September 24, 1976

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, for we shall tell unto thee the Parable of the Healer.

As the healer traveled throughout the lands to bring forth the healing of the body, the mind, the soul, and the spirit, he was beckoned forth unto the rich man’s house. And he did go.

And he did give forth unto the rich man healing. And the healing did come instantly.

And the rich man said unto him, “You have healed me. And I thank thee.”

And the healer said, “Thank not of me, but of God.”

The rich man did hear him not, but said unto him, “Come forth and heal my daughter.”

The healer went forth unto the daughter. She was young, yet very frail. And the healer did reach into his pouch and bring forth herbs of healing quality. And he did bring forth the healing substance. And he did tell of the rich man, “I shall return tomorrow, and heal again this of thy child.”

The rich man became very irritated, and he said unto him, “You have healed me instantly. Why can not you do the same thing for my daughter?”

And the healer looked unto him and said, “For the last shall be first, and the first shall be last. All things I do in my Father’s name. I do not question that what is given at the time. If it takes me one day or many I shall continue, at the will of my Father.” And he said, “I shall go now.”

            But the rich man said, “Nay, for I shall have you heal of my servant girl.”

And as he went into the servants’ quarters there he found the girl in straw and laying in filth. He first instructed that the girl be brought forth into clean surroundings, and instructed that certain sanitary measures be taken, and her diet be changed. And then, he did bring forth once again the healing substance unto the body. And once again he did suggest that herbs be given unto the servant girl.

The rich man said unto him, “What kind of a healer are you? Why should you not bring forth instant healing? I need this one in my household to clean my floors.”

Yet the healer heard him not. He knelt in silent prayer, and as he prayed, the young girl opened her eyes and began to praise unto the Lord. And as she praised unto the Lord, the healing did increase and come forth. And she rose from her sickbed and said, “Now I can return back to my work.”

            But the healer said, “Nay, I shall return tomorrow and give you further healing.” And he did leave.

The rich man was highly irritated.

But, as he had promised, the healer returned the second day. First, he told the rich man, “I shall work on you first.”

            The rich man said, “I need no further healing.”

The healer said, “Yes, you need further healing, for we have but accomplished one part.”

            The rich man said, “What part have you accomplished? I feel well.”

The healer said, “We have yet to heal the soul and the spiritual substance within [the] body and mind.”

            The rich man said, “I need none of these. Go forth and heal my daughter.”

            The healer looked in him and said, “Then I have healed you not at all.”

                              And he went forth, and he did heal again unto the daughter. This time she was stronger. He did suggest further herbs, and he suggested certain exercises and diet.

                        The rich man said, “She has the best of all things. Who should you [be], to tell her what to eat?”

The healer said unto him, “God has sent me into this house to heal. He did not send me here to hear your blasphemy, nor your insults.”

The rich man said, “I can pay you well. I shall open many doorways, and you shall become famous.”

The healer laughed, and said, “All of your doorways mean little to me, for I have found the greater doorway, the doorway to my Lord, God. Fame? How can you give me that which I already have, for I am known throughout the land as a healer. It was not something I sought. It was something I earned, but not as that through myself, but as an instrument of God. Now,” he said, “I shall see your servant girl.”

When he reached the servants’ quarters, he found her not there. Instead he found her scrubbing floors. And he said unto the rich man, “All I have done you have undone.”

And that moment the servant girl did die. And he did kneel and he did offer up unto the Lord, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the servant girl.

The rich man was very angry. He said, “You have healed not my servant girl. Why have you allowed her to die?”

            The healer said unto him, “You are wrong; she has been healed.”

            How could this be so?” the rich man said.

The healer looked in him and said, “When I came, I offered further healing unto you, your soul and your spirit. You accepted not of this. You criticized the fact that I would give them herbs and suggest diet and cleanliness, even for your daughter. The servant girl that might have lived, you sent her forth unto work again when I suggested rest and a time for healing. For you shall find that the body is much like the earth. There is a time for all things. If it does not receive these, it shall wither and die upon the vine. Yet it is not dead, for her God and mine is the God of the living, for she shall live on beyond you. And she shall return, and one day she shall be the master and you the servant. And then it will be her choice and her time. For she, in God’s grace, has received a healing, a healing where there is no pain, and a place away from your cruelty, for she has entered the gentle hands of our Lord.”

            And the rich man said, “These things I cannot believe.”

            And the healer said, “Then look, look deeply into my eyes and I shall show you.”

The rich man forcibly looked into the eyes, and there, he saw the servant girl going about tasks, much as she had done upon the earth, but in great joy.

He could not understand this, and he said, “How could this be possible?”

And the healer said unto him, “For the yoke she bears now, she bears in love. Had you given her such a yoke here, then she would have remained here, for she could have learned more [in] one day upon this earth than in a hundred on the other side.”

The Lord has many ways of healing. And for those who should ask in the name of the Lord, healing shall be given.

The Lord has placed into the hands of the healer, of His kind, of His likeness. And as He has placed these things, so has He placed love. Love is not that that you should take off and put on. It is not like your garment, for love is faith, and faith is hope. Take these from yourselves and you have nothing. For within the faith, you have the hope of the healing. And within the hope, you have the love of the God, and the love of yourself, and the love of your fellow man.

These shall come in many forms. This word you use so often, yet you know not the meaning of, search within yourself. Find these meanings. Each shall be different within the individual.

But the healer must love enough to take upon his body the physical and [the] mental pain of those who he would heal. He must love enough to die a physical death if necessary to accomplish his task. Yet wisdom must come with the healing, for that is two parts of the wondrous thing[s] the Lord has placed at your disposal.

There are those who say, “I have come so far, yet to meet death.” Have they really climbed at all?

      Each time when the healer comes, they bring him praise when he heals. And he shall laugh his gentle laugh and go on to the next and the next. He shall fight your battle for life, and he shall fight your battle for death. For every part of his being is geared for life and the giving of life, and the returning of life. Yet, within him he knows, “There is a time for all things.”

You say unto us, we have brought forth unto you morbid thought. Nay, for even death, as you know it, can be beautiful, for as life is a miracle of life, it is also part of the miracle of death, for it is the resurrection, and the resurrection unto all things upon your earth, into all things upon the galaxies and universes beyond. Place wisdom with love, and as a mustard seed it shall blossom forth. Add the wine and the bread, and the beauty you shall see.

It is said that to take one’s life is to damage the temple of God and is a mortal sin. We say, yes, this is true, for man is the temple of God. Let another destroy it, and it shall be returned in three days. Let you destroy it, and it may take an eternity.

There is one here who has asked for healing, not for herself, but for others. We shall give of the healing that is asked. But we say unto you, bring of this unto soul Ray in an awakening state that those things that are needed in the healing process may be given also.

            You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [2-30-3]. I would like to know about past lives as they relate to what I have to do in the future. I’ve [entered] a new faith in my own life and I’m interested in what employment I should emphasize and what I should emphasize spiritually and do to best accomplish my mission.”

Yes, we have before us, the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal substance of the same.

We find this one in the Year of the Cow, in the Month of the Dragon, in the Day of the Horse. He was that of a man-beast upon the earth. [He] had just strolled out into a clearing when he saw something that startled his whole being, for great crafts were coming toward the Earth. And as they landed, one by one, from them emerged happy, laughing, people.

And he looked upon them and he said, “These must be gods; they have come from the heavens.” But what amazed him most, that they came of five races, of five colors.

      He did rush back unto his village, and his people thought him mad. But yet, because he was so excited, some of the elders agreed to follow him.

      One, among those who had emerged, looked quite different. And as he walked forth unto you, your people, at first you were frightened. And then he spoke unto you. Surprisingly he spoke in your tongue, yet you knew it was not of his. And he said unto you, “Our homes are gone. May we share yours?”

At first the elders were struck so vastly upon their minds of these new wonders, they knew not what to say. Yet he seemed to know even your thoughts.

And you said in gladness, “Yes, oh, yes, we want you. Come and share our food.”

He asked your pardon, and walked back unto the other crafts. Soon the people from the crafts did join him. And as you feasted, many things they did give unto you. And he said unto you, “If you should like, we shall teach you of our knowledge and we shall take of yours.”

You were more than eager; therefore, you did return back unto the craft. But as you walked by, he stopped and he looked at the pottery work. He knelt and he took each piece very gently -- feeling it, stroking it -- and then he looked into you and said, “Make me a cup and I shall fill of it for you. And for all eternity, I shall return and refill this cup for you.”

And as you turned to make the cup, he walked upon a hill, and you looked unto him and you saw the form of a great eagle, yet the man stood there. You made the cup, and he did fill all your cups.

Many things went through and by in time. Great structures were built. Crafts were used for cutting rock and stone in seconds and moving huge volumes of stone into place. And then he said unto you, “We will build of material at hand, but I shall show you other material that you will use one day.”

And then, you noticed these strangers began to separate, and soon there was rumors of war. He bid you to come forth with him, and he said, “I shall remain upon this Earth of yours, and you shall be my disciple. But go now, into the wilder­ness, for this place where I stand shall not be safe for you.”

Soon, you saw the craft[s] lift up into the heavens and there he stood upon the knoll. And those of his kind, of many colors, some fled into the wilderness with you, but the others were ready to make war upon him.

And you were frightened. And those of his kind did say unto you, “Fear not, for he is not like the others. For within him dwells two beings. Look upward toward the sun and you shall see the rays; look downward toward the man and you shall see Aka.”

And then his hand stretched forth, and all those who would make war did pass from the earth.

And he said unto you, through your minds, “For I shall be as Cain, for I have killeth my brother.” And then he did take the shape of a great eagle and rose.

You lived out this lifetime. You learned much of art, much of the writing, and the people that remained spread out unto the earth. And they were called the Sumer people.

From his teachings of the God of One you did go unto your own people, and you did teach of these things he had taught you.

And then one day he said unto you, “Soon your time shall pass. But one day I shall call you Paul, and when I do I shall blind you.”

And so your time did pass away, and much time passed upon the Earth, and many changes did take forth in the Earth’s form.

And then, you did come forth upon the Earth. Your parents were rich in stature. Yet you wanted both the glory of that of the Roman Empire and of the great temple which stood for the worship of the God of One. And you did seek forth to destroy those who had followed the one known as Jesus Christ.

And he did appear before you. And as he appeared, an eagle so appeared, and its brightness became such that you were blinded. And he did call you Paul. But when your sight was restored you went forth unto the land to begin to prepare the way for the second coming. Yet you were jealous, for you thought unto yourself, “I could have easily been the Messiah.”

Your days did come, your days did go. Your quick temper was known throughout the land. And so, you passed away again.  But before you passed, the eagle did appear before you again and said, “I shall come again. And when I call you Paul again, be prepared to leave your jealousies aside. But an artist you are, and an artist you shall remain. And many men shall have many ways to express the knowledge we shall give you. Some you shall express by mind, some by teaching, but some shall be expressed through your hands and that which you shall create with one.”

There are many other things that have happened in your lifetimes. Some, you might consider important. But forget not from where you came so that you shall know from where you are going. Prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and the Eagle shall remain in flight and coveth thee. Be as the shepherd -- to teach, to tend, to love, to hope, and bring forth the faith that we have mentioned before.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of His children who shall not be marked by the mark of the Beast.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1976 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona