June 12, 1976

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For we shall tell unto thee a parable; the parable shall have no name. Yet each who has taken vows  this day, we would suggest that they should look into it and find that truth within it.

For we say unto you, there were ten farmers, each toiling their own land.

One of the farmers came unto each of the other nine. He dressed well and he spoke well. And as he visited each farmer he would say unto them, “Worry not of thy crop, for if famine should come, I shall feed thee, for I have storehouses, and in these storehouses is food for all.”

As the years began to pass, he would come unto them at the days of market and he would say unto them, “Since I have the biggest farm, let me market your grain, and I shall store of your grain, that you may have seed for the next year.” And each year he did of such.

But each year he took a percentage from each of the other farmers. And instead of a storehouse, he kept only the seed’s grain to replenish each farmer. His own farm, because he did not put labor or toil within it, soon began to deteriorate.

And then a year of a famine did come forth. And each of the farmers, thinking that they had deposited a percentage of their grain into this storehouse, went forward unto him. But they could not find him. Then they went into the storehouses. When they opened them they found only rats and mice. The farmer had left them in their hour of need. He had not kept his vows unto them.

Gradually his money ran out.

The other farmers gathered together and did make do until the famine had passed. They ate from the desert lands around them and the mountains. And they did build of their own storehouse.     

When he returned unto them, some of them were very angry, and would have done him bodily harm. And he said unto them, “But I have given you a great service. Why should you do me harm?”

And they said unto him, “How have you given [your] great service?”

And he said unto them, “Did you not find the strength to live through the famine on your own? Did you not come together and gather from that of the wilderness to feed thy families?”

The other nine farmers thought upon this. And they gave him seed and they helped him plant his field. And it was not long until the farmer was back once again with the same promises to do the same deeds. Yet this time the farmers were wiser, and they said unto him, “We shall market our grain. We shall market it jointly. You may join us if you wish, or you may walk your own path.”

This farmer went back unto his own land and began to plow and plant, and replenish the land, for he too had learned a great lesson, that trust and honor is a two-fold thing -- that a basket or tree that should bear fruit, if you take from it you must replenish it.

And we say unto you, this day, for those who have taken vows, let them fulfill them. Promise nothing unto the Lord you shall not fulfill. But the Lord knows that even in the best of things that man may fall down. He shall be there to help you rise.

But had not the nine other farmers joined together, had they all gone separate ways, they would have perished along the wayside. It was only in their joint effort did they survive the famine. It was only in their joint effort could they show the kindness to help even the one who had taken from them.

There shall be many times that it shall be hard to forgive, but forgiving and forgetting is but yet another matter. You shall help many to stand and rise; do not become crutches for them, for that that you have given can only bear fruit by the one you have given to by giving unto another. Only through your joint efforts of your working together can you provide for all of your people.

But never promise anything, either unto God or unto man, that you shall not put the full effort unto the fulfilling of the same.

Our parable may sound strange at a time when we have paid you honor, and God has paid you honor. The fulfilling of the cup — your Prophet did say unto you, “He has given me bread, and He has restored the bread; He has given me wine, and He has restored the wine.” And so it has been this day you have seen -- that for the children of God who do not forget Him, He shall not forget you. For He shall giveth unto you no false promises, nor no false words. He has given unto you all things, for does not a good Father provide for His children?

But if you should go into the desert and leave behind all the things our Father has giveth unto you, and then to test your God said, “Now provide,” and you should die and perish in the desert, who shall you blame and give damnation unto, God or yourselves?

If you take one twig it breaks very easily. Multiply it, and it breaks not at all. You must stand together, step by step, and watch the multitude of growth come from within, and the fruit of the tree shall multiply and those that eat from the tree shall multiply.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [7-303-4], who is here tonight….”

Yes, we have before us, the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We should find this one in the first entry in the land of the Egyptan. Her family had journeyed from the land of Ur, and there she was brought forth.

In this time, the Egyptan had enslaved the people of Israel. And as Moses did come forth and say unto the Pharaoh, “Set my people free,” and as Pharaoh did plot to slay the first-born -- and she being the first born -- and as Moses did say, “You have said it, not I,” her father, who was a script [scribe] stood nearby and knew of the truth of Moses’ words. And so he did come forth unto the house of Moses and say, “I have not sinned against your people nor your God, nor has my child. Cannot your God be merciful and spare this, my child?”

And Moses did give unto him the blood of a lamb, and he said unto him, “Go forth, and unto all houses who death should pass by, paint around the doorway with the blood of the lamb.        

And throughout the night he did do of such, yet the pail did not runneth dry. And toward morning, when death was reigning throughout all of the land, he thought in his mind, “I shall go forth and save the Pharaoh’s son.” As he approached the steps the guards did challenge him, and he said unto them, “Do you know not of me?”

And they said, “Yes, but you carry the blood that was given unto you by the Israelites, so you are one of them,” and they did slay him. And as the pail flowed over his body where it was spilt, they saw before their eyes his wounds was healed and he did rise, and turn from the house of Pharaoh, and take his family and join Moses and their people.

