March 6, 1976

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

            For as long ago, as the soul and the spirit did enter into man, it came in one, and then to two, and then to three, and then [through] five. We have told you of the five Adams of your earth. We have told you of the planet of Yahweh. We should tell you further of the races of your land and their origin.

            Many millions of light years ago, on other planets than your own, each of your races, your five basic races upon the earth, did come forth unto the planet, Yahweh. Each came forth for the same reason, for as the nova of their sun did come about and the destruction of the planet substance, they did migrate forth unto the planet, Yahweh.

            And then, as the great wars came forth, further migration came forth unto this planet you should call Earth.

            You must also further understand that other planetary migration has taken place since. There are many life substances, or humanoid, as you would know them, in other galaxies and planetary substance of the same, or dimension.

            Your thoughts of matter and anti-matter -- you in your planet is now coming forward into the time when you shall measure your time in a completely different manner. The substance of anti-matter, if brought in, much as a planet or a spacecraft entering into your atmospheric substance, if brought forth into direct impact would cause a disintegration, or a huge explosion and destruction, and dispersing of the atomal [atomic] content. If the matter is brought in, as you would bring in to your atmospheric surroundings of your own planetary substance, in a slanted or sliding manner, then the two can become one without much difficulty. Soon you will find this is true in your own spacecraft. And the whole time concept, as you now hold it, shall rapidly change.

            We have brought this forth unto you for but one reason. We shall say unto you of soul Ray’s vision that he was cast away from the earth and he did look back upon it, and he did see a fuse lit in the land of Israel. But the fuse was ignited in France. And from Israel, it began to burn outward and engulf the Earth. And then the Earth began to smolder, and the Jewish people did kneel before the Messiah. And the Earth ran red in blood, and then did come the rebuilding; and those from the Earth did come forth, and those from the heavens did come forth, and they did rebuild the Earth. And as he was shown the sign and the year of 1999, all of these parts will come into fulfillment.

            He was also shown the vision, as he walked forth with the woman carrying the child through the long passageway, as they did stop at the well for water, there was a serpent there, yet the serpent did not bite. The serpent was that of wisdom. The water was the spirit that would feed the souls and spiritual substance of the world. They did go forth on, and there, the woman did hand unto the man the child. And the man did hand it unto the masses.

            We shall tell you now of its meaning, for that, that in the beginning of all time, that of the Messiah to come unto the earth, that the heavens and earth become as one. Your planetary system, the time shall soon come when those who have changed their appearance to adapt to the environment of the different planetary systems should make themselves known upon your earth, come forth unto your diplomats to speak of peace and to bring you the knowledge of their space travel, of their medicines, and many other knowledges of scientific achievement.

            We shall say to you, many times this earth of yours has reached its golden age. Many times man has reached the point of reaching outward into the space substance and space travel, only to lose that through his warfare and his own self-destruction. But each time, seed did go forth unto the heavens and to the universe, that the knowledge, combined knowledge of all you have ever been, has never died.

            Now we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

            It is also the time that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New hurricanes shall arise, and tornados, spreading farther across your lands. Further destruction to your crops substance and food supply is at hand. Other nations shall now cry for food. Rivers shall change their courses.

            In the land of the Yuma, or as we have referred to it, the land beneath the sea, earthquakes shall soon come forth unto this land and above. Its river shall change its course, rapidly and with the blinking of an eye. Those in this region at the present time shall remain. We shall remove them before any harm can come to them.

            There are areas of the California substance which will have further earthquakes. In the region from San Francisco down, farther, San Diego, Los Angeles, Oxnard, all of this land shall be under earthquake pressures.

            New and further earthquakes shall occur both in the Pacific and in the Atlantic oceans. Further earthquakes shall take place off the coast land of that of the Guatemalan. Because of the river changes that shall be made about, new channels shall be made connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific. Tidal waves shall also devastate thy shoreline.

            We say unto you, you are not without friends. Where one of you stand, all shall stand, or you shall stand not at all.

            Now, we shall answer your question which lies in your mind, “Which direction shall we flee?”

            Flee not. As we have said before, for those who are engaged in the work of the coming of the Messiah have little to fear. We shall see to their needs, not their wants. But we shall see unto thy needs.

            In the lands which you stand, we shall hold, until the time can be made of your safe removal, you and your flocks. If you flee in fright – we would suggest that those who are financially capable of removing themselves from the areas we have mentioned should start their migration now.

And now, we should say unto the question that has been brought forth of the book substance -- we should say unto thee, the book should be brought forth and named in this manner: A Psychic Gift Before the Dawn. We would make these suggestions, that further collaboration or further proof be brought forth upon the healing work done by soul Ray. We would further suggest that more be added into the book on this subject.

We would suggest that that of [7-317-1] and [6-281-1] come forth and bring forth this knowledge. We would say unto you, there are many who, if were asked and well screened, would confirm through documentary procedure. One of such could be Doctor [8-331-1]. One of such could be [5-271-1]. There are many others, who both by their professional and scholastic standing would make good documentary material for this book.

We see within the book. It is good. It is well written. We would further suggest that the back, or the ending of the book, be rounded out and expanded. You have chosen readings. We would say unto you, some would be of greater interest than others. We would suggest that the prophecies done by Ray, soul Ray, in awakening state, be elaborated upon further. In your own words, we should tell you to fatten the calf before it goes to market.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7-317-1] and Ray ask if you have a recommendation in regards to a publisher for the book?”

We would say unto you, you have thought of asking that of Dr. McGarey to write the forward of the book. We might further suggest that of the A.R.E. Publications. But there are many others who would be, not only interested, but who would gladly bring forth this book into publication.

We shall say unto you, as the book is being prepared, prepare a way for the book. Use your own public relations people for this purpose.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a request for health assistance from [6-281-1]. She asks, ‘May I have a health reading, please, specifically dealing with the constant pain radiating down the left side of my back, with a weakness of both arms, and numbness in left leg.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have before us the body. First, we should explain into this subject, because of the extra matter substance in the spine, this is a problem within itself. Soul Ray could remove this. But his suggested therapy would be by far the wiser course.

We shall first explain to you that the motivation, or the problem within the same, is that of what you would know as your flu, brought on further by your own anxieties. You have feared two things. First, we shall explain unto you, we have come here to harm no one. We have come to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We have weeded the garden at times, as the need, or as a good farmer should tend his field, for the growth and maturity of all concerned. But we have said that nothing shall stand in the way of this work on either side. We did not mean this as a threat; we meant this as a statement of fact.

Your own anxieties have brought forth the greatest problem in the back region. Therefore, bio-therapy would be suggested in the treatment of the same.

We would further suggest that no radical course of action be taken. The healing that you have asked for shall be given. It shall be whole and complete. Each time in your life when this anxiety has risen, the problem has removed itself. Soul Ray has brought about the dissolution of the problem before. He may do so again.

We would suggest more rest. We would further suggest the use of the Wonderloss. We would further suggest, one moment.


Accept in your own mind that that is here and the love that is given [is for] you. If you could accept these things -- let the dead bury the dead; let the past be the past. Do not destroy that which is before you and which cares for you. We have placed flowers at your feet, not thorns. You came unto soul [1-1-1] unto wedlock. You knew of his work then, and you accepted it as such. But there is a time for all things. There is a time when a man and a woman should be as a man and a woman. We have given unto you this time. We shall continue to watch after and continue to place the healing and bring it forth. Fear our hands not, for they are placed with love.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7-317-2] asks, ‘Which college should I go to?’”

The one you chose before. Fear it not. We have said that upheavals shall occur in this area; we did not say that the college would be destroyed, nor the roadway to it. It may be altered, but it will remain.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7-317-2] would like your suggestions for their medical future and any movements. Also, she ask, does she have any radical health problems requiring treatment?”

We shall answer the last first. The only radical health problems at hand should be none more than soul Ray can treat adequately and take care of.

We say unto you, you have reached with truthful hands. We shall see unto thy needs.

But we should say unto you that you should prepare a way for [of] your own private practice. This could be done with the guidance of both your husband and that of soul Ray. You shall be much needed. You have been a healer beyond that of your medical knowledge for a long time. We shall say unto you, think thee of thy youth as a child. Your hands could heal then. Your hands can heal now.

You do not have to remove yourself from the orthodox healing to build a private practice in this community. We say unto you, the building blocks are now being handed into your hands. We shall say unto you, [with] that of the Euclid property substance, both land and a building could be constructed upon the same and a good clinic be established. This should be brought forth into your own mind. We shall implant that into soul Ray’s mind that is needed to fulfill the knowledge, the substance of the same and the building needs of the same that you may bring forth in privacy and further planning may come into reality.

As we have said before, your physical needs shall be continually maintained by soul Ray and ourselves, for where he touches, we shall touch. But we have known for some time that his energy substance could not continue to sustain all of those who should need of healing. This is why we have brought you forth.

We should say further into soul [2-33-1], fear not where thy dwell. We shall tell thee the time and the place that thy are needed. Build the rock where thy stand.

We shall say unto [6-281-1], our plan has but budded. Fear not, for that in thy doubts shall be removed.

We shall say unto soul Ray, go forth in thy thought form to reach the public through the means in thy mind. Talk further with those [who] would handle this of the publications, or the publicity work. There is other possibilities. Take a step at a time. But be fair, as you have been, in letting those who would handle your product at this time, by giving them this chance. You will have extended the hand. You will have offered the wine. If they do not pick it up, then pass on into your own thought form.

Yes, and now we should say unto soul [7-303-3], the tumbleweed. Growth can only mature through that of the heart and the soul. Good intentions, for those who should fulfill those [of thee], and the vows that they would take -- but your mind is still as a tumbleweed. Come forth unto soul Ray.

We shall answer that in the mind of one, of a financial venture. And we should say, now is the time.

We shall answer that into those of you who should wonder about the financial stability of this community. It shall look dark, and then it shall brighten like a bright star. Fear it not.

We should say unto the shepherds, come unto soul Ray, that you may bring your thoughts together into that that should bring the people as one.

Now soul Ray grows weary.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You mentioned soul Ray training someone in bio-therapy. Who would you suggest that he train?”

Without that of a medical background, at the present time we would suggest that of [6-281-1] and that of Doctor [7-317-2]. But both must bring forth conceivement of his unorthodox methods. They shall be your medicine of tomorrow. It is [of] the medicine of today.

There shall be others among you that schooling and thought form shall mature. We would suggest that at a later time that he should hold classes in the field of bio-therapy, and for the further training in the use of hypnotic therapy with the bio-therapy.

We would further suggest that he should bring further teachings unto all of you.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.