January 10, 1976

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord.

We should say unto thee, that that should come in truth, in the name of the Lord, your God, and that that is brought before Him in truth shall be given. But if you should come before the Lord and pray for thy neighbor’s downfall He shall hear thee not. But deep within yourself you shall hear thee, and instead of the neighbor’s downfall, your own shall come about. If you should go unto your brother and take from your brother, then this shall be taken from you. It shall not be the Lord’s will, but your own, for this, in your asking for birth, you have asked for a way to correct your own actions. It is only by falling that you may get up.

Should a man think he should never fall, he shall have never gotten up.

Should a man go unto a tree and say, “All of my fruit is good,” then the tree shall bear no fruit at all. Should a man go into the field and say, “All of my cows are perfect,” he shall never [own a cow again]. For within all, and everything upon the Earth, you would call it, imperfection, lies.

But what would be good for one would not be good for another. This is important, important to all of mankind. For, as our Father should have many mansions, so should His children have many needs. And therefore, you have the deserts, the forests, the mountains, the plains, the oceans, the lakes, the streams, the rivers; yet all is but one. Yet all is as separate as the sands of the ocean. Not one grain of sand is identical to another. And so it is true with God’s children.

We say unto you, those who would come and say, “I shall serve unto the Lord,” who shall you serve -- yourself or the Lord? If you should place yourself above another, by what right have you done so, your own, or the Lord’s?

We say unto you, we have come forth but for one purpose; that in itself is the pre­paration for the coming of the Messiah. We have come, not to serve the purposes, the selfish purposes of mankind. We shall feed the needs of those who should serve the Lord, but not the wants.

Say unto yourself -- as thy would tithe unto the Lord, tithe with love. If thy should tithe unto thy brother, tithe with love. If thy should tithe unto thy brother’s brother, tithe with love. In this manner you shall prepare the way, not only for another, but within thyself.

It has been said to be transformed. Should you be transformed, in which direction? If you change your path, look at that pathway; shall it be the same pathway you were on before? Should it lead you in the wrong direction? Or should it lead you through, around, and past your own karmic actions? In making that choice, we say unto you, say unto yourself, “In what I do shall I harm my brother? Shall I give him love, or should I give him hate? For if I should give him hate, and he is my Father’s child, then I should give unto my Father hate.”

Give unto man -- thy brother, thy sister -- as thy would have him give unto you. Be as a mirror. But fear not that thy should fall. Fear only that thy should not rise after thy have fallen. 

Each of you are so busy casting out of yourselves, sometimes you cast the better part of yourself. If you should weed the garden and throw away the fruit and eat the weeds, no one will benefit from this. Look long into thyself, and remember, if you should speak unto your Father, speak unto Him as you would speak unto yourself. For if you recite something that means nothing to you, how can it mean anything to our Father? But if it means something to you, then it should mean something to our Father.

Those of you who should have children of their own should love a child even though it is naughty. But yet you should try to guide it in such a path of righteousness. But remember also that each child is like the sand. It differents [differs], each within themselves, their development they have chosen.

Through the grace of our Father a new age has been born, a new time. We have come not to change the laws of Moses. Nor have we come to change the prophecies of Isaiah. Nor have we come to change the words of Mohammed. Nor have we come to change the words of Buddha. Nor have we come to change the words of the one known as Jesus. We have come to show you the fulfillment of all.

Jesus said unto you that his words [in] his time would turn brother against brother and father against son. This time is over. Now, we come to say unto you, bring peace upon the Earth. Bring love. Plant new fields. Reach outward and inward and bring before our Father all of His children. But let them reach through the many mansions of their own free choice.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

You have questions, ask.

 “Yes Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [7-311-1…Scottsdale].”

We should say unto thee, repeat once again the year.

“1952, September 19th.”      


One moment, please. We have the records, therefore; we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. We should say unto thee that the time and date are incorrect. But we should give the reading as such.

We should suggest first that this soul should check farther into the date and time of birth. He shall find that within reality his date of birth is one day earlier.


Therefore, we should say unto thee, we find this one and the entry of the same in the year of the Dragon in the month of the Cow on the day of the Ram in that proportion of a land mass that thy would now call, Tibet. At that time the land was at a low elevation than it now stands, and the ocean did flow by the village.

You must realize that these who should call themselves, the People, were those of the remnants left over from the Second World, as you would know it. This would pre­date your time of Atlantis. This [would] predate your Earth records approximately two million, ten thousand, three hundred and one [2,010,301] days.

More of the Earth at that time was of ocean than of land. These people were the survivors of the earth’s movement. They were of the first generation after the great chaos. And as they brought themselves together and built their villages, their knowledge had been great, but no longer did they have the tools and alloids [alloys] that were harder than steel that could withstand the flight into outer space. No longer did thy have the material to build the ships that flew through the ocean. No longer did they have the fabric manu­facturing that could withstand great heats and great cold, yet was very thin. All of this, except for the clothes they bore and remnants left over [of] that time, was with them. Even small tools of iron were precious things [unto] them. The doctors scraped their tools that they would work with from flint, because the knowledge and the facilities to make tools [with] any other thing was not with them. Their libraries, their mineralogists were gone.

These had been city people, people who had not known many trades except their own specialties. Even to live from the sea was a hardship. Therefore, the entry of this one was a great occasion throughout the village, for few of the infants did live who were born. Diseases spread through the land. And sanitary conditions were very hard for these people to provide for themselves. They knew not how to dispose of even their own waste. And so, upon the birth, and the knowledge that this would one to live, was a great occasion to be celebrated, for so little did they have to celebrate for.

Yet one among them, who had been a great politician in their land before, through his own thought and his own meditation did he bring forth the knowledge of the God of One. And so he did come forth [and to] baptize this one in the Light of the Lord. And in his baptism he did say unto these words, “Oh Lord, we have suffered long. We know unto the reasons that we have been cast aside, that we may cleanse the land and cleanse ourselves. But Lord, spare unto this one. Let us combine our efforts and teach him all we know.” And so it came about.

And, as the lad grew older news came of other vi1lages. And new crafts of different nature came forth, each village retaining a certain amount of know­ledge. And so it was decided that this one should, be sent from village to village, and then bring back unto his own village the knowledge from the other villages. But because of the fear to his life, and the fear and superstitions that now began to grow and rampage throughout the lands, it was necessary that armed guards be sent with him, yet he knew not why.          

As he was sent forth he did gather the seeds of many land[s] for planting. He did gather tools and knowledge, and ways to make tools. And he did come back unto the land.

But then, with all the knowledge, he thought unto himself, “I have more knowledge than even the elders. Why should I not rule?” What he did not know -- the elders had planned that he should rule.

But when the elders saw within him his jealousy, they knew that he could not be a wise ruler. Yet they had prepared no one else. And they said, “Woe unto us, for we have put one egg in the basket, and it has gone foul.”

But yet, this one did encourage among the young and others to take by force and rule, and so it came to be.

And he did say unto them, “We have the knowledge of all, and we may conquer all.” And he did prepare his people for war. And he did seek war. And the war did befall the land again.

And he did become rich and powerful. And he did slay unto all of the elders of all of the villages who retained knowledge.

He did slay unto the physicians, who had kept him healthy. And then one day he himself became ill. At first, he tried to treat himself with his knowledge. And he had a fool for a physician. Because he overreacted, his treatments were too harsh, the medication too strong. And he did die.

And he left upon the earth twelve sons. And the twelve sons tossed lots and divided the land. And they did make a pact, one into the other, that no war would come among their tribes.

And so this one did look and watch as the years went by. He saw a new golden age of man; he saw the earth shift again and change its form and saw it fall, and thought to himself, “Now I shall try once again to do on the Earth in a proper manner what I did not do before. For my sons were wiser than I, because I had forgotten the laws of the God.”

And so he did come forth once again. And once again, the elders of the vi1lage gave joice of his birth. And once again they did send him forth unto the other villages and land to gather the knowledge. Jealousy rose in him, but somewhere deep inside lay the memory of his folly. And so he did come back unto his village and say unto his people, “I shall teach unto you all of the things I have learned.” And he did do of such.

And the people built a great temple unto him, and said, “He is God.” He knew into himself that he was not. And they built great monuments unto him, unto his likeness, unto his kind, and did worship it. And he did nothing to stop this.

And the Lord, God, looked unto this and He said, “THY HAVE SPOKETH MY NAME IN VAIN.” And He did bring plague unto the land.

And still he did not say unto the people, “I am not God.”

And He did bring hurricane and tornado and volcano unto the land.

And still, he told the people that he [had] caused these things, that he had brought them about because they were wicked.

And the people did offer up human sacrifice.

And the Lord, God, looked upon the land and did smitten it. And from the other lands, the land was overrun with warfare, and the temples were destroyed. And once again, he did pass beyond, this time to sleep long, this time to live and live two lifetimes over and over again.

This time he did waken in the time of the fall of Atlantis.

And he did come into the land of Yucatan. And from there he did say unto himself as a young man, “I shall learn all of the arts; I shall travel unto all of the lands.”

  He had heard of the great men, who sailed the ships on the oceans, the men with the beards. He did hear of the one who had walked the earth and who could walk upon the water, and he thought to himself, “If I could seek out this one and learn his secret, then I should be the greatest of all kings.” And he did find this one.

Yet, as he began his search a great eagle appeared in the heavens, and then two, and then three. And always on his journey they appeared before him. If he would turn in the wrong direction, the eagle would stop and wait until he returned back.

And then his day came, as he saw from a distance this one standing upon the mound and saying unto the people, “Blessed are they who should love one another.” He saw him heal the sick. He saw him turn the hunchbacks into straight and strong men.

And he did go unto this one and say, “I shall be your student.”

And this one looked into him and said, “Have you not learned from where you have been that where you will go should only end in disaster?”

And he did say, “Why should you say this unto me? How should I know where I have been? I am but young, but I am strong of mind and willing of hand.”

And he did say unto you, “Then come with me, and I shall show you where you have been.” And he brought forth his hand, and the veil dropped.

And you looked backward, and you saw where you had been.

And then he did say unto you, “Now you have known where you have been. You want and have come to gain the knowledge of my strength. I give it to you. It comes from my Father. He who believeth in me shall believeth in my Father, and he who should ask in my name shall ask in my Father’s name.”

You went away from this one; you were frightened.

And you said unto them, “We shall bring back a great army to defeat this one.” And so you went to gather an army. You thought, “He has bewitched me; he has lied to me; he has shown me things that could not be so.”  

But when you found him once again, with your army, you were in the land of the Hopi, in the land of the Black Mesa.

And once again, the eagle did appear, and then a second, and then a third.  

And he said unto you, “Why have you come to slay me?”

And you said unto him, “Because you have been of a wicked sort; you have brought a curse; you have shown me untrue things.”

             And he did say unto you, “If the things I have shown you are untrue, then kill the eagle. If you can kill the eagle, then you should be right.”             

Then the eagle, the great eagle, stood very still.

And the men of the Hopi land said, “Then this is fair; this would be right. He would show his strength, and he would be the one that is written in our tablets.”

And so you sought to destroy the eagle. You thrust your spear many times. It went into the heavens and disappeared. You sought other spears. You threw your spears all night and all day, only to have them disappear.

And then this one came up unto you and said unto you, “Forgive him, Father, for he knows not what he does.” And he laid his hand upon your shoulder, and the light came into your heart and shone through.

And you did kneel before this one. And you said, “Oh, great Lord, let me serve unto you. I care not for your knowledge, only for your wisdom that I may give unto others.”

And he said unto you, “Then follow the path of the eagle, for I shall go. But I shall return in the same manner into which I have left. Watch the evening star.”

So you went back unto your village and you spoke of his wisdom and of his knowledge. You did heal the sick and treat the poor, and you became great, as a wise man of your time.

Yet time passed, and you did pass on once again. You did see this land ravaged by those who would carry the cross, the Black Robes. You did see the punishment and affliction that was gone unto the people. Yet you waited.                  

And then you did see the flight of the Eagle and the shadow cast upon the earth. And you said unto yourself, “Now is the time for my entry. Now is the time for the preparation.” And so you came unto this time, unto this place, unto this new time and this new age.         

We should say unto you, the past is only important in knowing where you have been. But it is not important, only that it should guide you in your steps for the future. For once again you have reached for wisdom and knowledge. Use it, with what we have given unto you, and give it in the manner unto which we have given unto you. For we have given unto you, not a picture of great riches, of kings and queens; we have given unto you your folly of the past. Bring forth yourself and prepare for the coming. Be as a mirror. You learned much. We have instilled in you the memory of that that you did serve unto your last time, your last entry. Use this knowledge for this time.

For we say unto you, should our words be wasted, then upon this Earth 3,000 years of darkness shall fall, and once again man shall crawl from the rocks where he went in hiding, afraid to face his Lord. Once again he shall lose the knowledge. Once again he will rebuild. But this is not necessary. For if you before had thought ahead, if you before had thought to preserve knowledge, to give it, exchange it, and preserve it, you would not have entered a world who had just emerged from the Stone Age. If you should learn anything from this reading, take thought unto these words. 

And now we should say unto you, we should say unto the one known as [7-317-1] --

“Could Aka wait a minute while I change the tape?

 All right.

“Thank you, Aka.”

We should say unto the one known as [7-317-1], within your mind is to write a book. We have told you before, we find no fault in this. Go forth in a manner and meet with soul Ray. That that thy seek shall be given unto thee.

Now we should answer the question of [M______ S_______, (6-___-2)], and we shall say unto you, as it has been written, so it shall be done. But none but teachers and ministers may serve on the Board of Directors. You have yet to gain the knowledge that is needed to be a teacher. You have yet to lay aside your wants from your needs. Learn first to work together, and then the fulfillment of the need shall be provided. But learn to do so in a charitable manner of love, compassion, and hope and faith.

We say unto you that we should look upon the land of the Tucson. And as a city that was born of ashes, and goes back into the ashes, now is the time of the resurrection. That that is needed shall be provided. A meeting place shall come forth. Be patient.

Now soul Ray grows weary.

And the Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502