May 8, 1976

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Blessed are they who should ask in the name of the Lord. Blessed are they who should do the work of the Lord.

            But we say unto thee, the work of the Lord should come in many forms. Blessed are they who should tend the flocks. Blessed are they who should tend the fields. Blessed are they who should tend the children. For in your daily task, that that you would call your work, if it is done in a righteous manner, then that also is part of God’s work.

            We shall say unto thee of the parable of the minister.

And the minister went forth, and he did teach unto fire and brimstone. And he did say unto each person that they must do this and they must do that, and they must repent, or they would feel the wrath of the Lord.

            He traveled very far. And one day upon the Sabbath he saw a small lad in the field working. And he did come forth unto the lad and say unto him, “Thy are a sinner. Thy are working on the day of the Sabbath.”

And the lad looked long upon him, and said unto him, “If I do not work this field, my mother and my brothers and children should all go hungry. I must work in the store for a merchant all the other days. This does not provide for my family. The only day that I can bring forth a crop is on the day of the Sabbath. Now you say I sin. But I say unto you that my church is here, in this field; and my God helps carry me this yoke, for I carry it in love of my loved ones, and therefore, that that I should carry in love should be of the Lord.”

The minister became furious, and he went forth into the tavern. And he did bring out the merchant the lad worked for. And he said unto the merchant, “You must fire this person. Release him from his employment because he is a sinner.”

            And the merchant looked at the lad and said, “I cannot.”

            And he said unto him, “Why can you not?”

            And the merchant looked long into him and said, “Do you not know the story of Mary Magdalene? When Jesus was asked whether she should be stoned -- and they said unto him that he might be the judge, and he said unto them, ‘Let those among you who have not sinned cast the first stone,’ he did not judge her, nor I shall not judge this lad. And if you, in truth, were a minister of the Lord you could not ask that I do such a deed.”

            The minister left the town. And he went forth unto other towns. And each place that he preached he told this same story. But each place that he preached, the flock unto which he preached became less and less. And he could not understand this, for he, in his might, was a minister of the Lord. Why then should they not condemn the boy and the merchant? Was it not his duty to see that the merchant, the people did not buy from him? Was it not his duty to report him?

            And one day he was called forth unto his diocese, his superior. And his superior said unto him, “Why have you continued to persecute these people?”

            And he said unto him, “It is my duty.”

            And his superior said unto him, “If it is your duty and you have acted in a righteous manner, then why are you driving away your flock? Do you not know what the word, minister, means?”

            And he said, “Of course I do. It means that I should teach the people what is right and wrong, that I should speak for God.”

            His superior looked very sad, and said unto him, “You shall find that God shall speak for Himself. A minister is a keeper of the flock. If one should stray and become endangered, he should tend to this stray lamb. He should not judge him, but return him into the flock. You have become both judge and jury. I say unto you, go forth and sin no more.”

            The minister left and he was very mad. And his anger increased as the years went by because less and less did the people come unto him. And even though he traveled far, less and less did the people reach for his guidance. And soon he did not travel at all. And soon he did not preach at all. And he said, “There can be no God who should let such an unjust thing happen.”

           And then his day of departure did come. And he crossed from one doorway into another.

            And when he awoken he saw a lad working in a field. And he thought to himself, “I am not dead. How could this be heaven?”

            And so he walked forth and he did recognize the lad, for the lad was the same lad who he had found tending the field before. And he said unto the lad, “This cannot be heaven or you would not be here.”

            And the lad said unto him, “I tend my flock, which is my field, for that is what I know best, and in that way I serve my God. And I am happy in what I do.”

            He said unto the lad, “Then if this is heaven, where are all of the temples? Where is this Kingdom of God? Where is this temple of God?”

            And the lad, with his hand, spread it forth, and there upon the Earth, were all the people of the Earth, each one in their different directions, and he said, “There is the temple of God, within them.”

            And he looked forth and he said, “For that is the body of man. You stand in our Father’s many mansions, one you have chosen of your own free choice, for you chose to turn your back from God. You did not preach because it brought you joy in others. You preached because it made you feel that you were greater than the others down on the Earth.”

            “Now I must leave you,” the lad said. “For I shall go and learn from the masters.”

            And the preacher said, “Wait, can I not go with you?”

            And the lad said, “Yes.”

            So they ventured forth. And the preacher in idle conversation said, “I am much older than you. Why did I live so long and you, so much younger, died much sooner?”

            And the lad said unto him, “My way upon the Earth, though it brought me great joy, also my body could not withstand the long hours of labor and so it deteriorated much faster. Yours was not of a physical nature, and in later years, other than your anger, it was not of a mental nature. But I passed from one gate to the other happy within the thought that my flock had been provided for. You passed not caring.”

            And so, they soon came upon a group gathered around.

And there stood one among them, and he recognized this one, for he had been the merchant. And then came another, and he had been his superior. And he said unto them, “How can you be masters when you knew not enough to correct an unruly lad?”

And the masters both said unto him, “For look forth, and you shall see your life, each step of it, pass before you. When this is done come back unto us.”

And so he was turned away from the group.

He wandered far, day after day. And he looked upon the Earth many times. And he thought unto himself, “The lessons that I should have learned I could have learned in one day upon the Earth. Yet it has taken me a hundred years to learn these lessons here.”

And so is the parable. Choose for yourself. Labor in love is love. Labor in regret must be done over again.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [5-213-1 of Tucson]. He asks for ‘a life reading to better understand my present reincarnation.’”

We have just given this reading.

“I have a request from [7-320-1]. And she asks, ‘What is my purpose in this life? And what karmic debts am I working out? What is the best way for me to be of service to others? How can I best prepare for the times of destruction that will be happening on the Earth, and is this a safe place?’”

First, we shall take the last first. There shall be proportions of the Oregon land that shall be safe. But many volcanic eruptions shall occur in this land. Earthquakes shall occur in this land, and islands shall be formed. Mountains shall become deserts, and deserts shall become mountains. As this catastrophe does occur, you shall find that the land you live in, the temperature shall become much colder for a period of time. Something much as the ice age shall occur, but not totally.

We shall say unto you, we have brought you into the path of the Eagle; yet you fully do not understand. We shall say unto you, pick up the Rose without Thorns, and read from it three times, and if you still do not understand the pathway we have given unto you, then ask again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6-278-2] of Tucson asks, ‘In our famine preparations would you please give us guidance as to where to store, and for how many, and for what period of time?’ She also asks how much water should they store and where, and how can we further the work in Tucson so that possible disasters might be avoided?”

We shall say unto you, [on] the storage of the water, the taking of the containers that your milk or Clorox, if properly washed, both with regular tap water placed in them and buried in the ground where you have a 6-inch surface over the top of the ground, making a map of each place that you bury them, your storage of water shall soon become abundant.

We would say unto you that the canisters that soul Ray has put forth in Tucson should be distributed in such a manner that one general storehouse should be established, only that it may be drawn from in small proportions. The canisters should be distributed to members. In them should contain blankets, good first-aid kits, vitamins, and food substance.

Then we would say unto you, take forth both pick and shovel, hoe and rake, and axe. You have a compound which will preserve these readily available. Then they should be wrapped in treated, as you would call it, tablecloth. Then we would tell you to build a wooden box, placing these in the earth substance with 6 inches of soil on the top. The container should be made large enough that other tools may be added from time to time.

We would also suggest that “How-to-Do” books be placed together. These should be placed and stored. When the time comes that you will need all these things, you will have them. We would also suggest that good backpacks be prepared, that further knowledge, as soul Ray shall give it, on the harvest of the desert should be brought forth, and each member should retain the printed words and learn from them.

In this manner the preparation shall come in completion.

If you should reach unto other people, we say unto you, it has been placed in your hands, that of the R.E. product. Through them they shall find an honest product. But in the same manner you shall have a chance to talk to many people. With the doing of so, you shall find many who shall seek your guidance.

But many do not know of your preparations. The “Rays of Philosophy” should be widely distributed. These in themselves would help to prepare the way.

That your national headquarters could provide more for its members, the contribution into the Emergency Fund, for the storage and preparation in the headquarters, for better storage areas, all of these things are needed.

[There are] goals to work for.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one question, in coating these tools that should be buried, are you referring to cosmolene or paraffin or what? Oil cloth?”

We should say unto you that paraffin and cosmolene, either can be used, and then the oil cloth, and wrapping them in such.

“Thank you.”

But these tools should then be placed away, not to be brought forth until the time that they are needed.

“Thank you, Aka.”

Included in these, but it should be used now, should be small grinders, and the learning and the making of metates.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka, [7-316-1…Yuma] asks, ‘That we may save our cattle for our people’s survival, please give us information as to where and when to move.’”

We shall give this information of where and when to move. But now is not the time. Continue preparing and working where you are. When the time comes, adequate warning you shall have.

We should also say unto this one that the new substance unto which soul Ray has brought forth may be used, not only upon birds, but on other animal life also, to extract the pesticides from the cattle and all other warm-blooded species.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, soul Ruth [2-30-2] asks, ‘If Jesus was one of the 101, was his name Arcon at that time?’”

(Chuckle) Nay.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5-206-2] asks, ‘Is Lucifer a member of the Council of Thirteen?’”

(Chuckle) Nay. We shall say unto you, Lucifer is Lucifer, and none before and none since has met his equal. His defiance of God cast him forth, yet to serve a purpose. His constant defeat has also served its purpose. But his arrogance, and his worlds and his obedience for those who should practice the Black Arts, woe be upon them. And woe be upon Lucifer, for there is not one in this Council who does not pity him.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6-281-1] asks, ‘Please explain about the over-soul and over-self.’”

Though the language is confusing, we shall try to decipher your meaning. The over-self is nothing more than the human body, the human frailties, the human being striving constantly to improve. As we have said before, the soul can only be complete when it is with the body, the spirit and the immortal body.

If one should lose the spiritual form, then they become the lost soul that shall wander forever into vast nothingness. They hover close to your earth plane, for all they have and all they know is re-entry.

For those who should pollute their mind with alcohol and drugs, they make themselves readily available, both to Lucifer and to the lost souls, to take over and take possession. And, there is but one path for them. Once they take possession – this is against the rule, as you would call it, of free choice, so they have violated and committed a greater sin yet. With the passing of that body substance, then they are again nothing more than a lost soul.

There are those of you who would use and play with that of the Ouija Board, and you greet each one who comes through, yet knowing not that which you touch. Quite often this is a quick path for those of the lost souls. And the more they are connected, and the more they are attached, their power upon you should grow, and soon you lose your own free choice and ability. And soon you become possessed and they take over. We say unto you, within your own book, the Bible, does it not warn you of such? And does it not warn you of false prophets? When one passes over they become no smarter or wiser, as you would say, than they were on the earth plane. If they were greedy here they will be greedy there. You can learn more in one day upon your earth than you can in a hundred years on the other side.

And now soul Ray grows weary, and so we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona