June 19, 1976

Globe, Arizona



We see thy need. [Editor’s note: This voice is not as deep, profound and resounding a voice as in the next words spoken.]

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we shall unto thee unto this manner, for we shall tell thee the parable of the cathedral.

For long ago there was a king. He was a harsh king. Yet, within himself he justified each of his means by saying that his justice was God’s justice. In his later days he became afraid of the blasphemy he had placed on God and man, and he said unto himself, “Then I shall build a cathedral unto the Lord.”

And he sent for his builders, and he said unto them, “The cathedral I shall build, there shall be none larger. Go forth and find me ground in my kingdom that has stood forth against all of nature’s elements.”

And so they ventured forth, each seeking and separating into different proportions of the kingdom. At last they came together upon a knoll that lay within a valley. But there they found what they had sought, but the peasant people had built a small church. And they did drive out the peasants and say, “This is not your place to worship, but the king’s.”

And so, the king sought throughout the Earth for the best and the finest of building materials. And the great cathedral was built unto the Lord. Yet, even in the beginning as they dug the foundation that was to be laid, they found many old structures beneath. When they were sure of themselves they began to build the cathedral. Upwards and upwards it went, day by day. No labor was spared; many slaves were used, and much blood and heartache was spilt upon the land.

And then the day of completion had come forth, and the king did venture forth unto his cathedral, and he did kneel there before a statue of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And he said, “Behold, for this cathedral I have given unto my God.”

And the earth did tremble beneath him, and the great statue crushed him.

The builders fled, but the peasants, the working people stayed. And as the clouds of dust melted away, there stood a simple cathedral built by the hand of God. And they knelt there in prayer.


And as the peasants and the working people did go about their day-to-day duties, the thieves came, those who had been the trusted ones of the king, for they thought he had buried great treasure.

And the new king, which was his son, did come. And he sought there to find the treasure of his father. And he said, “I shall rebuild this cathedral.” Yet try as they might, each time they laid a brick it did fall again.

The young king looked around about him, for his days in the valley were long. He began to know the people, see them, and see their needs. And he went forth unto his builders, and said unto them, “Clear this land and all its building material. Leave the small cathedral, this is the work and the hand of God. But we shall build beside it a hospital, a place of healing, a place of learning, and it shall be free unto all the people.

And then he did bring forth unto him all of his wise men, and he said unto them, “Venture forth unto the Earth, and bring back those [who knew] are the wisest of agriculture, for I shall feed my people.” And he did do of such.

And the land became bountiful and plenty. And so a king became a king. And so as he spoke, he spoke the words of God.

The cathedral that you build must be in your hearts. The finest in riches, God does not need these. God only asks to give.

In receiving He receives your love.

And he who we have come to prepare the way shall be as the same. For he did say unto you, “Destroy this temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days.”

But we say unto you, destroy your temple, the temple of you that is of the mirror of God, destroy it with your drugs, destroy it with the alcohol consumption, destroy it by reckless behavior, and nothing can rebuild it, for in destroying the temple of God, you have destroyed the immortal body of the same.

Be as the young king. Build upon the land. Replenish it. Gain from it knowledge, and your world shall flourish.

Now is the time when your earthquakes that we have spoke about is near at hand. You have two choices -- pray that the intensity of the earthquakes shall not be so strong; pray that the [under]water flows shall enter the crevasses and cushion the earth faults. But most of all, pray for the people, for God shall weep these days.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. The first question I have is regarding the earthquakes. Is the date of the 13th of July a firm date, or will our prayers also have an affect on this date?”

It can have an affect upon this date. But as yet the tremors have already started in other parts of the world. They have already started in that of the land of the isles of California. They are minor, yet the intensity shall grow.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a life reading for [6-290-3].”

We say unto you, at this time soul Ray is very weary. We would suggest that you should ask precise questions, that the answers should not be too lengthy. We shall answer the question unto the life reading at a different time.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Mark [3-115-2] asks, ‘In what specific ways can we prepare ourselves and others for the coming of the Messiah?’”

We say unto you, take nothing that is not yours. If you are given bread, one loaf, give ten back in return.

Be as a mirror. Let that that is within you shine out.

Do not be afraid to show kindness and gentleness. If you give of these, so you shall receive of these. And so, those who should give of you kindness and gentleness shall give unto others.

Give love, but do not be selfish with your love. Do not say, “I shall love one day of the week,” for the Lord, God, did send the Seven Spirits forth, and in six days they did build both man and earth and galaxy and worlds. And the seventh they did rest. And they did look upon the world, this Earth, and they did look upon man, and they did look upon woman, and found it good.

There is a time for giving. There is a time for receiving. There is a time for all things. There is also a time for laughter, but laugh not at other people, laugh with them.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6-272-1...Colorado] asks, ‘What should my attitude be toward my children’s relationship with my ex-husband, and what should my occupation in life be? And where would be a proper residence for me?’”

We have shown you a way. It lays at your feet. The attitude toward thy children in the relationship with your ex-husband should be that of fair and impartial attitude. Let him give the love unto his children that a father should give unto the love of his children. Let the children receive this love.

But each of you have your own ways. It is written as such, that should a man and a woman seek of divorce, then not should the man come unto the woman and lay with her, for he has done so not of love, but of lust.

We say unto you, you have been given that that you have asked for twice before. It was not without reason, for the Lord, God, felt of thy soul and thy spirit and thy immortal body, and therefore, He did find it good. And He did place unto soul Ray that that was needed to give you healing, and that was good. He has brought you unto the valley of the Eagle’s Nest, and that was good. There is much to be achieved for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Much can be achieved. As we have said before, we shall provide for thy needs, for those who should work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. And so it has been. The needs of your children, the needs to live open, happy lives, the needs to run, to feel of clean air, to breathe, of laughter, is the joy of our Father.

It may sound unto you as we have spoken unto riddles. Think upon our words. If you do not fully understand them, come unto soul Ray for counseling.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [8-340-1] asks, ‘What was the exact hour and minute of my birth? Also what specific thing can I do to be more effective and further my present work in uplifting of mankind?’”

We see the hour as 1:34 a.m. You asked of the exact hour, this has been given.

You asked, “How should I lift up myself unto the likeness of my Father?” And we shall answer you in this manner. Learn to love thyself, and in loving thyself you shall learn to love others in a likeness manner. Give unto the Lord one-tenth of the love He has given unto you. Give unto your brother one-tenth of the love that the Lord has given unto you. Give unto yourself that same love, and all shall be in completeness.

We should say unto you, we have placed A Rose without Thorns upon the earth; pick it up. And you shall find the answer in full.

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weary, and our time is short.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of pestilence and famine. The great Sword is now ready to strike. You shall feel one side as it strikes and parts the land. You shall feel the other side as it strikes and parts the people. [See Genesis 3:22-24 and The Revelation, chapters 5-10 and 19:11-16.]

We shall say unto one other, [6-285-1], you have wanted to walk in the footprints of your father. If you should want of this, look deeper into thy father. You shall find that he takes nothing that he does not give back tenfold. You have thought long upon your own needs. You think of today, but not of tomorrow.

You speak of love. We say unto you, stand beneath the wings of the Eagle and let the drops of blood that come from his body touch yours, and you shall know the meaning of love.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona