November 5, 1976

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

      Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory is the light of compassion. Yet compassion without forgiveness is not love. And love without hope and faith is not complete.

If you should walk into the forest and examine each plant that should grow there you should soon know the meaning of compassion, hope and faith, love and forgiveness. If you should walk into the desert, one day it should spring forth into flowers, yet the seed that has produced the flowers may have laid dormant for many years, waiting with hope and faith that the compassionate rain should fall upon it, that the earth should nourish it, that the sun should bring it strength. All of these things God has placed before you in such a manner that no matter where you go upon the earth or beyond it you should always know of His compassion, His love, His hope, His forgiveness.

We have told unto you many parables. We have said unto you, stand beneath the cross and let a drop of blood touch your forehead, and you should know the true meaning of love. We have explained it to you in many ways, for we know that you, who speak many tongues, are each different, yet alike. We have brought it forth that from whatever path you have reached to our Father’s many mansions that you might understand. Yet still we do not see within you the full understanding of our purpose.

Therefore, we have chosen this time to once again say unto you, be as a light. Be as the mirror. Reflect unto your fellow man the love and the compassion, the hope and the faith, and the forgiveness that God has placed unto you. And when your fellow man sees these things, he shall see God.

For into the smallest thing upon your earth lies a miracle. Before you every day miracles are performed. But the greatest miracle of all is love and understanding, one unto another.

Quite often you say unto your fellow man, “This was my understanding.” Have you truly bothered to stand and look, and see that both of you should understand the same thing in the same manner? Have you bothered to look at another man’s choice or path, ever though it may not be your own, unto his worship of the Lord, God?

You have made wars over the meaning of love. War and love do not march together, yet they are the opposite sides of a Sword.

Quite often you say unto yourselves, “I love this person, but I do not like them.” Then, is it in truth that you love?

To know these truths cannot come from the words we say; they must come from within you. If you would stop and meditate upon your blessings each day what a wonderful world you would have, for none would go hungry or without. Your cup would runneth over.

We have come but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation of the coming of the Messiah -- in that preparation, the importance of planting the seed of love in mankind.

But we do not come to bear false witness, and therefore, we should say unto you, many changes shall take place upon your Earth. Nations shall fall, and nations shall rise. But for all nations who should stand before their God, in truth, shall stand, for the God shall be the same unto all, and His love for His children is the same for all, for does not the sun and the rain fall upon all in equal proportions? Your choice to the amount of sun or rain that should fall upon you, you make that choice. Is it not the same way with the amount of love that you would receive from God?

When you pray unto the Lord, pray for your needs, not your wants, for as we have said before, we shall provide for your needs, to see that the preparation for the coming of the Messiah should be there.

Now we should say unto the one known as Ruth [2-30-2], healing shall be given; have faith. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question, for a life reading from [8-352-1…Safford]. And she asks why her life has been so hard on her, and for further guidance.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. We have before us the records of time.

We should find this one in the land of Lemuria. This land, in its highly advanced state, was one of the lands that the Sons of God did choose to populate. We find this one, who would worship, as you would say, the dark god, or the god of [Bly, Baal].

      This land was not ruled with compassion, but harshness and bitterness. And first, as a young woman and then as a student of the arts, you never stopped once to see the heartache and compassion around you. Yours was a deliverance into the land, a taking of all the fruit of the land. This went out through your whole lifetime, through your marriage, and that that you taught your children.

You had heard that there were different ways, but you ignored them throughout that life plane, only to again re-enter in the land of Egypt, once again to be born in the land of plenty -- and once again to have the chance to show the love and the compassion, the hope and the faith that you saw in the eyes of your servants. Yet, still you did not learn. You lived a long and healthful life.

      And then we find this one in the land of Yucatan, once again with all the knowledge at hand. And as [the] Messiah did walk forth, and the Eagle did come before him to prepare the way, you sneered at the learnings, and of his teachings of compassion and love. You plotted when you saw the people [throwing] flowers in his path. Yet, you could not understand that he could see no difference in your high state than into the poorest hunchback. And when he left, you forced the people back into their harsh ways.

            And now we find you in this plane and this time. You have come, not into the highest statures [status], into the ruling class, as you would call it, but you have come to bear the yoke of your past, that you might learn the love and compassion that you had not learned before.

Too often you have blamed all things that have happened to you upon someone who would bewitch you, when in truth, the only one who has bewitched you is yourself. Lay aside the hate. Lay aside the ill feelings you have for others. Give forth the love, the faith, the compassion, the hope, and the yoke you bear shall become light and loving. And those things that you should ask for shall be provided. But pray not unto the Lord for the destruction of another. But first stop, and look around you, and see the blessings that are at hand. If you should show these things as a mirror, you shall find that all those who have walked away shall return. For does not everyone stop and stand by a beautiful garden, or quiet pool, or a trickling brook. The quiet, gentle beauty touches within them true love, true compassion, true forgiveness, for it is a thing that is asking nothing from them, but giving all.

            You have other questions, ask.

Thank you, Aka. Aka, [7-317-1] asks, ‘What relationship does the spine have to spiritual progress?’”

      The spine affects the human being that it may stand upright. And if the human being did not stand upright, it would support him to walk on his hands and his feet. As spiritual progress, if it was seared in half, it would still serve no purpose. The projected force of energy substance, in matter being reversed into anti-matter and matter again, may be drawn through the spine by the friction of the nerves. Cosmic energy substance may be drawn into the system and restored and projected through the spine. The spine affects every vital organ within the body, for every nerve which should come from the brain and return to the brain should go through the spine.

      This is all on this subject.

            You have other questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka. I have a question from [8-352-2], and is here tonight. She asks, ‘I have been advised by persons I trust and admire to give up my job and write professionally. I am not in great health and stress is causing me many problems. Is this the time to quit teaching and begin writing?’”

We would suggest the taking of the sick leave that is at hand, that the restoring of your health might come about. But a teacher you are, and a teacher you shall remain, whether through writing or standing before a class and teaching. At the present time, your health is the most important factor. We shall assist in the resurrection of the body substance and the healing of the same.

We say unto you, as Jesus said once before, “Destroy this body, and we shall rebuild it in three days.” We say unto you, the body is the temple of God. Respect it in such a manner and it shall serve you well.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Yes, Aka, Soul Ruth [2-30-2] asks, ‘Are chakras real? Do they work?’”


We say unto you, our time grows short now.

New earthquakes shall once again begin their march from Alaska through the Siberians to the Mediterranean; from Alaska to Mexico, through South America, to the central part of the United States and Canada; through Northern Europe; through Asia.

We say to you, more hurricanes and tornado substance shall wrack the land of the Mexico continent. It is ripping away at evil seed. Give back unto those of the Mexican people the right and freedom that you have ripped from their beings, or war shall come. Beware of the wind and the rain that should come from the south.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine shall reign. Yet you may change, at anytime you choose, its path.

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona