October 8, 1976

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord.

            We should say unto thee the parable of the merchant, who in his many travels had met the healer, the healer who would not travel.

            And the merchant looked upon this one and realized that he had a ready, marketable item. And so, as he traveled through the many lands, he told all the people where he sold his goods of the great healer. He also told them for a small fee he would take them to this healer. By the time he had made the rounds of his journey, he had gathered many thousand people and brought them back unto the healer.

            The healer sat upon a stone. And as each one passed through, he did minister healing unto each. And unto each he added that little bit extra.

            When all was done, and the last one had passed through, the merchant came forth and said unto the healer, “I have brought you many, many people to be healed; therefore, now heal me.”

            The healer looked unto the merchant and said, “You have healed thyself.”

            The [merchant] said, “How can that be, for my body is wracked with pain?”

            The healer looked unto him and said, “For each of the people that you have brought, you have charged to bring them here. Therefore, that that you have sowed, so shall you reap, for your body now wracks with all the pain of all the people that you have brought forth, for with each of them, I have taken from them their illness. My usual method to heal is to take the illness into myself and dissolve this illness. Therefore, since you have become my partner, it is only fair that you should take your share of this pain and misery.”

The healer walked away.

The merchant ran after him and said, “Wait! How then may I be healed?”

The healer said unto him, “Go unto each of those that you have taken money from and place it back. As you place each part of the gold, you shall lose that much pain, and it shall be returned to me and I shall dissolve it.”

So, the merchant, who had his litter bearers carry him from person to person until he had reached all the lands he had traveled once before, and in each case he did return it.             When he retuned back to the healer, he was thoroughly exhausted, and the healer passed his hands over the merchant, and the merchant was healed.

The merchant said, “Why have you done this?”

And the healer looked into him and walked away.

The merchant followed after him once again and said, “I gathered many thousands of people to make you famous, to bring here for you to heal. Why did you allow me to become sick, for I am one of your helpers?”

The healer turned in him and said, “The Lord, God, has placed into my hands and my mind that to heal, and only through Him do I heal. My healing is much like a well in the desert; if it is good, then the news shall travel forth, as it did when you first came here and you were healed. Yet, you thought, as a merchant, to sell it, and so you charged each one. Therefore, it was only fair that you should take on part of their illnesses. You have taken on part of their wealth, and then, you should take on part of their misery. You have taken on part of their happiness; you should take on part of their tears, for it is in all these things that my Father knows. And that is why He has placed me here.”

The [merchant] thought long upon this. This time he left and ventured farther into many lands. This time he told of the healer, but he did not charge for the telling. And when he returned, the litter bearers were not carrying him; he was walking in healthy strides. And he walked up to the healer, and he said, “I feel better than I have felt in my whole life. How can this be, for I’m older, and I’m walking? I dismissed my litter bearers.”

And the healer looked unto him, and said, “Have you brought joy unto each person you have talked to?”

And he said, “Yes.”

Then, the healer said unto him, “You have healed not only the body, but the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. And therefore, you have truly reached as my partner in healing.”

The merchant left once again, to venture even farther into the world. And each place he stopped he talked, as he sold his wares to the multitudes, of what he had learned, of the great lesson that he felt had been brought to him from the healer, but from God.

And this time as he returned unto the healer he was even stronger and happier. And he said unto the healer, “Many things you have said unto me, but tell me this. You said before that now I was truly a partner with you. How can that be because I can heal no one?”

The healer said, “Nay, that is not true. For God has given within me the gift to heal. He has given unto you the gift of a merchant. I have given unto you the herbs that you have dispensed upon the land, which in truth has brought forth true healing in themselves. But you are now using the greater part of your God-self, because what you have sold you believe in, and you believe that it is bringing good to the people. Therefore, in truth, you are using the gift God has given to you to its fullest ability, as I am using mine. We both share in our Lord’s wealth.”

If each of you could find within the words we have spoken, not riddles but wisdom, you shall find within it your gift from God.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question from [8-50-1] who is here tonight. He says, ‘For about a year I have been having severe neck, upper spine, and shoulder pain. It has now worsened to glandular swelling on both sides of the neck, and I have been having migraines lately. What is causing the difficulties, and what might be done to correct the situation?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same.

Yes, we would suggest the biotherapy be used, for there could be a completeness. But we would also suggest that look into the front part of the reading and the fulfillment shall come forth.

We would also suggest that within soul Ray’s mind, the combining of certain compounds with the new substance you call Yucca bacatta extract, this in itself would bring forth a deadening and a killing of the virus substance in thy body. First, you have had an arthritic disorder. This was compounded with a man-made virus, which is now being used or called Swine Flu. It has many sides. Within soul Ray’s mind, in the combination of the herb substance and the use of the Liquid C Cough Syrup shall be the answer, also the use of the “surgery” which is being performed and has not yet been complete.

But listen unto what we should say. When the horse is brought, at the merchant’s auction, you do not buy it by the piece, you buy the whole horse. The same thing should apply for the use and the ability of the healer that you seek out. You have asked for healing. This has been the first step. The healing you have asked for shall be given in full.

By kindling the spark within yourself, now you shall reach outward and inward. We would also suggest, in your own habit form, upon awakening in the morning, eat protein as soon as you arise. You have that of hypoglycemia; therefore, eating of protein as soon as you awaken, do this before you drink the coffee, or any smoking. Balance your diet in such a manner that the protein substance should be the predominant factor in your diet. In such, you shall find that this in itself, the worst part of the migraines shall disappear.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a request for a health reading from [8-30-2Litchfield Park, Arizona]. She says ‘Aka, would you please give me my exact birth date and also a health reading?’”

(Pause.) The information which is given is incomplete. Data does not compute.

Soul Ray now grows tired. And therefore, we should say unto you, blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of His children.

Beware of the winds and the rains that should come from the south. Prepare, now, for the winds that should come from the north. We have told you before that pestilence and famine -- you are continuing to suffer from radioactive fallout throughout the lands. What is put adrift is much as a field that has been seeded. The seeds should return and return again. More than radioactive material shall fall upon the land. The continued placing of the imbalance within the molecular system of the human and animal substance cannot long be tolerated.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona