January 24, 1976

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner. We shall say unto thee, we have come not to change the laws of Moses, nor the prophesies of Isaiah, nor have we come to change the gift that was given to you by the one known as Jesus of Nazara. Therefore, we say unto thee, as the Lord, God, did give unto Moses the Ten Commandments -- and as He brought forth unto stone, and He did say, “BEAR FORTH NOT FALSE WITNESS UNTO THY BROTHER, NOR UNTO ANY MAN” -- to most this would mean, within itself, to not stand before another and accuse of him unjustly. We say unto you, look for the deeper meaning within the same of the words. To think a thought of your fellow man, and then to act upon the thought, and act harshly, is a greater sin than that that the other could commit unto you, for you have sinned against him without reason, nor purpose. You have acted by thought, without purpose.

We have brought unto you proof that thy may walk on the water. You have seen the bones of the crippled healed. You have seen the crooked legs straightened. You have seen the internal organs repaired. Yet you see not. For all of this was done for a purpose and a means to serve humanity.

But to use a psychic gift – [Editor’s note: The power of thought from the spiritual messengers of God (or God? in spiritual battle?) was so strong it caused extremely loud static through the tape recording equipment] -- or any gift that was given unto you by the Lord, our God -- [Note: the loud static, sounding like an energy storm through the equipment, was all that was heard for approximately the next five minutes. All measures to correct the recording equipment were ineffectual. This had never been recorded in the 19 years in which the messengers of God spoke. Then Aka’s peaceful, loving voice continues] -- Our Lord did cast from the heavens Lucifer -- [the powerful spiritual energy field no longer created static, but the spiritual messengers of God did not speak for another minute] – with but the movement of His small finger.

And we say unto thee, have you so little faith? We have said unto thee that we should see unto thy needs, that we would allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work.              

As the one known as Jesus of Nazara did say unto his disciples: when they were children, they ate as children. When they were men they ate as men. When they were children they spoke as children. When they became adults, let them speak as adults and act as adults.

There are many who should play such folly and games. We did not come forth that these games should be played. We came forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. And those who should lay this aside to bring war upon small, insignificant beings should not act in the way of our Father.

If there is that that should interfere with this work, then we shall take care of this, but we shall do it in a righteous manner. And we shall do it in a manner that the Lord, our God, shall see through His eyes and approve of.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. Now is not the time of Diana. Now is the time our Lord seeks to rest His weary head. Build, therefore, a place for Him to do so.

[Editor’s note: The message above from the spiritual messengers of God was in answer to a prayer said privately in another city that evening to God, asking: “If God would not intervene to stop this (psychic attack or one-sided warfare, when only love was returned), would He please send His messengers to tell us how God sees this?”]

You have questions, ask.         

“Yes, Aka. Aka, I have a question from [7-319-1…Tucson]. She asks, she needs guidance on her Palmetto property, to know how to handle it because of unknown factors.”

We shall say unto thee, bring this question forth unto soul Ray in a wakening state because of the time element involved in explaining the answers of the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [8-10-70-002-2] asks, ‘Early turkey-like birds in the Southwest are proving to be something resembling a Currasow more than a turkey. Where is the original home of Mirriam’s wild turkey and where is the original home of the Tularosa turkey?’”

(Chuckle) That that was brought from Atlantis – from Atlantis, from Ur, from Ur to [Labaria] [Lemuria?], from [Labaria] -- we say unto you, the Lord, our God, did bring forth many of His kind, and there­fore, found it good. But hybrids, as you would know them, the breeding of the substance, has been long done by mankind in many civilizations, each to suit their own need and purpose. You should find that in your own highlands, the breeding of the turkey substance and hybrid substance. You shall also find that in the lowlands as the waters did creep from the land that huge flocks were bred for this domestic purpose; many left unto the flocks and became unto the wild. Many of the hybrid experimental birds, therefore, can be found of that of today. Your turkey substance or the bird of the same should date unto this earth plane unto the time of the Sons of God did enter. Therefore, you should find this time substance over two billion years of your counting. Many of the fowl from the planet, of other planetary substance were brought unto this land. This of your turkey substance which your land did bring forth as a means of thanksgiving, and a day set, therefore, unto the Lord, is one of the oldest fowls upon your planet.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, she asks, ‘There were three fires at Gila Pueblo; are they dated correctly? Please describe the circumstances that led to the fires and the fall of the pueblo.’”

You shall find (sigh) that there were five fires. The first did come forth as volcanic eruption did occur in the land. The second did come forth as the land did shrink and become hardened unto the same, not only volcanic eruption, but that of the earthquake substance of the same. The third did come forth in warfare. The second [to the last] did come forth again of the shifting of the land. And the last did come forth when those of the Hohokam did flee the land of the valley because of the great fevers, and they did make war, seeking new land and a place to live. They first sought this in peaceful means. But those of the young ones did see of these people and did find them fair. And jealousy grew among them, jealousy over the seeds brought from their lowland unto the highlands. Warfare from the land, that you would call, of the cave dwellers, which now rest among and near the mountains of the lake substance, or that of the salt. This was brought forth in a holy war, not of the same, for they did use the God’s name, our Lord, in vain.  

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Mark [3-115-2] asks, ‘Are there more predictions in the Cayce records about the coming of the Messiah that have not been made public? If so, could you give us more information on this?’”

There were many predictions in the Cayce records. You have within your own records those of the same, for we said unto you, that that was covered would be uncovered. You shall find the same predictions in that of the archives of the Roman Catholic Church.       

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7-316-1…Yuma, Arizona] asks a very important question to him. ‘Dear Aka, how bad is the pollution that is coming from the Nevada nuclear test grounds, also from the Yuma Proving Ground?’ Thank you.”

[Editor’s note: The tape recorded message ends here; the remainder of this reading cannot be verified.]

We shall answer your question in this manner. The interference of the ion belt is but a small fraction of that that has been done unto the fracturing, interwinding, of that of the faults.

Awaken soul Ray.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

Most of this transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.