On the journey, the child began to mature. And when they reached the mountain, unto which Moses was to venture forth into for his forty days and forty nights, as the people did change their ways and did bring forth false idols, you were tempted to join them because it was merrymaking and you were young. But your father said, “Nay, for it has been God who has brought us here, and God who shall deliver us, not this, of a golden calf.”

And you did see Moses descend from the mountain with the tablets in his hand. And he said unto the people, “You are not worthy of these.” And he did cast them forth and great fire did come forth.

And then he did lead the people, always with the light of God before them. And God did give them bread when there was no bread.

He did satisfy your thirst when there was no water. And you did grow into full womanhood and did marry the son of Aaron. But he was the second son. And as the descendants of Aaron were to become the priests, and as the firstborn of Aaron would come forth upon his father’s death to become the high priest, you did whisper into your husband’s ear, “Why, because of just chance, should you not be the high priest?” [See Leviticus 10:1.]

And you walked away form your husband back to your pail of water. And when you looked into the water there was blood. And the blood did seep out and you remembered the story your father had told you. And there did an angel appear before you and did say unto you, “Shall you let your greed rule you? For look into the heavens.”

And you looked there, and there was a great eagle in the heavens.

And the angel did say unto you, “For all of your lifetimes, watch for the flight of the eagle. You shall return many times. Pick up never again this, of the bucket of blood, for the time comes soon when one shall [come] and say unto thee, in another lifetime, ‘For our Father asks not for the blood of the lamb,’ yet the lamb shall be slaughtered.”

And so your days did pass and you did bear sons and daughters. And the oldest son of Aaron’s wife bare no fruit of any type. And so you saw your first-born, a son, become the priest. And you said unto him, “Our prophesy shall be fulfilled. For soon shall come David.”

And he looked long at you. But before your death you did see David become the King of Israel. And upon your deathbed your son did come unto you to tell you the day that David did stand at the Ark, and how rain was provided for the land.

And you did say unto him, “From the seed of David shall come forth one who shall be known [of] Jesus of Nazara.”

And so it has been.

You slept, but you saw.

And as you saw the eagle begin to take flight once again above the land, you went unto the Masters and you said, “I must return unto the land.”

And you did so, once again as a girl child. And you became one of those, and your people were one of those, of the Estenes [Essenes]. And you saw one young lad who was different, yet he learneth of all things. When you asked of him, they did say unto you, “For he shall come from the wilderness to prepare the way, and his name shall be, Beloved.”

And you saw this one climb unto the mountain top, and the eagle did descend and they did become one. And he came from the mountain top and began to baptize in water.

And he did marry unto you unto one of the sons of the fisherman known as Peter.

And then, there were rumors among of those of the Estenes [Essenes] of the return of one of their own, the Ointed [Anointed] One, the one that this one was preparing a way for.

And as he came forth, John the Baptist did say, “For he is the one you have waited for. Go with him.”

Your husband and yourself was in the camp of Jesus the night the news was brought of his imprisonment, and you did rush forth -- only in time to see the beheading of this one. Yet the head fall upon the ground, and the dogs did devour the body; yet, from it rose a huge eagle, and the dogs and the animals were frightened.

It was not long before you were to see the crucifixion of the one known as Jesus. As the skies did darken, the eagle did appear. And for three days you saw the eagle. And upon the third day, as the resurrection came forth, the disciples looked into the heavens and said, “He has waited upon you.”

And he said, “Yes, and he now goes forth unto another land to prepare the way for me.”

None could understand his meaning.

Your death came forth, and you were brought forth into this land. And you heard the rumors of the eagle’s flight, and of the man who had brought forth miracles and kindness and great knowledge. And somewhere within your being you knew you had knowledge of this. You lived out your life, only to pass over once again.

But your one wish was to be within the flight of the Eagle, and so it was granted unto you, this time. You have cometh unto the Eagle’s nest. You have made your vows for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We say unto you, think back unto the time of the spilling of the blood. We say unto you, we wish not the blood of the Lamb, nor does our Father. We wish not the spilling of the blood of man in any form.

Glory be the name of our Father; glory be the name of the people.

But madness, the madness that passed before your eyes from the spilling of blood shall cometh once again. Remember our words.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, Dr. [3-116-4] who is here tonight asks, ‘How can I effectively treat cancer with present knowledge? Is cobalt therapy effective?’”

Cobalt therapy is not effective. The cobalt should bring forth the destruction of healthy cells that cannot be replenished in the system. It shall also bring about a total biochemistry change in the system, which will slowly destroy the system, the body. If you should treat it, treat it first as a preventative measure with the use of vitamin A.

If you should go into the removal of the first stages of different types of cancer, this should be answered at a different time, for the various stages of cancer in its related state comes in many form[s]. But we should say unto you, these come in the form of virus. Bring this question forth at a different time that we may fully answer this question.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

We say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks your land. Pestilence and famine shall reign, yet prosperare [prosperity] shall also reign. The dividing of the land has begun.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: “Oint” is an obsolete term for anoint. Some of the language spoken in the readings, such as, bare, instead of the word, bore, comes from the Middle English period, about 1150-1475 A.D. Occasional words spoken throughout the readings are in Middle English. Most of these have been changed to Modern English for the readers, although occasionally a Middle English term used was left to indicate the authenticity of the spokesman.


Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona