November 12, 1976

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For we shall say unto thee the parable of the dreamer.

For he rose upon the morning dew to walk upon the land. All around him stood beauty, all in new. The land did dream of milk and honey, yet not the dreamer, for in his mind he dreamed of cities far away. He dreamed of lands yet to be traveled. He dreamed of fields yet to be planted. And as he continued his stroll he walked by fields that were planted and were growing. And he looked upon the farmer and said unto him, “I see harvests in you beyond yours, and I know things beyond what you know.”

And the farmer, looking upon him, doubtful, said unto him, “If you know of these things, then pray, give them unto me, that I may improve my crops.”

“But nay,” said the dreamer, “if I linger long, then I could not dream of other fair things.”

He walked on into a forest, newly planted. And he said unto the forest man, “I dream of forests greater and bigger with a greater yield than you would produce.”

And the forest man said, “If you know of such knowledge, give it unto us that we may grow a better crop, that the seedlings we placed in the ground may become that that thy see. Share your knowledge.”

            “But nay,” said the dreamer, and he walked on.

And there in a meadow he met a maiden fair. And he dazzled her with her [his] speech and said unto her, “For I shall go unto the greatest cities, into the great [metropolises], for I shall cross the oceans, I shall see the sunsets of many lands, and the sunrises of many lands.” He did woo her.   

And love within her bosom was brought forth. And she said, “Take me with you.”

And he said, “Nay, for I have not the time, for there is much for me to dream of.”

And yet, another dreamer passed by. First, as he rose in the morning and looked upon the land each wonderment became a fascination within his mind. Today was a new world for him, new and joyful. And he did walk upon the land through the fields of the farmer. And he did examine each part -- the grains, the cottons, the sugar beets, the canes -- all things he did take into his mind’s eye.

And the farmer came unto him and said, “Are you a dreamer?”

And the man looked unto him and said, “Yes, I would suppose that I am, in my own way, yet my dreams, I am fascinated with all things.”

And the farmer said unto him, “If you have such knowledge, would you give it unto me?”

            And the dreamer looked unto him and said, “Gladly.” And so, he did work with the farmer.

“But first,” he said unto the farmer, “we shall make a bargain. For my dreams and my thoughts I shall lay one-half of the cost of your farm before you. You shall lay your half, and the fruits of the labor we shall divide equally.”

And so it did come about.

From his new ideas, from his dreams, the farm began to yield. First, it was only in small percentages and then the percentages grew larger and larger.

And then one day the dreamer said unto the farmer, “I shall go on. Your crop has become abundant. Now I shall sell unto you my part of our dream.”

The farmer became greedy and began to bargain.

The dreamer looked unto him and said, “There is a day for bargaining and a day for dreaming. Today is not my day for bargaining,” and he walked on.

And as he passed a great forest that was newly planted, the forest man did come forth and said, “Are you a dreamer?”

      His answer was the same. And he said unto the forest man, “I shall buy one-half, and pay one-half for the development of this new forest, and we shall split into one-half that which the yield should come forth.”

      And therefore, he did teach the farmer, and the forester, as again, new knowledge. The trees did grow larger and faster, yet the earth became richer.

      And then one day he said, “Now is my time to go on.”

The forester was an honest man, and the forester said unto him, “Then let me pay you for your ideas and for the work you have performed.”

The dreamer stopped and thought, and he said unto the forester, “Since you are honest, then today shall be my day for bargaining. Buy on a half-interest in the farm which borders your forest. I shall have you manage my half-interest in both the forest and the farm. One year from today I shall return, for I go now to seek another.”

            And he did enter into the meadow and there he found the maid. He talked of his wonderful ideas. At first she was frightened for her experience before. She looked at him and said, “You are a dreamer.”

He said, “Yes, but I go now to build a city. Would you go with me?”

            The maid went with him. He built the city. He built a nation, and then a world. He [yielded] from the ocean.

       And in the year’s time he did return back. And there he found the farmer in jail, and he said, “Why is the farmer in jail?”

And the forest man said, “At first when you sent me here I thought I would come and meet an honest man. I have met a very dishonest man. He suggested many things that we purchase, and we did purchase them. Then he did steal of that proportion of the supplies and take it to another farm. And there, with your ideas and your money, he did build another farm. He did take from the tally of the crop and sell it elsewhere.”

The dreamer pondered upon this. And he said unto the forester, “I am not a judge; I am a dreamer who puts my dreams into reality.”

And then came forth the dreamer who had passed in the beginning, and they both said unto him, “Would you judge unto this man?”

And the first dreamer said, “I have judged, and I know more about judging than any other man.”

            And they said, “Then judge this man fairly.”

The dreamer said, “I have not the time. But, for my time would you give me food, would you give me clothing?” And they agreed. Yet still the dreamer did not come up with the solution.

And so the second dreamer did say, “For it is said, ‘Judge not, lest ye be judged.’ Therefore, I leave the judgment unto the Lord, and the punishment unto the Lord. Take from the farmer all things that belong to you, forest man. Take from the farmer all things that belong to me. Leave him all things that belong to him. Leave him all things that belong to God and him.”

      When they had finished and they walked away, he was left with the first dreamer who accomplished nothing and was going nowhere.

      We have told you this parable for a reason. We do not sleep, as we have said before. For those who should interfere with the preparation for this work, we shall weed the garden.

            You have questions, ask.

      “Yes, Aka, I have a request for a life reading for J__ B_____, who is here tonight….”

      Yes, we see thy need, but we should say unto you, because of the state of soul Ray’s health at this time, our time shall be short. We would ask for specific questions that could be answered in a shorter length of time. This should be brought up at a different time.

Thank you, Aka. [5-206-2] asks, ‘We are planning to build on a hill at [2-30-3]’s clay pit. Do you see a good water source and where? Thank you.’”

            Nay, we find no water in this area, only that that would have to be developed through the damming of canyons and the piping of other canyons into the well substance as a holding source.

            “Thank you, Aka. [7-316-1] asks, ‘What group of archaeologists, or university, should be used for opening of the tomb and the artifacts?’ He’s referring to the tomb under the Yuma prison. Also, ‘When is our best time, or when should it be opened?’”

Under the laws of the state, the artifacts that lay under the Yuma Prison can only be done with the supervision of the state, of the University. This should be brought forth unto the University project as such. But the greatest uncoverer of artifacts shall be time. With one-year time, seepage shall occur in the Imperial Valley from the ocean floor, a slow, gradual widening of the Salton Sea, and soon, an inland sea. As this should take place, new eruptions shall occur in this region. At that time nature shall uncover that which thy seek.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, he has another question. He says, ‘I have frontage property in Yuma, Arizona. Should I get a long lease or should I sell it? He says he is located a quarter-mile south of the California border.”

            We would suggest the selling.

            You have other questions, ask.

            Yes, Aka, [1-317-1] who is here tonight asks, ‘When will we need the bottled or the stored water?’”

      Water shortages should and can occur at any time that your electrical source is cut off in this region. This could happen at any time.

            You have other questions, ask.

      Aka, [8-353-1] asks, ‘What was the direction and what purpose did the dreams I had received in the year of 1972, starting in the summer of that year till fall in that place of Browning, Montana?’”*

It did bring forth the thought and the direction of the time and place thy sit this day. We say unto you, it has been your free choice. Look upon the Eagle and know him, and know he comes but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Bring forth that of yourselves and others. As one hand links unto another, the Spiritual Philosophy of God shall endure, and so it should become a Universal Philosophy. All is reaching to God in the preparation for the coming. This shall take many hands in many places. Yet if you should come unto one house, your strength with each new part should become stronger even yet.

You do not fully understand our words. We would say unto you, look unto the Rose without Thorns.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [8-553-2...California] asks, ‘I wish to know what happened to my brother, S_______, when he disappeared in August of 1972.”

            We would suggest this question be brought unto soul Ray in private consultation.

You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. One moment. [8-353-3] asks, ‘What does the next year have in store for me? ____ ____? Any spiritual development? New home?’”

We would say, a new location -- and unless certain changes are made, no spiritual development. We would suggest that you should reach forth and you shall find that which you seek.

Now we should say unto the one known as [7-317-1], that which you asked for was given, even the name, A Psychic Gift before the Dawn. Yet no progress. Doors have been opened only to be closed by yourself. Decide that which you want, for others shall come and the books that we desire published shall be published.

            Soul Ray now grows weary.

We shall say unto you, none but ministers and teachers may serve upon the Board of Directors. Let the Shepherds come forth and clean their house.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[*Editor’s note: See the question from [1-21-72-002] on January 21,1972, and the June 30, 1972, guidance at the end of the reading, with accompanying testimony of another (this editor) of what happened June 15, 1972, near Browning, Montana, when God, Aka and Ray saved a life and led her to Globe to also do this work.]


[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona