of it for agricultural purposes, more of your water used for the same purposes, and less for your artificial lakes, this could supplement and feed your country. This land unto which you stand, this land you call the land of the Eagle, or the land of the Globe, shall prosper.

Yet, the inflationary depression shall continue.  

Throughout the world, tornados, hurricane, and volcanic action shall rule, and drought. Earthquakes now shall appear in regions where they have never appeared before. We say unto you, prepare, therefore, for this time.   

We shall say unto you as the parable of those who were told and did heed the words and did store in the time of Egypt, and those who were told and did not heed the words, they did sell themselves into bondage. They did sell their cattle and all their belongings. You must at all costs remain a free people, the freedom to worship God, each in your own manner. Our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold.

Coming together in group form to accomplish the task at hand should be done in such a manner that each should take upon themselves a task to be performed and performing it well. For those who should store for themselves shall only attract thieves to their doorstep. Prepare your storage in group form, that you may feed those who should come unto you as long as they are willing to work to replenish your store­houses. The means shall be made available to you.            

We say unto you, there are those in your land who should crucify once again the Jewish people, those of the Israelites. There shall be those in your land that shall look upon different races and blame them for the problem at hand.

We say unto you also that now is the time, close at hand, when one shall come forth who will have an answer for all things. And this one shall be the Anti-Christ. And for those who should wear the mark of the Beast, woe be upon them. [Editor’s note: See The Revelation, chapters 12-13.]

We say unto you, wear not the mark of the Beast. The Lord, God, did make thee free. He did not put a yoke upon thy neck and say, “Pull my plow.” He did naught to make men slaves. It is said that man and woman were brought forth of “Our kind, of Our image.” We say unto you, if these words are so, then how can you be enslaved? [See Genesis, chapter 1.]

Yet do not enslave thyselves. Hold dear to thee this right of freedom.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, the parents of [8-331-1] request a health reading…. And the mother asks, specifically, ‘How we can help her overcome her allergy to milk and susceptibility to all manner of infections, and how to build up her resistance and aid her digestion?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We would say unto thee to take that of goat’s milk, taking, to one pint of goat’s milk to one-fourth part of Wonder-Loss Formula. This would allow the system a chance to gain the biochemical balance needed in the system. It would also allow the assimilation of the glucose needed from the protein substance of the same. It would also be suggested that that of the tupelo honey be used in small proportion, only enough to slightly sweeten this substance and make it better to the taste of the child. If this were done, the child would soon -- the child’s own biochemical sub­stance then would have a chance to balance itself and the problem would end.

We would further suggest that that of the night-blooming cereus plant, the root proportion of the same, or tubular proportion, be used and fed to the child. This must be crushed -- only quarter-by-quarter-inch pieces at a time be used, and no more than three parts of this in the course of a day -- crushed into a fine pulp. Do not lose the juice form, using all of the substance. This would allow the [antibodes, antibodies] in the body to build. The plant itself contains that of the [antibodes] necessary to ward off diseases within your system. This must be done very carefully and very precisely, for too much of this could make the soul sick and it would have a violent reaction to this substance.  

We would further suggest that the child be fitted at this time for corrective lens substance. This is hard, we know, for you to understand. It is because of the imbalance of the eyesight. The equilibrium of the motor area of the brain is affected, as such.

Small amounts, as no more than 50 international units, of vitamin A should be added to this substance.                 

This is all on this subject at this time. Should further information be needed, ask.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, from [8-231-2] and he asks about his neuralgia and lumbago troubles present in lower back, [and] the intense pain and arthritis manifestations in both of his hands.”

Yes, we see of thy need. First we should say unto you unto these words. We have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. The location is incorrect at this time. One moment please.

Yes. Yes, yes.

Yes, we find this, this soul in the land of the Phoenix.


Now the information may be given.

We should say unto this one, number one: the problem of the back is due to the overweight or gluttonous of this one. The back structure was not meant to carry this amount of weight. Therefore, the use of the Wonder-Loss substance to reduce this and bring it under control -- dietary should be used. The use of any sugar form should not be used in this diet. The use of the tupelo honey only -- no sugar substance of any type should be used, for this subject is that of a borderline diabetic. The use of the cheeses or heavy spices should be taken from the diet. The use at the present time, every third day, of 1 ounce of castor oil to 1/4 ounce of that of the lemon juice to 1/4 teaspoon of the baking soda, mixed well and taken internally -- this would clear the blockage of the bowels and take the pressure from the lower back as such.

The controlling of your eating habits -- more of the saltwater sea-life protein sub­stance should be used in your diet. This should be in the diet at least four meals in the course of one week. Beef, that raw as possible, should be consumed in one form or the other, two meals of each week. Of the seventh day, that of the gizzard of the chicken should be used. As much raw vegetable as possible should be placed in the diet. This may come in many types. That of the papaya should be used as a digestive enzyme with each meal.

With the present course of treatment that soul Ray has brought forth unto you, full recovery would come forth at this time.

But we would say unto you that that of your own experimentation shall destroy the heart substance should you continue at its present course. It is very dangerously close to doing of such. Quit experiment­ing with your body. Quit experimenting with that of your wife.

The vitamin B-12 is a good vitamin if it is used in its correct proportions. Overused it can destroy the liver, kidney substance.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, should I continue with health questions or general questions at this time?”

It should make little difference.

“I’ve got a request from…[7-316-2…he lives about 1/4 mile south of [B____], California…].”

One moment, please. We should say unto you unto this manner, the full data must be given.            

“Aka, [2-50-2]’s doctor requested that she ask for a health reading, particularly in relation to the problem of repeated gum infection.”

Yes, we see thy need, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should say unto you, the infection brought forth, first unto the land by that of the spray substance upon the land, did infest the animal substance and the land substance. The repeated handling of the animals without better sanitary conditions should only prolong this in the animals and yourself.

We should say unto you at this time that the use of the antibiotics suggested are correct, but we would say unto you, finding that of a very light-bristled toothbrush, use that of the vitamin E after the mouth has been washed thoroughly with normal toothpaste, working this into the gum substance. First, before this should be done, a cleaning of the teeth and the corrosion from that from the water and that of the -- that are in the teeth should be done. Then, after this has been done and the anti­biotic been used, then using the A, vitamin A, as we have suggested, then using that of the Aloe Vera in rinsing the mouth. We suggest that it should be used in this proportion -- taking 1/4th pint of Aloe Vera and adding 3 teaspoons of dehydrated sea salt into the Aloe Vera. This should be used as a mouthwash, making certain that it penetrates throughout the whole mouth, and gargling with the same. This in itself should clean away the problem.

We should say unto you, should you continue to wish to control this problem, the use of the sage tea, at least 6 cups a day, must be consumed in the body substance -- and the continued use of the Wonder-Loss formula with the Lipo Formula. These would bring your health, and hold the health substance. We would further suggest the use of 60 micrograms per day, twice per day, of B-12 be used by this. This could be taken orally.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, from [5-206-2], and he asks, ‘Is there a Christ oversoul?’”

(Chuckle.) This question and the answer would be as though you would take the whole quiver and try and place it upon the bow at one time. (Whew.) That that a man should thinketh and believe into himself should be truth unto himself -- that that a man thinketh and believeth unto himself to only be a truth unto himself.

We shall say unto you, as we have said before, the Lord, God, has many mansions. But we have said unto you, the beggar on the street might be the next to have reached the Christ state. But we say unto you, if he should have really reached the Christ state, this would mean that he would love his fellow man and return to the bottom of the ladder to help those up the ladder before him.  

You talk in terms of places upon [the] ladder, and we have said before that the first shall be last, and the last shall be first. For the last who should stand and hold the ladder while others should climb should be the first, for within this one the knowledge of God is there, within. It is not the need to be in the Christ state. It is not their need -- this is why they might reach it. Their needs are beyond this. Their needs are in the serving of humanity and the loving of humanity, and in the loving of God, and in the loving of themselves. All of these things are important.

The improvement of the soul image in man is an important factor. But the greatest improvement is within the spiritual form. And this can only be done through the body substance.

The one known as Jesus of Nazara did say, that to come unto our Father’s king­dom you must come as a child is born. And none who should know, not know of heaven could not know of earth, and none that should know of heaven could not know of the earth.

And he was asked, “Then what should I do? Crawl back into my mother’s womb?”

And he did say, “Nay, be of thy self, but let thy truer self shine through.” [See John 3:1-21 and 6:22-71.]

These words have been spoken in many tongues by many people. Buddha did say the same. Mohammed did say the same. It is written in the Koran. It is written in that of the Book of the Dead of the Egyptian. It was the law that laid in those of the Sumer people. It came from those of the Sons of God and before them. All things are not new. Some things have been covered from the light. Our task is twofold: to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah and to take away that that light does not shine upon, to bring light within, and knowledge.

The important thing we would say, more can be accomplished in one day on this side than can be accomplished in a hundred years on the other. Waste not.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. From [8-331-3], and she asks, ‘Will you please ask Aka if it is possible for him to help me, and if it is possible for him to cure me and change my luck. Can I be cured?’ And tell Aka that I am down on my luck; I am on welfare and I cannot find a job. And also, could you clean me of my sins?’”

First we should say unto you, only you can cleanse yourself of your sins, as you would call them. Our Father forgives His children. His children sometimes cannot find a way to forgive themselves. Do unto this, and as you would call it, your luck, will change.  

Of that of the healing that is asked for shall be given.

Now we should say unto you, soul Ray tires. Our time now is short.

The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.         


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502