September 3, 1976

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear; for those who have eyes to see, let them see. For we shall say unto thee, the Parable of the Shepherd who Could Never See All of His Flock.

He had been told to use that of the shepherd dog, but he thought within his mind, “I should be superior to all other; therefore, why should I need that of the dog?”

He soon learned that the two eyes he possessed were not enough. And he did hear of a strange surgery being performed in another land. And so he went into this other land, and there they did implant an eye in the back of his head.

When he returned home, he was very proud of the eye in the back of his head. And all of his friends were quite amazed, and he was called quite a celebrity because he was the only one to have an eye in the back of his head.

      As days went on, soon he spent more of his time looking backwards than he did using the two eyes to look forward. And he found that he would stumble and fall. The stumbling grew worse as the days passed on. And one day, as he sat pondering of his dilemma because he had found that he could not look forward and backward at the same time, a stranger happened by, and he said unto him, “Would you like to see of my third eye?”

And the stranger said, “Nay. It is not an unusual thing -- for to know where you are going is to know where you have been. But if you should spend all of your time looking backwards, you shall never walk forward into the future, for you are all parts of all things you have ever been. And in the knowing of this is enough. And the knowing being enough, then the brain, which should focus the two eyes and let you see clearly, shall see backwards and forwards, all at the same time. But the brain would then be smart enough to know that four eyes are better than three.”

            And the shepherd said, “How can that be so?”

      And the stranger said, “A good shepherd would have that of a shepherd dog, for when his lambs should stray, he should fetch the lamb, and the dog should take care of the herd, and the dog should drive away the wolf and any other predator who would feast from his herd.”

And the shepherd said, “But I, man, am superior to any other being. Why should I rely on an insufficient, in-superior [inferior] being?”

And the stranger looked at him with great remorse, and he said unto him, “Did not the Lord, God, place all things upon the Earth?”

            The shepherd said, “Yes.”

He said, “Did He not place the grass at your feet, the sky above your head that the sun and the rain may shine and fall upon all?”

            The shepherd answered, “Why, yes.”

            “And did not God place man over this kingdom upon Earth?”

            The [shepherd] said, “Yes.”

“Then why should it be so unusual that a dog would serve you and be a companion unto you?”

But the [shepherd] said, “How can this be? How could the dog do my job?”

The stranger looked at him very sadly and said, “Did God not say unto you, ‘ALL OF THESE THINGS OF OUR KIND DID WE PLACE UPON THE EARTH.’”

The shepherd did take back at the stranger and say unto him, “You mean that God has a place for all the animals?”

The stranger looked at him and said, “Yes. For nothing shall fall, not even the smallest leaf upon your Earth, without God’s permission and knowledge.”

The shepherd said unto him, “Then what should I do? Should I venture forth and go into the far land and once again spend that of a whole flock to have the eye removed?”

            The stranger looked at him and said, “Nay. Have you not a cap?”

            He said, “Yes.”

            “Then cover the eye, and look forward.”

You shall find that we, within ourselves, sometimes become hypocrites by taking away or trying to place something false before us or behind us. Look into that of the truth within yourself. If you may do this, you shall see that [that] has been behind you, and you shall know in the direction you shall be going.

Give unto God that that belongs to God. Give unto your brother that that belongs to your brother. But just as important, give unto yourself, that that belongs to yourself. And in all ways, you shall be serving God, for you and your brother are all the children of God.

We say unto you, your scientists now puzzle over that of the earthquakes and the directions unto which they have turned. A quiet before the storm shall lurk, and then more of the same shall continue. Look unto the land of Mexico. In two places that earthquakes have not arisen shall they occur. In the land of the United States, near the California and Oregon border shall occur another. In the Midwestern United States shall occur another. All of these things shall be of truth.

We say unto you, your pestilence shall occur because of the lack of haste in the prevention and that part that should not listen.

There are those here, among you, who come here for selfish purposes. This is all right; this is good, if you should leave here with more than you came with. But we shall say unto all of you, we are here but for one purpose -- that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

And woe unto thee who should misinterpret our words. And woe unto thee who should try to stop this work.

            You have questions, ask.

“Yes. Aka. I have a request from [7-32-1] for [8-345-1…Salem, Oregon]. His mother asks, ‘What is this person’s purpose in life, and how can the mother help in that goal? What is the cause of bedwetting and how to stop it?’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. First, we should answer in this manner. Before this question should be placed before us, permission should come from that of the child, so that an honest answer and the sincerity of the truth may be placed before him.

The problem of the bedwetting is both of the psychological and the physical of the same. We shall explain in this manner; if he should wet the bed he should get attention. We see a small bladder capacity, but this, in itself, should not be of the real reason. There are certain sectors or proportions of the brain which trigger certain muscles that say, you shall go to the bathroom, as you would say it, urinate, and when you shall urinate. These may be triggered in the sleeping state, but part of the awaking state is there also and present at the time. We would suggest that biotherapy be used as a corrective measure, both as a psychological means and that of a physical nature.

We would further say unto this one, thy wish to know unto where he has been so you may know where he is going. We have placed this in the first of this reading.

As far [as] an occupation is concerned, this one would serve well in that of an electrical engineering; this should be his strong point, for this is from which he came, and it would come natural as an occupation.

We would also suggest that further development of the psychic gift born within the child should be developed, and soon. But it should not be pampered. It should be brought forth in a true and just manner. Nor can it be forced. He must know the difference between make-believe and truth. But as he should practice, do not continue this subject on this at a prolonged time. Take a small proportion of each day in the development of this region. This also could be further developed with the use of biotherapy.

This is all on this subject at this time.

            You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [6-284-4] who is here tonight asks, ‘I would like to know the exact time I was born? I was born in….’”

            9:52 a.m.

            “Thank you, Aka.”

            You have other questions, ask.

            “[6-290-3…Globe] asks, ‘I am trying to start a new life in Globe and wish guidance. I would like to give thanks for the help and guidance I have received in the past.’”

            When you have fully used the guidance that we have given you, ask again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7-316-1…Yuma, Arizona] asks, ‘Aka, are there any artifacts in this part of the country that prove that Jesus was crucified in Yuma, Arizona? Guide me.’”

The artifacts as such -- yes. In the town of Yuma you shall find that there is a knoll. There a water tank has been built upon this knoll. If the knoll were excavated, the artifacts, as you would know it, would come in the form of three things -- that of the small eagle substance, that of the crosses, and that of an engraved stone, therefore, in the same, which shall be written in the language, as thy would know it, that of the Atlantan language, or the Mayan substance, or that you might call of the international, or that of the Sumerian language. You shall find it shall translate into these words: “From the North Star I have cometh, and unto the morning star I shall return.”

And there you shall also find an old tomb which is now empty, except for some cloth.

If further information is needed on this subject, we shall elaborate further at a different time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Can you tell us what Admiral Byrd discovered at the North Pole that seemed to be a tropical or temperate hidden land, and also about the hollow Earth theory?”

            Your hollow Earth theory is nothing more than that. There are temperate zones in the northern hemisphere which were not, as the earth changed upon its axis, remained as it was, when it was, as you would say, at the equator. These are due to [a] volcanic action that was then and is now formed under the crust of the earth. Life has continued on, interrupted by your civilization.

You shall find that in many places a cortex [vortex?], as you would call it, has been formed by inner magnetic fields. This, we would say unto you, has happened at the turning of the earth’s substance.

You must further realize that as the pyramids in the original form that were built by the Sons of God, as you would call them, were built to transmit huge amounts of energy and gather huge amounts of energy from the heavens, themselves, of electrical substance. They were built in such positions upon the Earth, that as one would become active, so another and another. This created a balance of things. This balance has become imbalanced because the structures and the desecration of the same.

One day your science shall have this same power. Let us hope that you do not come back from the rocks once again and the stone ages.

For we say unto you, your civilization has fallen into dust, and crawled out again many times. This time, if the work we are here to do upon this Earth is successful, then golden ages beyond anything of thy wildest imagination shall lie before thee. The universe and galaxies beyond shall be opened unto you. If not, then three thousand years of darkness shall once again be gathered upon the Earth.

Space exploration, furthering your knowledge, reaching out farther and farther, to shake the hands of your brothers and sisters, should be. But the sooner your Earth itself can show peace, love, the sooner your brothers shall reach their hands unto yours. Must it wait until the battle of Armageddon? Must it wait until the earth smolders red with blood? Must it wait until the Seventh Seal is opened, and you crawl from the earth and those from the heavens should join you to rebuild the earth? [See the Revelation, chapters 6-19.]

Or shall the year of 1999 be the coming of the Messiah and the building of the greatest civilization man has ever known throughout all the galaxies and universes?

And now, we should say unto you, our time should grow short, for soul Ray now wearies.           

But we should say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence, famine, the slicing of the earth with the great Sword which should cut both man and earth, shall continue.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God. If you could take but one step in the understanding of thy brother, and thy brother’s brother, this would be the first step toward your thousand years of peace upon the Earth. Any one of you could start that time now. [See The Revelation 20:1-6.]

            Now is the time of the Cherubim.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona