July 16, 1976

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We gave you a prophecy, as we have said before -- that that was needed in the information of the same should come forth in such a manner that no harm would come unto those. And so it has been in this manner. You have seen the devastation of the earthquakes as they surrounded the land. We said unto you, give prayer that the water might enter and cushion the effect.

And you who would say unto us, “Why did you not give us an 8.6 or an 8.5 on Richter scale in the land of California?” we say unto you, we give nothing of this kind. We only give the warnings as they are needed.

We say unto you, that that you have seen is but the beginning. The 8.5 we have mentioned shall come forth before the month’s end. Different areas of this land shall be affected. Yet, our Father shall weep.

We say unto you, look unto the other lands where the thousands have died, and wish not this upon your own. Give prayer that less should die. For as we have seen your earth. It is said that the sun and rain shall fall on all, and devastation shall come in a like manner. But with warning, the Lord may hear your prayers.

But we say, behold, for the Sword that cuts two ways has begun. Where no water has flown water shall flow. Deserts shall bloom, and forests shall burn away and become dry and parched. The land shall upheaval. Woe, it is but the beginning, not the ending.

For from this thirteenth day, behold.

We shall say unto you the parable of the young lad who did visit the meadow each day.

And the meadow was beautiful. And the meadow did produce much fruit and berry substance. And the cattle and the sheep, therefore, grew fat. And they became fruitful. And the brook that flowed through the meadow did produce a bountiful of fish.

Yet the lad became bored, and in his boredom he reached for sensationalism. And in his mind he dried up the brook and destroyed the vineyards and that of the fruit and the berries and did bring forth plague unto the land.

Each day he played his game. And each day he thought of himself as the one who [went] forth to save the people. And then, one day came forth all of his thought form. All he could do was stand in utter shock and dismay.

And then two* appeared before him, and then a third, and the third did say, “This is what you have asked for, and so I have provided.”

And the lad said, “Nay, I should not ask for this.”

And the two did say unto the lad, “Yes, your thought form has created that that is before you. And you have created the third who has given it to you.”

And the lad said unto the two, “Then how may I change all of this? How can I make it right?”

And the two did say unto the lad, “Change the thought form.”

And the two were gone and left the one. And each time as the lad did try to change his thought form, the third would say, “I have given unto you that that you have asked. It is not good enough for you? You have plenty to eat. You have not been harmed.”

Yet the lad thought of the two, and so with every ounce of the strength he had he thought; he closed out the one, and yet his body seemed to wither to the point of death. And then his thought became pure and clean. And the valley was restored, yet he would never be the same. And the third was gone.

And the two did return. And the lad had grown old, as though withered by time. And the two did say unto him, “What have you found?”

And the lad who had grown old and withered said, “I have found that it is easier to destroy than it is to rebuild.”

The two said unto him, “But that is not enough. What have you found?”

The lad thought long upon this, and he looked unto the two and he said unto them, “I have found that it is only with total love may you create.”

And the two said unto him, “Now we shall restore all.”

And suddenly the lad was whole again and young again, but wiser.

Throughout the rest of his life he thought, “Did this really happen, or was it a dream, a dream I dreamed?” Soon he began to realize that it made no difference whether it was a dream or it actually happened, for he had grown and matured. And never again did his boredom take him into the realms of hell.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. V_____ R___ asks, ‘Where is my brother, D_____ _______ who was born May 29, 1937, in _______, Lithuania, and how can I get in touch with him to tell him about the earthquake?’”

We have already answered that question.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. The only question in my mind in that was that you asked for more information and we do not understand what information you need, Aka.”

We shall answer in this manner. We find not of that on this plane.

“Thank you, Aka. Aka, I have a request for a life reading for [8-342-1…Globe, Arizona].

Yes, we see of thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we see this one that should enter in the Year of the Horse, on the Day of the Dragon. We find this one in the land that you would now call, Formosa. This at that time was a greater part of what you would call, China, and was a great continent in itself.

This one is born of the female sector. At the date of her birth she is promised in marriage to another who had been born of male statures a few days before. But as she grew into young womanhood, that of her uncle had been of a physician, and her quest was for the knowledge of the physician and the treatment and the healing of the sick. She longed for the schools. She read all of the textbooks. Yet, because of her female sector she knew she would never be allowed to enter into the school of higher education. And then, she decided that the only way that she could go on with her studies and treatment of those were to enter that, and become, as you would call, a nun. She had thought long upon this, because all of her was that of a female with full vitality. If she entered and walked through one door she would not ever be allowed to continue her studies in the field of medicine. If she entered and walked through the other door she would not have the love and companionship that she also longed for.

And so, she went, therefore, unto her grandfather and told him of her plight. Her grandfather was considered a man of wisdom throughout the land, and he did say unto her, “We see your needs. But first you must go unto the one you are promised to. If he will remove the bond of marriage, then we shall send you into the land of Atlantis. There the female walks beside the male, and their medicine and their teachings are much greater. But remember, should you choose of this you shall never be allowed to return back unto your own land, for it is against our religion, though we -- both the Atlantans and ourselves,  should worship the God of One. It is said that a woman should bear children, but yet, not bear knowledge. I can find no truth within this fable we hold so strongly. This is why we would give permission for you to venture forth; yet we would see you no more.”

This greatly saddened this one, for she greatly loved her family. Yet she [went, dared] forth as her grandfather had said, and found that one that she had been betrothed to loved another, and therefore, would gladly release her of her bond.

She went back unto her grandfather, and said, “This one would gladly release me of my bond, and he does not ask that the monetary value that should go with me in marriage, he should receive. Then, Grandfather, other than that of my passage and that that could be used for my education, could not the rest of the monetary value be placed for the building of a hospital?”

The grandfather and the father and the uncles did agree, and she did depart for the land of Atlantis.

There, at first, the tasks were hard. In the first four years of her schooling there were many things to learn. And all through her schooling she did hear of the two great priests, Ra-Tai and Arcan, the great physicians. And she did hear of a land that they did travel unto which was called the land of the Eagle. And she, though a studious student, found that her studies were hard.

And then came the time when the students would be chosen to continue on into the field of medicine. She listened as the names were called, and hers was the last. She thought unto herself, “Oh, what a great deed this is, even if I am last; I shall be given the chance to learn from such great scholars.”

And so, the first two years of medical school many wonders were presented before you. And you did hear of the lectures given by the two great physicians.

And then, in your fourth year there was word that the third physician, a physician who was considered the greatest of all, would come forth to lecture unto the graduating class, and yet, more than to lecture, he would choose some that would go back unto the land of the Eagle, and therefore, work and learn. Your heart was gladdened, but you dared not hope to be one among all of them. Surely there were those with a greater ability than yours, you thought. Surely there were those with better grades that he would choose from. Therefore, you did enter the lecture hall and sit quietly.

The Priest Ra-Tai did speak first, with great wisdom. The Priest Arcan did speak second with great wisdom. And then the third did come, and he did speak unto you. You looked upon his features and you thought, “How un-different this creature is. Not only must he be from another land, but from another place in the great galaxies we have heard about.”

Yet when he finished speaking, Ra-Tai did rise and he did call [off] thirteen names. Yours was the last.

And so the day came when you would travel unto this land. When you arrived there, to your dismay you saw fruit, vegetables of all kind that had, unlike those that you had seen in your homeland. Not only were there laboratories and experiments going on for the health of mankind, but to improve the food substance of all the lands.

And then, your studies began again. First you would be assigned to one place and then another. You began to realize that throughout this domain was a huge hospital for plant life, for animal life, and for that of the humanoid.

Ra-Tai did speak many times. And so did the priest, Arcan.

And then, you met the young priest, [Teowah]. And [Teowah] did say unto you, “Be my wife.”

And you thought unto yourself, “Can I marry and continue to learn?” For your heart was great fondness for this one. And you knew of the separate wisdoms that you both possessed, for his was in the field of the medicine of plant life; yours was in the field of medicine and healing of the humanoid. But the fondness became greater between you, and so you went forth and asked permission to have audience with that of the great healer.

He greeted you with warm[th] and love. And as you entered, he said unto you, “You have come to speak to me of marriage. Why do you need to speak to anyone? If you love, then marry.” He turned unto you and he said, “Your thoughts are the difference of the two sciences that you have chosen. This should not interfere in your love for each other in its maturity. You have thought also that the bearing of children could interfere with your practice. This should not necessarily be so. In another time, you shall find it a commonplace thing. Each thing you see here today shall come forth again in another time, for all you see here shall be wiped away, but nothing can be destroyed. Neither of you may be destroyed. For in truth, love can endure for all times, if it is to be so.”

You did wed. You did leave these places as you finished your education. And you did heal.

And you passed beyond. And you saw the lands of Atlantis and all the earth change its form. You have seen it change four times. You have seen the Coming -- and now you shall see once again.

The physician that should heal need not be a physician in all lives. But that that you learned in that one life, if you could bring forth and apply to this life, great fulfillment -- for the one great substance that you brought forth from that was love and the changing of matter with the same. Apply it now. Apply it, and you shall be as a mirror, and those who shall see it shall see the radiance that should come forth. And that radiance shall be a healing substance. For laughter, and joy and love are all parts of the healing cycle.

We are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. So you chose this time and place.

Now we should say unto you, soul Ray grows weary.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. It is through your [prayers] of the destiny of your earth, and the fulfillment can be as the boy’s thoughts.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


[*Note: Were the two in the parable of the young lad above his spirit and immortal body?]