March 13, 1976

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening Aka, where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as we have said before, the Eagle is in flight. Some shall hear. Some shall see. Though he travels swiftly and quietly, all that he touches shall be transformed. And you wonder, therefore, upon our words. We say unto you, it is not a time for sorrow; it is a time for gladness.

            Eruptions, tornados, and volcanic action, hurricanes are striking your land, your world, yet there is beauty in all things. If you become frightened, you cannot see that beauty. You cannot see the flowers beneath your feet. If you run like frightened children, you shall stomp the flowers beneath your feet. If you grasp them up with greed, then no one else may see them, and you shall destroy them.

Look around you. Reap forth the beauty within life. Look into the heavens and see the beauty. Look unto the mountains and see the beauty. Look into the desert and see the beauty. Look unto your lakes, your oceans, your rivers, your streams. For as we have said before, the Spirit of God should flow within all.

We have said before, the temple of God is within man. Each should reach for our Father’s many mansions, each in their own way. But we say unto you, the beauty God has placed before you can only be ugly when you make it so.

When you squabble among yourselves, you take the beauty we have brought to you and cast it aside. When you quarrel among yourselves, you take that of the flight of the Eagle and see it not. We say unto you, for those who should hear, let them hear, for those who should see, let them see. For we have come not to change the Laws of Moses. We have come not to change the words of Jesus, or Mohammed, or Buddha. We have come but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have come not to take you from you religions, but to bring bread and wine within them. We have come not to bring sorrow to the earth, but to bring gladness.

Within all, we say unto you, this earth of yours was good in the beginning, for it is the handiwork of God, our Lord. And He did bring it forth, and He did gaze upon it, and He did say, “IT IS GOOD.”

And the Seven Spirits did flow unto the earth, and man and woman did come forth and they were fruitful. And the children of God spread upon the earth. And Eden was given, and yet removed, but for the purpose that man might see the Eden all around him, that man may look unto his brothren’s eyes and see beauty. [See Genesis, chapters 1-3.]

We say unto you that each of you are as a mirror. You cast out light, yet you reflect light. All things that you plant, so shall you harvest. The beginning and the ending of karma can come in the twinkling of an eye.

We say unto you, now, raise up thy hearts unto the Lord, God. Gaze upon His beauty. We say unto you, now, let each of you close your eyes and look within, and we shall take thy selves as the Eagle flies upon the earth, and you shall see the beauty that lies tenfold.

You shall not squabble over the grain. You shall not squabble over that that belongs to thy neighbor, and thy brother. You shall not squabble over the things that each of you do.

Look within to find understanding and beauty. You are too busy criticizing each other that you cannot see the treasures that lay at your feet. They are greater than gold or diamonds or gems.        We say unto you, go unto that quiet place within your mind. Gently and quietly look within and you shall find a pool, a quiet still pool, and there you shall find the eternal light of God burning brightly within you. You shall find gentleness and love that could have befold [enfold] you, and hold you. You shall find the gentle hand of God awaiting you. All shall be before you. You shall see gentle creatures of all sorts. You shall see wonders beyond your wildest belief that happen each day around you. You shall see the beauty of birth, and the miracle of birth.

We say unto you, we brought forth unto you the miracle of the candelabra. We brought forth unto you the miracle of the flight of Eagle. It comes with broad gentle wings, renewing itself every moment. It is as a ship that the more you put in it, the more it may release and unload before you. It is a -- comes as a horn of plenty, and your cup shall runneth over.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be your earth. Let it become part of the rest of your universe, and the universes beyond universes, and dimensions beyond dimensions. Open your minds that you may see. Open your minds that you may hear. And the music shall be so gentle that it shall be all about you, and the lights shall come in many colors, and the beauty beyond beauty, and the taste shall be as the sweetest honey.

We say unto you, we come with the bread and the wine. Must we also bring forth the yeast? Quietly, gently, pick this up into your hands, as you would the most beautiful rose. Hold it in such a manner that all may see. Do not clasp it and crush the petals.

We have brought this to you that a new heaven and a new earth may come about -- all of these things. But we say unto you, how can you believe us when we speak of heaven if you cannot believe what we say of earth? [See Matthew 5:14-20, Mark 4:21-22.]

It is written, a pound of barley and a pound of wheat. [See The Revelation 6:5-6.]

The earth, your earth -- God’s gift unto you, your wisdom, your free choice -- God’s gift unto you; it all came with a purpose. Look deep into thyself. Find the light of God. Find the quiet pool. See the lilies; see the roses. See the sky. See the heavens. See the rivers. All come from God. All is yours for the taking. All you must do is look within, and no matter how much you give, it shall be returned to you tenfold.

For the Lord asked but two things: love unto Him one-tenth of the love He giveth unto you; love unto thy brothren and thy sisteren one-tenth of the love that the Lord has given. This is the tithings the Lord has asked you giveth forth. We have no use for your money or jewels.

Prepare a place that our Father may lay His tired head. Let Him weep no more for His children.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Thy have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading on [8-332-1]. His mother asks for ‘better spiritual communication with our child. And what things of the past and what things of the future would be helpful?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, [the] soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and we shall give that in proportion that is needed at this time.

We say unto you that as this child did come forth in the Year of the Cow, we find the entry substance on your earth plane in years that as you would count – 2,100,506 years, six months, and four hours.

The earth at this period and substance, its continental divisions once, at this time, linked as one solid mass; Europe, the Americas, Africa and South America, Atlantis, Lemuria, all linked as one continent. [Editor’s Note: This is called Pangaea in the study of plate tectonics.]

There were many large lakes in that you would call of your state of Utah. There, by the big lake, there stood of those who would call themselves, at a later time, of the Mormon people. Their temple was great, and they did worship unto the Lord, God, in a righteous manner.

And this one came from that of not too great a family, but yet great in the eyes of the Lord. They were farmers and they tended their fields. And once a year they did pilgrimage into the big city into the temple, up to the temple, as all did make the pilgrimage once each year. Upon this journey, this one was born. Yet his mother, sisters and brother, and father did wait behind the others who would go upon the journey, while the birth occurred. The mother did say unto the father, “Here, I have given unto you a son. He has been born on a blessed day, on a blessed pilgrimage. Take him, therefore, in to the priests, that he may be blessed.”

And so, they did travel on into the city. And the father did go unto the priests and say unto them, “Almighty lords, this child is born upon the sacred day, upon the sacred journey. Would thy give unto them [him] your blessings?”

The young priests turned away in scorn. “Who was this,” they thought, “to ask for such a blessing? How could we know that he was not a liar?” And they did put forth this one, and were cruel unto this one. And yet, the father did shield the mother and the child with his own body.

Then [came] forth an old priest, and he did come forth with great authority, for he sat on the Council of Thirteen. And he was called, therefore, the Prophet. And he did say unto the young priests, “Bring this child forth unto me, for I shall give him blessings: For not in this lifetime shall he see that that he was meant to see. Not in this lifetime shall the greatness of the work that he shall be prepared for shall be done. But the mother and the father shall be born again, and he shall be born again. And he shall come unto a prophet and once again he shall ask for a blessing, and the prophet shall bless him. For he shall walk in a new heaven and a new earth, for he shall be part of the making of this. Take him, therefore, now back to your homes. When he should reach his 12th birthday, bring him back.”

And so it was done.

The years passed. Upon the 12th birthday, on his 12th pilgrimage, he did come before the Prophet. And the Prophet did lay his hand on this one and say, “He shall be a physician. Now, as is our custom, he shall become a man and a priest. But now his school and his training shall begin, that memory may be laid in his mind for that that he should do at a later time. Therefore, take him into the Temple of Light and Sound.” This, in your language, would be a great university, only this university, their schooling began at a very young age. The children of this time who showed signs of great learning did enter this university and did not leave it until their 30th years.

And so it did come forth once again that you were left at the university. At first, you thought your parents had abandoned you. Once each year they saw you. Once each year they told you of their love. And each year they went back to toil the land.

On your 20th year you did say unto your father, “Why must I remain here, when I have the hands of a farmer, not that of a physician?”

And your father said unto you, “For it has been ordained that you should become a physician.”

And then, you became hard in your heart, yet you studied. Yet, the position as a physician did not sell it [set] well in you heart.

And then on the 30th year, that of the Prophet did come forth. And he did say unto you, “Go. Go back unto the farm, for this we should say unto you; it is better to be a good farmer, and grow a good crop, than it is to be a bad physician. But we have placed into your mind and your hands that of a memory that shall carry through many flights of the Eagle.

“But when a prophet comes and say unto you these words, ‘Behold, the flight of the Eagle is now,’ and he should place in your hands a rose without thorns, then the time of all your lifetimes, all you have been, shall flash into thy mind and become part of thee.”

And the grace given then is the grace given now. And the blessing given then is the blessing given now. You say, of enlightenment. We say, of free choice.

Give this one of the schooling, but then, we shall [have teached] him that the seed he should plant shall bring forth a joy for the earth.

In this time of yours, many children shall come forth with the natural abilities in the field of healing, the natural abilities in the ability to become good farmers. They have chosen this time and this place of birth for a reason, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Memory shall soon reach this one. On the 12th birthday of this one bring forth the words that we have spoken and place them in his hands, and let him make his own choice of his direction, and it will be blessed.

That is all on this subject at this time.

Now we say unto you, soul Ray grows weak and our time should be short.

Let the beauty of life now flow to you. Soon, as we enter, our time shall come, that as we speak through soul Ray, let our words linger in your minds each moment, each day. Let the love we have brought forth shine out from you. Open the door that we may enter. But leave the door open that that quiet place within you may reflect out.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, the people.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.



[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona