May 15, 1976

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee into this manner, ask and you shall receive. But as we have said before, we have brought forth into the substance of the times and dates of your earthquakes.

We may say unto thee, had nature been left alone, the earthquakes which would have occurred in California need never have happened. For as the Colorado River did change its course, and therefore, begin to fill the Imperial Valley and cut a new course into the ocean, which in itself, given time, would have given you a great inland lake, a natural substance, it would have also fed the faults in such a manner that the water pressure would have allowed the earthquakes to occur in such a manner they would not be in the intensity that they shall be now.

You have farther altered the pathway and the cycle of the natural course with your underground nuclear explosions, those both in the Nevada and in the Alaskan territories.

In the land of Siberia and Russia they also have altered the course of events.

Yet, in truth these events, much as Judas did sell unto the temple the one known as Jesus of Nazara, he did but bring forth the fulfillment of the prophesy. This in itself is what you have done.

But we say unto you, nothing is predestined. You have freedom of choice, freedom to change, to alter. We have given you exact dates and exact times for a purpose. We told you before that you could protect yourselves with your minds. Put forth the energy substance needed, and you may alter these events. The earthquakes shall occur, but lives may be saved.

We have told you before that the greatest weapon you possess is your minds and the usage, proper usage of the same. A tree may be bent by the wind when it is young. It alters its growth. Yet the tree should righten itself and reach upward into the heavens, for that within itself that God has given the tree is the freedom of choice to stay down or to alter itself in such a manner that it may reach up again. The alteration of the path does not weaken the tree, but strengthen it.

We shall say unto you, as Jonah was sent forth into the city and the people did repent, as the disciples of the Lord did become into Abraham and he did bargain with them, and then they did go into the house of Lot, yet they did not repent. And they did say unto Lot to flee unto the mountains and not look back, yet temptation was too great. And so, destruction of one being did happen that did not necessarily have to happen.

The Lord is not vengeful. He does not ask for your blood, nor does He ask for the blood of the Lamb. We have come but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. To some of you, you would call it, the new age; we shall call it the new coveth [covenant].

We say unto you, we have come not to destroy. The earth shall [take] its natural alterations, as winter should come and the earth should sleep, as spring should come and the earth should begin to awaken, that summer should come it should grow and give forth fruit. And then autumn is a time like twilight, a preparation for its sleep. So should your earth do the same.

Yet we should say unto you, this is your earth, this is your time. Shall you perish in a polluted land, or shall you use the knowledge we have given you and prepare the way? The choice is yours.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request from [7-320-1] for [8-337-1…Salem]. Her mother asks, ‘What is [8-337-1]’s purpose in this life, and how can her mother best help her?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And we should say unto you, should assistance be given, give it in such a manner as you would receive it yourself. Do so as you would receive from your parents.

But it is written, “Honor thy mother and father.” But we say unto you, an unjust request of the parents should not mean that the child should go out and commit murder. There are other commandments. They also must stand forth.

We say unto you, guidance of a paritable nature should come forth for this time and this place. The times have changed. The stresses that they should live under have changed, and shall change. Your Earth is going through a great turmoil. For many years you lived under the threat, you thought, of atomic warfare. You thought you had created a mighty weapon, an ultimate weapon. Yet, the Lord has shown you the might of the Lord is greater than all of the atomic bombs you may bring forth, the might of nature and its changing, ever-revolving cycles.

We say unto you, come forth with the knowledge we have brought forth in the Rose without Thorns, but go forth farther into the reading substance and you shall find a greater knowledge, a more livable knowledge, one that should help both of you in your day-to-day growth and maturity.

We should further say unto this one, to explore and bring forth into full blossom the beladen talent within the same, new methods are being brought forth that would bring out the full potential of the individual, this in the use of bio-therapy.

This is all on this subject. You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [5-206-2] asks, ‘Aka, is it possible at times you make mistakes in the material you give?’”

(Chuckle.) When you were a child you were fed as a child. When you were a child you spoke as a child. Speak as a man, not as a child. We say unto you that all matter and all substance changes. Our purpose and the knowledge we have brought forth unto you has not changed. Ask and you shall receive, but do not bray as a donkey.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. Soul Ruth [2-30-2] asks, ‘Why do Cayce’s readings omit mention of the Eagle, and why do the Cayce books attribute some of the Eagle’s activities to Ra-Tai?’”

We shall answer in this manner, that Ra-Tai and the Eagle were two different individuals, each with a different purpose upon the Earth, but yet the same. You must realize that as Ra-Tai did constantly collaborate with that of the Eagle, then the knowledge was much as the same.

You must also realize that Edgar Cayce did not write his own memoirs, nor did he write the books to come after. Others did write of them. It is one thing to be as a prophet. It is another to write of a prophet. A writer quite often shall look for sensationalism.

You must realize, as we have said before, that that of soul Cayce should stand very close to the Lord, our Father. We should further say that all has come from the same source. But as he did come forth to prepare the way for this time, so we come forth to prepare the way for your time and place. When the flight of the Eagle does end, he who should come afterwards shall be greater. The flight of the Eagle has been for a purpose. Few of you could have taken the abuse, the humiliation, with the power placed at the Eagle’s hands, and not retaliated.

You must also realize that as soul Ray gives much of his time into that of the healing, so did Mr. Cayce give much of his time and his thoughts into that of the healing, and so, his mind was prepared as such.

There is no conflict here, only within certain minds. Anyone may play the devil’s advocate.

You have further questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7-317-1] asks, ‘Should I sell the car that nearly killed me?’”

(Chuckle.) If thy had a horse that kicked you in the head and you should lose of an eye, should you wait until you lose the other?

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Mark [3-115-2] asks, ‘There are many interpretations, through many channels about where we are at this time in the series of prophecies of the book of Revelations. Please help us.’”

One moment, please. We should further answer unto soul [7-317-1]’s question.

First, we should say unto you, you came to us in doubt. When we gave of you the three days, you saw them not. Yet, when other situations were asked for, the informations were given, and you did not come truthfully before those involved with you. As it would be said, you took them down the gate, and then let the trust they had placed in you fall aside.

You asked us for many things. Then you did come to soul Ray and ask again. We gave you but one small of a proportion of the proof that we may lay at your hand, of our being. We said unto you, if you should write, you should write in a righteous manner, and truthful. In your bargaining, if a word is given, the word must stand. It is sometimes necessary that a board may be applied at the backside of a mule that they may move. We have given you ample proof. Ask for more and we shall accommodate in the same manner.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I had the question from Soul Mark [3-115-2]; ‘There are many interpretations, through many channels, about where we are at this time in the series of prophecies of the book of Revelations. Please help us.’”

We shall say unto you, look unto that of the Fifth Angel, and you shall find where you stand, for as we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks your land. [See The Revelation 6:9-17 and chapter 7.]

Now soul Ray grows weary.

And we shall say unto you, look unto the Circle of Fire; it shall widen.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona